The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 292 - Effortless Disposal (I)


When Fuhrer's sword rose above his head, Jorgun's expression became extremely serious. The sensation that pulsated from Fuhrer's sword felt like it would cause imminent death. If he wasn't careful, even his durable physique wouldn't allow him to stay alive. 


Nevertheless, this heightened power also caused him to feel an excitement that invigorated his entire being. His Destruction Intent flooded his ax as he waved it around his body. Since it appeared that Fuhrer required some time to channel the power needed to complete the strike, he took it upon himself to interrupt it.

Albeit strong, his strikes seemed to meet some type of force field that diminished a large amount of its force before coming into contact with Fuhrer's body. When he saw Jorgun became agitated by this, Fuhrer smirked, "Certain applications are beyond your knowledge. In a fight, brute force isn't all that matters."

"It might not be all that matters, but it plays a large role!" Jorgun retorted in a snapping manner. Afterward, his next strike became much more overbearing. A small cracking sound could be heard as a veil-like barrier experience some damage.

Yet, even with the presence of this crack, Fuhrer's expression didn't change in the slightest. In fact, he let the barrier continued to be bombarded by energy as he glanced up at his sword. The specks of purple were vanishing, only to be replaced by shining motes of silver.

Under the continuous pounding of his ax, the barrier finally shattered. Without a moment's hesitation, Jorgun dashed in and executed a cleave that seemed to want to bisect Fuhrer's body. Even if it didn't manage to kill Fuhrer, at least it would interrupt his actions.

Alas, the reality of things was a terrible eye-opener. Fuhrer tapped his foot and landed on the ax's blade midswing and performed yet another jump to gain some distance from Jorgun. When he saw this, Jorgun was dumbfounded. The timing needed to land in the middle of someone's strike was insane! Much less, use the strike to rebound without causing any recoil whatsoever.

The longer he fought Fuhrer, the more Jorgun's confidence was damaged. This type of enemy was something he had never face before. It was as if they possessed a counter for every one of his moves and they didn't seem all that much stronger than him!

Jorgun grunted as a way to show his displeasure, 'He might be faster than me, but he isn't that much stronger than me. I must defeat him!'

After making his decision, Jorgun stretched his arm behind himself before launching his ax with immense strength. If one looked closely, they would realize the blade coated in Destruction Intent spun similar to a disk as it made a circle of ferocious forces.

At the same time, Jorgun propelled himself forward in the same path the weapon took. By the usage of his accumulation ability, he was able to stay within proximity.

On the other hand, Fuhrer smiled when he saw this application, 'Hoh? The wild usage of his Intent has caused it to cover a wider area. While it might seem to be confined to the spinning ax, in truth, it is leaking.'

The moment the strike arrived before him, Fuhrer slashed his sword downward. Unlike before where he knocked it away, the momentum behind this particular strike caused his body to slide back continuously. Concurrently, the ax continued to grind against his sword without losing the tiniest shred of momentum.

As he experienced, a few scenarios ran through Fuhrer's mind, 'If he was more skilled in the complement of this technique, it would be far more deadly. Sadly, it's a shame that isn't the case. Perhaps...I believe it's time I stop toying around with him.'

All of a sudden, Jorgun appeared right before Fuhrer, "HAHAHAHA! It is my win! Arrrggghh!!" Jorgun balled his fist together and attempted to deliver a meteoric smash to Fuhrer's body. But, at the last moment, Fuhrer's eye resembled that of a heartless assassin.

Before anything else, Fuhrer struck his free hand at Jorgun's throat. Although his hand in the form of a sword didn't pierce through Jorgun's skin, the strike was discomforting. Within the small opening he created, Fuhrer slipped away from the revolving ax and kicked it towards the spectating demons from the settlement.

Subsequently, he spun and kneed Jorgun in the exact spot from earlier while tilting his body to the side. This resulted in Jorgun's smash decimating the floor whereas his feet left the ground due to Fuhrer's merciless attack. Unfortunately, the ordeal was far from over with.

Fuhrer delivered three more spinning kicks without ever touching the ground. Yet, each following strike seemed to sound even worse than the prior one. Finally, he ended his assault with a heel drop that caused a large  crater. 

From within the cloud of dust, Fuhrer walked away from the fight. However, after ten steps, he performed an abrupt turn and slashed his sword. A beam of silver and pitch-black energy opened up a chasm that nearly swallowed Jorgun's body.

In the eyes of the rest, this was a marvel. Even apollo was surprised by how deep the fissure of this strike was. As a result, he muttered to himself, 'An effortless disposal. I can only imagine what he was capable of in his prime. Even the feats Azridan boasted about was probably nothing before this legendary figure.' 

"When you become my opponent, always be prepared to face death.  For some, that means the embrace of permanent nullification. As I said earlier, next time choose wisely. Else, you may unknowingly walk directly to your demise," Fuhrer voiced while sheathing his blade. 

As the dust cleared, it revealed Jorgun's seemingly unconscious body except there was a harrowing gash on his chest. Compared to the surface, his body seemed to be at least 3 times harder. But, this was something was aware of after trading blows with his body. 

"Heh, Vice-Leader, you're sullying our honor! This can't be all you're capable of. If so, why don't you let Tirasha take up your position? I'm sure she'll handle this old fellow much better," one of the demons, similar to Jorgun in presence appeared. 

In light of these words, Jorgun's finger twitched before his eyes slammed open. "You dare? I have not admitted defeat. Mention that hateful woman again and watch how I rip out your tongue Rakphir!" He bellowed causing the surrounding pillars to rattle.

Upon feeling this type of energy, Fuhrer paused and turned towards him. An intrigued expression filled his face as he noticed something strange about Jorgun. 'Berserker? Have those words stimulated the berserk nature of his Behemoth blood? Interesting, must I slay such a young talent?'

Compared to before, Jorgun's current power was releasing in undulating waves that continued to grow stronger. Based on his estimations, Fuhrer was sure his berserk state would end with his power surpassing that of a peak Greater Demon. 

"Heh, you don't scare me. Just like me, you are a Vice-Leader," Rakphir sneered before crossing his arms. Despite his words, Jorgun didn't pay attention to him. On the contrary, all of his attention was directed towards Fuhrer.

"Again! I will pummel you into the ground! It seems brethren have lost confidence in me! I will rectify this," Jorgun exclaimed. Without any further hesitation, Jorgun stormed forward and arrived before Fuhrer in an instant. 

Unlike before, he stopped using his Accumulation altogether. He utilized simple destructive strength to press Fuhrer. With his unrelenting assault, he managed to make Fuhrer take a few steps back, however, he truly doomed himself.

"You have committed a grave mistake," Fuhrer said. The rocks on the ground vibrated as his aura spiked. With a flash of dark light, he unsheathed his sword. A faint scratch appeared on Jorgun's torso.

Once again, his defense seemed to have increased, but Fuhrer didn't see this as an issue. As they continued to clash, Fuhrer's retreat gradually stopped.

The moment the next strike came, Fuhrer merely slashed his sword. The wind created from it bombarded Jorgun's fist. Immediately after, Fuhrer followed up by continuously launching Demonic Massacre Wave.

Numerous cuts appeared on Jorgun's body which made him enraged. On the other hand, Fuhrer remained extremely calm. He then switched to executing Nether Severances. The gashes created from these strikes were far deeper than the last.

In fact, trickles of blood seeped from the wounds. "You have brought this upon yourself." Fuhrer raised his sword. The atmosphere around him turned ghastly once again as he used the Tenebrous Sword Phantom Millennia. But, it was different when compared to before.

Each of the phantoms carried with it a trace of the Nether Severance's energy. In other words, Fuhrer had merged techniques!

Despair filled Jorgun's mind as he felt the incoming attack.


Announcement for June 1st and moving forward. (Won't affect chapter cost.)

First of all, I want to thank all of those who stuck around during my hard times, throughout the sporadic release schedule. You don't know how much your actions helped me. But, let's got to the announcement. 

As the release has stabilized, two things will be happening. I will be going full-time, devoting my time to writing. In other words, this will become my sole source of income.

On the other hand, this also means the chapter output will increase. From June 1st (EST Zone), you can expect 2 chapters per day, but we also need to recover and tackle the new Win-Win that is coming out. 

We are in this together as this is my only means of income now. Side note, since I am shifting to full-time writing, another story will be published soon. If you join the discord, you can read the chapters in advance up to ~Ch.15.


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