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.Trivia of the day #12: Asmodeus is a twin


"Know this Demon, My name is Ekhidnanta, the claw of Zenobia, the fear of all that is evil, and you shall.... witness true fear."

Said Ekhidnanta as she began to slowly walk toward Asmodeus, who had an unreadable expression.

However, he came here to slay the legend before him, a legend that was rumored to have slain a Demon King of old, and a human at that.

And to be honest, Asmodeus was at a loss for words, his thoughts were all over the place, and this was the first time he was truly alone in a fight, seeing that he always had Kuromaru and Lilith by his side, and what made things a lot worse was the fact that Asmodeus was in a severely weakened state due to effects of Ekhidnanta powers.

Unlike the other times when he had all his powers to rely on, he is only left with four that he can rely on in this particular fight.

Although Asmodeus still has all his physical prowess he doesn't feel like it will be enough, not for this enemy at least, the reason being his natural sense of danger was going off like crazy.

The enemy was in a completely different dimension than him, but what made this situation all the more ironic is the fact that she is only a lowly human.

The bane of his existence, it was ironic in the sense that even with this much power it would most likely only take him a night or maybe two days to destroy the entirety of the united states if super physical prowess were all he has.

However, the enemy before him was a different breed of dog, a superior dog for say, and a dog that was most likely more powerful than him.

Although at the same time, his infinite hate for humans, and his pride as a Demon King, would not allow him to tuck his tale under his legs and leave this battlefield, he refused to be defeated by a mere human even if it was a more superior type of human, so in conclusion, either he dies here today by this human and forever be shamed with himself in the afterlife if she can even kill him that is, or he kills this thing and keeps his pride as Demon King.

In Asmodeus's case, there was only one option to pick and that was to fight Ekhidnanta to the death despite the unfairness of the battle.

And that was all the motivation he needs.

So he brandishes his sword and performs a sword stance that he copies from Caliber and remade to suit him in conclusion it was superior to the original.

Seeing that the Divine sword Asmodeus was a Claymore, he developed a stance that would make him attack his enemy's most vital spot while defending heavily at the same time.

If I can just cripple her, or damage her body to the point it was unmovable then it was her win.

He then looks at the enemy, as he said.

"Human... My name is Asmodeus, the one who shall drown this world into chaos and rebirth it anew, my evil is far more than what you or anyone else can comprehend, I fear no one for I am fear itself."

"Let it be known that I am the beast of Akashina, and you will die, I will make sure of it, I will make sure there is nothing left of you, no better yet, I will use your bones as decoration for my throne."

Upon saying those words, he didn't hold anything back anymore, because to win this fight he needed to use everything he was within himself, all his strength, all his speed, all his durability, everything he possibly has.

However, there was one saving grace on his side, and that was Rize's Adaptive immortality, in the face of death, he will adapt to become immune to all effects that kill him in the first place.

So to make up for the years of combat experience that he lacks, and the enemy has, he has concluded there was only one way he was going to win this fight, and that was to face the potential danger that is Ekhidnanta head-on to adapt to her attacks.

In layman's terms, he will become an immortal punching bag, until he adapts to the enemy power, and turn the tides of war in his favor.

With that plan in mind, Asmodeus didn't waste any time, and took Kuromaru and rushed toward the enemy with blistering speed along with everything he had, and swang with full force, he aim for the neck, with the clear intention of killing her immediately on the spot, the blade itself is nigh indestructible while being extremely sharp to boot.

So the chances of it breaking in battle were nigh impossible.

So far everything unfortunate to be the target of the blade of erection Asmodeus has been cut down, so even if it was in a weakened state, the phenomena erasure or not, would not matter.

Ekhidnanta was quick to take notice of this, as she instinctively bend her head backward in a creepy manner, as the force of Asmodeus cause the win to whistle while sending a strong vertical wind blade to pass her.

However Asmodeus didn't let up, he was not going to give Ekhidnanta any break, so right after he attempted to take her head on the first try, he swang his entire body around in the opposite direction as he held Asmodeus tightly with bother hands and use the entirety of his body weight along with the momentum of the blade, to increase its speed and power.

Only this time he wasn't aiming for the neck but instead her left arm, and upper chest, the plan was simple, by default the way Asmodeus was built was more to that of a loving being that an actual sword.

After all, Asmodeus is 100% flesh and bones, after it rebirthed into a blade it is now, so one small wound to the many was all it would take to inflict the cell-destroying poison that it secretes at constant.

This wasn't magic, this was just part of the sword's natural biology, that was the great thing about Asmodeus, it wasn't a sword that needs rely on some otherworldly power, it was merely a living weapon with its natural perks.

Although the same couldn't be said for the spirit that lives inside of Asmodeus and that was Kuromaru at this very moment, she was a spirit, a being made from pure mana, in short, her presence was erased from this world, it had no right to enter here.

Even Lilith, Asmodeus's second in command was a system, although part of his soul that connection was of a supernatural origin powered by divinity, in a sense as well Lilith is also a spirit, in conclusion, this was a fight between two overpowered normies.

However, this also comes to show how broken Ekhidnanta hax is, if you're not approaching her with something natural then it's meaningless to even pick a fight with her as she will forcefully bring you down to her level, and force you to a melee battle.

What that means is if you're not a skilled fighter and someone who relies heavily on magic base or supernatural base attacks then you won't be able to defeat her.

Because of this, she was a perfect human to hunt witches and warlocks, it didn't make it any easier for her inhuman reflex as well.

Because as soon as Asmodeus swang to cleave her in half with his strength, she did something extremely inhumane.

In an instance in less than 0.01 seconds, not only did she bend her entire body downwards to the point her back was one inch from the ground, with the only thing supporting her entire body weight was her toes, and crazy sense of balance and flexibility, as she dodges the devastating strike that scalp the entire surface of the ground behind her causing many giant chunks of rock to scatter and blow away faster than bullets.

Asmodeus suddenly felt multiple jolts of pain, as he suddenly vomits a huge amount of blood.


His vision suddenly became hazy, and he loses all feeling in going from the neck down, instantly he dropped his sword as his body went numb.

This puzzle Asmodeus as he didn't know what happen to him, however, he soon realizes, what transpired, as he suddenly began to hear the familiar sound of something beating.




Asmodeus's eyes open in shock as he looked toward the beating sound, and that was when he saw it, in Ekhidnanta's hands was a beating golden heart oozing red blood that was turning golden when it got exposed to air in her left hand.

While in her right hand was half of his spinal cord which was also golden, from there Asmodeus slowly look down to his chest and that was when he finally noticed the true horror and the power of the legendary huntress Ekhidnanta the claw of Zenobia.

At the very center of his chest was a giant hole, it look as if someone had punched straight true his chest, where his heart was,

This shocked Asmodeus greatly, not because of the damage, but because he didn't notice when he was attacked much less injured.

However, he found a rather interesting weakness in himself, if anything the way it was done was as if Ekhidnanta was already aware of it, as she slowly arises in a creepy manner that defies the laws of physics, and said with her calm facial expression suddenly distorting into one of pure anger and absolute disgust for my existence as she said with great anger.

"I see now... it becomes so clear from the moment I got close enough to get a good sniff, I was confused since I smell two awful scents on you, ahhhh.... how long has it been, howLonGHoWlOnG!!!since I have come in contact with your kind, no I smell something different something far crueler than the first scent."

"Something despicable, something unclean, something... unjust, to think I would meet a Demon King of Lust, however, that's not the problem here, whyWHyWhywHywHy!!! do I smell that vile woman's scent on you, the man-eater, the nightwalker, the arcane nightmare, the infant killer and devourer of the pure, and mutilator of the innocent, the vilest witch in all of creation, tell me, tell me, tell me, why does her scent hang so tightly and thickly upon you, what are you, no you shouldn't exist, why why why do you bare the scent of two of the greatest evil to walk this earth, why do you have the scent of the king of all Demons, and the scent of the cruelest woman the great witch of Cannibalism."

Upon saying this Asmodeus had a confused expression to her senile rambling as be said in a weak voice.

"W...W...What... What the hell... are you even talking about?"

To be continued.

Next time: Boss fight [2nd phase]

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