TL: xLordFifth


‘Besides, doesn’t he think a lot about ways not to hurt people? He didn’t receive any help from anyone during his fight with the Rising Sun, nor did he receive any help from anyone during the guild war between Hwahong and Byulcho, or even in the national war. Because of his tendency not to cause any inconvenience to those around him, he always tries to take risks alone. That would strangle him… No, it is going to strangle him… huhut.’

She thought like this, but her expression was full of worry.

She knew how to act by completely separating her expression and thoughts, and she also had the acting skills of Shinobi-Gumi’s leader. But she overlooked one fact.

The reason why Leeha always aimed for two birds with one stone.

Why Leeha thought a lot.


“Pheeew……. There’s nothing I could do about it. I’m sorry Yongyong-ssi.”

Leeha adjusted the clicks and aimed at Yongyong flying toward the sky. No, strictly speaking, what his scope aimed for was not Yongyong.

To stop Yongyong without shooting him.




Leeha’s bullet aimed for one of the winged pony’s wings.

The pony lost its balance, fluttered in the air, and fell in an instant.

“Kikis. Right. There is no need to shoot the person to stop him. Nice, Halihali-nim!”

“I think that Yongyong needs some disciplining.”

“I agree with that.”

Kidd and Kijung looked at Yongyong, who was slowly falling from the shy, with feverish expressions. Thanks to the magic of Hyein and Baileiphus, Yongyong was able to land on Blue Marlin unscathed. However, he would not be able to avoid voices of criticism.

“Kill, oppa.”

“Hyungnim! Is the firing angle not okay? Aren’t you aiming for achievement?”

“… Time is running low. Considering the speed of the fall after the kill and the scope of the tidal wave’s aftermath after the fall- we need to kill it within 1 minute and 25 seconds.”

Although Yongyong’s incident ended, the danger of the giant albatross was not yet over.

Users of the New Serpent became more and more impatient as they looked at the 3D map created by Rubini.

It wasn’t simply because of the size comparison between the monster and the ship.

The simulation, which included the speed of the ship, even depicted the aftermath of exceeding the time limit.

“C-crazy- is this the simulation when it crashes?”

“Yes. The time limit is 1 minute and 20 seconds. If we are late, even Captain Drake will not be able to escape the tidal wave’s range.”

“What are you doing, Ha Leeha?”

Even Drake was so nervous that he bit his lip after checking the simulation. Everyone’s eyes were focused on one place. It was because the only person who could successfully attack the monster from 3km away was Leeha.

‘I can just shoot. But…’

Leeha remembered the composition of the New Serpent and Blue Marlin.

If he were to simply catch it, he would have hit it right now.

‘Should I just end it by shooting it?’

A bird the size of a mid-to-large passenger plane. Quickly kill it and escape the waves from the fall?

It was a very unfortunate choice for Leeha. Beyond simple item looting, another plan was rapidly taking form.

Leeha: Nara-ssi!

Nara: Yes! What is it, Leeha-ssi?!

Leeha: From now on, please listen carefully to what I say and spread the word quickly!

Nara: What? What are you-

Leeha: Quickly! There is no time. The timing has to match the users on that ship!

Nara: Ah, okay.

Leeha hurriedly whispered to Shin Nara and called out another user.

“Hyein-ssi! Eunchuon-ssi! Lee Jiwon-ssi! Ram Hwajung-ssi! You can work with Baileiphus, right?”

“Yes? What?”


“Ugh, I don’t want to do anything with Alexander.”

“If oppa tells me to do it.”

Leeha looked at the scope once again, checked the speed of the giant albatross, and looked at the users.

‘Will this really work? No, if we could do it- we could have a lot of freedom. Damn it, if there’s no risk, there will be no reward.’

Would Leeha change his mind if he saw the result of the simulation Rubini created? It was unknown.

However, at this point, all users on both ships have noticed that Ha Leeha had a certain plan and greed.

‘Huhut, what are you going to do again? The way you stopped Yongyong was so simple that it wasn’t fun, but if you get greedy this time, the damage won’t be small…’

Chiyou could now see the size of the giant albatross.

The sound of a huge bird rushing and cutting through the wind was also audible.

“Uh, Eong-ah?! It’s too late!”

“Ha-Ha Leeah-nim! Quick! Quick!”

Leeha belatedly regretted that he didn’t imagine that the ‘flying monster’ that Fernand talked about was like a harpy or griffin.

“No… It’s already too late. We just passed the time limit.”

But it was too late for regret.

Rubini still wore her oracle’s mask, but one could well imagine what kind of expression she had behind it. 

“It’s not too late! Prepare for impact!” I’m going to let it descend a little more!”

[Ha Lehaaaaaaa-! What is Dame Shin Nara saying now?! Are you crazy?]

“Just follow my request, Burke-ajussi! The movement of the Blue Marlin is more important than that of the New Serpent!”

Burke, the captain of the Blue Marlin, who heard the instructions from Shin Nara, grumbled at Leeha, even using loudspeaker magic.

The situation was imminent, and now the altitude of the giant albatross was around 2.3km.

“Huuuuu, huuuu.”

Leeha lifted up his Black Bass.

Now there were no obstructions blocking his view. The image of the descending aircraft-level bird could also be seen in his scope.

‘I didn’t want to reveal it like this but… It couldn’t be helped. For all of us!’

Leeha took a deep breath.

The sea breeze blew quite strongly, but that meant nothing to Leeha anymore.

‘Ignore the wind direction and speed. The trajectory is straight. The flight speed of the target is approximately 250km/h. It’s accelerating.’


“Joint Fixation: Lower Body. Snipe. The distance is 2.1, 2, 1.9km-“


‘It’s a shame I was only able to test it once.’

Leeha predicted the path of the descending albatross.

He might not be able to kill it in one hit. Even if he killed it, his subsequent plans might fail.

‘There’s no need to think like this. After saying that to Ram Hwayeon, I am being swayed.’

Leeha relaxed as he thought of the red-haired woman screaming.

“Leeha-ssi! Shoot quickly! Or rather, I-“

It wasn’t until the situation became urgent enough for Bobae to raise her bow that Leeha slowly uttered a word.

Chiyou couldn’t help but bite her lip until it bled while watching that scene. Why did Leeha have so many thoughts? Why did Leeha aim for two birds with one shot? Of course, there was only one reason. 

“[Multi-Warhead Shot]”

It was because he had the ability to kill two birds with one shot.

Baaang— Bababababaaaaaaang—–

One bullet split into 27 as soon as it left the muzzle.

Due to the skill penalty of Multi-Warhead Shot, its individual attack power decreased by 30%, but the giant albatross would not be able to avoid any of the 27 bullets.

“Uh, Baileiphus!”

[That- what is that skill…?] Has another seal on Black Bass been released!?]

Alexander grabbed the floundering ancient gold dragon by the neck.

This meant that Baileiphus was so surprised that he moved urgently forgetting that Alexander was sitting on top of him. 

He had no choice but to be surprised.

Even for an ancient gold dragon, survival could not be guaranteed when all the bullets hit it directly from Leeha’s [Multi-Warhead Shot].

When all buffs and penalties were applied to a target who has more than 20 levels above Leeha, the attack power of one multi-warhead bullet was approximately 24,000.

The total power of 27 shots was 648,000.

“Kiskis, if a [Legendary-ranked] item starts running rampant, the balance will collapse… I guess Petyr won’t be able to save his extra lives.”

“Leeha-hyung… When did you get that kind of skill?”

The only response the users could give was exclamation.

Even the tank Kijung had no confidence to withstand Leeha’s attack of this level even if he used all his defensive skills and shields.

“It’s a skill that shoots [Wild Bunch] in one direction… This is too much of a cheat.”

“T-that- attacks like that are ineffective anyway! Is there an idiot in the world who would take that kind of attack head-on? If the target is small, it will be especially difficult to attack!”

As expected, only the three musketeers were the ones who instantly figured out what the following skills were for, what their effects were, and even what their weaknesses were.

Kidd accurately pointed out the pros of Leeha’s [Multi-Warhead Shot] in a positive direction and Luger its cons. And another person, Chiyou, was the same.

‘It’s a new skill… I wouldn’t have hesitated just to get attention. There will be penalties such as reduced range and bullet speed. The damage will be less than that of a regular shot… still, can you catch it?’

Although she did not use rifles, she was still able to guess the ‘likely’ characteristics of Leeha’s skill.

Chiyou looked at the point where the bullets and the giant albatross would meet with an interested expression.

There was no longer any interest in the tamer Yongyong, who had crashed and was criticized by the users of the Blue Marlin. Leeha held his breath. They should not miss the next step. Depending on how many shots were off, he could tell how much damage it would inflict on that huge body!

‘… 3, 2, 1-‘


The faint sound of a bird crying could be heard in the air.

At the same time, white light emanated from Leeha’s body in the crow’s nest. Precision bombing with 27 warheads!

It was a giant monster that other users couldn’t even think of fighting, let alone catching, but Leeha’s tyrannical Black Bass easily succeeded in swallowing it. 


“D-did you catch it?” That?”

“One shot? No, that- Ha Leeha-nim, how much damage did you inflict to kill it?”

“Besides, what level is it that you leveled up when you caught it? Is the monster’s level high? No, whatever it is, it doesn’t make sense! Does that have that kind of power? Will a high-level die in one hit?”

Users instantly became in a festive mood. However, the excitement and fanfare could not last longer than 2 seconds. Because the giant albatross was falling from the sky.

‘Oh my, he really caught it….! The more I look at it, the more I want him under me!’

Chiyou’s eyes shone.

Like a person who discovered a sparkling jewel beyond a display case, surprise, earnestness, and a mixture of greed, flashed from her eyes.

‘But the line had already been crossed, what should be done? As far as the dragon lifting the ship. Oh my, there will be no way to avoid the enormous tidal wave that will occur.’

Rather, the body of the giant albatross, which was unable to control its own flight upon death, accelerated as it fell.

While everyone including Chiyou, was confused with a mix of admiration, astonishment, and worry, Leeha’s voice loudly spread on the sea.

“Blue Marlin and New Serpent!” 

Full speed ahead to the crash site of the giant albatross! I won’t take any questions! I say it again! To the crash site! 

“Full speed ahead to the crash site of the giant albatross!”

It was a statement that made the listeners pick their ears.

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