The Devil’s love

Chapter 223 - Dragon And Swift

"So when are you going to help me?"

Without taking his eyes off the screen, Jason answered, "After I am done dealing with this." ​​


Cutting him off, Jason snapped, "But if you keep disturbing me like this then I might break my promise and not help you at all."

"You can't break your promise, that is against the bro code," Linhou frowned.

"Alright, only the people who know how to code can stay in this room, others please leave," Jason announced.

"But we are the only ones here and only you know how to code." When Jason gave him a weird look, Linhou cleared his throat and quietly left the room.

After having all the space that he needed, Jason tried to find a very concrete way to get through the security system which was getting on his way and interrupting his plans.

He raised his brows and chuckled when he realized that it was the same system which belonged to some 'Dragon' he had been cracking into.

"Good job making a bit complicated man," he praised Dragon before focusing on his work.

Jason had no idea who this Dragon was but the same person being involved in everything couldn't be just a coincidence. Either this Dragon really ran some kind of a company and helped people secure the important information and sucked at it or he/she was directly involved in it.


Misou Island.

Kiara and Elizabeth's room.

Staring at Elizabeth's computer, Kiara sighed. She often got a very bad headache whenever she looked into her computer because it had nothing but files and some weird words which she could never understand.

"Elizabeth, how long?" she shouted.

"Ten minutes," Elizabeth shouted from the washroom.

Slumping on the chair, Kiara tapped her fingers on the desk when suddenly the entire system beeped and multiple screens started opening on its own.

Not having any idea what was happening, Kiara panicked and tried to shut down the screen but nothing worked.

"Elizabeth, I think your computer is sick," she shouted.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I-Its working on its own," she answered.

Within a couple of seconds, Elizabeth rushed out of the washroom with only a towel wrapped around her body. "What did you do again?"

Raising both her hands up in the air, Kiara vigorously shook her head, "I swear I did not do a thing, something just beeped and everything started working on its own."

"Damn it, someone has the complete access to the computer," Elizabeth gritted her teeth before trying to take control of her entire system.

Looking at her state, Kiara suggested, "Umm, do you want me to get you some clothes?"

Glaring at her, she snapped, "Do you think that I even care whether I am wearing any right now or not?" Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she added, "Just go from here and close the door when you leave."

"Should I tell boss about it?"

"Are you nuts? Let me handle the situation first and then if things go very out of control then I'll tell boss about it," Elizabeth answered.

"Hmm okay, I'll take my leave now and come back later."

After Kiara left, Elizabeth cursed herself for being so careless and started trying finding ways to stop whatever was happening.

Just then a message popped up on her screen.

[Swift: I know it's you]

Gritting her teeth in annoyance, she groaned in frustration.

[Dragon: Why can't you just leave me alone?]

[Swift: Why are you always there when I am looking for something? Coincidence? I don't think so]

[Dragon: What did I do this time? I was just minding my own business when you cyberly attacked me]

[Swift: I will leave you alone for as long as I can if you tell me how do you know Mo Yitian]

Elizabeth frowned and wondered how Jason knows about Yitian before replying,

[Dragon: I have no idea who you are talking about]

[Swift: Fine don't tell me but I am sure that I will definitely get something if I scan through your system thoroughly]

She panicked and tried to stop him but she also knew that it was of no use.


Mo base.

Jason's room.

"Holy mother of God," Jason sighed when he saw several files which had their names written on it. Yichan, Ning, Linhou, Jason, Guiren, Meili, Lucas and Yitian, everyone had a file which was loaded with every small detail about them.

[Swift: Who the hell are you?]

[Dragon: You are seriously going to pay for this]

Thinking for a couple of seconds, Jason turned on the webcam's to get a glimpse of who Dragon was but completely contrary to what he had expected, a half naked woman with just a towel wrapped around her chest appeared on the screen.

He widened his eyes in shock and muttered, "You are a woman."

"You—" Covering the webcam, Elizabeth snapped, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Why Dragon if you are not a man? Why not use something that will define your gender? Like Barbie doll or Pinky?"

Sensing his distraction, Elizabeth turned off the webcam and knocked him out of the system.

[Dragon: You'll seriously pay for this]

After shutting down his laptop, Jason crawled in his bed and buried his face on the pillow but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about whatever he had just seen and he was not thinking about the files under their names but Dragon who had actually turned out to be a woman, a beautiful woman.



"Ning," Suyan got up and gave Ning a hug.

"Sister Suyan, how are you? Why didn't you call me for so many days?" Ning inquired.

"I thought you were busy so—"

Cutting her off, Ning sighed, "We are family and friends sister Suyan, you can call me whenever you want to."

Placing his hand on Ning's back, Yichan suggested, "Why don't we go inside and talk?"

"Yes, the table is ready, we should go," Bojing added.

"Why don't you both go in and we will be there in a minute," Suyan said.

Thinking that Suyan might want to talk to her alone, Ning nodded her head, "Yes, I need to use the ladies room first."

"Alright, we will be waiting for you inside."

After Bojing and Yichan left, Suyan and Ning made their way towards the ladies room.

Inside the Ladies room.

"What happened sister Suyan? Is there something you want to talk about?" Ning inquired.

Suyan nodded her head and gulped in nervousness, "I don't know how to put all of this together but I think someone is following me."

Scrunching her brows, Ning asked, "What do you mean?"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Suyan sighed, "Whenever I am out, I always feel that someone is following me everywhere." Grabbing her hand, she added, "I can sense it Ning and it feels so weird."

"There are guards with you all the time right?" When she nodded her head, Ning continued, "Did you tell brother Bojing about it?"

"No, I mean I did tell him about it a while ago but he told me that everything is normal but I cannot stop but feel that way so I—"

Cutting her off, Ning said, "So you stopped going out of the house?" When Suyan nodded her head, she sighed, "Sister Suyan you shouldn't hide such things and keep it to yourself, you need to talk to brother Bojing about it. You can't just stay at home all the time and ignore what is happening around you. What if it's something dangerous and someone is following you for real?"

"I just don't know what to tell him and how to explain all of this, what if he thinks that I am crazy?"

Grabbing her hand, Ning explained, "You know that brother Bojing would never think that way. In fact, he was the one who invited us for dinner, I think that he is worried about you. You should just talk this out so you both can feel better." Pausing for a while, she added, "I am telling you, talking always helps and solves all kinds of problems but keeping things to yourself and not discussing it causes a lot of problems. Things have just got better between you and brother Bojing so don't mess this up by making the same mistake Yichan and I made."


Inside the restaurant.

"I heard what happened in the old residence today." Pausing for a while, Bojing inquired, "So what makes you think that taking him to your place is a right decision?"

"I don't know whether this is right or wrong but keeping him close to keep an eye on him is a wise decision," Yichan explained.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Bojing asked, "What about his wife and son? Are you okay staying with them too?" When Yichan did not say anything, he added, "I will talk to grandpa and ask him to take them in, I don't want you to get involved in this mess."


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