Even though Dani sounded sure of his answer, Oscar still felt uneasy. He knew very well the two men could bring down anyone in a matter of seconds, but he still felt restless. According to him, Lisa will only survive if he himself protects her. No one can take care of Lisa but him!

Seeing Lisa enter the door made Oscar bite his lower lip. For some reason, he still felt panicked and nervous about what would happen next. Not even his car's perfume could soothe his heart.

"Sir, please don't be worried." 

When Dani saw Oscar's feet moving fast, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, he immediately knew what Oscar was going to do. 

"What, worried? What do I want to do?" Oscar asked in a mocking tone even though his legs were getting up and down rapidly. Feelings of panic and worry filled his entire body as time passed.

And sure enough, just as Dani had worried, he saw Oscar unbuckling his seatbelt. Soon the man opened the door and rushed out.

"Good grief sir, please don't come down now. I can guarantee that the two of them can carry out their duties properly!"

But everything seems to be too late. Oscar already got out of the car and rushed to follow Lisa from behind. In the middle of his steps, the man could feel his arms being held from behind.

"Mr Oscar, what are you doing!?"

"Let—" Oscar turned his head and gave the two men a cold look, "Don't get in my way!"

Meanwhile, Lisa knocked on the door with a racing heartbeat.

"Hello. It's me, Lisa. I'm already in front of your house, so open it quickly!"

"Are you sure you came here alone? Remember, your child will not survive if you lie to me." 

The voice on the other end sounded suspicious. He didn't think that Lisa would comply with his request and come here alone. Usually, a woman like her is someone who looks brave but actually likes to hide behind someone.

Lisa's breath caught when she heard Surya's question. But rather than the man knowing something was off and not believing it, the woman tried to sound casual.

"Hey, you think I want to harm my own child? I told you that I would come here alone. So you don't have to worry."

"Be my guest!" Surya shouted from behind the wooden door that already looked fragile. Lisa was so fragile, she was convinced that Oscar— no, even herself— could knock the door down with one smooth kick.

After a few seconds, the wooden door was opened from the inside. Lisa's eyes were immediately greeted by the two well-built men standing near the door. They got rifles loaded with bullets behind their back.

Lisa is still an ordinary person who has feelings of fear when she sees the two giant men. The woman deliberately took her eyes off the guards and rushed to go deeper into the house.

In the middle of the empty room that might actually be the living room, there is a long leather sofa looking wary in various places. On the sofa, the figure of a fat man who was smiling broadly. The man crossed his legs and occasionally smoked the cigarette that was tucked between his middle finger and index finger.

"Lisa, ah we finally meet again outside of work hours huh!"  Surya said while exuding light smoke from his mouth.

Hearing her name being called by the dirty man made Lisa feel dirty. Ever since the man called her name, Lisa wanted to change her name. Or even plastic surgery so that Surya doesn't recognize her anymore.

Lisa ignored Surya's greeting and chose to surround the narrow house with her naked eyes. She tried to find the wooden door he saw earlier on his cellphone screen.

"Where's my son?" Lisa asked impatiently, "Actually, I didn't think you would take things this far. Kidnapping my son for revenge? Absolutely outrageous! Why don't you just fire me from your office? Why did you choose to kidnap my son!?"

Surya chuckled as he smoked his cigarette again, "Hey, where's the fun in it if I just fire you from the office? Besides, your contract at the company hasn't expired yet, so how can I fire you? And oh, it'll hurt more if I take the most precious person in your life right? Don't you think it's exciting?"

"Exciting!? Where is the fun you idiot!!?"

"Seeing your scared face, I think it's quite exciting. Should I hurt your child a little so I can see you cry in front of me? You know, my wish is to see you cry and beg under my feet. That sight will definitely stick in my brain forever, hahaha!"

Unable to stand Surya's annoying laughter, Lisa was ready to throw her tote bag in the man's face. But before she could do that, Surya had first raised his eyebrows.

"I hope you can keep your emotions in check if you don't want your child to die in someone else's hands."

Suddenly, Lisa lowered her tote bag and tried hard to contain the anger that was already bubbling up inside her. She wouldn't lose her temper and cause her son to get injured!

"Well, well, well, since you're already here, how about we jump straight to the point of our meeting? Come here dear," Surya patted his lap and spread his legs wide, "Sit down here. You must look pretty-"

Without letting Surya finish his sentence, Lisa interrupted quickly.

"I want to see my son first before doing all this!"

Surya sighed, "This slut…! You don't seem to know manners, huh. Never interrupt me when I'm not done talking! And how many times do I need to repeat that I will free your child if you're willing to have sex with me!?"

"I just want to make sure my son is okay, you bastard! Who knows if you have been lying to me and tormenting my child behind my back?"

Surya sat on the sofa and looked at Lisa in disbelief. When his manhood had been aroused enthusiastically to greet the woman, Lisa actually wanted to see her child? If that woman had not had a sexy body, Surya would have thrown her corpse in a forest!

"Oh my God," Surya looked at the two men standing in the doorway and shouted, "Take her to see the boy!"

The two guards then nodded their heads and walked ahead of Lisa. They ushered the woman in front of a tightly closed room in the corner of the house. According to the photo that Lisa saw on her cell phone's screen, the door looked fragile.

As soon as the door to the room was opened, Lisa immediately saw her son sitting on the floor. This time, the boy was not tied up with a single rope. His white and bright yellow uniform looked shabby and full of dust. His eyes were still puffy but the tears were no longer visible on his cheeks.


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