At first, William remained seated, staring at the doorway. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. Could it be because his little head was so dizzy that he was hallucinating? 

What the poor boy remembers is that he was picked up by one of the burly men this afternoon. William still clearly remembered that the man said his mother was waiting for him in the car. Too bad, he missed his mother so much that he forgot that his father had forbidden him from following strangers.

But instead of finding his mother, William was invited into a car that was full of burly men. His small body was only able to let out a cry and couldn't fight back. Throughout the journey, the boy did not stop crying and struggling. 

"Mama?" William repeated once more.

"William, my dear..." the figure of a woman who was very similar to his mother replied.

William's eyes, which were still red and teary, immediately widened in shock as soon as he realized that the woman was really his mother. Without wasting any more time, he stood up and let his little feet carry him running in front of Lisa.

"Mommy, why are you only here now? Didn't you just say that you wanted to visit me at school? But why didn't you pick me up? Why did you make them pick me up?"

William hid his face in Lisa's neck, "I'm so mad at you, Mama! After this, I won't talk to Mama for 10 minutes!"

At a time when the atmosphere was tense like this, William still had time to make the woman laugh. Perhaps, since he was still a kid, the boy didn't know that he had been kidnapped and now his life was in danger.

Lisa let go of William's arms for a while and looked at the boy's body carefully. She turned William around, looking at his palms, his face, down to his tiny little feet. Now she could heave a sigh of relief when she didn't see a single scratch on her son's skin.

"I'm sorry, William. Yes, yes, you can leave Mama for ten minutes as long as you are fine. Next time, I promise I will keep my promise and pick you up at school, okay?"

With reddened eyes and cheeks full of tears, Lisa pulled the boy closer again. Her tears didn't stop falling on her son's forehead and chubby cheeks while she kissed him softly. William's sweaty hands wrapped around Lisa's neck, making her feel even more relieved that her son was fine.

At least her son is alive and well.

"The time to see your beloved child is over. Come on, the boss wants to see you now!" One of the well-built men suddenly snapped.

Lisa let go of William's arms and patted some dust away from the boy's forehead. His big, sparkling eyes looked very much like Oscar's. Lisa then stroked William's cheek with her thumb and gave a warm smile.

"Dear William, I have some business to attend to. You wait for me here, don't go anywhere. Later, when my business is done, let's have dinner outside with Papa!"

"Why can't we just go home now?" 

William looked up and caught a glimpse of the two burly men. Even though he was a kid and probably didn't know the sharp objects tucked away sweetly in their trouser pockets, William knew something was wrong with them. Besides, he also knows that his mother is at a disadvantage.

"Mama, they are bad people, aren't they? What business do you have with them?"

"Don't worry, William. Mama is an adult so Mama can take care of herself. Now, you try to think about where the three of us will have dinner later. Agree?"

William nodded innocently. He's a kid so he's easy to lie to. Hearing that his mother was fine, the boy immediately believed it. He smiled while holding up his thumb.

"Agree! But before going home, don't forget to pick me up here!"

Lisa chuckled, "Yes, I promise before I go home, I will come here to pick you up."

Before Lisa stood up, she sent another kiss attack on the boy's tiny face. She stroked his hair and finally stood up. Lisa is determined to do whatever it takes to save William, her child.

Walking back into the empty living room made Lisa's heart feel heavy. Who knows what Surya will do to her? It's possible that she wouldn't be able to see her child again even after she gave her body to that man. The man is known as a professional liar.

"Your son is fine, right?" 

Surya was still sitting sweetly on the leather sofa. But this time, his fingers were not touching the cigarette. The man's shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his thick chest hair.

With a gloomy face, Surya stood up from the sofa and walked over to Lisa. They were so close that Lisa could smell the man's scent. She saw him look up and gave a vicious smile.

"We meet again at last," Surya stepped closer then put his nose at the level of Lisa's neck, "Did you bring the voice recording?"

A bastard like Surya can't be changed so easily. Even though his life is said to be bleak and he has just been divorced, the man's body is still filled with lust. If Lisa were in Surya's position, she would have no desire to sleep with anyone. She'd be too busy lamenting her fate to do any of that.

Lisa took a few steps back and reached into the pocket of her blazer. The woman then showed her cellphone, "All the recordings are here!"

"Delete all those tapes in front of me." Surya ordered coldly.

Since Lisa doesn't need the tape anymore, and wants to finish this unimportant business right away, she obeys Surya's orders. Her fingers skillfully erased all the copies of the recordings she had stored in various places.

After all the recordings were deleted, Lisa thrust the screen of her cellphone in front of Surya's face, "I've deleted everything!"

Seeing the empty folder on Lisa's cellphone made Surya smile with satisfaction. Without saying much, he immediately pushed the woman's body onto the leather sofa!

Before Lisa could wince in pain as her head hit the armrest of the sofa, she felt a pair of hands exploring her body wildly. Then, a thick mouth with the smell of cigarettes wafted in her nose.

"Lisa, I've already told you not to mess with me.. But why did you rebel? Look at it now, I have to give you this kind of punishment because of your actions."

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