
Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

(A/N): Ok guys we have 2-3 more chapters left before we jump into volume 3 but I think we have enough female characters to make a vote.

So far who takes the best girl category and wins the poll for Waifu of volume 2?

A. Lilith

B. Rize

C. Nero

D. Necroma

E. Ophis

.Trivia of the day #13: Asmodeus was based off slender man


"What are talking about?"

Asmodeus said as he gaze at Ekhidnanta, who was slowly walking towards him as she speaks in a calm and unforgiving tone.

"This world is nothing but an ironic middle finger in the face of humanity, it is already stein by too much evil, and yet it continues to give birth to creatures like you, witches, vampires, ghouls, spirits, ghosts, and yes even you Demons, every last monster that breathes on this God forsaken planet is nothing but evil, but I understand you all can't help it, you can't stop what you were initially born for."

"However the true enemy of mankind is nature itself, we humans as a species can't do anything against even the weakest of the ranked excel species, even if we as a species outnumber you, we are still nothing but a herd of weak insignificant rabbits before a den of stupidly overpowered Lions."

"I hate this way of life from the very moment I could walk and talk, I hate that we were born weak, I hate the fact that the true reason we humans were even created was to be nothing but pitiful livestock that fueled your kind's power and hunger."

"I hate the fact that the only way to even become useful or to be near your level we must give up our humanity to evolve into a vile race known as witches or warlocks, sad to say that's is just the natural order of things, we weren't love, nor were we chosen by nature, much less god if there is one, and because of this I myself had to become what I hate the most to put a stop to this madness and unfairness, the world has us under."

"And now here you are, another monstrosity birthed... from nature's sadism, and to make things worse, you are most likely a vessel for that thing which makes you the #2nd most vile thing on my kill list that shouldn't exist, you are disgusting, irritating, and worse of all irredeemable."

"I might have lost my ability of sight years ago, but I haven't lost my unique sense of smell, I can smell all your sins, the people you have killed for your satisfaction, the people you force yourself upon, the natural disaster you have caused, and worse of all, I could see your betrayal to your race, you used to be human once have you Demon, yes... Yes ... despite that prudent and disgusting scent on you, I can smell a close scent, although only a little, I can still smell a small fraction of humani...

However, before Ekhidnanta could even finish what she was saying Asmodeus stop her before insulting she finish insulting him with those forbidden words.

As his weak expression started to fade, his glare intensify, and his wounds began to heal at a rapid rate, which shocked Ekhidnanta.

Asmodeus despite being in a weakened state, quickly grabbed Ekhidnanta seeing that she was within arms reach, by the hair which made her go off balance, as he said with a pissed tone looking her dead in the eye with his madden-inducing glare.

"Oi... Shut up, or I am seriously going to kill you annoying human."

This sudden change in personality and increase in strength took Ekhidnanta by surprise, so much so, she jumps back instinctively in fear for her life despite already being a living corpse whose body was at its end.

Ekhidnanta at this moment, couldn't fathom what just happen, after all despite being a witch hunter she knew Demons all have weaknesses, Succubi, and incubi particularly as they have a serious weakness, that being when their heart is stolen they can be forced into submission, as their power diminish and force them into a weakened state.

Of course, Asmodeus is not an exception to this rule, as his power does diminish when his heart is stolen, but not instantly nor at a fast and set rate either, however, Ekhidnanta made one miscalculation, and that was judging a book by its cover.

Asmodeus isn't your typical Demon at all, he is closer to a divine beast, and fable than an actual Demon, a proper word would be an original hybrid made by Akashina herself, his true race is undetermined, but a Nephilim comes close to what he is.

The reason is, unlike other Demons even other Demon kings, Asmodeus is the only being capable of manipulating both divine/chaotic forces at the same time without dire consequences.

And Ekhidnanta was about to learn this fact the hard way.

"Impossible, you should have been weakened."

However, Asmodeus replied with a hateful glare and an annoyed tone.

"Human don't you dare get ahead of yourself, honestly all you do is talk and rant nonstop without end, it's getting annoying, and to be dead honest I don't care about your problem, you talk about humans and the unfairness of the world, what does any of this have to do with me."

"I will say this only once woman, all humans are nothing but bacteria, hell I hate the race so much that the only reason I won't truly destroy them all, is because I want to see their kind in an eternal loop of suffering when I remake this world into my ideal world, a world where all humans are equivalent to cattle, do understand what I am saying woman, elderly, and children are no exception either."

"This world shall burn, and neither you, eve, Gaia, or anyone at that can stop me, I hate all humans, and in this toy box, I call reality...

Asmodeus said while slowing his sentence down, and made an inhumane and evil smirk while saying to Ekhidnanta, who was nearing her limit with Asmodeus's cold and cruel remark.

"Humans are the most entertaining species when broken to nothing, because prolonging their suffering, to increase my utmost satisfaction is as amazing if not better than sex."

It was at this moment Ekhidnanta had it, their ideals were the complete opposite, one side loves humanity to the point they gave up their humanity to protect it.

While the others hate humanity to the point they gave up their humanity just to see it burn.

These two great warriors were the pure definition of Good and Evil colliding at their best, however, Ekhidnanta thinks Evil was too humble of a word to describe Asmodeus after his true intention and feelings were voiced out by him, she sees him as something beyond saving, even in redemption if that was even possible for him.

So she breathes in slowly as she bends down and grabs a handful of black dirt from the ground, as she said out loud for Asmodeus to hear.

"I take back what I said before, no it became so clear to me now, you were simply born in the wrong race, they say every child that is born in this world is born without sin, Asa, and is innocent and pure by default, you, however, are an exception, you are the type of evil that doesn't need a reason to be evil, even if you have one, you are just like that woman is simply born evil."

"This conversation is over between the two of us, you disgust me just as much... If not more than any monster that I have contact with so far... Congratulation you are the first person to actually piss me off to such an extent... Words between us are impossible, we will get nowhere talking with each other, now is not the time to talk with power, now is the time for war...

Right after Ekhidnanta said that she squeezes the black dirt in her hand till her finger stab deep into her palm, which bring forth blood, as she says.

"Bloom and fertilize endless Maori... and flood this body into the deepest depths of the underworld, my name is Ekhidnanta the Anti witch."

Right after the combination of the dirt and the blood from her hands started to merge and spread all over her body, and she buried herself into a menacing pile of red dirt, as it seeps deep within her body even going into her mouth and nose as if filling her from the inside out.

Right after, the black rose beneath her feet, suddenly start to go up her body at a rapid rate, even inside, and in a matter of seconds the field of black roses was no more, instead what came in exchange was a horrific abomination and combination of a human and plant, as Ekhidnanta entire body was covered in black roses, her head was nothing but thorny black vines that look like they were dying, and from beneath the gaps, her body was glowing red.

In her hand was an elongated scythe made from nothing but blackthorns.

She looks at Asmodeus and said.

"To defeat a monster, one must become an even more horrifying monster, no! an abomination."

To be continued.

Next time: Monster

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