Lisa automatically tried to protect herself from the man's hot and wet kiss. She did not expect that he directly 'stabbed' her without further ado. She hoped that Surya would curse her first, waste time, then fuck her. But apparently, the man was impatient!

At the same time, Lisa could only hope that Oscar managed to get William out of the house that looked like it could collapse at any moment. 

The man who was now above him looked like a beast. Surya didn't stop from licking Lisa's neck and rained her skin with a hot kiss. After biting her ear, he stuck out his tongue and licked her body like a dog.

Lisa was disgusted. She almost puked from letting the man violate her. Her body felt dirty and wet because of what the bastard had done. And she had to experience it all because of her own actions. 

"Let go of me, jerk!" Lisa shouted as she struggled.

At first, she wanted to have sex with Surya in order to save her child's life. Even being fucked twice or more, she wouldn't refuse it! But she realized that she wouldn't be able to bear the humiliation and now that her body was being crushed by Surya, that woman would rather die!

The man she hated the most was now on top of her, only amplifying her urge to vomit blood!

Surya's mouth bit into Lisa's neck, "What's going on here? Why don't you suddenly want to sleep with me? Ah, would you rather I kill your child than sleep with me?"

Suddenly, he distanced himself from Lisa and pretended to be busy thinking. He folded his arms in front of his chest, and his eyes looked up at the living room ceiling.

"Hmm, that's fine. It looks like it's fun to kill your child in front of your own eyes..." But not long after, Surya dropped his body again on top of Lisa, making it difficult for the woman to breathe. "Unfortunately, I don't want to kill your child. I just want to sleep with you."

Lisa held Surya's shoulder with all her might. She felt her arm would break from trying to hold the man's shoulder.

"Please let go of my son. You can sleep with me as long as you let go of my son. Please don't bring my son to our problem, he doesn't know anything. You just tell me, what should I do to get you to let him go? Sleep with you? Okay, I can do that. Just please let go of my son." Lisa pleaded. 

She had run out of ideas to save herself from the beast. If she really has to have sex with Surya, that's okay, what can she do anyway? After all, she didn't need to see him again.

If she dared to kick the man's genitals and tried to run away while carrying William, the two burly guards would definitely not stand still! They would have reacted faster than her, and William's life could have been at stake.

"I want to kneel in front of you and apologize as long as you're willing to release my child!"

Surya frowned, "Oh? You want to do that?"

"Yes, yes! I want to do it all, even having sex with you… I will do it! As long as you let go of my child... Please, pity that kid! He doesn't know anything!"

Being crushed and fondled like this made Lisa feel very humiliated and disgusted. She tried to escape from Surya but her efforts were in vain. Lisa doesn't have enough strength to fight a man much bigger than her!

"Then kneel down. Kneel down and apologize to me. If I'm still kind, I'll let go of your only child." That wretched smile graced Surya's lips, making Lisa feel even more disgusted.

"You really make me want to throw up!" Lisa shouted in her hoarse voice.

Hearing that made Surya's fire of anger burn fiercely. His desire to fuck the woman is getting worse and worse! 

Surya takes off his shirt quickly and throws it on the floor. He took off his pants and dropped it. The man's eyes were full of lust.

"I said let me go!" Lisa screamed in her loud voice.

One of Surya's hands took off her work clothes and threw them on the floor. Some of the buttons on the woman's shirt also fell off and scattered everywhere. 

Lisa was completely helpless. Fear filled her body even more when she heard the sound of the man's laughter. The woman was very ashamed of her current position, being crushed under the man who was said to be her boss at the company she worked for.

"Bastard! if I could I would kill you right now—" Before Lisa could finish her words, her lips were immediately caught by Surya's rough kiss.

The rough kiss really didn't excite her, it made her feel even more humiliated and disgusted. Surya's tongue kept trying to open her lips, but the woman still refused and closed her lips tightly. This resulted in Surya licking around Lisa's lips.

"Just try to kill me, baby." Surya ridiculed while smiling a cruel smile.

Just as Lisa was thinking about giving up and accepting the situation, she heard the sound of the door being forcefully opened. Then not long after, the sound of hitting and gunshots began to ring in her ears!

A few moments later, she felt light. The woman opened her eyes and saw that Oscar had thrown the man's pig-like body onto the floor.

Without seeing what was happening around her, Lisa immediately rushed to put her clothes back on. Some of her shirt buttons were missing and her chest was exposed. It made her cover her chest shyly.

Lisa sat on the leather sofa in silence. Listening to the apologies and groans of pain from Surya and the two guards made her heave a sigh of relief. 

Oscar came to her rescue. Fortunately, he arrived just before the woman's body was touched by Surya.

If Oscar came late, Lisa couldn't imagine what would happen to her. The man with the pinstripe must have fucked her and made her live with the worst trauma forever.

Indeed, Lisa had insisted on forbidding Oscar to come to the place where William was hidden. She was afraid that something would happen to her only child. But now, seeing Oscar come to her rescue made her grateful that she listened to the man's request.

She couldn't imagine what would happen had she not listened to him. If she insisted on rejecting Oscar's request, she would've been crushed by Surya.. Meanwhile, William is still confined in the cramped room and it is not clear when he will be released.

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