TL: xLordFifth


“Group 3 is back! Group 4, rest well, and see you the day after tomorrow!”

As soon as they connected, Pei Wu announced their return by using Lion’s Roar. The members of group 3 were also users who were logged out when Leeha killed the giant albatross.

Leeha stretched after confirming their return.

“Ugh, so it’s only about 10 hours in reality. wash, sleep, eat, and that’s it.”

“It’s not like you could sleep that much. Have a good sleep, Eong-ah.”

“Alright, Kijung-ah. Work hard.”

Leeha tapped Kijung on the shoulder and logged out. Following Leeha, the members of group 4 logged out one by one.

“I’m sleepy.”

“This is when you can sleep well.”

Ram Hwajung and Lee Jiwon.

“Sleep tight! Let’s meet again with more energy.”

Fire mage ‘Pyro’ and Taoist Baeju.

“We’ll lay down flooring that will speed up your stamina recovery, so recover there when you have time! It will last about 3 hours!”

“I left the charts with Captain Drake! Nothing bad will happen during the two-day voyage, so please take care of it!”

Saint Raphaela and Fernand.

“Kiskis, let’s go quickly.”

“Haaah, I’m really dying. It’s not normal, really.”

Biyemi and Jin Gonggong.

“Then…. please take care, Yongyong-ssi??”

“Y-yes! Do not worry. I will do my best this time without standing out.”

“Eung, there’s no need for that. Just tell me what happens.”

And lastly, Chiyou asked the tamer ‘Yongyong’ to record the voyage for the next two days. A total of 10 users logged out in a rotation of four groups.

“Awwwww, I am tormented by the mermaid, and I am tormented by Luger… I am really dying.”

Leeha got out of the capsule trembling and moved to his wheelchair.

While grumbling as if he were in Middle Earth, Leeha simply rolled up some cereal and headed to his computer.

The promise he had made earlier about taking a shower and going to bed was forgotten, and Leeha started looking at posts and the atmosphere in the community.

[Title: New Continent Expedition – Day 30 of Voyage – Latest News.Txt]

[Title: New Dragon Lair discovered in the southwestern part of Minis?!]

[Title: Re: Isn’t it a place beyond the northwestern border?!]

[Title: Re: Re: Both sides are true.  Dragons are often seen these days. What’s the reason?]

[Title: Wow, I heard that the number of Kraven users has increased rapidly recently, and the sailing experience is terrible.]

[Title: Hey, I heard there are mermaids. What is their level?]

[Title: It is said that someone is using missiles, isn’t that a scam?]

“Cough, cough, cough. This… No one could confirm it with their own eyes, so only rumors are spreading.”

What people who went on to log out rotation told their acquaintances rapidly spread through the community. However, not all information was spread honestly, and there were also some somewhat absurd rumors.

‘If I could fire a missile, I would just go to the new continent alone. I guess they thought the [Multi-Warhead Shot] was a multiple-launch missile… Well if you look at the bigger picture, it’s no different, right?’

The spread range was wide, so unless it was a giant monster like the giant albatross, it had the disadvantage of being impossible to hit all 27 bullets.

However, the individual damage alone will exceed the highest skill damage of most middle-level users.

‘The dragon lair in the southwest of Minis… Green dragon lair. Come to think of it, the little boy I met in front of Kuzgunak’sh’s lair is also a green dragon. Is it his parents? What about the lair in the northwest of Minis?’

Leeha checked not only the community’s titles but also the content of the interesting ones.

It was because Leeha’s greatest strength was the attitude of not investing the precious 10 hours that could be used in reality only on sleeping. Of course, he was already at his physical limits and could not hold out for long.

“If this voyage to the new continent goes well, I can almost get surgery, no?! Uhu, I should sleep first.”

After reading up on information about the old continent of Middle Earth and various rumors for about 3 hours, Leeha went to bed. If three hours have passed in reality, it means that more than 12 hours have already passed in Middle Earth. It was a time when the weather in the sea where the Blue Marlin and the New Serpent passed began to deteriorate quickly.


“Kyaak-! Kijung-ssiiiiiii!”

“B-Bobae-ssi! Are you okay?”

Thunder roared as lightning struck the sea. Although it was a long distance away from the New Serpent, Bobae quickly hugged Kijung’s arm.

“Hmmm, ‘Are you okay’… It’s a pity that Biyemi isn’t here.”

Hyein, who had no one to joke around with, giggled at that sight. Just a few hours after group 4 logged out, dark clouds gathered in and produced thunder, lightning, and strong waves.

“I’m worried that the ship might capsize.”

“It’ll be okay. The captains of each ship are the best navigators among NPCs. And the users assisting them are also the best users of Kraven.”

Rubini responded to Kidd’s quietly muttered words.

Every time they passed the rolling waves, the bow lifted like a roller coaster, and it was natural to worry about this because it was sinking. It was difficult to even stand on the deck without a lifeline wrapped around one’s waist. Most of the users were already inside the cabin of the Blue Marlin and New Serpent, and only the NPCs operating the ships and a few Kraven users were frantically running around the deck in the rain.

“The wind is getting stronger! Fold the foremast sail! Fold everything except the mizzen mast and the triangular sail!”

“Damn, are the waves getting bigger? Shouldn’t the foremast sail be left half unhooked? It won’t be easy to change direction, right?”

“Fold it now! Just fold it up and wait for power nearby! Just follow Drake’s instructions and do it! Fold it first!”


With the sound of thunder, the New Serpent rode over a single wave. The waves that bounced against the stern were enough to wet the entire deck.

“Check whether there is any flooding damage in the cabin! Have the wood ready so it could be fixed at any time!”

Ay, ay, captain!

“Pheeeew, on days like this, the answer would be just to drop the anchor and stay still. And the sailing skill will rise a lot.”

One of the Kraven pirate users grumbled as he wiped away the seawater and rainwater as if washing his face.

“No, if you drop the anchor on a day like this, we will sink. Watch Captain Drake at the helm. If we don’t move a little and ride the wave, we will all die. It’s a good thing that Fibiel’s Burke is doing it over there too. If it were a shabby sailor, the Blue Marlin would have already sunk.”

The two ships had been traveling at a certain distance, but the distance rapidly widened after entering the typhoon zone. It wasn’t simply the difference between Burke and Drake. It was because Fibiel’s NPCs who control the Blue Marlin were slightly lower level than Kraven’s NPCs. There were two pirate users of Kraven on the Blue Marlin who could make up for it, but they were of a lower level than the ‘Descendant of a Hero’ Hook, so there was nothing they could do.

‘If a monster pops out like this, it’s all over…’

While Hook was worried as he looked at the pitch-black sea, Blue Marlin’s Shin Nara was also looking at the same place and worrying about the same thing.

“Puhaa! Yongyong-nim! What about the scouting situation?”

Shin Nara, who hurriedly entered the cabin after looking at the situation on the deck, asked the tamer while spitting out the seawater and rainwater that entered her mouth.

Her long straight hair was completely wet.

“Uh- first, scouting from the sky is impossible. They say they couldn’t fly in this weather. If they fly above the cloud, they won’t be able to see anything anyway, so it’s useless.”

A hawk fluttered away its wet feathers from the tamer Yongyong’s forearm in the cabin, and Shin Nara’s expression got worse.

“What about under the sea?”

“The condition of the seabed is not good either. Lupins use sound waves instead of light to see, but the waves from falling raindrops on the sea surface keep getting on the way.”

The summoner also shook his head.

“……Damn it. Aerial scouting is not possible, underwater scouting is restricted, and if we can’t even do visual scouting…”

“We are basically blind.”

Alexander calmly sat back and listened to Luger’s words. Luger didn’t like his relaxed attitude.

“Isn’t it time for you to step in, Alexander? If your reptile doesn’t do anything, we will all die.”

Luger glanced at Bailephus, wearing golden armor and leaning against the cabin wall. Even when he said it out loud, Baileiphus just snorted. Of course, Alexander was not one to take his time without any faith.

“I left a message to Dr. Doom. 3D maps don’t last long, but she says that she could figure out the location of monsters using a 2D map, and she could do it until we get out of the typhoon zone.”

“Even if it’s a 2D map, doesn’t that mean we won’t know if the enemy is in the air or underwater?”

“We just need to figure out if there’s a monster or not. After that, we just have to go out and check and deal with it ourselves. It’s a pity that Chiyou isn’t here.”


Luger was about to say another word, but there was nothing particularly lacking in what Alexander said.

Although it was a limited situation, what if they could confirm whether it was in the air or underwater using creatures similar to the summoner’s dolphin, and the air and sea were marked by Rubini’s map?

The only thing they needed to worry about was whether Rubini’s skill duration would last until they left the typhoon zone.

“Ukikikikit! That’s the way it is. Even dog poop can’t be used as medicine! It’s times like this that I look forward to the sur~prise!”

Petyr giggled as he heard Alexander’s words. The occupants of the cabin stumbled every time they rolled over the waves, but he, a member of the Miyaw race, stood as flexibly as a cat without wavering an inch.

“How could you say something like that when you’re not even Korean… By the way, how will we respond if an unseen enemy on the seabed suddenly rushes toward the ship? I think we need to plan in advance. Will Bailephus lift the boat again this time?”

However, users who had already experienced an underwater attack once were already prepared for it.

“Ah! W-we could do that.”

“What? Snare?”

“I got help from the dragon last time… That on the bottom of the ship – the waterline?

We set up traps centered around those areas.”

“Ah… trap…”

Shin Nara nodded.

“I-I am not a descendant of a hero but- it wouldn’t be easy for a monster of any size to touch the lower part of our ship.”

“It won’t be easy. I had a hard time when matched with Snare in the tournament.”

The tamer Yongyong shook his head. Although he stuttered and was somewhat unreliable, the users of the Blue Marlin were well aware of his skills.

A trapper who handled traps.

It was no exaggeration to say that his traps that utilized mana, as well as traps simply based on mechanical principles, were truly an attack armor.

“Right. I saw it when I was reviewing the video with Leeha-ssi.”

Users not only set up traps all over the place but also set up invisible traps on their own bodies and rush. The users who counterattacked hastily without properly responding to the absurd attack method were struck back by the triggering of a trap.

Although they had things in place to avoid the worst situation, it didn’t eliminate their anxieties.

The typhoon zone spewed out wind and rain with no end in sight, and with each wave, the users became more and more exhausted. In Middle Earth, where even the shaking of the brain was implemented, the section of the cabin where seasickness could be avoided was only big enough for one or two people.

“Ugh… I feel like throwing up.”

“What happens when you vomit in Middle Earth? I don’t think I could-“

“Don’t say that, I can imagine it. Eub-“

Even though they were selected for the new continent expedition, there were not many people who were used to seasickness. It’s been about three hours since one person and another laid down in the cabin and started sailing again.

Paak-! Alexander stood up holding his spear.


Shin Nara looked at Alexander with a worried face, but his actions were urgent.

“Baileiphus, let’s go.”


“W-where are you going?”

The cabin door made a bang sound. Alexander shouted as he rolled over and ran out.


“Unidentified object found ahead!”

The shouts mixed with the sound of thunder were extremely ominous.

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