The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 374 - Tempting A New Servant (I)


After Destrys insisted for Apollo to rethink his decision, Apollo paused in his steps. 'Could it be possible he understands what I'm going to request? If so, why would he suggest that holding on to the favor would be better?'

Due to his raised questions, Apollo could only ask for confirmation from Destrys, "Why do you believe it's best to wait?"

"That answer is a quite simple one, young lad. As you know, this is just a fragment of myself. Any favor you ask me to fulfill can only be partially done. However, that partial completion will still count as repayment since I am capable of accomplishing your requests better than you are."

Admittedly, Apollo couldn't retort this. With both extensive experience from years of life as well as the attainments produced by those experiences triumphed over Apollo's without end. Anything Apollo sought to do, most likely took no more than a glance for Destrys.

"That may be true, but what if my request is something that I can't do alone? For example, gaining entrance to the Doman of the Spirits," Apollo finally countered after digesting Destrys' remark.

For a moment, Destrys was surprised but then he chuckled, "If you're anything like your predecessor then I'd have to decline that request. Who knows how much carnage has been woven into your soul due to the adversities of your life."

"But your words."

"I understand what I promised, however, part of that blame is held by the Spirits. Therefore, there is no telling what atrocities you'll commit while inside that place. But, if you're willing to face a limitation, I can entertain that thought," Destrys replied before wielding a thoughtful expression.

"A limitation? How intrusive will it be?" Apollo inquired. After dealing with Destrys, Apollo understood his personality, so there was a chance his restriction wasn't as bad as he thought. Hence, Apollo's current intrigue.

"It's a simple restriction. You'll be restricted to my domain personally and I'll even show you a few things should you ever find the time to arrive there," Destrys offered before gazing behind Apollo, "Before that, I suggest cultivation your forces with unwavering focus."

A quick glance at where Destrys paid attention to gave Apollo a glimpse of what he hinted towards, "Can you see the power of the Old Monarch in them?"

"That goes without saying. After all, there is no one more familiar with his power. The power to elevate his own. It was quite an unusual thing. Perhaps it went even beyond him," Destrys muttered while recounting his old experiences.

A genuine smile appeared on his face, but it soon faded as he relinquished his thoughts of those times. No matter how much he wished for it to happen, it was near impossible to retrieve or even relive the past.

It'd take an extremely ethereal moment to enter the required state to detach oneself from reality to that extent.

Nevertheless, Apollo's mind was changed after Destrys offered this. However, there was something he still required confirmation about. "Does the restriction offer me another incomplete favor in return?"

"You sly boy. Only time can tell. Perhaps there will be a time where we must call upon each other. At that time, maybe payment will be the least of our worries," Destrys remarked. Although his tone was light, there was a solemn light in his eyes.

In return, Apollo agreed, albeit barely. 

Then, Apollo brought up another issue.

"You said a demon can't make a contract with a Spirit. Then, in your own way, how do you see that girl? Is she a Spirit or Human?" Apollo questioned. At the same time, his finger was pointed towards Sapphyr, who looked at him with a weird expression.

"Well, in truth, she's neither. She is not a human or a Spirit. Thus, I don't think either of the restrictions limits her body. However, there is also an issue as she can never truly evolve into a Spirit because of her birth," Destrys answered.

Unlike Demons, which are the embodiment of Sin, Spirits operate on what's known as Arcana in their world. And, without an Arcanic Source tied to the origins of Spirits, it was impossible to become a Spirit.

Furthermore, an Arcanic Source couldn't be artificially made. Thus, why the other  3 races wished to monitor the Demons extensively. Among the 4 races, the Demons were the race with the strongest procreation rate. This was due to their ability to bypass the need for a Sinful Organ and produce it after birth.

In the eyes of the other races, if left unmonitored, the Demons would be able to propagate endlessly and cause an uprising. The clause banning interracial offsprings was put in place to mostly limit the Demons.

If their abilities met with any of the other upper races, the resulting offspring would be a near-impossible force. Especially if that offspring awakened to both sides of their powers.

"So you mean to say, she can still be melded to one's liking?" Apollo questioned with an interested gleam in his eyes. The way he looked at Sapphyr was akin to a toddler receiving a shiny new toy.

The gaze unsettled her, but she didn't react strongly. Instead, she listened to their conversation with interest. 'I had a feeling I was no longer human, but what is Apollo? The way he speaks carries no trace of humanity in it.'

All of a sudden, Apollo beckoned for Sapphyr. While doing so, his body changed before her very eyes. From his initial human appearance, he took on his Greater Demon form. Revealing his mystifyingly enthralling horns.

Sapphyr's jaw dropped. The abrupt change nearly short-circuited her mind, leaving Sapphyr frozen in mid-gasp. Meanwhile, she subconsciously stepped closer to Apollo out of fear. 

Typically, one would retreat upon signs of fear, however, Sapphyr was the opposite and for a good reason. After fighting Apollo, she was aware that her speed paled in comparison. If he wished to, Apollo could catch her in an instant. Hence, she felt it was useless to even try to run.

Not to mention, the area was sealed off. Without the inference of a presence like Fuhrer or Destrys, any occupant of this space would have to wait until the Umbyronic Source Orb exhausted its current energy supply and ejected them from the realm. 

A few moments later, she stood before Apollo's eclipsing figure with a faint tremble. However, Apollo's reassurance doused her taut nerves.

"Relax, it is still me. This is just my true form I have kept hidden. Surely you've expected something was amiss with me. After all, who else acts like me? Nevertheless, that isn't why I brought you here. Would you like to get stronger? Perhaps...strong enough to obtain vengeance?"

"Vengeance? I'm strong enough now," Sapphyr responded. After her transformation, not only did her power increase but so did her confidence. As a result, the target of her vengeance was always in mind.

"No, I don't believe so. I have a clear picture of that woman in my mind. Sarai, was it? Looking back, I can tell her general power level and you are about thirty percent weaker than her. Plus, ample time has passed. Do you think her progress has stagnated?

"Are you trying to tell me that Sarai was already a Spirit Lord at that time? That can't be true, how do you know?" Sapphyr exclaimed. Her eyes rattled as she looked at Apollo due to his revelation. Right now, she was no stronger than an early Spirit Lord.

  This included Xezym's upgrade as well. Sarai and her SPirit were bound to have advanced through the realm by now. Thus, Sapphyr's confidence took a small blow.

Fortunately, Apollo was counting on this temporary state of hopelessness. After all, a Demon's powers worked best when the victim was in a near powerless state. With their vulnerable mind, a complete change was inbound.

As such Apollo leaned next to her ear while using a lulling tone. The Luxuria in his body activated as faint signs of the Corrupted Eyes appeared. "Tell me, Sapphyr. What would you say if I told you can help solve this issue? As you know, I've already helped you once before."

Before responding, Sapphyr's eyes illuminated with a light pink hue. Then, haze shrouded her mind as she fell under Apollo's spell, "Can you really help? Will I be able to end the tyranny of Sarai? My mother doesn't deserve that treatment... and my father is powerless against my grandfather."

"If memory serves, it should be quite easy," Apollo replied.

At the same time, Destrys and Fuhrer exchanged surprised gazes. "Is this body using a new Sin?" Destrys questioned.

"Oh yes, perhaps I forgot to tell you, but my Lord has already completed the initial transformations. He holds infantile control over every Sin. Don't you see the familiar stigmata etched upon his body~?" Fuhrer answered with a proud smile.

Consequently, Destrys examined Apollo's body to find it was true. 'They're more concealed than I remember. Then again, I had only met the old guy when he was Daemos.'

While Fuhrer and Destrys talked amongst themselves, Apollo moved forward with his plan. Each of the Sin streams in his body separated in preparation for the process. When creating a follower, it was best to let the Sin determine its affinity. Because each one possessed their own sentience.

Gradually, Ira, Superbia, Avaritia, and Invidia permeated his palm once it made contact with Sapphyr's forehead. Clearly, Sapphyr's deep-rooted malice held a large effect on the Sins that interacted with her.

On the other hand, Apollo was delighted with this development, 'Although the Sins are different, she should be on par or even stronger than Geneva!'


A surge of Sin then flowed inside Sapphyr's body.

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