TL: xLordFifth


The users of the New Serpent moved faster than Alexander of Blue Marlin. It was because they were looking at Rubini’s map in real-time.


“Which direction?”

“11 o’clock from the bow, the distance is approximately 600m!”

How she knew the direction and distance while wearing an oracle’s mask wasn’t important anymore.

The users’ eyes focused on the direction Rubini pointed.

“Can’t you see?”

“The rain- is too heavy!”

“All I can see is water droplets bouncing!”

“Kidd, don’t you have the skill to see far away? Like Leeha-” 

“Me and him have different attributes.”

It would have been sufficiently visible at 600m distance from the sea without any obstruction from the environment. However, it was different now, because the roiling waves were no different from a ‘moving hill’.

Even though it was only 600 ahead at 11 o’clock, there were too many things blocking their view.

“It looks like something is floating…”

“Hmmm, it’s moving. Right? Doctor Doom! That thing is moving, right?”

“What do you see Bobae-ssi?”

Kidd was not the best at finding the target that was onboard the ship at the moment.

Among the long-ranged dealers, there was a top ranker among them, Archer Bobae, who was ranked 10th. Her vision for using a bow was also impressive.

“Yes… But it’s not coming this way- it’s going from 11 o’clock to 10 o’clock. Why?”

Rubini looked at the map in confusion.

Isn’t what was coming a monster? What on earth was the object floating on the sea surface?

“Ahh! Hurry! We have to get there quickly! Young master!”

Boom, boom, boom! While the users were getting flustered, the mermaid behind them flopped and approached Drake.

“What’s going on?”

“Over there- we have to go to the one who is over there! That person is-“

From the 10 o’clock direction of the New Serpent, 470m away. It was clear why the mermaid near the users, who were looking at the sea, was in a rush.

“-The Guard Captain of the Sea God!”

Because it was someone he knew. The mermaid’s cry toward Drake was also heard by the users.

“The guard captain is here…?” 

While Drake pondered for a moment, the object entered Bobabe’s eyes completely.

“Wow, is this real?! A mermaid! It’s a mermaid again! Oh, and it looks like something is coming from behind it too. Doctor Doom! That thing- no, what’s behind the mermaid?”

Swimming and moving like a dolphin at the sea surface was clearly a mermaid. However, as the mermaid’s direction of movement was strange, the spray of water behind it was also not a normal phenomenon.

“…No. I don’t detect anything.”

“Nothing? Something is moving-“

Chwaaaa, chwaaa, chwaaa

At that moment, something was sticking out as if it was tearing the sea surface apart.

The sea was dark with no sunlight due to the dark clouds of the typhoon, but it was clearly visible to the eyes of the users, including Bobae.

“What is that…?”

“A fish? No, what kind of fish-“

“W-why didn’t my map catch it?”

When the users were surprised with their own reasons, the mermaid next to Drake shouted again. Only then did everyone understand why he was screaming so urgently.

“Oh, it’s a fishman—–!”


“It’s a fish!”

“It really is a fish with arms and legs!”

“And it’s big!”

“Captain Drake! What should we do!?”

The users looked at each other.

After all, what would happen now without Fernand? Although the overall leader of the New Continent expedition was Alexander, the one with the strongest voice on the New Serpent was, of course, Fernand.

Fernand was not there, and even Leeha, who took the lead in doing something, was logged out. There weren’t many people to unite the remaining users.

The good news was that there were several guild masters from famous guilds present. They knew exactly when to step up.

“Let’s rescue it! Fernand-nim and Leeha-hyung mentioned it before! Let’s rescue it first, and it’s not too late to decide after we see the status of the quest!”

“I contacted the Blue Marlin! They said that NPCs Alexander and Burke were also heading that way!”

“I will install the searchlight totem on top of the mast, so everyone prepare for battle!”

Byeolcho’s guild master Kijung, and Dragon Knight’s guild master Gaeryong, and Seomgwang’s guild master Eunchon. The three men stepped up without regard for who was first and reorganized their battle lines.

“Got it! No matter how many fishmen there are, our boat shouldn’t be any slower! Captain Drake! What are your instructions?”

“Full speed ahead. I will control the rudder myself. Loosen all sails!”

“Waa? Is he crazy? In this weather-“

“[Wave Negate]!”


Immediately after the light flashed from Drake’s body, the New Serpent no longer shook.

“Oh, indeed..”

“It’s that skill.”

Super-NPC skills that even Kraven users have never seen before.

After a while, a bright light flashed on the Blue Marlin. It was Burke’s skill that could also ignore all waves approaching the ship for a short period of time.

When Eunchon on the New Serpent and Rodin, on the Blue Marlin, climbed up to their main mast and completed the installation of the searchlight, only two beams of light remained in the dark sea.

However, from the users’ perspective, it wasn’t the case.

“Oh my…”

“There are so many.”

Sprays continued to bounce from the area illuminated by the searchlights.

It was because so many fishmen were chasing after the guard captain of the Sea God that Gaeryong cursed without realizing it.

“Haa, haa, human…? How did a human ship reach here?”

“Hakit!? Humans-“

“Hakit! Kill the mermaid first.”

Both the mermaid and the fishmen reacted to the sudden light in the same way. However, neither species approached the ship.

It was natural for mermaids, who have not interacted with humans for a long time, to avoid ships. Moreover, the only purpose of the fishmen was to chase after the guard captain of the Sea God.

“Shit! They’re not coming this way?”

“On the Blue Marlin, summoner Elmin and Tamer Yongyong are preparing to rescue the mermaid! On our side-“

“I will go myself!”

When Bobae, who was in contact with the Blue Marlin, asked, the mermaid volunteered.

“If the mermaid goes and encounters a problem-“

“I will assist with my water attribute magic.”

“I will also apply a skill. For the time being, I will take care of the damages that mermaid-ssi will receive.”

“As long as the distance is not too far away, it will be fine.”

Bobae looked worried for a moment, but when Jin, the Elementalist hero’s descendant, and Kijung, came forward, she could no longer stop it. Since time was tight, there was no time to think and calculate anything.

“The guard captain can only get on this ship safely when I go!”

“… Okay, then, mermaid-ssi, Jin-ssi, and Kijung-ssi, get ready! For other users, please focus on the fishman following the mermaid from behind! Now without Fernand-ssi, we don’t know their level or strength! You can’t relax!”

“This is it, who would dare relax if the ‘Archer’ is the one saying that?! I will give you the first shot! [Gaebolg]!”

As Bobae encouraged them, Gaeryong smiled and raised his arms.

What appeared above his palm was a spear of mana. As a lancer, the strongest skill he could do began to be created.

The distance between the New Serpent, which ran through the sea while ignoring the waves, and the guard captain of the Sea God and the fishmen was already less than 300m.

Kidd with a lifeline wrapped around his waist, also approached the end of the deck.

“I’m ready too.”

While the fishmen were momentarily flustered from the Gaebolg, the Crimson Geckos will burst into flames. Kidd was a person who knew how to communicate with the people around him without saying much.


Gaeryong, whose forearms swelled to the point of bursting, threw the mana spear.

The mana spear Gaebolg, whose accumulative energy glided across the surface of the water and approached the fishman. Pachichit!

‘An attack power similar to Gaeryong is enough. How much damage does it take to make it an instakill?’

Gulp, Bobae also shot arrows at the fishmen and watched the scene.

Just before Gaebolg finally impaled the fishman, the users of the Blue Marlin and New Serpent had to witness an amazing sight.


It was similar to a lightly ringing bell. But it wasn’t a bell.


“[Wild Burn], hmm?”

“What is it?”

Gaebold collided with a pure white weapon held by the fishman. The fishman crossed the bone-like object in the shape of an x and swatted Gaebolg away.

“Hamut! Without a doubt, hakit! It’s magic!”

The fishman shouted at the top of his voice with a cough-like noise. As if showing off its power to humans.


Haki, haki, hai, haki!

It was at that time that the fishmen started making strange cries as a group. It was quite a creepy scene.

“… It could repel Gaebolg…?”

“How high is its level? No, what is its stats…?”

“… Do fish have vocal chords? How can they speak?”


“I’m sorry, Bobae-ssi.”

The fear the New Serpent felt was also felt by those in the Blue Marlin.

“I met Gaeryong at the guild battle against Hwahong. He is by no means weak…”

“Do you remember fighting an idiot who couldn’t catch a fish?”

“Pei Wu, you got hit too.”

“Watch your mouth, Luger.”

“Hmmph, you better watch your mouth. Because from now on, I don’t think it’s a place for idiots like you. Reptile! Fix my body!”


Luger commanded Bailephus without hesitation while holding up the [Cobalt Blue Python]. The gold dragon frowned for a moment but cast a spell obediently…

He knew at least at this moment which strategy would be best.

“Hold until the mermaid is rescued, Luger.”

“I know, so shut up, Alexander.”


Luger’s rifle opened fire on the bow of the Blue Marlin. Sea water splashed like a fountain as his rifle exploded through the sea surface.

“Hmmph, they are just a bunch of fish. I can-“

Luger snorted and loaded the next shell, but his eyes suddenly widened.


It was because the number of fishmen within the searchlight’s illumination range did not change.

If they were hit from the distance by Luger’s cannon with tremendous penetrating power, they would never be able to survive.

“No… didn’t they get hit?”

The fishmen had speed that matched their strength.

“Damn, are you saying that checks don’t even work? Bailephus. Do you personally want to reward them with magic?”

“Alright. But it would be difficult for me to use area of effect magic as it could damage the ship. They shortened the distance for no reason.”

Alexander’s expression finally hardened a little.

It only took a moment for the gold-armored knight to turn into a gold dragon.

[Flame Strike!]


The flames flew straight toward the fishmen.

“Hakya- sprinkle water! Sprinkle water!”

Hakyuuu! Hakyuuu!

And the fishmen were a little different from ordinary monsters.

Blue particles gathered in front of the fishmen’s snouts and soon turned into water cannons and began to shoot seawater like bullets.

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