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.Trivia of the day #15: Lilith and Nero are the main heroines


"Oi... Wake up, Damien... Sarah."

A voice called out to a peaceful-looking boy who was 5" 5 in height and had a chubby appearance, he had clear white skin and long black hair that reaches to the back of his neck, in terms of actual look he would be slightly below average, and he wore a cat pajama.

While the other person was a very beautiful and tall girl that was at least 6"4 in height, she had the same skin color as the short stature boy, while her hairstyle was fashioned in a bob cut that was blond in color, and her figure was very modest and sexy if the not erotic, seeing that she was in nothing but underwears and long cat shirt.

The boy's name was Damien Julian, while the girl's name was Sarah Julian, these two were a pair of twins brother and sister, they were very close to the point that it would be rare for either of them to be any more than 10 meters away from each other at all times.

The both of them were in a deep slumber when the voice of a woman rang out once more, trying its hardest to grasp the pair's attention.

"Hey, it's time to get up you two, you are going to be late!"

Finally, after shouting her lungs out, one of them woke up at her calling, and that person was Sarah who began to stretch out her body and looked at the woman that called out to them as she says in a rather soft voice.

"Ohhh... Good morning mom."

"Good Morning dare, it's time to get up, why dont you go take a shower while I wake up your brother."

"Yeah... Sure."

And like that Sarah left to go and take a shower, while the woman remain in the room as she sits on the bed and began to tap Damien harder.

However, to no avail, Damien refused to get up.

"Hmmm... he like a log, it's such a pain to wake you every morning, well I guess I will have to resort to that."

With those words said, the woman began to put her slender soft finger on Damien's face, and pinch his nose, and after minutes or so Damien began to twist and turn in his sleep, till finally, he open his eyes revealing a dark brown as he took a deep breath, gasping for the air that was meaningfully robbed from him.


"What the hell...

However, as he said this, he was suddenly met by a sweet laugh that was very gentle to the touch.

"Hehehe... My bad, my bad, you just refused to wake up, so I had no other choice, but to resort to my trump card."

The woman said while putting her hand to her mouth as she composed herself from laughing too much.

However, to her surprise, the usual reaction she gets from him when she does this was completely different, instead of Damien's cute ranting of how mean she is.

She was met with quite an unusual sight, one she didn't expect, so much so, her playful laughter dullen and a face of concern emerges as she asks.

"Damien are you... Ok!?"

"Ha... What are you talking about mother, im fine, just a little cranky after that rude awakening?"

"Are you sure, you are not hurt are you, is someone bullying you at school, is there something you want to talk about, are you feeling sick?"

The woman asks as she rushes toward Damien, putting her hand on his head.

"You dont look sick nor do you have a fever, maybe a stomach ache."

However, Damien pushes her away embarrassingly and asks.

"What's going on mom, you acting very weird all of sudden?"

"I should be asking you that, do you even realize that you crying uncontrollably."

The woman said while pointing at his face, to which Damien replied.

"Crying what are you even talking abo...

But before Damien could even finish questioning his mother's weird delusion, he suddenly noticed, that he was indeed crying, to the point a part of his pajama was soaking wet along with the bed sheets beneath him, as his eyes were like a raging river, with powerful currant that refuse to calm down.

Instantly Damien got out of his bed, and rushed to the full-body mirror, in his room, and that is when he saw himself in the mirror.

However, what was even weirder was that his facial expression doesn't match the amount of tears he was producing, he had a completely normal expression, but his eyes speak otherwise as if something pain him dearly to the point it was unbearable.

This confused Damien, so much so, he said to himself, as he was confused about everything around him, especially with the sudden immense pain of loss and suffering that crept up on him so suddenly.

"Why am I crying?

Damien asks.

"Do I have the right to even cry for no reason at all?"

Damien ponders to himself.

"No, I have a reason, but I can't remember that reason, nooo that's not it why do I...

Damien paused as he collect his thoughts and said.

"Why do I... Suddenly feel so cheated?"

As the seconds pass by even moving on to minutes Damien's tears began to overflow more and more, this, of course, caught the attention of the tall woman in the room as she walks up to Damien, placing both her slender hand on his shoulder rubbing them, as if to bring comfort to him.

If one were to look at them it was as if a giant was looking down at a toddler, the woman was between 6" 8 to 6" 9 in height, she had long black, soft, and silky straight hair to her back, her skin was clear if not a little pail or similar to Damien, but her mere presence radiate a sense of pride and elegance, the same could be said for the strong glare of her beautiful bright titan green eyes.

To say she was merely beautiful would be a disrespect to the word itself because her beauty was beyond normal, it was the level she is often mistaken for a top-tier celebrity, actress, or even a model.

She was a woman of pure Russian descent, she was dressed in a full white work shirt that was squeezing her cleavage tightly, it was tucked in perfectly in her long black office pants, she also wore black high heels that made her even taller than she already is, but it matches perfectly with her black dress tie.

She wore a black eye patch that was covering the right eye, while on both her hands were black gloves, and on her head was a full fur hat white, while her fur jacket was folded neatly around her shoulder.

This woman was Damien and Sarah's mother Vasilisa.

Vasilisa continue to rub Damien's shoulder as she said.

"Alright Damien, this isn't normal, tell me what is bothering you."

She asked with a gentle and stern tone.

"It's nothing mother I don't know why I am suddenly like this."

"Hmmm... Are you sure, no one is bullying you right, because it would be a shame for someone to suddenly go missing?"

"Has... What's up with you and your dark humor?"

"Humor I wasn't joking I would kill for my children, you should know this."

"Hehehe... Strangely enough, I always like that part about you, gentle yet fierce and scary."

"Ha... Should I take that as a comment?"

"I don't know just talking to you for some reason eases my heart a little."

"Is that so, are you sure you are still not sad about Sallie's death."

"No... I'm over it, although I do kind of miss Sallie she was cute and fluffy you know."

"If you want we can always get a new cat."

Vasilisa said to cheer up Damien who seems to wake up in his emotions, however, Damien retorted the offer by saying.

"No, I don't want a new pet, it would just be like I am replacing someone who was part of the family originally you know."

"Replace no... We are not replacing anyone... I like Sallie too, but you have to understand losing someone close to you teaches you to be humble about life, when that special someone goes it hurts yes, but at the same time you realised the memories you spent with those around you are eternal, that way when they die, they die knowing they will never be forgotten as their memory lives through you, the same can also be said when it's your turn to die, as your memories will live on through your love ones as well, this process also makes moving on much easier, so we are not replacing anyone we are just moving on."

"Moving on haaa... Strange... What if I don't want to move on?"

"It's simple really, you will just live the rest of your days in misery."

"I see."

"Good, did you learn something."

"I don't know, but it did make me feel better for some reason."

"That's good to hear, now then go and get ready for school, your sister should be done with the bathroom by now, I still need to finish getting ready for work."

"Yes, mom."

To be continued.

Next time: The transfer student

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