The Devil’s love

Chapter 236 - For Old Times Sake

Scrunching his brows, Yichan inquired, "Where did he go?"

"He wanted to buy a few things for his college, it starts tomorrow." ​​

"But wasn't it supposed to start today?" he inquired.

Knocking his forehead, she chuckled, "It's Sunday, how will his college start today?"


Cutting him off, she nodded her head and answered, "Yes I know that he told us it's starting today, he made a mistake. So it's not starting today but tomorrow."

"Hmm I see." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "Did he go alone?"

"No he didn't, I sent aunt Lin with him but it's good to know that you care, Mr Mo." Patting his cheeks, she chuckled, "Can you be any less cute?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he retorted, "Who told you that I care about him? I don't give a damn about him or whatever he does. I am just concerned because he is staying with us and if something happens, we will be responsible for it. I just don't want any unnecessary trouble."

"Of course you don't care about him and it's very evident." without waiting for her reply, she gave him a peck on his lips and walked out of the mansion.

"Drive safe honey and don't forget to call me every now and then, I love you."


Shopping mall.

"I am telling you, he is such a baby," Yuri grunted before helplessly shaking her head.

"Guang is just extra sweet," Hannah chuckled.

Meili nodded her head in agreement. "I know right? He is the most jolly one amongst all the boys."

"You people are saying this because you don't have to live with that man baby 24/7. Seriously, if I did not love him and he wasn't so good in bed, I would have kicked him out of the house," Yuri snapped.

Shrugging her shoulders, Suyan inquired, "How bad is it?"

"Yesterday, he completely destroyed the kitchen while making a cup of coffee for me. Like how can someone dirty the kitchen while making a cup of coffee? And then later, he kept acting all cute and clingy saying that he burned his finger." Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed, "I didn't even have the heart to punish or yell at him because he had really burned his finger and it looked very bad."

"Pfft at least Guang wrecks the kitchen while making a cup of coffee, Yichan spilled water everywhere the other day while boiling it," Ning chuckled.

Turning towards Suyan, Meili inquired, "Sister Suyan, brother Bojing knows how to cook right?"

Suyan smiled and nodded, "Yes he does and he makes different kinds of dishes these days, he is so good at it."

"Mei, don't even compare our lazy guys with brother Bojing," Nuying stated.

"Exactly, brother Bojing is a whole new level," Yuri added.

"I don't know if you girls know about this but Yufan was the same before we had our daughter, things completely changed after that. It's like being a father made Yufan feel very responsible and he started doing things which I had thought he would never learn," Hannah explained.

"Hannah, are you trying to say that I need to get pregnant and give birth to a daughter to make my husband a bit responsible? Don't you think that is a little too much?" Yuri inquired.

Shrugging her shoulders, Hannah chuckled, "What is wrong with having a baby? It's seriously not as bad as you think it is."

"Are you kidding me? It's a tiny little human being we are talking about which comes with heavy responsibilities," Nuying added.

"Nu is right, taking care of a baby is no piece of cake and it's a bit—"

Cutting her off, Yuri added, "Scary."

"Yes, it's scary."

"Well, I don't think that it's that scary. I mean, how bad can it be?" Suyan stated.

"Sister Suyan, are you and brother Bojing planning to have one?" Ning inquired.

Suyan shook her head and answered, "No but it's not like we don't have to have one, we just want to go with the flow."

"Guang and I are very particular about protection. No driving without the helmet has been our motto and a part of that, we just got married so having a baby now isn't very appropriate," Yuri stated.

"It's the same for us, we don't have any plans of getting pregnant anytime soon,"Ning added.

Suyan was about to say something when Roger suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Ning, I want to talk to you and it's very important." Without waiting for her reply, he continued, "It's about—" Just then a group of men surrounded him.

Roger's men, who were also present in the mall, quickly stepped forward and made a human wall around their boss.

Narrowing her eyes at him, Ning snapped, "What are you trying to do?"

"Madam, please move forward, we will take care of things here," One of the guards informed Ning before gesturing the other's to move forward.

"There is no need for that," Ning instructed before turning towards Roger. "I don't want to create a scene here Roger and I don't have any intention of talking to you about anything so please leave. "

"I have no intention of creating trouble too, I just—"

Cutting him off, Yuri mockingly chuckled, "Are you sure about that? I mean, isn't your second name trouble?"

Gritting his teeth, he snapped, "Yuri, I seriously dont have the time to deal with you mocking and sarcastic comments right now. I just want to talk to Ning about something really very important and then I'll leave."

"How do I trust you?" Yuri narrowed her eyes at him.

"Trust me for old times sake," Roger answered with all seriousness.

Letting out a mocking chuckle, Yuri scoffed, "You gotta be kidding me Roger, for old times sake? Seriously? Where was this old times sake bulshit when you tried to hurt Hannah and me? You didn't even let go of Yifei when you know that it wasn't her fault at all. How do you expect us to trust you after everything you have done to deceive us?"


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