
Moments before Apollo arrived in the space of the Umbryonic Source Orb…

Both Xezym and Sapphyr underwent shocking changes. Dark flames wreathed Xezym's body as the previously tattered robes were replaced by a seemingly dark armor. Contrary to his expectations, the armor wasn't monotone.

There were tones of silver, deep purple, and even white interlaced in the exposed sections of the armor. Furthermore, the armor didn't seem metallic, but rather made from a material mimicking its properties yet lacking the luster to be called metal.

On the other hand, Sapphyr's change was even more shocking. There were zero signs of her previous appearance and familial traits. First, her hair was now jet black. What's more, if one looked closely, it'd appeared that the tips of her hair waves with shadowy wisps.

Furthermore, her cream color skin was now a pale shade of white, as if her body had never experienced the delight of the sun. This, accompanied by the sharp glint in her silver eyes, made Sapphyr an ethereal beauty in the truest sense. With the help of Destrys, her physique could no longer be called human.

Now, she resided in a special place—a sort of limbo between Human and Spirit. As a result, she could dip into the best of both worlds without sacrificing much. At least, that was from her point of view. 

"You have both done well. I'd say you have absorbed sixty and forty percent of the legacy, respectively. I'm surprised a human has outclassed a Spirit in spiritual practices. Shocking, but not unprecedented."

After Destrys acknowledged their progress, Xezym kneeled before him with a bowed head. This respectful gesture made Destrys smile as it had been eons since someone was grateful for his help.

"Your guidance has been life-changing. I will take what you have instilled in me and continue to hone myself. My progress doesn't stop her. It is merely the beginning," Xezym vowed before lifting his head to meet Destrys' approving gaze.

Obviously, Xezym was well aware that Destrys was the sole reason for his unspeakable changes. The techniques, as well as the energy he was subjected to inside the Legacy Gate, were beyond his previously limited mind.

The utilization, the practices, the in-depth resonance with darkness—once all of these factors merged into one, it created the gateway to Xezym's liberated understanding. 

"Very well. However, actions are the true manifestation of words. I'd prefer your action over your words. Only then can I instill my complete trust in you. Until then, I simply wish you luck," Destrys replied before turning his attention towards a minor fracture in space.

Gradually, it expanded to reveal a body being dumped inside. At a glance, he was unfamiliar with them. However, a thrum deep inside his being led Destrys to believe this was the individual he sought.

'So the time has come. Let the grudges subside and the future grant a new embrace,' Destrys thought to himself. As this was the first time he had ever seen Erebane, there was bound to be some deep-rooted malice. After all, what child didn't hold resentment after learning of their parent's absence?

This was true even for matters that didn't involve the apparent. Until it was addressed, it was hard to find the true source to blame.

Suddenly, the portal expanded once again due to the influx of more people. One by one, Apollo and his followers entered the portal. After his initial shock, Apollo smiled before examining both Xezym and Sapphyr.

However, before addressing them, Apollo nodded towards Fuhrer, who used a special energy to levitate Erebane and send him towards Destrys. 

"I appreciate your favor," Destrys thanked before waving his hand lightly. Erebane's battered body stopped before Destrys. A small evaluation was made before Destrys chuckled lightly, "They really did a number on you, but most of this damage is your own doing. Nonetheless, I shall help you."

A stream of extremely pure dark energy punctured Ereabne's chest inducing a small jerk. However, Ereabne's eyes slammed open afterward because of the indescribable pain coursing through his body.

"Bear with it. This is needed. Most of your internals have been rupturing. The exterior might seem to be healing, but it is only a deceiving facade; our specialty as dark spirits," Destrys revealed.

As this happened, Sapphyr approached Apollo of her own accord before looking at him with an odd gaze, "You look different. Are you supposed to look this old?"

"Likewise," Apollo returned with a chuckle. A cursory glance highlighted many changes about Sapphyr, "I could even say you're almost an entirely different person."

After a brief pause, Apollo touched her hair to find it possessed a bizarre property. It was almost illusory. "I like this look. It's much more appealing than what you were before."

For a moment, Sapphyr paused before recalling moments before she was thrust inside that dark place. At first, she wanted to blame Apollo for any torture she could experience, but contrary to what she thought, the unorthodox training didn't allow her the luxury of monitoring her surroundings.

Thus, instead of resentment, Sapphyr appreciated Apollo's odd act of kindness, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to change."

Apollo nodded faintly but the vibe in the surrounding turned tense and even dark! A cluster of Ira appeared around Apollo's hand before stabbing it towards Sapphyr without any prior indication of an attack.

Sapphyr's eye widened in response, leaving her minimal time to react. Fortunately, the time spent inside the Legacy Gate wasn't just for show. A thin layer of dark energy secreted from her pores before melding with a body.

Once this was done, Apollo's strike came in contact with her body, yet his expression morphed into one of shock. His arm passed right through her as if he was striking air! However, Apollo noticed a few abnormalities.

At the site of his attack, numerous shadowy wisps matching the ones dancing from her hair strafed across her ribs.

'A technique similar to the Umbra Phantom Mantle? But, it seems to be at a lower level since her control is lacking,' Apollo mused. Then, he spun and encased his single arm in the aura of the Umbra Phantom Mantle.

This time, she couldn't avoid the strike. Sapphyr was forced back once Apollo's strike landed on her torso. Although he didn't use his full strength, her ability to remain standing and only be forced back a few steps astounded Apollo. 

Conversely, Sapphyr was in utter shock. 'He's grown this strong in that short amount of time. I'm almost sure of it. He's stronger than I was before I was given this opportunity. But, I'mnot the same anymore!'


A surge of dark energy billowed forth from Sapphyr's body. In the next moment, she retrieved a rapier. While it appeared similar to her old one, Destrys fundamentally changed its property. Colorless inscriptions absorbed her emitted energy, which soon precipitated a change in the weapon.

A light hum was produced as Sapphyr rushed towards Apollo.

Not willing to back down either, Apollo mimicked her response. Except, different from his first attack, both of his arms were now wreathed in the vast aura of the Umbra Phantom Mantle.

'Hopefully, I can control this properly. It's my first time trying to use this aura as a way of attack.'


A resounding explosion occurred the moment they collided. Sapphyr's rapier stabbed Apollo's cross-guarded arms. However, she didn't stop there. In a fluid motion, Sapphyr performed an aerie spin, intending to land a sharp kick on the top of Apollo's head.

Unfortunately, Apollo's senses were too keen. An ominous glint flashed in his eyes as Apollo's left arm morphed into the Infernal Arm of Damnation. Once the transformation was completed, Apollo responded with a punch.


Another deafening collision took place. This time, however, Sapphyr was forced back a lot further. Yet, Apollo didn't relent. He stormed forth through the cloud of dark energy and appeared before Sapphyr.

"This is a nice stretch. But, I know you're hiding something. This can't be the extent of what you've learned," Apollo remarked before unleashing yet another relentless strike. Under the barrage of his attacks, Sapphyr could only defend with a solemn gaze.

"That smug attitude. I've always hated it. Just watch, I'll fix that for you right now!" Sapphyr exclaimed. Three ripples occurred behind her before coalescing into three darkness blade. They weren't just any blade though.

Apollo's eyes widened upon perceiving them, "So, you've managed to learn that same technique? Then, let's see how it matches up against mine."

Similarly, the same ripples took place behind Apollo. The Void Rend blades hurtled towards one another before causing a terrifying explosion of dark energy. Both sides retreated while coughing.

Despite neither side coming out on top, Apollo smiled, "As I thought. You were hiding it well. Destrys has given you something, hasn't he?" During the time of impact, Sapphyr's blade underwent a subtle change.

Although it was easy to overlook, Apollo spotted it due to his familiarity with the power. It was the same exact power Erebane power against Fuhrer, albeit at a minuscule scale in comparison. 

All of a sudden, Fuhrer coughed, "You two just couldn't wait to gauge each other's strengths? As expected of youth. The vigor accompanied by that age is bliss."

In response to Fuhrer's remark, Apollo's partial transformation gradually subsided. 

"We'll call it a tie and continue this later. In the meantime, I have something to request of you Destrys. Do you need to monitor his recovery, or can you accompany me?" Apollo inquired.

"Oh? Seeking to redeem your favor already? Impatience sometimes ruins the worth and indulgence of a moment. Are you sure this is what you wish for right now? The minuscule often impairs the greater picture."

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