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.Trivia of the day #14: Almost every name is symbolic of the characters in this series


"What is that thing?"

Asmodeus ask on impulse as he watches the bizarre humanoid plant hybrid before him, it was far taller than him, and it maintains the same height of over eight feet

Its body was made of nothing but dark roses on the exterior. At the same time, its entire head was nothing but a combination of thorny black vines, that were in a collective of complicated knots resembling that of a giant web, as the red dirt moved in a circular motion within the interior.

However, despite her monstrous and inhumane look, which was equally terrifying and revolting to look at Asmodeus for some reason could not take his eyes off the scythe she had in her hand.

Something about it just made him feel an immense sense of loss, and hopelessness, this made him rather uneasy if not uncomfortable, as his eyes never left the scythe that was giving him this kind of sensation.

With the amount of battle, he has been through so far, he has realized it was always the weapons of the enemies that always turn out to be extremely troublesome, but in this case, Ekhidnanta and that reaper in her hand was a pair of two destructive force of nature.

However, there was nothing he could have done about it, but to move forward, so he prepared for battle while saying to himself.

"You are just full of surprises aren't you, well let's give this newfound body a test run shall we?"

With those words said, what followed was a wave of a simultaneous giant explosion as Asmodeus instantly summoned fort thousands of giant fifty-meter fireballs that were scaling even the highest of buildings at least half the size of an average skyscraper.

The fire wasn't orange, yellow, or blue, they were cast to be as hot as possible, as Asmodeus wasn't aiming to hold back by any means necessary, that and the fact that he summon violet fireballs, each of them having temperature of 1400°C or above.

It was at the level where the surroundings had become completely uninhabitable, if an average human was even near one of these fireballs they would completely vaporize to nothing due collective heat of all of them piling up together.

The snow began to melt, to the point even the terrain and the rocky structures were dissolving into molten lava, soon enough what was birthed was a sea of lava.

As Asmodeus was planning to make a cataclysm far greater than what nature has inflicted on the planet itself, and even far greater than any modern nuclear weapon can even recreate much less dream of reaching in terms of pure destructive power.

Of course, this feat was only possible by utilizing the blessing of Akashina, it was even more amazing seeing that was done at such a large scale instantly without the aid of magic, nor singularity, but by the mere commandment of Asmodeus's will.

The entire area glowed brightly as the barrage of thousands of fireballs all heads toward the enemy causing a grand explosion of not one but multiple nuke size explosions to come forth.

In an instant, the surrounding was engulfed by a sea of giant nuclear fireballs spreading at a rapid rate and releasing a tremendous amount of heat melting and disintegrating everything in its path without mercy.

Land and sky were not speared as the share size of the explosions were so massive that they reached the clouds even blowing them away, and they keep traversing to the point they destroyed the nearby mountains as well.


This continued for a while as Asmodeus didn't let up, he had no qualms about prolonging this battle, everything in his arsenal would be used to destroy the enemy before him, after all, he made a promise to Shublavara, and as a Demon king with great pride, he could not fail her, as this promised was considered to be something akin to a contract.

Especially since he got paid already, however after the smoke died down somewhat, Asmodeus could finally see the result of his destruction as he float high in the sky with his wings elongated, and what came into view was a giant hole in the ground.

However, it wasn't your typical hole, because what could be seen in the hole was an entirely new world compared to this snowy terrain, it was the next floor, the floor beneath this current floor, and that was a world that stretched with nothing but hot blistering sand, a dessert terrain instead of snowy terrain.

And upon seeing this Asmodeus looked at his hand and said, while smiling.

"As I thought, my power came back as soon as you lifted your domain and assumed that current form of yours, although I am impressed human, even an army of high-class noble vampires would have been destroyed by an attack of that magnitude however you tank everything like it was nothing, the power of negation must be very convenient."

Spoke Asmodeus as he turn around, to meet a certain human/plant hybrid that suddenly grew a pair of insect wings that look similar to that of a dragonfly wing.

Only this time he saw something rather amazing in her hand, it was a small container big enough to fit a human head inside, in it was red liquid and within that liquid was a purple brain floating, and glowing a familar aura, as Asmodeus looked at it with his eyes of truth.

And what he deciphers from reading its information was as such.

- Conscious brain of Shublavara: An ancient organ containing the consciousness of the first known witch.

However, upon looking, at the brain, it caught the attention of Ekhidnanta who seems to have noticed Asmodeus was using his eyes to do something, not taking any chances.

She increased the power of her negation to the point of a black static aura surrounding her entire body like flames even spreading to the container, and upon doing this Asmodeus noticed that he could decipher any more information from the brain at all.

"So you spread your negation effects to other objects as well as interesting."

Sad to say though Ekhidnanta didn't pay Asmodeus and took her scythe as she spread her negation power through it, causing the blade to vibrate.

Immediately after she swung the blade horizontally but before the attack reach Asmodeus, a voice whispered in Asmodeus's ears.


At that moment Asmodeus stop the flow of time to dodge the attack however something completely unexpected happened, Ekhidnanta was still moving during the time stop, and this shocked Asmodeus greatly.

"No way... This has to be a joke right?"

Although he didn't have time to process his shock properly because right after a black ray of light came bursting from the scythe blade tearing the fabric of space around him, at this point and time it was too late to dodge seeing that attack was traversing faster than the speed of light from such a close distance.

There was no sound, it was a silent killer as the black energy blade that came from Ekhidnanta's attack deleted the fabric of space it traverse.

In a case, like this, nothing should have been able to defend against it, this attack should have made Asmodeus completely disappear as it was beyond even disintegration.

The space, it touches was white similar to a clear void, however, amidst the erasure effects, that cause a small portion of reality to be deleted a weird sound could be heard, and that was when it came into view.

A giant mass of perfect black could be seen in the distance, just floating in the air, from a normal point of view it resemble a giant black blob without any distinguishable shape.

And right after the giant mass of blackness suddenly began to shrink in size till eventually a humanoid figure could be seen, as the blob reshape back into an arm.

Asmodeus instantly gaze at his arm with a confused look as he said to himself.

"In that last moment, my arm suddenly expanded and coated me within a disfigured mass of blackness, it was similar to being trapped in a dark room, heheheh... Strangely that was a very uncomfortable feeling."

"Although because of this I finally figure something out about you, the secrete behind your negation, your power isn't limited to only mere negation but rather you can add the negation effects to your attack as well, and by doing that it creates a phenomenon that when you attack you can cut true space even scaring the fabric of reality."

Ekhidnanta looks at Asmodeus as she prepares yet another attack as she says.

"It still doesn't change anything."

And with that said a barrage of multiple black crescent blades was fired at tremendous speeds toward Asmodeus flying through the sky in every direction.

Of course, Asmodeus began to dodge, to the best of his ability as he maneuver himself skillfully in the air dodging all of her attacks while flying closer and closer to Ekhidnanta, preparing himself to grab Shublavara's brain from her hands.

However, upon getting within arm's reach of her, Ekhidnanta cut a circular motion around her body, which cause the space to tear peel around her as she sinks into the witness, making herself completely disappear.

Leaving Asmodeus to fly toward nothing.

"How much more annoying can you get?"

He said out loud as he began to look around him in every direction but to no avail, there was no sign of Ekhidnanta, it was as if she disappear from the entirety of existence itself.

But just when Asmodeus thought he had lost her, within one of the gaps, or the scar on reality, a figure slowly and quietly creep out, and then.


A sneak attack toward Asmodeus's neck was made, but before the scythe took his head he moved his body out of the way of the attack, however, he wasn't left unfazed.

The reason has been his arm holding his sword fell to the ground, leaving him unarmed.


But this didn't stop Asmodeus from making a sneaky tactic as he hid his remaining arm doing some weird gesture while saying to Ekhidnanta using his Attention seeker skill, which was the ability to grab others' attention by making himself more approachable.

Although he is not sure if this will work seeing that he is applying it to himself and not directly trying to dominate her mind by force, instead he just making himself more approachable, as he said to her in a calm voice, as his voice peirce her mind.

"Stop... This... You don't want to hurt me... It is not reasonable to attack someone for no reason like this don't you think?"

But just as he thought, Ekhidnanta replied as such.

"Shut up Demon your mind control won't work on me."

And with that Ekhidnanta flies toward Asmodeus once more as she places the container on her side, gripping her scythe with both hands preparing to cleave him half.

However, Asmodeus smirked at her attempt and said.

"Stupid human, as gullible as ever... Why don't you take a look down?"

And by instinct due to sensing a great threat coming from below Ekhidnanta look down only to be met with Asmodeus and his cleave arm flying directly at her, even breaking the speed of sound, preparing to stab her from beneath.

She didn't have time to dodge, so she summons several long tendrils made from black thorny veins, from all over her body, each one of them flew towards the sword wrapping around the severed arm tightly, even stopping it in the process.

However, Asmodeus's smile just widen more as he said.

"Do you honestly think stopping my Asmodeus would be that easy woman, oh hoho... You have another thing coming woman."

It was at that moment Ekhidnanta began to notice a powerful heat was building up beneath her, strong enough to make her worry, but before she could even let it go two words mockingly swang by her.

"Awaken... Asmodeus."

At the call of those words, what happens to Ekhidnanta could only be described as chaotic, because what happened before Ekhidnanta's eyes was the sudden expansion of the very Divine blade she stops from piercing her.

A tremendous amount of hot steam soon came to be as the sword of erection expansion began to begin instantly upon the call of the activation words.

As Kuromaru activates its gigantification powers by absorbing the blood sacrificed to her in the severed arm of Asmodeus which was still holding on to the sword.

And right after, a raging and explosive scream could be heard as Asmodeus completely ripped apart Ekhidnanta's body to nothing.

Within a couple of seconds, Divine blade Asmodeus was at least over 300 meters and ongoing, it was at least the size of three average skyscrapers stocked up on top of each other.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus began to look around for something as soon as Ekhidnanta was one-shotted with his sword.

And after a minute or two, he spotted the treasure he was looking for on his sword which was still expanding at an unending rate.

The container that still contain Shublavara's brain was knotted up between some vines that were the remainder of Ekhidnanta's body hanging off the edge of the blade.

He immediately flew towards it, and grab the container.

"Finally I manage to get my hands on it."

However, his victory was soon short-lived, because the reaming vines suddenly wrap around his hands to the point they dig through his flesh which was an amazing feat on its own seeing Asmodeus was an extremely durable existence.

"Whaaaat... You're not dead, aghhhh...How annoying can you get woman!?"

However, Asmodeus didn't get any answer, because he suddenly felt something leave his body, it didn't feel uncomfortable, however, it was still annoying seeing that what she was taking was something that all humans would war for, and that was...

"Life so that what you are taking from me, you're like venus fly trap, you're sucking the nutrients and vitality out of my body, honestly you bitch let go of me."

But the answer he got was not what he expected.

"Heheheheh... How long has it been since I felt so alive, for a monster I must admit you would make a good battery for me."

"Shut up woman I am no one's tool, I exist for a greater purpose, so no thanks, I would have to be a downer and refuse such a faith."

But as Asmodeus said this, he was shocked yet again, as Ekhidnanta's voice suddenly began to sound less hoarse and creepy, to the point it became clear and seductively attractive in a matter of seconds.

As the black veins suddenly began to transform as if they were reverting to what they once were, the grip of the vines become stronger, and the blackness of it began to fade eventually it became silver in color.

And what came next was the reformation of the Ekhidnanta body and in no time what was once an old and creepy-looking old lady, was now a tall, and beautifully clear skin woman, with snow-white skin, long silver hair, sharp white claws, and an intimidating pair of Heterochromic eyes the left being silver and the right being black.

Asmodeus looked at her with an annoyed expression, as he said while transforming his tail into a sharp blade while cutting off both his arms to free himself from her grips, and regrew them right away to his surprise even the shield suddenly grew back with it.

But he didn't pay this any mind, instead, he said to Ekhidnanta.

"Honestly what drives you to go as far as to absorb my life energy to resurrect yourself, aren't tired of living seeing that you live such a long life, doing nothing but watching over a stupid seal?"

However, all Asmodeus got was an even more annoying scoff, with a bitter expression from Ekhidnanta as she said

"Shut up a demon, you know nothing of the terror of the witch of Eldritch, her mere existence alone could drive the world into pure madness and chaos."

"Well enough of that though, this information shouldn't even concern you, although I have to admit it because of you, and that abnormally high life force of yours that I was able to revert my body at least 500 years back, although I am still far from my prime, a high human like myself needs at least ten times the amount I have just taken from you to revert myself to my prime."

"High human, no wonder your such a pain in the ass to deal with, your capable of both magic and...

"That's right Demon those vines and roses even that form I took earlier the power of my singularity, although, my singularity is different from others, mine wasn't awakened, I am one of the rare few that was born with a singularity, I was born a monster, the same could be said for my magic, although my magic is also different, it doesn't behave like normal magic, instead my body corrupts mana to give birth to something I called Anti Mana, that what I use to negate other people abilities."

"Tsk... So you were born an anomaly from day one, I'm convinced now, I can see how you were capable of killing a Demon King of the past."

"And what of it... Well, it doesn't matter, your wickedness end here Demon King, as I am now you won't be able to defeat me, and this thing you call a sword won't be able to take me by surprise either, although you possess a high amount of vitality, plus if your anything like the other Demon Kings then killing you won't put a stop to you, that's why you shall sleep alongside this evil, as I shall seal you with my most powerful ability, at least this way I can prevent any other Demon King of Lust from being born in this world."

"Whatever woman, you can't defeat me, no matter how much stronger you get, after all, this isn't even my final form."

"That may be so...

Ekhidnanta said but at that same time, a giant white rose grew from Asmodeus's chest which took him by surprise as he shouts.


Instantly hundred more began to grow from within his body quickly resurfacing on his skin.

"Ugh... What is this... do you honestly think... that mere flowers will stop me?"

Asmodeus said as he flew towards Ekhidnanta to attack her however there was one problem.

"Wait what... Why can't I move my body?"

"It's hopeless Demon, you are already under the effects of my Imori."


Asmodeus said in a weak voice.

"Yes, it's the ultimate ability of my Singularity I dub Imori."

"Ha, no way, this is impossible, do you think I will just stand here for this, I refused this."

Asmodeus said struggling to free himself from Ekhidnanta's control, however, he was unsuccessful, and for the first time in a short time.

"Like I said I have already sealed your powers as well, imori has already bloomed in you."

"Stop it, released me this instant."

Asmodeus commanded, but sadly for him, no one was listing to him.

"Let me repeat one more time when I peirce you with my vines earlier, I released trillions of spores in your body, even as we speak they are blooming, and each spore is capable of releasing 10× the amount of Anti magic I have released so far, in short, it will be millions of years before you even start seeing any sign of weakening, of course, I won't let that happen because I will pump you with a trillion more each day, you will never leave this place, now repent for all the sins you have committed Demon King."

At these words, Asmodeus for the first since he began to feel a set of strong emotions that left him since he became a Demon King.

And that was Fear, Despair, and hopelessness.

"No... This cant be... I don't want this, I don't deserve this, this isn't fair... I did nothing wrong, I am the Demon King Goddamit, and you are... And you are. Just a human, why... Why... Why... ha that's right Lilith... Lilith... LILITH PLEASE HELP ME I NEED YOU, I NEED YOU, I DONT WANT TO...

"Silence Demon, you need the assistance of no one, you can't appreciate life for what it is, so you don't deserve the help of another, even this so call Lilith cannot save you now, in the end, you are nothing but a pitiful demon."

"Noooooo... this... Ha... My voice why can't I speak!?"

Asmodeus spoke the first part but question the last part in his mind as he felt his body grow weaker by the second, as it slowly began to be engulfed in white roses.

"Well it looks like it already working, well look at the bright side Demon, these spores have a special effect on the mind, to ensure that you are fully weakened, they slowly absorb your life force, till you drain to nothing but seeing that you have an infinite supply your faith looks grim, also to ensure you are mentally weakening it will put you into a euphoric dream, one so real you won't be able to tell real from fake for all you know your sealing, you ever being the Demon King might as well be a dream, that fake world of endless happiness will be your eternal prison, take this as me showing you mercy oh pitiful demon."

Those words were the last word Asmodeus heard before he fell asleep, completely unaware of the second voice in his head.

"I will save you, just wait for me."

To be continued.

Next time: A happy world.

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