The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 375 - Tempting A New Servant (II)


The vibrant surge of Sin caused Destrys' eyes to widen in shock. According to his knowledge, the slightest bit of Arcanic Arts should render demonic transformation impossible. Yet, the surge of energy emitting from Sappyhr's body was alarmingly pure.

"How is this possible?" Destrys questioned with an incredulous expression. Even Fuhrer was shocked by the enormous difference. Compared to Typhir's change, the one Sapphyr was experiencing was at least twice as strong.

Although this didn't mean the state of their Sins were worlds apart, it did mean that her starting state could be much higher than the rest. This type of Sin was only found in demons at the Greater Demon level, or perhaps even Archdemon.

However, it didn't truly pass that threshold. Instead, Apollo's energy enabled an absurd change to take place within those he conquered. As a result, Fuhrer grew increasingly bewildered as the process advanced.

'The signs of the Supreme Demon Body. It appears the bloodline embedded in his soulblood is resurfacing. The sole leading ability of the Old Monarch is budding into fruition!' Fuhrer thought as his bewildered expression changed into one of excitement.

Meanwhile, Apollo's eyes cycled through an assortment of colors and symbols. Since Sapphyr held a strong affinity towards a few Sins, Apollo took the initiative to introduce her to them early on. Perhaps this would have a beneficial effect.

'It wasn't my decision; the Sin acted of their own accord and Luxuria even seemed to incite the others. Perhaps they share a relationship while inside my body, unlike the outside situation where each of them seeks to overpower one another.'

Admittedly, the reason behind this rudimentary coexistence was Apollo's partially sealed ability. Although he couldn't verify it because of the omitted information, ever since then, both his Sin's sentience and his Demon's felt more controllable.

'Could it be that Adamantine Servitude means everything under my control will fall under irrevocable domination? If so, what is a providence then? So many questions, yet not enough answers. Perhaps Fuhrer understands what a providence is,' Apollo mused while glancing towards Fuhrer.

Unfortunately, a few moments later, Apollo was forced to return his attention back towards Sapphyr. That momentary lapse in focus nearly cost him the entire process. Although his body could handle the simultaneous influx of Sin, Sapphyr's couldn't.

Thus, Apollo was tasked with introducing the Sins one at a time, with Luxuria being the first. However, while extremely focused, Fuhrer appeared alongside him.

"Your knowledge surrounding the relationship and orientation of Sin is lacking. Although I have told that the relationship is toxic in the past, in truth, some of the Sin possess higher affinities towards each other," Fuhrer revealed before pointing toward the faint pink energy wreathing Apollo's finger.

After this action, Fuhrer continued. "Luxuria is a Sin with many branching pathways. After all, lust doesn't just relate to the matters of craving the opposite gender. No, its true purpose originates from desiring someone or something that produces a heavy attraction."

"In others, Luxuria shares a close relation with Greed?" Apollo questioned while upholding unwavering focus. After all, he couldn't afford to lose it. A failed change produced a frightening situation. Because, if an activated Sin entered a body other than a Demon, it led to an inevitable explosion.

Sin found in foreign bodies was always in a dormant state. Hence, why no other race except demons could forge attacks with this type of energy. Once the energy traveled through a Demon's vessel, the dormant abilities of the respective sin were activated. 

If left alone, the destructive capabilities were simply frightening. 

"Correct. They do indeed share a close relationship. Luxuria can be seen as an initializing agent. After boundless lust comes the existence of greed. Especially so if the user manages to indulge in what they lust after. However, there is also an inverse relationship. Can you guess what that might be?" Fuhrer asked with a faint smile.

Stepping to his other side, Fuhrer examined the area under Apollo's finger to find a faint mark. This intrigued Fuhrer enough to even address it, "Also, are you trying to forge a simplification of the Stigmata on her body?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just acting as the catalyst. The rest is being accomplished by my released Sin," Apollo answered. However, judging by Fuhrer's expression, Apollo felt he knew something, "What is it?"

"The correct answer would be yes. You released this Sin, so by default, it has absorbed a portion of your desires. And, since you desire strong subordinates, it is carrying out your wishes to the best of its abilities, albeit somewhat lacking."

This revelation surprised Apollo. 'Could my control of Sin really have come such a long way? From barely surviving the temptation of Ira to having Luxuria operate on my subconscious whims? If so, the changes brought about by this evolution are simply astonishing!'

Meanwhile, Apollo also took the time to address Fuhrer's earlier question after giving the matter some thought, "Let's see. I feel as if there are two possible answers."

"There are, but they are situational and well as sequential. Thus, try to determine the relationship between the two and give me an answer," Fuhrer responded. Since Apollo's interaction with Sin was increasing, now was the best time for Fuhrer to impart as well as have Apollo comprehend information that carried far into the future.

For a while, Apollo fell silent while pondering the relationship between the two Sins floating around in his thought. Truth be told, he felt the placements were interchangeable at first, however, upon further analysis, Apollo found that the three sins should indeed possess a concrete order.

"First comes the lust, but greed isn't the next sensation to come about. No, it's situational and dependent on the fulfillment. Thus, if the lust is indulged, it will ultimately lead to greed. However, if the lust is denied, then it is bound to create envy. Which shall soon morph into the rage of absence," Apollo muttered.

Based on his expression, Apollo's answer gave Fuhrer a pleasant surprise, "Correct. You have described the interpersonal relation between Luxuria, Avaritia, Invidia, and Ira. In other words, you have arrived at the core of this lady's plagues. 

"Essentially, what you've done is depicted the struggles of the woman before you. By understanding the Sin, you can determine which arrived first in a person and how their experiences influenced the Sin," Fuhrer explained.

Afterward, Apollo was hit by inspiration, "If this is her path of Sin, what would happen if I emulate the sequence?"

Instead of giving a concrete answer, Fuhrer chuckled, "Why don't you try it out and see? You should be willing to task risks because your future will be filled with them."

In response, Apollo nodded and chose to test theories. First, he made sure to reach the limit of Luxuria Sapphyr's body could contain then immediately switched to Invidia. The reason behind this was simple, Apollo was aware of part of Sapphyr's past.

'Greed never appeared in her past because she never managed to overcome her sister. Thus, she envied the strength and position of her sister. And, that envy is what fueled Sapphyr to overstrain herself,' Apollo inwardly thought.

Sometime later, the capacity of Invidia was reached, leading Apollo to focus on Ira now. Compared to the rest, however, Apollo gawked upon acknowledging the depth of her capacity. 'This vessel for her Ira is at least 5 times larger than the rest! The hatred she carries for her families must be unmatched.

Then again, Sapphyr did suffer the torment of Sarai for countless and that treatment bled from her to her mother. And, due to her immense potential, her grandfather—the Grand Master of the Braum Family—indirectly permitted this behavior.

Anything to appease his beloved grandfather Sarai.

'Perhaps this is why I have taken a liking to you. Similar circumstances birth similar paths. Plus, it makes for an easy target to mold into a follower,' Apollo thought before finally addressing the last Sin.

Although Avaritia was present, it wasn't as strong as the rest, which meant its presence was fairly new. In fact, Apollo was almost certain that this greed was born from Destrys' inheritance place.

After all, that was the only area she tasted true power. And, after receiving it she wished for more. Unfortunately, the time Destrys could keep them inside was already exhausted. At this point, his energy reserves within this fragmented being were mere fumes, at best. 

Nevertheless, Apollo still deluged her body with the respective Sin. Once the process was down, Apollo took a step back as watched the change.

Unlike Typhir, Sapphyr wasn't a demon of destruction. On the contrary, her form stayed slender with accentuated curves. However, her eye-catching feature were two wings made from obsidian bones unfurling from her back.

Furthermore, the inner structure was then outfitted with shadowy feathers reminiscent of flames. In fact, it was nearly identical to the initial state of Hellfire, except it didn't offer the sensation of change.

"Well, what do we have here. To think this young lady would awaken the Dark Abyss Flames. Then again, I should have expected as such. She does possess the proper assortment of Sin," Fuhrer nodded in approval.

Meanwhile, Sapphyr's eyes opened, and they were quite odd, to say the least. For the most part, they were amethyst, but there was a ring of pure silver surrounding them. Which led Apollo to believe possessed some type of abnormality.

However, although Sapphyr's eyes were opened, she seemed panicked.

"Oh, she might not be able to move. There's an issue with the Dark Abyss Flames. When they're first activated, they try to drag their summoner's mind to the abyss. I suggest you help her," Fuhrer commented. 

"Tch, why does everything have to be such a hassle?" Apollo grumbled before summoning his wings and flying up towards Sapphyr.

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