"Hmm that is nice, just keep distracting him that way. I don't think it's okay if he unnecessarily finds out about everything and ends up getting involved in this mess."

Yihong sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "You are right but—" ​​

"But what?"

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "You have no idea how unpredictable Yitian is Weilong. I mean, Yichan gives out this vibe and is very straightforward but my other son is different. You just can't make out what is going on in that head of his. There are times when you think that you know what he will do next but completely contrary to what my expectations, he does something really very outrageous and different. So basically, it's really very hard to say what he is thinking of or trying to do."

"Why did you bring him and Helena with you anyway, you could've left them there. Things are going to get more chaotic and wobbly later on so do you think it's okay to let them stay?" Weilong inquired.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yihong answered, "I didn't want to leave only the two of them back because you know that it's not safe. Well, it's not very safe here but at least I can keep a close eyes on them."

"Hmm you have a point. Anyway, I think we should discuss our plan now, we need to get back Darwin but I also have this feeling that everything is a trap. Maybe I am wrong but—"

Cutting him off, Yihong shook his head, "No you are not, I think it is a trap but I just don't know who is exactly doing this?"

Raising his brows, Weilong inquired, "So you think it isn't him?"

"Of course not, he would never do anything as reckless as kidnapping someone like Darwin. Everyone knows how that man is, he would rather die than say a word against us."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Weilong frowned, "Then who could it be?"

"That is exactly what we have to find out but before that, I think we have a greater problem to deal with." Pausing for a while, Yihong continued, "I think Yichan knows something that he shouldn't."


Yang Enterprise.

Ning's office.

"Someone from the Jiang Corporation is here to see your boss, he is here to talk about the project," an employee informed.

"Yes right, send him in and get the project file for me please, you'll find it in Meili's desk," Ning instructed.

A few minutes after the employee left, someone knocked at the door and entered the office.

Standing by the door, Cheng kept on staring at his sister whom he was about to personally meet for the first time. Though he was pretty confident about meeting her, all of a sudden he wasn't. He could feel his body turning stiff and the urge of leaving everything and running away kept getting stronger and stronger.

When Ning saw someone's presence near the door, she quickly got up and greeted him. "You must be Mr Cheng from Jiang corporation, please have a seat."

Coming out of his daze, he quickly composed himself and made his way towards her desk.

Extending her hand towards him for a formal shake, she added, "We are glad to have you—" stopping midway, Ning slightly frowned.

Staring at her for a couple of seconds, he smiled, "I am honoured to get a chance to work with you Mrs Yang."

Shrugging off the strange feeling she was getting, she smiled, "We are glad to have you here."

Gesturing him to take a seat, she explained, "I had already discussed the plan with Mr Weilong so I guess he has already briefed you with that."

"Yes he has and there are a few things which I think we can add to that," he suggested.

"Yes sure, we have to work on this together so the idea should come both ways. We can fix a weekly meeting here and at your office simultaneously so its convenient and fair for both of us and—"

Cutting her off, he added, "There is no need for that, we can conduct all the meetings in Yang corporation. It will be convenient for you because Jiang Corporation is quite far from here."

"It's just a thirty minutes drive, I don't think it's that far but anyway, if you are okay with it then we can conduct the meetings here."

"Great, I'll send my team over who will be working on this project starting tomorrow. I am sure that with your smooth methods and technique, we will definitely succeed in this project." More than the project, Chang was actually excited to meet and work with his sister. Though they weren't close and did not share the sibling and twin bond they were supposed to, he still couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Ning curiously inquired, "I am sorry but have we met before?"

"What makes you think that we have?"

Shrugging her shoulder, Ning answered, "I don't know, I just feel that we have but maybe I am wrong."

"I think you mistook me for someone else, I would've definitely remembered meeting you," he answered.


Mo base

"Where is he?" Yichan frowned.

Glancing at his watch, Muchan sighed, "He should've been here by now."

"Do you think he is avoiding us?" Guiren inquired.

Snapping his finger, Linhou said, "I was about to say the same thing."

"But I have a feeling that Lucas knows more than we think he does." Pausing for a while, Guang explained, "We all know how Lucas is and what he does. Though he is now on our side, he is still very mysterious to me."

"Hmm, I think we have to deal with him in our way," Guiren suggested.

Just then, Lucas entered the room.

"Oh wow, everyone is here." Rubbing his hand together, Lucas let out a nervous chuckle, " Should I feel scared?"

"Now that depends on whether you have something to hide or not." Without waiting for his reply, Yichan gestured him to come in. "Take a seat, I have something really important to tell you."

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Lucas slowly made his way towards the chair and sat down.

When everyone started staring at him, Lucas nervously inquired, "Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Because you look very handsome today and we cannot help but google at your appearance," Guang smiled.

Taking a file from Jason's hand, Yichan gave it to Lucas. "Read this."

Going through the file, Lucas gulped in nervousness, "Why am I reading this again?"

"Lucas I know that you are a good friend of Ning and this is why I am trusting you with this. But remember one thing, we can't tell Ning about this okay?" Placing his hand on Lucas's shoulder, he asked, "Can I trust you?"

"Yes you, what is it?"

"I found out that Ning's parents aren't her real parents, I mean, they aren't her biological parents," Yichan explained.

"I-I see," Lucas stuttered.

With beads of sweat covered in his forehead, he nervously asked, "W-Who is it then?"

"You know Jiang Corporation?" When he nodded his head, Yichan answered, "Her real father is Mr Weilong from Jiang Corporation and do you know what's more shocking?"

"N-No I don't know, how would I know when you haven't told me about it yet," Lucas nervously snapped.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan continued, "His real name is Yang Weilong, he is actually Yang Bojin's eldest son."

Slamming his chest, Lucas started coughing vigorously.

Passing him a glass of water, Yichan said, "Here, drink this."

Gulping down the entire content of the glass at once, he struggled for a while to catch a breath. "T-That is very very shocking."

"Ahn so you are shocked too? Well, it was very shocking for all of us but the reactions we gave were not at all like the one that you just gave." Walking towards Linhou, he took the gun from his hand and placed it on the table right in front of Lucas.

Sitting beside him, Yichan stated, "I am giving you two options Lucas, tell me everything you know or die."

"I-I don't know what you are talking about, I don't know a thing," Lucas gathered all his guts and denied but he couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"But why do I feel like you know much more than we do?" Tapping his fingers on the table, Yichan added, "My gut is telling me that you are hiding something from us and my gut is never wrong."

Pausing for a while, he continued, "I let you join our side because you are friends with my wife and also because I thought I could trust you but right now, you are making me regret my decision. You are breaking my trust Lucas and I am not liking it, you still have a chance to fix it and continue to work with us but if not, you are not leaving this building in one piece."


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