When Yichan did not say anything, Bojing added, "I heard about Ning." When Yichan gave him an astonished look, he chuckled, "I am not around these days that doesn't mean I dont keep a track of things."

"Muchan told you didnt he?" Yichan inquired, he was very sure that Muchan was the one who told Bojing everything because he knew how much Muchan respected and feared Bojing. ​​

"Surprisingly, Muchan did not say a word this time which made me even more suspicious because usually it's very easy to take things out of him so I decided to ask Jason." Pausing for a while, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yichan sighed, "You were already very worried about sister-in-law, I just didn't want to pressure you with more complicated information."

"Yi, you have to understand that I am your big brother and you can always count on me no matter what happens. I know how you must be feeling after learning about the entire truth and it's not going to be easy for Ning, all she needs now is your support because you are the only one she will count on. You have to be strong and deal with this accordingly, make sure that each and every step you take isnt a reckless one." Patting Yichan's shoulder, he continued, "You have to be very careful."


Bojing and Suyan's place.

"Bojing, I want to talk to you about something."

Kissing the back of her hand, Bojing asked, "What is it honey?" When she hesitated for a while, he continued, "What happened Suyan? I have been noticing you for quite sometime now and you look so lost. Did something happen?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she hesitantly explained, "I don't know what to say, I—"

Pulling her into his embrace, he kissed the top of her head. "You can tell me whatever you want to honey, you know that right?"

"I-I am feeling very strange these days, I always feel like someone is following me and watching me whenever I am out, it just feels so weird." Without waiting for her reply, she explained further, "I know you have already looked into it but I still keep feeling that way so I stopped going out but I cannot help but feel uneasy all the time."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he inquired, "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?"

"I was scared that you would think I am going crazy and stop loving me."

Cupping her face, he frowned, "Stop thinking about useless things, I would never stop loving you no matter what." Kissing her forehead, he added, "I'll look into it, okay? But you have to stop worrying and stop stressing over it."


Next day

Yang Corporation.

Ning's office

"Mei it's alright, you don't have to panic so much," Ning chuckled.

Pacing back and forth in a rhythmic pace, Meili was chewing her cuticles nervously, "I just don't know what to do?" Everything was okay and normal until mother Zhang called her early in the morning and asked her to come over to the main mansion around lunch time.

Without waiting for Ning's reply, she continued ranting and firing her nervous questions at her. "Should I go? I mean, yes I have to go but what should I wear? Do you think she will bash me again in Guiren's absence? What if she gives me a blank cheque and orders me to get out of her son's life?"

"Mei I think—"

Cutting her off, Meili gasped, "What if she poisons me?"

"What? Are you crazy? Stop overthinking and with all the pessimism." Walking towards Meili, she forced her to sit on the couch. "You seriously need to chill and breath."

"But I think I should panic more." Placing her hand on Ning's shoulder, she snapped, "I am so worried that I can feel goosebumps all over my body. Like maybe I am being paranoid and there is a nice chance that Guiren's mother has really changed but there are still odds, right?"

"Mei, why don't you go home and take a nice long ahower before going to your in-laws? I think if you keep panicking like this, you will surely pass out or something like that," Ning suggested.

"But here—"

"Dont worry about it, I'll handle everything. You just go home and calm down."

Meili took a deep breath and vigorously nodded her head in agreement. "Okay, I think you are right. I'll go home, take a nice shower, get ready and then go there without fearing about anything." Getting up, she straightened her dress and answered, "I'll call you after I am back."

"Alright and don't worry about anything, I have got your back."

After getting Ning's assurance, Meili composed herself and left.


Mo base.

"Big boss I don't know how to say this but I think that your brother is being duped."

Yichan frowned and inquired, "What do you mean?"

Opening his laptop, Jason started explaining the entire thing that had happened, "So when I was trying to find out more details about your brother Mo Yitian—"

"And why would you try to find more details about the youngest Mo family member?" Muchan inquired.

"Hmm, because big boss asked me to," Jason answered.

Ignoring the huge grin on Muchan's face, Yichan snapped, "Jason finish what you were explaining."

"Oh yes, so when I was trying to find out the details, I learned that he is working for some online software company."

Yichan nodded his head and said, "Yes, what about that?" He clearly remembered Ning mentioning Yitian working for some online company.

"So to make my report more precise, I decided to find out more details about the software company and also to make sure that it's safe but a very strange thing happened." Scrunching his brows, Jason continued, "You remember those security walls I had to break through to get the details about Yang Weilong?"

When Yichan nodded his head, he added, "That software company had the same system."


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