The Devil’s love

Chapter 225 - Yitian's Involvement

"What do you mean?" Yichan inquired.

Taking out his laptop, Jason started showing everyone what he exactly meant. "So when I started doing some more research, I found that the software company is fake, it's actually a system which looks like one. I mean, Yitian thinks that he is working for a legit software company but actually he isn't because this company doesn't exist. Now I have no idea why they are doing this but there is more to it and it's very strange too." ​​

"When I took access to the other party's computer, I found multiple folders which had our names on it. There was one each for Linhou, me, big boss, lady boss, boss Guiren, lady boss Meili and Mo Yitian."

Scrunching his brows, Yichan asked, "Why Yitian? How is he involved in this?"

"Yes exactly, why that little guy? Didn't he just arrive in the country?" Muchan frowned.

"I thought so too but I think there is something else that we are missing out." Pinching his brows, Jason frowned, "I don't know what but I will try to find out."

Thinking for a while, Yichan asked, "Did you see everything that you were supposed to that computer?"

Scratching his head, Jason awkwardly cleared his throat, "Yes boss I did." In fact, he saw a little more than he should have. He still couldn't take the image of Dragon out of his head and actually had a very tough time falling asleep. Though it was very rare for him to fantasize about a woman but the one he accidentally had a glimpse of was very hard to forget.

"Jason, are you listening to me?" Muchan frowned.

Coming out of his daze, Jason answered, "Anyway, I got a bit distracted after seeing the folders so she knocked me out."

"She? So that Dragon is actually a woman?" Linhou inquired.

"Uh huh, a beautiful woman," he muttered.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yinchuan scrunched his brows. The sudden involvement of his half brother made everything very confusing.

"When is Lucas coming?"

Glancing at the watch, Linhou informed, "He will be here soon."


Jiang Mansion.

Pouring two drinks, Weilong chuckled, "So how does it feel coming back to your roots?"

Slumping on the couch, Yihong sighed, "It feels nice but father's thrashing was not cool, my joints still hurt."

"I met him a few days ago in Yang corporation, he is still as sharp as ever," Weilong informed.

"Hmm and your father suddenly made a grand appearance with a stick. He even kept insisting my father to use it and even assured him that it will not break."

Bursting into a laughter together, Weilong took a sharp breath, "But we really deserve all the thrashing mate, we have really let them down."

Taking the drink from Weilong's hand, Yihong nodded his head, "Hmm, I won't deny that and this is why i let him hit me as much as he wanted. I just wanted to let him vent all the accumulated anger and frustration he had for me."

"But you do know that isn't enough right? They won't be done with us so soon."

"Hmm I know but on the brighter side, I am living with Yichan and Ning." Pausing for a while, Yihiong smiled, "I must say, your daughter is very beautiful and she looks just like Ziyi. When I saw her for the first time in the old residence, I thought I was looking at Ziyi."

"And Yichan looks so much like you." Helplessly shaking their heads, Weilong chuckled, "I mean after everything that happened in the past, who would have thought that our kids would end up together?"

"I know right? That was like the least expected thing but I am really very happy for them, they look very good and happy together. You should have seen how your daughter forces my son to eat cereals, Yichan hated cereals when he was small. He hated them so much that it was impossible to make him eat them but now, Ning just gives him this fierce look and he quietly eats them all." Yihong had secretly sneaked at the couple while they were having breakfast and that is when he encountered the whole scenario where Ning was forcing Yichan to eat cereal for breakfast.

Gulping down the whole content of the glass, Weilong sighed, "We fucked up our father's role."

"Yeah I know, I wish we hadn't done this but we also did not have any choice," Yihomg added.

Swirling the ice in his glass, Weilong mockingly smirked, "You know even if the entire truth gets revealed, I know Ning will never forgive Ziyi or me, I know my daughter Yi, she isn't the kind who will let go off this so easily."

"It's the same with Yichan." Pausing for a while, Yihong added, "But it's alright, I don't mind until and unless they stay happy together. I wish nothing but their happiness."

"Yeah, me too." Placing the glass on the table, Weilong stated, "But if we look at the brighter side, Cheng is surprisingly very close to father now and he will also be working with Ning for some project. So at least someone is getting what they deserve."

"That is great, I am happy for Cheng. I just wish things will eventually get better between Yitian and Yichan as well," Yihong explained.

"Ah how is Yitian? The last time I saw him, he was a little boy," Weilong inquired.

"Oh he is a big boy now and you have no idea how sharp that little brat is. There were times when he almost caught me using our wireless system and no matter how many passcodes I set and change, I don't know how he manages to crack it." Helplessly shaking his head, Yihong sighed, "Both my son's are too clever to fool."

"Then what did you do?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Yihong chuckled, "I just found a way to distract him, though I had not expected it to work, surprisingly it did."


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