The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 291 - Jorgun The Anomaly


In light of the pressure that Jorgun exuded, Fuhrer merely shrugged his shoulder and sent back a wave of pressure that clashed against it. Before making another move, he glanced in another direction with a small grin, "I see you, but do you see me?"


On the other hand, Jorgun found this to be disrespectful. When one averted their attention in battle, it meant one of two thing. Either they were complete amatuers who didn't under the direness of battle, or they found their opponent to be insufferenly weak. As such, it didn't warrant their complete attention. 

In Jorgun's eyes, the former was impossible to be true. The pressure Fuhrer released was extremely battle hardened. Although it wasn't immensely strong, it was compact and rivaled his own energy's brute force. Hence, Jorgun immediately found this action to be one of disrespect.

"You take me for a fool? Very well, I will show you the error of your actions!" After he yelled in a fury, Jorgun's leg swelled with power before executing a mad dash. It was similar to a rampaging bull as his body continued to pick up momentum.

In fact, Fuhrer became surprised by the sheer force he could generate, 'If I let him continue, it seems like his power must be Accumulation. Truly an ability that isn't found often.'

Rather than take the brunt of the force on, Fuhrer shifted his body to the side and retracted his left arm before ifting his right one. His right shoulder knocked Jorgun's weapon weilding wrist up at an angle whereas his left arm guided the weapon to the ground. To finish his sequence of moves, he kneed Jorgun in the torso and slammed him into the ground.

The other demons eyes widened as they witnesses this scene. In truth, when it came to Jogrun's stature, he could be seen as a behemoth. Thus, to lift his body with a single blow was something noe of these demons' could do. Yet, this slender demon was able to do so, and effortlessly at that!

Unfortunately, the strike didn't even seem to faze Jorgun as he rebounded an instant later. "What thrumming vitality you have. A blow to your Infernal Nucleus didn't even shock your internals. I wonder, beyond Accumlation, what are your other innate abilities?"

"I admit you are strong but you speak too much! Less talking and more fighting," Jorgun roared. Be  that as it may, this time, he didn't just haphazardly rush towards Fuhrer. He learned from his prior arttmept that it would just be fruitless. Fuhrer's reaqction speed was too fast and if he accumulated too much force, his momentum would become unstoppable. 

In this situation, having that happen would present immense repercussions. The only reason he didn't sustain any injury earlier was due to his odd combination of demon blood within him. Not only was he part Behemoth, but he was also part Gargoyle. In other words, compared to other demons, he was the definition of an impenetrable fortress. 

This time, he swung his ax in an arc that seemed to twist before approaching Fuhrer. When he saw that, Fuhrer withdrew his blade and brandished it with a horizontal slash. As the two blow met, a sonorous screech pierced through everyone's ears.

"Hoh? An ax forged from Purified Obsidianite. No wonder it carries such hard qualities despite lacking refinement. I guess you are adequately equipped. Sadly, it's a shame that your body lacks proper training. You must have been taught by an imbecile," Fuhrer chuckled.

All of a sudden, he performed a spin faster than anyone could react and then lashed out his leg. A crack was heard as Jorgun flew into the distance. A strong kick had been delivered to his jaw when his defenses were at their lowest.

"Although you tried to hide it, I can sense the small faltering in your defense. I guess your accumulation attainments are garbage as well; since it seems your unable to retain that force for long," Fuhrer commented.

Of course, one wouldn't take kindly to such derisive remarks. Especially, when it was a being who was saturated by the environment of Suprenis all their life. 

"Shut your damned mouth! Don't you belittle me! My circumstances are not for you to judge!" Jorgun seethed as his body started to emit a metallic stone luster. At the same time, Fuhrer was almost sure he could see it.

'He is like typhir, this fool has a Destruction Intent!' Fuhrer thought as his eyes narrowed. Whenever this type of intent appeared, especially on a demon who had already evolved into a Greater Demon, they were not to be taken lightly.

Hence, Fuhrer's sword was encased in a dark aura soon after. It was different from the aura used against the collection of foolish demons. While that one turned invisible, this one was extremely dark, almost pitch black, save for some bits of purplish energy. 

Meanwhile, the gleam of Jorgun's body stretched onto his weapon. This property is the sole reason why Obsidianite is so highly sought after. It was a pristine conductor of energies and it also presented the least amount of emission. In other words, most of the power it conducted was retained with high accuracy. 

Once again, Jorgun moved forward like a stampeding bull, but now, he seemed many times more focused. His breathing was tempestuous yet controlling. At a controlled rhythm, he released and restarted his Accumulation. When he arrived before Fuhrer he started to flail his arms.

Due to his prior actions, each strike reached a unique yet identical threshold. The winds that followed his strikes were similar to a hurricane forming. Some of the demons even had to cover their eyes to defend themselves from the winds as the sharp air sliced opened their skin.

Meanwhile, as Apollo guarded his eyes, he also noticed something. The system was producing information! Since Fuhrer was the one in battle and they were under an equal pact, the system treated Fuhrer's feats as his own.

〈System! Anomaly detected. The position of the piece is nearby and an existence retains a fragment of their presence.〉

'Anomaly? The system must be mentioning this demon, Jorgun I believe his name was. If that's the case, he must be closely related to Valac,' Apollo surmised while dismissing the notification. 

On the other hand, Fuhrer met each of Jorgun's strikes with a similar slash. Although the weight was great, Fuhrer shifted his feet and splintered the ground by channeling a portion of the force into the ground.

'Pure brute strength. Furthermore, it seems as if he is in a berserk state. Every one of his strikes is steadily rising in weight as well as speed. Very well, allow me to respond in kind,' Fuhrer inwardly thought before a dark glint circled within his eyes.

His otherwise thin body bulked up as the luster of his armor increased. "Tenebrous Practice: Darkness Amplification!"


  Fuhrer's next strike caused Jorgun to stumble back a few steps with an extremely shocked expression. However, shockingly enough, Fuhrer didn't follow up with another strike. On the contrary, he looked towards Apollo.

"Heal up as quick as possible. After all, it would appear that this fight will soon end. Do your best to recover everything to the peak state as I continue to keep this individual at bay," Fuhrer said telepathically. 

In response, Apollo nodded. While his Demonic Anima had recovered, for the most part, his Ira was pretty much depleted. Therefore, Apollo immediately started by consuming Fragments of Sin one by one.

As that took place, Fuhrer's expression became deadly, "Young demon, allow me to teach you respect for your elders. I hope that body of yours is durable enough. If not, just count this as your mistake. Next time, choose wisely."

"Tch," Jorgun clicked his tongue in return. While Fuhrer's words seemed to be straightforward, they truly possessed more than one meaning. Everything grew quiet before a disturbance was kicked up.

Fuhrer's chaotic aura brimmed with tremendous strength as he dashed forward and slashed his sword downwards. Compared to Jorgun's rush, Fuhrer's dash was on par with his max speed. 

Luckily, Jorgun was able to take a step in retreat but there remained a trace of horror etched into his soul. Fuhrer's sword has impaled the ground and caused a deep fissure. If that landed on his body, he would have undoubtedly received from damage.

Due to the presence of that strike serving as a rude awakening, he now knew this was no laughing matter. After exhaling, he harnessed all of his power to the best of his ability, "I, Jorgun, have respect for you. However, I will never admit defeat! So, come!"

"I never asked you to admit anything. In the face of insurmountable power, what you don't admit will just be revealed as inevitable," Fuhrer said before raising his sword high above his head.

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