TL: xLordFifth


“Heek, stealing?! It’s you, hiiek, -”


The green-haired kid gritted his teeth and shouted at Leeha, but as soon as the rifle’s muzzle pointed at him, he immediately fell silent.

He didn’t just shut up, even his hiccups stopped.



“Then what do we call you!”

“Don’t you have a temper?”

Leeha deliberately hit the magazine once more and the bolt made a clicking sound. It was an action that had nothing to do with shooting, but there was no way the young dragons would know that.

“……No, sir.”

The dragon younglings lowered their heads while looking at Leeha.

“If you want, you can call me samchon- no, never mind. There’s no point in calling me that.”

Leeha would have felt bad hearing the word samchon from 500 years old dragons, so Leeha raised his voice for his original purpose.

“You cheeky little brats, oh! Is that what your parents taught you? Did they tell you to take items from a dead dragon’s lair? Even if you’re chromatic dragons, don’t you have moral education? Should I go and meet your parents?”

In fact, he would not be able to do anything when he met them. There’s nothing else that they could do aside from fighting. In fact, it wouldn’t even be called a fight. Perhaps Leeha himself would die after getting hit a few times.

“Don’t curse our parents!”

“That’s what you’re doing kid. When you guys do this kind of stuff, you’re putting shit on your parent’s faces. Did you know? How sad your mother would be if she found out? Juvenile-class dragons going to a dead dragon’s lair to steal. Even getting caught by a human and getting scolded like this.”


Teardrops fell from the white-haired kid’s eyes. The green-haired kid also had a gloomy expression. Leeha gave the younglings some time to reflect on themselves.

‘Is the settings that dragons live long lives and are intelligent all bullshit? It looks like they are stupider than humans because of their slow growth. These bastards are over 500 years old but still sit down and cry because they got scolded by me…’

There was no way a juvenile-class dragon could be weaker than a human. And their thoughts couldn’t be that shallow. The reason Leeha could think like this was all because of the achievements and rewards he had earned.

[Dragon Slayer’s Aura]

Description: All dragons, regardless if metal or chromatic can feel your aura, who killed an ancient dragon.

If they are hostile brave adults, curious juveniles, and ignorant hatchlings will be crushed by your spirit.

You are the only one who killed an ancient dragon.

Effect: Stats of all hostile adult-class dragons -40%, stats of all hostile juvenile-class dragons -50%, stats of all hostile hatchling-class dragons -60%

Leeha had an active buff that always reduced all enemies’ physical/mental abilities by 50%.

It was a buff that only applies to dragons, so it looked useless to ordinary users, but it was perfect for Leeha. He took a moment to organize his thoughts while watching the young dragons shedding tears. Sending them back alive meant nothing to Leeha because he already had more than -200% intimacy with the chromatic dragons.

Even if he let the 2 kids live and win their favor, it won’t change much. Then what could he do? What can Leeha gain from the dragons that have entered Kuzgunak’sh’s lair?

‘Ah…right. Didn’t they enter?’

Fortunately, they were only juvenile-class now, there was no guarantee that only juvenile-class will go to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair.

What if it was an adult-class, or worst of all, an ancient-class? Even with the dragon slayer buff, it would be too much to handle for Leeha.

In other words, he could not stay at Kuzgunak’sh’s lair for too long! What would be the fastest way to fill that handicap?

“How good was it that you tried to snuckto the lair like this?”

It was to use these kids who had already searched for treasures in the lair.

“We haven’t entered it yet! It is said that Kuzi-ajussi has more treasures than other lairs, so we just came to take a look!”

“A lot of treasures? What does it have? It’s not like your parents don’t have items in your lair. Ah, are your parents poor? Is that why you came to someone else’s lair and are tried to steal?”

“It’s not like that!”

“Our treasure trove is huge!”

The two dragons retorted at the same time-! and screamed.

Unable to bear the resentment, the white-haired dragon started talking again.

“You don’t even know! Unlike normal dragons, dragons that do illegal things like ajussi might have an [Easter Egg], my mom-”

“Hey, hey! Quiet!”

The green-haired kid quickly covered the white-haired kid’s mouth, but it was too late. It was enough that the keywords reached his ears.

“Heuheu…… Kids? Can you explain what that [Easter Egg] is? No, you can explain as we go along. It would be better to tell me about it when we are looking at the real thing. Right?”

Leeha did not need their consent.

With the Black Bass’ muzzle pointed down, Leeha headed toward Kuzgunak’sh’s lair with two little dragons at the fore.

They were simply hostages that will be used as item identifiers, and furthermore, ensure Leeha’s safety.

The two juvenile-class dragons had no choice but to follow Leeha’s instructions. In order to survive.

“So, you looked for it, but you didn’t see the [Easter Egg]?”

“Yes……. I don’t think anyone took it…. I wonder if Kuzi-ajussi didn’t have it either- sir.”

“What about its functionality?”

“I don’t know. I only heard what my parents said. So I thought it would be here, and we came to see it.”

Was it because he was sad that he had to be respectful to Leeha? The white dragon responded by kicking an item in front of him.

‘Hmm, they don’t appear to be lying… Kkub. Even dragons acknowledge its rarity, an item like that would be a real treasure.’

Because he had already heard about the existence of the item called [Easter Egg].

The items scattered in Kuzgunak’sh’s lair did not catch Leeha’s attention.

“Then what’s the next best thing? What would you guys choose from here?”

“Why do we have to tell you that? Ajussi is a complete thief. Killing Kuzi-ajussi isn’t enough, now you are trying to rob an ownerless house-”


Leeha hit the Black Bass’ magazine with his palm again.

The cold, metallic sound echoed from the confined lair and grew louder.

“Kids? Do you really…… want me to tell you?”


Leeha smiled with an innocent smile and pointed the Black Bass at them. The dragons shook their heads desperately and immediately scattered around.

“It’s not that I don’t have an eye for items either

. If you don’t choose the right words when talking to me, you won’t be able to see your parents starting today~ understand?”

“……He’s like the devil. Saying something like-”

“What did you say, brat?”

“No, sir!? I didn’t say anything.”

The white dragon muttered while looking through the piles of items that were not organized, but immediately took an immediate attitude. Leeha looked at them like a slave guard holding a whip and smiled. What would they have said if Kijung or someone else was  was next to him?

They would have told him that they couldn’t kill the juvenile-class dragons because they were pitiful, and them criticize Leeha for intimidating and extorting them.

‘They should be thankful that I spared their lives. Anyway, they’re the ones who tried to ambush me, so they should accept this amount of trouble.’

While sending the dragons to select five good items, Leeha did not let go of the idea of the [Easter Egg].

‘Easter egg? Are they talking about easter eggs(부활절 달걀)? Hmmm, I don’t think it’s necessary to put in a religious meaning. In ordinary games, you could think of it as a hidden piece like a surprise event……’

However, it was different in Middle Earth.

Neither the interpretation of the easter egg nor the interpretation of the surprise event came to Leeha.

‘Something like an egg……. Besides, normal dragons would have never seen it…… it means that it is so rare that even among chromatic, only dragons at Kuzgunak’sh’s level, which is close to the strongest among the ancient-class, could have gotten it. If it’s the parents of juvenile-class dragons, they should at least be adult or ancient-cl- huh?’

As Leeha thought about the explanation, lightning struck his head.


A dragon as old or older than Kuzgunak’sh?

A rare treasure that did not have many?


He saw one! He clearly saw one! Besides, he did not confirm its name!

“Kids! Kids! Hurry up and get the items!”

“It’s not easy because the lair is wide. How can it be easy to pick up something that can be sold to humans at a high price-”

“These kids talk a lot! Hurry! If you don’t get the items in the next ten minutes, I will take care of you!”

He wanted to leave as soon as possible.

There are many treasures in the lair, so there should(?) be legendary equipment as well. Rather than those things, Leeha wanted to go to the place where the ‘real’ treasure was.

And Leeha knew just the place.


“Hmm, let’s see.”

Still, he couldn’t help but do a thorough inspection.

Leeha checked the options of the items picked up by the white-haired and green-haired kids. As expected, there were five items. All legendary. There were also random weapons.

‘Three one-handed swords, one two-handed sword, and one wand. They certainly understood what it meant when I said 

‘items that are likely to be popular with humans.’

The total count of legendary-rank items currently auctioned in the auction house did not exceed five. However, Leeha can now release five legendary items by himself.

In other words, it meant that he had the power to disrupt the market, but even that was not very satisfactory to Leeha.

After all, they are not things that Leeha can use anyway.

“Isn’t there a shield or something that can block dragon breath?”

“Hmmp, do you think that it is that easy to block? Humans are wea-”

“Ah, alright. If it’s not something like that, it would be useless. Okay, you kids can go now.”


The white dragon’s body trembled. It was a disgrace that they had never received anywhere other than their parents after living for over 500 years.

“What are you doing? Hurry up. Ah! Right.”

“Why?! ……Sir!”

“I spared your life, shouldn’t you say thank you? Dragons don’t even have the minimum etiquette. Tell me your names.”



“The white one is Shoblanc, and the green one is Greenvogel. Your names are really hard to pronounce. Well, alright. Leave quickly.”

Leeha hit the white and green dragons with the muzzle of the Black Bass.

“Why me! ……Sir!”

“I won’t do anything while you leave. Hurry!”

They were not able to resist Leeha. The dragons showed their back to Leeha with their lips tightly closed 

and expressions full of resentment.

“Anyway, thank you, kids. Don’t try to live your life too easily next time! It takes effort, effort. Okay? You’re getting punished like this because you are trying to steal items from adults. Even so, since I was the one who caught you, you ended up lightly-”


After activating his crystal ball, Leeha spat out words like an old rapper for 10 seconds.

Towards dragons who were over 500 years old.


“Euuuuugh…… I will never forget you, dragon slayer Ha Leeha…”

A new feeling burned in the hearts of the two juvenile-class dragons after they felt that Leeha had disappeared.

.(To be continued…)

Samchon and Ajussi – they both mean uncle but samchon is used for family members while ajussi is used for strangers.

The easter egg mentioned by the kids is [이스터 에그](isteo egu)and the one Leeha mentioned is [부활절 달걀](buhalchong dalgyal)

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