The Devil’s love

Chapter 237 - Talk With Roger

"I know that we have had our differences and I have no intentions of letting that go but this is very important. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have bothered to be here and beg you guys to talk to me if it wasn't important." Looking at Ning, Roger continued, "It's about Lucas."

"Lucas? What did you do?" Without waiting for his reply, Ning snapped, "I swear Roger, if you ever try to hurt Lucas then—" ​​

Cutting her off, he explained, "Why would I hurt him? In fact, he is the one who cannot wait to hurt me and bring me down. It's not what you think, it's different."

"Lucas?" Yuri frowned.

"I am talking about Sparrow," Roger added.

Taking out her phone, Yuri informed, "Let me call Guang, you can talk with the guys."

Rolling his eyes, Roger gritted his teeth, "I am not talking with them, you know they irritate me a lot." Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed, "Listen, if you care about Lucas then meet me at the cafe in the extreme corner of this floor. I will wait for you there but don't call Yichan or other's over, I am not saying a word in their presence and I mean no harm, at least not today."

Without waiting for their reply, he walked away along with his men.

Placing her hand on Hannah's shoulder, Suayn inquired, "Are you alright?"

Looking at Hannah's pale expression, Yuri quickly approached her and wrapped her arms around her shoulder. "Stop being scared Hannah, I am right here and I am enough to kick his ass black and blue if he does anything inappropriate today."

"Madam please carry in with your shopping, we will take care of this situation," one of the guards explained.

"There is no need for that, I will talk to him," Ning stated.


Cutting him off, she instructed, "Don't tell Yichan about it."

"Ning, are you sure?" Yuri inquired.

"He seems to know something about Lucas and I have this feeling that it's very important otherwise Roger isn't someone who would urge on meeting this way." As far as she knew Roger, he was never this determined until it was something really very important.

Thinking for a while, Yuri said, "Alright but I am not letting you go there alone, it's hard to trust that guy no matter what." Looking at the guards, she added, "What about them? I mean, they are surely going to tell their bosses about it."

"Well, can't we just ask them not too?" Nuying inquired.

"As if it's that easy, I know that they tell them every single thing." Narrowing her eyes at them, Meili scoffed, "I remember once one of them told Guiren that I stopped by the chemist store and then he kept bugging me to tell him what was wrong but when I didn't, he took to the hospital for a full body checkup."

"Huh there is a way to talk to keep," Yuri stated before taking a step towards them. She then placed her hand on her waist and inquired in a very bossy manner, "Who is incharge here?"

A man quickly raised his hand and answered, "That would be madam."

"Ah so you are the boss here, who is your boss?" she added.

"Just to tell you know madam that I follow your husband's orders and according to that, I cannot allow anyone of you to meet that person," The guard incharge exclaimed in a very authoritative voice.

Nodding her head in agreement, Yuri smiled, "That is nice but do you know who is your boss's boss?" Without waiting for his reply, she snapped, "That would be me, your boss listens to whatever I tell him or ask him to and he never dares to disobey me. So what do you think will happen if I tell him that I don't want you around me and I want you out of my side?"

When the guard gulped in nervousness, she smirked, "Believe me, I don't even have to give him any kind of reason and neither he will ask for one, you will just end up losing your job but I don't wanna do that because you seem like an intelligent man.....what was your name again?"

"P-Paul," he stuttered.

"So Paul, why don't you and I do some negotiation and solve this little problem that we are facing," Yuri added.

"What kind of negotiation?"

"We need to talk to Roger and we will at any cost but I know that it is your job so you can't leave us. So let's make a deal, you people can come with us while we talk to him and to play safe, we will ask Roger to send his men outside, a few of you can guard them outside to just make sure that they don't do anything outrageous," she suggested.

"I-I need to discuss this with my team." Without waiting for her reply, Paul rushed over to discuss the entire situation with his group.

"Make it fast, we don't have all day." Turning towards the others, Yuri chuckled, "Don't worry girls, they will surely agree."

"But do you think that it's safe to talk to him?" Suyan inquired.

"Since he just mentioned Lucas, I think we shouldnt ignore this," Meili stated.

After a few minutes, Paul approached them and informed, "I agree with your condition madam but Five of us will accompany you inside and the rest of us will stay outside and guard the other's."

"Great, let's go then." Looking at Hannah, Yuri sighed, "Han, if you are not comfortable you can—"

Cutting her off, Hannah shook her head, "No it's alright, I'll go with you guys."

"Can I ask you both something?" When Yuri nodded her head, Ning asked, "What exactly happened between you guys and Roger." Without waiting for her reply, she continued, "I just know that you all were friends in the past but I have no idea what happened and you guys drift apart."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yuri inquired, "Yichan did not tell you?" When Ning shook her head, she sighed, 'Why don't we go and talk to Roger first?"


Inside the Cafe.

Glancing at the watch, Roger sighed, "I don't think so they are coming Latif but as far as I know Ning, she would never just ignore anything that is related to her friend."

"I think Ms Yang will surely come but I still think that this is not a very wise move young master, what if your father finds out about this meeting?" Latif was really very worried for Roger, he just didn't want him to get involved in any kind of trouble which would bring him unders his own father's radar. If Kareem William was hesitating to kill Lucas then he would surely not flinch to kill Roger.

"How would father know until and unless you tell him?" Roger inquired.

"Yes but you have to understand that I am not the only one by your side who is working for you father as well, there are others too."

Just then Ning and Yuri entered the cafe along with the guards.

Placing her bag on the table, Yuri stated, "So here is the deal, five or our guards will stay with us inside while all your men have to go outside and they are not allowed to come in until we are done. If you agree with this then—"

Cutting her off, he readily agreed. "Okay, I agree with the terms." Turning towards Latif, he instructed, "Step out for a bit along with others and don't come in until I ask you to."


"It's alright, I'll be safe." Even after getting Roger's assurance, Latif was still really reluctant to leave but he had no other choice so he stepped out along with the other men.

After they were gone, Yuri and Ning sat down right across Roger while the guards stood around them.

"Only the two of you? Where are the others?" Roger inquired.

"Why do you want everyone? Are you planning to treat us all or entertain us with a dance?" Yuri snapped. After discussing everything, everyone mutually decided that only Yuri and Ning would talk to Roger while the others would stay outside and wait for them.

Ignoring Yuri's blunt and taunting comments, Roger looked at Ning and smiled, "I knew you would come."

"Stop with the smile and other things Roger, come to the main point." Pausing for a while, Ning snapped, "Tell me what you know about Lucas."

"Or you don't know anything and just wanted to trouble us." When he gave her a weird look, Yuri shrugged her shoulder, "What? You love creating trouble for us and it's not anything new. I don't trust you Roger and you also know why."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he sighed, "Listen I am telling this again, my intention this time is very clean and I am not here to harm anyone or create any trouble."

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