The Devil’s love

Chapter 238 - You Are A Dog

Shrugging her shoulder, Yuri answered, "Don't blame us for doubting you because it's not our fault, you have done way too many things which is enough for us not to trust you."

Scrunching his brows, he glared at Yuri, "Aren't you scared of me even a bit? I mean after whatever I have done, don't I scare you at all? Look at Hannah, she freaks out when she sees me but you—" ​​

Cutting him off, she scoffed, "What is there to be scared of? You don't bite, you aren't a dog—" Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "No wait, you are a dog but you are just barks no bites."

"Anyway, Hannah is naive and too sweet so you were able to play with her mind and make her scared of you but I am different. Trust me, I can handle twenty Roger's all by myself." Tapping her fingers on the table, she chuckled, "You are lucky that my husband rescued me in time that day, otherwise your men would really lose their lives that day."

"What are you both talking about?" Ning inquired.

"Ah it's nothing Ning, we are just talking about the time when Roger had kidnapped Hannah and me," Yuri answered.

Scrunching her brows, Ning looked at Roger and inquired, "Why do you always try to harm them? What is your problem?"

Taking a deep breath, Roger answered, "You don't know anything and this something that involves Yichan and—" Looking at Yuri, he added, "A few others so you don't have to get involved."

"Anything that involves my husband concerns me and I am equally involved in it," Ning snapped.

Crossing his hand in front of him, he inquired, "Will you still support him after you learn what exactly happened?"

Gritting her teeth, Yuri fumed, "Don't try to act like a victim Roger, even you know that neither Yicha nor Hannah are responsible for whatever happened eleven years ago."


Cutting him off, she mockingly smirked, "And you wanted to know why I don't fear you right? It's because I pity you, I pity you for getting deceived by your sisters pretentious act. Too bad that you couldn't figure out how cunning she was."

"Enough," Roger shouted.

"Yelling is not going to change the fact Roger and you know that. I know you will never accept it but deep down even you know who was at fault when that incident happened." When Roger did not say anything, Yuri continued, "Maybe the guys think that you want to harm us but I know that isn't what you want, you just want to show us that you are after our lives but you just want to scare us and maybe you think that by creating trouble for us, you are fulfilling your duties as a brother and giving your sister justice. But the truth is, you are just guilty for not being there to save your sister that night and you are forcing yourself to go against us to ease your guilt."

When he glared at her, she scoffed, "I bet that you are wondering how I know this, right?" Without waiting for his reply, she continued, "I figured this out when you kidnapped Hannah and me. You knew Hannah was pregnant so you asked your men to be gentle with us and what kind of kidnappers gives a fucking expensive salad for dinner? You are dumb and a the men who were around us were cowards. You know that it's not hard for me to deal with them but yet you allotted such weak men to guard us. The guys are dumb Roger but you can't deceive me, women arw much more intelligent than men and our instincts are never wrong."

During the whole conversation, Ning felt very lost. She could vaguely understand what was happening and the only thing she was sure about was that everything was related to Roger's sister.

As if Yuri had seen through him completely, Roger kept quiet for some time before ignoring the whole topic and shifting to a new one. "We are here to talk about Lucas so let's stick to that."

Without waiting for anybody's reply, he continued, "Lucas doesn't and will never talk to me so I want you to warn him."

"What do you mean?" Ning frowned.

"Someone is after his life, ask him to be careful and keep a low profile for some time. Ask him not to act recklessly because that will risk his life and put him in danger," he added.

"Looks like someone is concerned about his brother." Tilting her head, Yuri added, "Wait, dont you claim not to care about anyone?"

Gritting his teeth, he snapped, "I am not concerned about anyone so stopped overthinking."

"Of course you are not, you just came all the way to the mall just to sip coffee with us in the cafe right?" Yuri stated.

"I don't understand, who is after Lucas and why?" Ning curiously inquired.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he answered, "Our father."

"Wait what? Your father is after Lucas? He wants to kill him?" When Roger nodded his head, Yuri frowned, "So you are going against your father and warning Lucas?"

"I am not going against anyone, just warning him because no matter what, he is still my brother but I don't care about him," Roger explained.

"Why are you doing this Roger? Is this some kind of a trick that you are trying to play?"

"Of course not Ning, why would I play tricks with you? I would never deceive or harm you." Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed, "I just want you to warn him and ask him to stay safe."

Glancing at the watch, he added, "I need to leave now, I will still try to contact Lucas and find out what father is upto. I am counting on you to warn Lucas Ning, I know you care about him and he is a good friend of yours. Lucas is very stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone, only you can make him understand and maybe tame him a little."

Without waiting for their reply, he walked out of the cafe.

After Roger was nowhere to be seen, Ning turned towards Yuri and inquired, "Can you tell me what exactly happened back then?"

"You mean between us and Roger?" When Ning nodded her head, she added, "Well, I think you should ask Yichan about it but just to let you know, Roger's sister was really very wierd and she was obsessed with your husband. Though Yichan never gave her any kind of hint or attention she was still all over him all the time. It was okay and tolerable initially and we thought she would get over it but she slowly started getting into our nerves."

Scrunching her brows, Ning asked, "What happened to her?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yuri sighed, "She died."


Ning and Yichan's place.

"Dude what are you talking about? It's very fun," Guang exclaimed.

"And tiring." Massaging his back, Guiren sighed, "My back still hurts."

Looking at the weird drawing intently, Yichan frowned, "This looks a bit complicated." Passing it to Bojing, he inquired, "What do you think brother Bojing?"

Looking at the drawing, he scrunched his brows and tossed it aside. "This is bulshit and you guys seriously need to stop this."

"Why? It's fun trying new things," Guang retorted.

Yufan nodded his head and added, "That is true, if you stop trying new things, everything becomes a bit boring."

"Exactly, I mean, how many days can you eat the same kind of food?" Guiren asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yichan answered, "J eat pancakes everyday and I never get tired."

Groaning in frustration, Muchan snapped, "You and your pancakes Yi."

"I seriously want to try those pancakes, I always wonder why our Yichan is so obsessed with it," Guang stated.

Closing his eyes in satisfaction, Guiren licked his lips, "Not gonna lie but those are some awesome pancakes, I ate almost five when Ning made them for the first time."

Just then Yitian came out of the kitchen with a plate in his hand which was stacked with pancakes.

When Yichan saw them, he frowned and quickly rushed towards them.

Yitian stopped when he Yichan stopped right in front of him. "W-What happened?" he stuttered.

Looking at the pancakes, he inquired, "Where did you get these from?" Yichan remembered eating all the pancakes that Ning had made during breakfast and now seeing them in Yitian's hand made him feel jealous.

Raising the plate, Yitian answered, "Hmm I was out during breakfast so sister Ning made these for me and kept in the counter. She left me a message and told me to have them when I am home."

"Oh." Keeping quiet for quite some time, he continued, "But these are too many and it's not good for your health. You are starting college tomorrow, what if you have a stomach ache?"

Taking two pancakes from the plate, he added, "I'll take these, you can have the rest."


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