TL: xLordFifth


[Flaming River(猛火過江) ]

It was not a river but enormous waves, but the essence of the skill did not change at all.

[It’s not a river- no, but it is so absurd that it lives up to its name.]

It was a fire that could not be extinguished by any kind of water, and was unique to a ‘Fire Mage’, which had another characteristic aside from simply high temperature, began to surround and engulf the wave.

The members of the new continent expedition watched the scene in fascination as if they were seeing a mirage. However, even if it was Middle Earth’s skill, it could not escape the fundamental laws of nature!

It took about 1.2 seconds for flames to completely envelop the waves.

As the waves disappeared, explosive steam began to erupt.

“Waaaaaaa!? It’s hot!”

“Kuaaaaa-! My HP is decreasing!”

“W-wait- I am going to cast Guardian Saint’s Sword! Get close to me, quick-“

It was a huge amount that looked like it came out of a dumpling steamer, but the temperature was several times hotter than steaming dumplings.

Not only the users aboard the ship but also the five tankers holding the giant albatross in the air were in a hellish state.


Leeha quickly tried to give instructions to the next person, but she was already aware of what she had to do and jumped up without waiting for instructions.

“Ice Dust!”

Her blue hair fluttering in the air had the same shine as the ice powder spewing from her fingertips.


“What is that… Is it like a dehumidifier?”

The ice powder sucked up the steam that was spewed out with great force.

The sea level, which had formed a huge cumulus cloud, became calm again when Ram Hwajung’s magic was over.

The waves caused by the shockwave turned into steam, and all of the steam was swept away by the ice powder and fell into the sea.

“G—gooood! This is it. Uhihit! It was a success!”

Leeha was so happy that he jumped up and down to the point where he fell off the main mast.

In fact, it was not possible which skill each user would use. Due to the nature of their jobs, and the skills shown in the tournaments, Leeha assumed that they could do it.

They thought he gave ridiculous instructions, but in the end, Leeha’s calculations turned out to be narrowly accurate. 

“Oh my….”

“… Are you the only one who stands out again?”

Even Shin Nara and Kidd.

“You mean you calculated all the characteristics of the expedition members in that short period of time?”

“You probably already knew it from past experience. It is difficult even for a dragon to calculate this connection in such a short period of time.”

It was a sight that surprised even Alexander, the expedition leader, and even the NPC Baileiphus.

[space reversal -> buffing the leaping power of the melee tankers -> preventing the tsunami from the shockwave -> stopping the steam] 

and there was only one thing left to do. The safe landing of the melee tankers.

“Now! That bird- get that bastard off the ship!”

Bantal, the three Amusan brothers, and Kijung clung to the giant albatross, which had almost stopped in the sky.

“Right, Kijung! This is exactly why I did this! To use it as food!”

Leeha raised his voice in joy and excitement, but the other users’ reactions were very sour.

“Sometimes, I don’t know if he’s very smart or not.”

“Kiskis, that’s what I said.”

Excluding the 10 people out of the 40 members of the expedition team who were left out due to the log-out rotation, it was a large-scale operation in which virtually all of them were involved, so it was natural for Leeha to omit at least one thing.

“… You idiot, how are you going to take that down?”

That was exactly what Luger muttered.

The fact that the giant albatross was larger than the New Serpent and Blue Marlin.


Only then did Leeha realize.

“There is still time left for the reverse gravity- if you don’t take action quickly, it will fall!”

“If it falls from that height, it will cause quite a few waves! What are you trying to do with it?”

Not only Hyein but also Bantal, who was hanging on to the giant albatross, was flustered.

Leeha. whose brain had completely changed to ‘situation over’, suddenly faced a difficult problem.

“Oh- uh…. oh…. T-then what?”

“Phew, Leeha-ssi really. You were doing well and then something like this happens.”

Clang, clang, clang-!

It was Shin Nara who acted in a situation that was ridiculous to those who saw it, those who experienced it, and those who planned the strategy.

“Petyr! Take charge of the left. Do you know what I mean?”

“Puhihihit! Why should I do as ma’am Shin says?”

As Petyr got down on all fours and jumped up, Shin Nara quickly took out her sword.

Shyuuuuk, the light in her eyes that was scarier than the blue-tinged sword light leaking from her sword glared at the strongest assassin of the Miyaw race.

“As the inspector of Fibiel, I order you. Follow my instructions pertaining to the safety of Fibiel’s ship.”

After hearing Shin Nara’s words, Petyr’s eyes bent like half moons. However, everyone could tell that smile was fake.

Petyr, ranked 5th, was the strongest assassin user in Minis and once tried to assassinate Fibiel’s king.

And the only user belonging to the Sacred Knights who protected the King from Petyr, ranked 6th, Shin Nara.

Although they were close to each other, they knew each other’s skills very well.

So much so that Shin Nara asked, ‘Do you know what I mean?’ without saying any other thing.

“Kikikikik, very good! Then it’s a match, a surprise match-! Who will dismantle it~ first!”


Petyr immediately leaped to the left wing of the giant albatross. Shin Nara shook her head and ran toward the right wing.

Each of the Miyaw’s four-legged claws boasted better cutting power than a well-forged sword.

What about Shin Nara, who could not be rivaled by anyone in Middle Earth in terms of sword skills alone? Fencing wasn’t just about stabbing.

Each time her sword, which was capable of cutting at a high level, was swung, the giant albatross was torn apart and dismembered.

When Petyr, ranked 5th, and Shin Nara, ranked 6th, swung their weapons for about 2 minutes while stepping on the dead body of the giant albatross that was suspended in the air.

Bang, bang-!

Petyr was able to land safely on the Blue Marlin, and Shin Nara was able to safely land on the New Serpent.

What was placed on the shoulders of the four giands and Kijung who fell after them was a huge amount of fresh meat.

“Acha, chacha! This is my first time carrying such an unreasonable amount of meat. Ah! I heard that albatross meat is not really albatross, did you know that Bobae-ssi?”

“… That’s the first thing you thought after finishing such an incredible operation?”

Kijung and Bobae looked at each other and smiled.

The users and NPCs of the New Serpent and Blue Marlin were next to send cheers to everyone.


Fernand raised his arms with an expression that looked like it was almost going to burst into tears. The amount of food obtained from the giant albatross meat was approximately enough for 15 days.

The voyage, which was only possible for 70, was extended to 85 days. If they survived two or three more attacks like this, it would be possible to secure food for more than 100 days.

“Oh, really.  I often used fishing as an emergency food source, but… I’m sure our country’s users will be shocked if they hear this. Catching and eating albatross.”

“Is that a normal seagull, Hook? It’s a seagull the size of two ships combined.”

“That’s right.” Looking at its speed earlier, it looked like it would be difficult to avoid its swooping attack unless it was Captain Drake… It was the 39th day of the voyage, and although 9 days had already passed since Leeha’s activity, the events of that day were still being talked about among users.

In particular, the scene of that day was a shock to Kraven users, who thought that they were more skilled than anyone else in the expedition when it came to sea life.

“If we could have smoked it, wouldn’t it have been possible to make it last longer than 15 days? If we drink the fresh blood, it can be used as a vegetable substitute.”

“Hmm, but wouldn’t it be too difficult to carry those materials and go hunting? Well, even if it were the NPC sailors, there wouldn’t be a sailor who wouldn’t follow Captain Hook if he asked to go…”

“Rather than carrying it for one or two months, don’t you think it would be much more beneficial in terms of weight to simply pack smoking ingredients and move around with only a week’s worth of food?”

“You should also look at the waterline and do the calculation-“

All they had to do was use basic fishing and cooking skills.

However, what if they had Leeha’s method? It was clear that it would be a great help in improving not only new abilities but also their own unique abilities.

This was because Leeha’s performance was nothing short of completely shattering existing common sense.

Of course, the admiration of the users continued, but there was one person in particular who had their eyes shine toward Leeha.

To be exact, it was half human and half fish.

“Ha Leeha-nim! Ha Leeha-nim!”

“Haaa…Look, I don’t have anything to tell you right now…”

“Still, I believe in you!  If you can hunt the giant albatross, one of the worst tyrants on the seas, so easily! I have no doubt that you will definitely help our dragon palace!”

“No, that, mermaid-nim. I told you this a few days ago… I-it’s not like I’m the only one who can do it. You’re still unwell, so just go and rest.”

“I can’t go back down until I can get a positive response from Leeha-nim! I might be the last mermaid who managed to escape from the dragon palace and is still free! Besides, since my job is about to enter the waters of the dragon palace-“

“Ugh, daaaaamn it!”

Leeha covered his ears and distanced himself from the mermaid.

The NPC with the lower body of a fish approached Leeha again, bouncing his body with both arms on the deck floor.

Moreover, his eyes even twinkled…

For Leeha, it was too much of a prick on his conscience to run away, and it was too much of a hassle to stay nearby.

‘Let’s wait for one day, just one day! Since tomorrow is my log-out rotation.’

One more day in Middle Earth time marked the 40th day of navigation.

Leeha would have about two days of freedom from Middle Earth again.

“Kiskis, you can’t stop it anyway. Leeha-ssi is extremely popular with NPCs.”

“He could just treat him coldly or go on top of the crow’s nest, but it is also to Leeha-nim’s advantage that he doesn’t do so.”

“I think it’s a disadvantage… kiskis.”

Biyemi and Jin Gonggong laughed as they watched Leeha walk around the deck with his ears covered and a mermaid chasing after him.

It was never easy for users to catch one word from the mermaid who talked endlessly.

If Fernand had paid attention to what the mermaid said, he would have definitely understood.

But even Fernand did not listen to the mermaid’s words. No, he couldn’t hear it.

“If we continue in this direction, it will be the same route as the first expedition, right?”

“That is if your explanation was accurate.”

“Hmm, we also need to find a nearby island. Isn’t there an island where we can build a mana relay tower?”

“I don’t know everything.”

“Right, but- in the past, Drake-nim… that… there.”

“There is almost nothing I remember about my life back then. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.”

There was only one thing that attracted Fernand’s attention no.

He was the son of a sea god, a member of the undine family, and an NPC who was a ‘mermaid’.

“Ha Leeha-nim! Damn it! If they find out that I escaped, there is a chance that there are fishmen around here-“

“Abababababa, I don’t know, I don’t know! We decided to discuss it together later, so just wait!”

In that way, important keywords circulated again and again in the New Serpent.

As the sun set, on the 40th morning of the voyage, Leeha logged out in good spirits. He could not even dream of what state he would be in when he returned.

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