The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 376 - A Stream Of Surprises


Eventually, Apollo arrived before Sapphyr, whose body continually released an obscure sensation. Although it was similar to the void used by Fuhrer, it was fundamentally different, as well as weaker. After all, the abyss just meant an abandoned realm in the possession of the demons.

However, the void was linked to all worlds. If one's expertise was high enough, then traveling to a different world by use of the void wasn't far-fetched. In fact, during his prime, this was exactly how Fuhrer performed any assassinations he was meant to carry out.

Needless to say, this was another reason why many races and even individuals wished to see him dead.

Nevertheless, their hope couldn't be fulfilled because Fuhrer's life force was exceedingly difficult to threaten. Even though his body existed, most of his sustenance remained tied to the Nihilistic Rings. Thus, if they wished to see his demise, it'd require the location of the Nihilistic Rings.

But, as of now, its position was well hidden.

Meanwhile, Apollo hovered before Sapphyr with an odd expression. Unlike moments before, where her eyes were thrumming with power, Sapphyr's gaze was blank and nearly lifeless.

"It seems her flames are quite powerful. It's dragging along and passing through her mind faster than estimated. Lad, not to rush you but I suggest you act quicker. Only her master can help her in this situation. Remember, everything given to her was once a part of you, thus you should also know what to do," Fuhrer revealed before taking a seat next to Destrys in a chair formed from dark energy.

"It's quite odd. How did he manage to evolve so quickly? Or, is there another mystery behind his change?" Destrys inquired. The last time he saw Apollo, even if the time was distorted in this place, he was a mere Leser Demon. Furthermore, there were no signs of all seven sins being active, which gave rise to even more questions.

As Fuhrer trusted Destrys, he decided to reveal what he knew, even though it was incomplete. Except for Apollo and Azridan, no other demon knew of this system's presence, "It'll be the latter with a mixture of the former."

Before continuing Fuhrer paused for a moment before gathering his thoughts, "You see, he didn't evolve fast at all, but, the sublimation of his Sins did happen rather fast. As his offspring, this much should be expected, but there's also a change in him that I can't quite pinpoint."

"Would you deem this change as bad or good?"

"Indeterminable at this point. It'll require further monitoring. But, for now, I feel this change is beneficial. Of course, this is just my opinion, so the particulars are susceptible to change," Fuhrer responded.

Afterward, he continued to silently watch Apollo handle the situation in his hands.

Since this matter what unfamiliar to Apollo, his first thought was to approach it from a delicate angle, 'If she is being dragged to the abyss, then the I'll just have to attract her. However, the question is how much force is required to do so? If I'm too gentle the chance of failure is high, but if I'm too rough, now only can I damage her mind, but her potential could be ruined.

Left in a dilemma, Apollo didn't realize the area around him emitted a ripple with the consistency of jelly. Once it spread further and encased Sapphyr, the pace of her chest rising and falling slowed dramatically. At first, this escaped Apollo's notice because one, he wasn't looking for it, and two, this power was completely unfamiliar to Apollo.

Although it was unexpected, this activation was helpful nonetheless. Especially after the system detailed its presence.

〈System Alert: Acedia's ability «Languished Perception» has activation. Everything will feel slowed down until you release the sphere of Acedia.〉

While the white sphere continued to glow around them, Apollo took this given time to examine Sapphyr closely. While it seemed like she lost complete control of her body, that wasn't the case. 

Even though it was almost imperceptible, Apollo managed to locate an anomaly. A spark of dark energy traveled back and forth between her thumb and middle finger, with a changing frequency. However, if it was put into a message, then this signaled translated to something Apollo understood.

"So that's what you need? Understood," Apollo muttered before raising his arms. With both of his palms opened by her ears, Apollo formed two orbs of dark energy, except the energy became more compact.

"Does he intend to do what I think he does?" Destrys inquired with a bewildered expression.

However, despite searching for an answer, Fuhrer was at the same impasse! "I'm not sure what he intends to do. Everything this boy does is quite unorthodox. Oftentimes, this issue is handled by the master devouring the flames, but that also poses an issue."

"Some of the follower's power is devoured," Destrys interjected. Though he wasn't a demon, he was extremely knowledgeable about them thanks to the teachings of the Old Monarch.

Finally, Apollo's actions left them stupefied. Two explosions of dark energy occurred by Sapphyr's ears. However, before any damage could take place, two disks appeared over her ears.

Both the vibrations and the rampant dark energy were absorbed, whilst the intent of his actions was accomplished! Sapphyr's eyes regained focus with a tinge of pain apparent from her expression.

Although Apollo tried his best to absorb the dark energy before the explosion could cause extensive damage, even with the help of his Languished Perception, the distance was too much for him to effortlessly deal with in his current state.

Fortunately, Sapphyr shook her head, "Don't worry. There's nothing wrong. Ut's just my reaction to the bit of discomfort brought about by the flame's sudden disappearance."

"You say that that, but you're not a very good liar," Apollo chuckled before injecting some Demonic Anima right under her ear. The trickle of blood seeping from her ear evaporated as the signs of pain on her face lightened. 

After it was done, Apollo smiled, "Welcome to my followers."

〈System Alert: Because the system has reached Lv.5 and you've evolved into a Greater Demon, your privileges amongst your followers are much greater. A new list has been formed.〉

〈System Alert: A list of new privileges- 〉

「You can bestow the following:

Demonic Assignment

Armament Creation

Sacrificial Evolution」

Each of these new privileges intrigued Apollo, causing him to look over each one carefully. The first on the list, Demonic Assignment related to the information Fuhrer revealed to him. However, this type of ability was something only royalty should possess, or at the very least, the council.

«Demonic Assignment»

Information: As you are currently a Greater Demon, this allows you to bestow your followers with an official demon Ranking. However, your current powers provide limitations. You're only allowed to bestow up to the title of a Demonic Earl.

Earls: Allowed up to 3.

Knights: Allowed up to 5.

President: Allowed up to 10


Upon reading this, Apollo remembered that achieving these rankings took certain requirements. However, if he could create them then wouldn't those requirements be added to his demons? Granted, those like Fuhrer and Furcas, possessed the qualifications to go beyond an Earl.

Regrettably, Apollo's current authority didn't grant his power that strong yet. Be that as it may, his current abilities were more than enough.

Then, Apollo moved on to the next privilege. 

«Armament Creation»

Information: Allows you to bestow 1 Demon with the ability to create a personal Armament. (The limit can be increased by increasing the system level alongside your evolutionary state.)

*Note: A Personal Armament differs from a Sin Armament as it doesn't have the same limitations. If forged properly, its potential could be limitless. 

Apollo's eyes widened the moment they landed upon the note. If this type of Armament was unique, then how come he couldn't use it on himself and only bestow it? After all, if he had his own Armament, then he wouldn't need to worry about conjuring anything with Hellfire.

Alas, this didn't seem to be his fate. Perhaps there were reasons behind only be able to bestow others with this ability.

Lastly, Apollo glossed over the last ability.

«Sacrificial Evolution»

  Information: As the holder of the system, you can sacrifice Experience to accelerate the evolution of your demons. However, this is only allowable up to the first phase of the Greater Demon stage. 

Of all the privileges, Apollo found this to be the most useful, but he didn't mess around with it just yet. Instead, Apollo instantly elevated Fuhrer, Furcas, and Valac's standing to that of an Earl's.

Surprisingly, this action resulted in a new string of notifications!

〈System Alert: You have reached the prerequisites to form a household. Would you like to sacrifice the medallion to officiate your household? [Y/N]?〉

Once again, the item that escaped his attention for a long time resurfaced. Except, this time the prompt informed him of reaching the prerequisite. According to Fuhrer, his prior self was only inviting trouble if he announced his household. However, with his power now, Apollo felt that it was a different story.

Regardless, he still needed Fuhrer's opinion.

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