The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 293 - Effortless Disposal (II)


As the merged technique billowed towards Jorgun, his first instinct was to raise his guard. However, the characteristics of the attacks enabled it to bypass his defense. In front of the overbearing attack, Jorgun's defense became like paper. Innumerable lacerations appeared on his skin as the slashes continued to burrow deeper.


Furthermore, because of the nature of the Tenebrous Sword techniques, it was hard to sense, to begin with. The fact Jorgun even thought to raise his defenses was due to the berserk state heightening his instincts. Without it, the attack would unfold much faster than he could respond.

Be that as it may, he was still on the losing end. In a mere second, his roars of pain increased to a terrifying level as he fell to one knee. Seconds later, the phantasmal slashes skewer his arms to the bone. It was an odd sight to see such a colossal demon with bony arms.

  However, that was far from Fuhrer's intention. A maleficient gleam flashed in his eyes as the paths of the slash fell under his control. Most of the slash then focused on his torso, ripping it to shred. The mutilated skin held all of his organs on display. Once this sight appeared, Fuhrer raised his hand.

The residual slash merged with the intent of impacting his chest. When Apollo saw this, he understood his ruthlessness in comparison was mere child's play. The amount of tortuous Fuhrer was administering was ungodly. Even the bones on Jorgun's chest possessed deep gashes.

One had to know, injuries inflicted to the bones were many times more painful than those simply received on the exterior. At some point, the pain reached a level wherein Jorgun's reasoning and own pride crumbled.

"I beg of you! Stop the torture! I have learned from my mistakes. My actions were utterly disrespectful! I...I admit my defeat!" Jorgun gurgled as blood begun spewing from his mouth. Despite his pleading, Fuhrer's expression didn't flinch in the slightest.

When one arrived at his point, the wrath he could contain was something that would disintegrate the mind of a mere Greater Demon in an instant. Furthermore, Fuhrer didn't take kindly to disrespect. Even if the assailant was talented, it didn't change a thing. After all, in his eyes, Apollo's potential would be able to rectify all.

Anyone else was simply additional pawns in a grand battle. The main show belonged to Apollo and him alone.

"Pointless. This will be your end. Like all other beings, someone will just arise to take your place," Fuhrer responded. He then lifted his hand above his hand and gathered the residual energy of his strike into a final attack.

"Now, perish," he uttered before flicking his wrist.

In light of this attack, Jorgun closed his eyes. While he understood there was nothing he could do to survive this. He still couldn't openly accept death. If it was his fate to perish, he would rather stare into the darkness than look into those cold, deadly pupils.

All of a sudden, a gust was felt by everyone as another newcomer appeared. "Jorgun!" They bellowed before standing before the incoming phantasmal strike. They raised their hands and confronted the attack head-on.

While it turned into a struggle, the newcomer managed to subdue the strike. Granted, their palms were mutilated in the process. Not to mention, the only reason that they were able to do so was due to the strike being solely composed of residual amounts of energy. 

As he heard the voice, Jorgun's fear-filled eyes opened to the back view of a cloaked figure. "Leader! Be careful, that man is extremely dangerous. It's like staring into the gates of death themselves. Although he doesn't seem too strong, his utilization of every's too perfect!" Jorgun exclaimed. However, his actions agitated his injuries as he spurted a mouthful of blood afterward.

"I'm aware, this demon is some kind of special case," the newcomer answers while dropping their cloaks. A middle-aged face with dark blue similar to the night sky appeared. However, his golden pupils were rather odd as he gazed upon Fuhrer then at Furcas.

"Why have you all come into my settlement and caused a raucous? Do my name and reputation mean nothing?" their leader questioned while looking down at his hands. Despite his question, he didn't receive a single answer.

In fact, Apollo opened his eyes. Due to the extended duration of the battle, he was able to recover to his peak state. Truth be told he had never been filled with such power before, it was euphoric. But, something else was even more appetizing.

〈System Alert! A nearby weakened demon fulfills the criteria to be turned into a Demonic Servant. Due to your strengthened mind, it rivals that of a Greater Demon.〉

'Naturally, the system must be talking about this Jorgun fellow,' Apollo thought silently. A moment later, he issued an order to Fuhrer. When he received it, Fuhrer gave a faint nod. 

He paid no attention as he disappeared and arrived behind the newcomer, grabbing Jorgun by the head. Under the pressure of his grip, Jorgun's horns nearly crack. On the other hand, this speed astounded the newcomer.

Before they could turn around, Fuhrer had already throw Jorgun to Apollo's feet. Meanwhile, Fuhrer responded to their retaliation with an elbow, "Still the same old individual, I see. Such hasty reactions without assessing your chances."

When they heard this, the newcomer's golden eyes narrowed, "You speak as if you know me; who are you?"

"Heh, perhaps the passage of time has eroded your mind. After all, you were a mere pipsqueak back then. Nevertheless, witness as my liege takes control of your subordinate all while remaining powerless to do anything," Fuhrer said in a domineering tone. 

Afterward, a blanket of pressure bore down on him. Yet, the newcomer seemed partly unaffected, "I, Valac the Terrible, have yet to meet somewhere here who spout claims like you do. While your pressure is great, my own isn't too lacking as well."

A similar pressure then appeared from Valac's body as it clashed against the one bearing down on him. Be that as it may, Fuhrer merely smiled. In his eyes, this person was still as gullible as they were before. It then turned into a contest of aura.

Meanwhile, Apollo knelt before Jorgun's powerless body and looked into his eyes. As he did so, the system created another prompt.

〈System Alert! Do you wish to turn this demon into your servant? [Y/N]?〉

Needless to say, Apollo immediately said yes. As a result, a piercing pain burrowed into Jorgun's mind that made him release a blood-curdling shriek. Sadly, the system was something demons like himself simply couldn't go against. 

He tried to fight it but it made the process worse. At times, Valac would attempt to dash towards him, but when he did so, the pressure bearing down on him would increase due to his shift in focus. Thus, he was effectively trapped by falling victim to Fuhrer's ploy.

'It isn't my fight, however, this demon is an anomaly. His well-being doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of my strict orders. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less what happens to him,' Fuhrer thought as he continued to thwart Valac's attempts.

As his mind was battered countless times over, on the brink of disintegration, Jorgun shrieked, "Submit! I'll submit to you! So, please; put an end to the pain!  You torturous fiends, your cruelty knows no bounds!" 

The moment he uttered these words, a large portion of his mind repaired but taken over. It went without saying, he lost a portion of his own free will. A dull light similar to Zarkath's predicament appeared within his pupil. Due to this, Apollo smiled. 

  〈System Alert! You have acquired a Greater Demon Servant. Please name them to receive your rewards.〉

"Jorgun," Apollo muttered. Since he was too lazy and it was much more convenient, he decided that as long as he was aware of their names beforehand, he would allow them to keep it.

As a reward, he managed to increase his level by 1. In truth, Apollo found this to be odd. 'It seems the creation of follower, servant and the like rewards far more experience than the act of killing of them. Interesting.' Apollo thought. 

Meanwhile, Valac's pupils constricted to the size of needles when he witnessed Jorgun bow his head with loyalty to someone else. At the same time, Fuhrer finally relinquished his pressure over him.

"Blasphemous! The gall; you dare to steal my subordinate before my very eyes?! I don't know what putrid means you have used, but I will end you. All of you! You are dead!" Valac shouted in fury.

Although he was submerged in rage, a small chuckle was heard, "Uh oh, the wee little baby is throwing a tantrum again," Furcas cackled while puffing on his pipe.

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