The Devil’s love

Chapter 239 - Big Brother Vibe

When Yitian did not show any kind of objection, Yichan took one more pancake from his plate. "Hmm how many do you have in your plate right now?"

Looking down at his plate, he answered, "Four." When Yichan did not say anything, Yitian offered, "You can take one more if you want to, three is enough for me." ​​

Without objecting, Yichan shamelessly took one more pancake and made his way towards his seat.

"So you must be Yitian." Walking towards him, Bojing inquired, "Are you enjoying your stay here?"

Yitian nodded his head and answered, "Yes brother—" Stopping midway, he asked, "Can I call you brother?" When Bojing nodded his head, he smiled, "I am enjoying my stay brother Bojing, everyone is really nice here."

"Hmm, what about your college?"

"It will start from tomorrow," he answered.

"Alright, I wish you all the best.' Patting his shoulder, Bojing added, "If you ever need anything then tell Yichan or me about it okay?"

Yitian nodded his head and made his way towards his room.

Looking at Yichan who was busy shoving the hijacked pancakes from his younger brother, Yufan chuckled, "Look at you, unbelievable Yichan."

"Dude, you just stole food from your half brother," Guang chuckled.

Scrunching his brows, he vigorously shook his head, "I did not steal it, he gave it to me."

While everyone was busy teasing Yichan, Guiren was immersed in a very deep thought.

"What happened Guiren? You look so lost," Muchan inquired.

Rubbing his chin, he answered, "I don't know, why do I feel like I have seen this guy somewhere?"

"Who? Yitian?" When he nodded his head, Yichan frowned, "where did you see him?"

"I don't remember but I have seen him somewhere. "Guiren was not very sure when he had seen Yitian but he was having a really bad feeling about it.

Yichan was about to ask further when Bojing explained, "Guy works for Stephen."

"Pfft—" Splashing all the water from his mouth on Guiren, Guang coughed vigorously.

"Wait what?" Yufan frowned.

Snapping his finger, Guiren beamed, "Ah yes, we were meeting Stephan for something and he showed us Yitian's picture, this was last year."

"Wait a second I don't understand, how is Yitian related to Stephan?" Yichan frowned.

"I know right? And didn't Stephan try to take Jason with him too?" When Yufan nodded his head Guang inquired, "Why would Yitian work with him? Well, unless he is good with coding and stuff like that, it doesn't make sense."

Pursing his lips, Yichan answered, "I think he is."

"And he is very good at it, not as good as Jason but he is almost at par with him," Bojing explained.

"But he is just eighteen Brother Bojing, how can he get involved in such activities at such a young age?" Yichan was having a really hard time believing that Yitian had such a suspicious and sly side of him too. Here he was worried about him getting involved in the chaotic and complicated situation and there he was working for a person who was well known for running a hacking organization.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Bojing explained, "He is not working for Stephan anymore and I think he left after he found out what Stepahn was really up to. But keeping everything else aside, that boy is really very talented."

Gritting his teeth, Yichan scoffed, "So what if he is talented? He is risking his life, he is still so young and only needs to focus on making his future brighter but there he is getting himself involved in trouble." The whole idea of Yitian involved with people who were not appropriate and easy to deal with was making him feel very comfortable. Not only was he worried about him, he also couldn't help but blame his father. Not only did he fail to take care of his first son but also his second. Yitian was too young to face the ugly and chaotic side of the world.

"Look at you emitting the big brother vibe." Helplessly shaking his head, Guiren chuckled, "That guy looks too innocent and clam to be involved in such a mess."

"I think people who are involved in coding and stuff are always calm," Muchan added.

"Have you not met Jason? He is not even the C of calm, he is always so jolly and talks a lot," Yufan stated.

Placing his hand on Yichan's shoulder, brother Bojing explained, "Don't worry, he is going to be fine. I'll talk to Stephan and find out the entire thing, okay?"

After getting brother Bojing's assurance, Yichan sighed and nodded his head.

"And you know what else is strange." Glancing at his watch, Guiren raised his brows, "It's been a couple of hours since the girls are out shopping and my wife hasn't used the card yet."

Taking out his phone, Yufan frowned, "That is right, even Hannah hasn't."

"Maybe they haven't found anything that they like yet," Muchan stated.

"That is not possible because when Yuri enters any store, she definitely buys something from there, even if it's a pair of socks or briefs," Guang answered before calling his wife.

Shrugging his shoulder, Muchan said, "I think we are just overreacting."

Taking out his phone, Yichan frowned and quickly called Ning.


Shopping mall

Inside the cafe.

"Even I have no idea what the deal is with Roger, though I tried asking Guiren many times, he always shrugged me off saying that it isn't a big deal," Meili frowned.

"Ning, did you ever ask Yichan about it?" Yuri inquired.

Ning shook her head and answered, "No I never asked him, I wanted him to open up and tell me what exactly happened but I think it's time to force things out of him."

"Bojing never told me about it either but it's a different thing that I never asked him about it," Suyan answered.

Just then Philip stepped forward and gave his phone to Ning. "Madam, it's boss."

Taking the phone in her hand, she answered it, "Hello."

"Honey, are you okay? Why aren't you receiving my call? I have been trying to call you for a really long time now."

"I think my phone is inside my bag, what happened?" she inquired.

"We were just worried about you all, where are you all now? In the mall?"

"Yes and we met Roger—"

Cutting her off, he snapped, "What? Are you okay?" The mention of Roger's name irritated Yichan alot and it gave him a very irie feeling. He wanted to keep him as far as he could from his wife but that sly man still kept looking for ways to see her which made everything even more annoying.

"Yes I am okay, in fact everyone else is fine and you don't have to worry about anything, we will be home soon," Ning assured him.

Even after getting her assurance, Yichan still didn't feel at peace. "I am coming there, wait for me."

��No you don't have to, we will be home in twenty minutes." Pausing for a while, she continued, "I want to know what happened between you and Roger eleven years ago."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he inquired, "Did Roger tell you anything?"

"Does it even matter? I will only believe what you tell me Yichan." Without waiting for his reply, she added, "I am coming home right now and I want to know everything."

After hanging up the call, she gave Philip his phone back and instructed him, "Get the car ready, we will go home."

Wrapping her hand around Hannah's, Nuying said, "Yes let's go home, I think Hannah needs rest too."

"What about Lucas? How do we warn him?" Meili inquired.

Taking out her phone, Ning said, "I will call him over to my place, we can talk to him properly there."


Ning and Yichan's place.

"What else did she say?" Guang inquired.

"Nothing, they are coming back soon," Yichan answered with his eyes never leaving the door.

"But I don't understand, why didn't you tell Ning about it yet? With her involvement with Roger, don't you think she needs to know the truth?" Yufan frowned.

Guiren sighed and nodded his head, "I agree with Yufan, you should have told her about it earlier. I mean, I did not tell Meili because it did not concern her in any way."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yichan sighed, "It's not like I didn't want to tell her but—I mean I did try several times but I always chickened out, I don't know how she is going to react to everything. What if—"

Cutting him off, Bojing frowned, "Ning is never going to blame you for what happened Yichan and you know that too."

"Yes man, no one has ever or will blame you for everything that happened except for Roger of course. We know that it's not your fault, in fact it's no one's fault except for Roger's sister. She is responsible for her own death."

"Guang is right, no one is to be blamed for whatever happened that day."


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