TL: xLordFifth


“Lord Bahamut!”

“Hmm? You’re already here?”

As soon as Leeha entered Bahamut’s lair, he called him immediately and an old man in a white robe, who he had not seen just a moment ago, stood in front of Leeha before he knew it.

He was like a swift god that could not be followed by the naked eye, the king of metal dragons had a speed comparable to that of the Fragment of the Demon King.

“Wah…… ah, no. treasure trove! I want to enter your treasure trove.”

“You just went to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair, now you want to go to my treasure trove?”


“Did anything happen in the lair?”

“That- nothing happened, can I see your treasure trove first? And then I’ll tell you later. Anyway, nothing special happened.”

Nothing happened except for the two juvenile dragons he teased. At the moment, the most important thing for Leeha was to check Bahamut’s treasure trove.

The old man smiled kindly and snapped his fingers.


That sound answered Leeha’s request.


Leeha’s body moved to the treasure trove in an instant.

It definitely felt bigger than Kuzgunak’sh’s treasure trove. Legendary items scattered like grains of sand on the beach, but such items did not reach Leeha’s eyes.

“Where did you go, ostrich egg, ostrich egg-”

Leeha searched the surroundings, kicking off the gold coins that had been laid instead of tiles.

The very item that he had stepped on and almost slipped on upon entering this place, was the only item that was one of a kind in the vast treasure trove.

The item was the most similar to the description he heard from the juvenile-class dragons!

“Found you!”

Leeha found and picked up the egg half-buried among the gold coins. And immediately checked its description.

[Mythical Easter Egg]

Effect: Rebirth of a life form whose life activity had completely stopped.

Description: An egg containing divine powers. By combining the divine energy that only god can have with the mana of a deceased creature, the corresponding creature can be reborn.

(This item disappears after 1 use.)

“Oh, ohhhhh. Oh-!”

[Easter Egg].

It really was that item! Rather than thinking, the adjective attached in front caught Leeha’s eyes first.

‘Mythical? This surely…’

It was a level higher than legendary-grade! Leeha’s eyes and head spun.


Mythic-grade was not on the list of known items. Most importantly,  the word God was not attached anywhere.

Moreover, what were the effects and explanations?

‘It isn’t the same concept as Bailephus did with the temporary resurrection.’ 

What did it mean to be fully reborn? Terms that could only be used in a dictionary were written in the effect column, but the meaning felt more ambiguous.

What did it mean when it was described as life activities were completely stopped?

‘The important thing is that it is not for users. Users who could revive wouldn’t need it anyway. Can it prevent level-down when dead rankers are resurrected? No, even with that kind of use, it shouldn’t be wasted like that. If it really was a mythical item that is above legendary. Ultimately, the only viable target is an NPC-’

What was the scope? What if the NPC’s corpse had already disappeared? Was it still possible? Or should it be used while the corpse is gray?

‘Combine with the dead creature’s mana – what could it be talking about? Would the explanation be that simple? Or did it mean that there must be something like a memento used by the deceased creature in life?’

Middle Earth’s unkind explanation alone did not make sense, so Leeha could not select easily.

Leeha was not sure if an item that was a higher grade than a legendary-grade item was necessary for him. Because he wasn’t sure about the explanation.

‘What can I do with this? Sell? No, even if I sell just the items from Kuzgunak’sh’s lair, I could secure some cash. Eugh, it may be the first mythical-grade item in Middle Earth, but it has a strange effect! Should I use it on Director Browless when he dies?’

Because one of the conditions for failure was Browless’ death.

Perhaps if I could prevent it once? Of course, that was also a good method, but if it’s above legend-grade, one should weigh the life of Browless with the value of the item!

‘If not, I could give up the [Easter Egg] and find another item. Now that I know there’s a mythic-grade, even weapons, and other equipment can be mythic-grade as well. If there is such a thing, it would have more destructive power than Black Bass.’

What if it was something like a mythic-grade musket?

Leeha remembered the name [Matan’s Shooter] for a moment. Wouldn’t the person who held such a title be worthy of a mythic-grade musket? What if there is only one such item? Leeha, who already had an overwhelming growth rate, would be like a tiger growing wings.

“Cough…… hmmm……”

Django, django. What should he do? Leeha could only pick one item from Bahamut’s treasure trove, only one!

Leeha wandered back and forth through Bahamut’s treasure trove with the [Easter Egg]. It was a waste to give up, however, he had nothing to use it on after picking it. It looked like an egg, but it was used for a different purpose!

‘Think, Ha Leeha. Remember. Middle Earth doesn’t just make items. Unfortunately, I don’t have anywhere to use-’

…There was…….

After wandering around and grunting for a while, a certain scenario came to Leeha’s mind.

However, it was a gamble.

The chance of success was completely unknown.

Could he use it? Would it work?

He only had one chance!

He might not be able to see another mythic-grade item across Middle Earth again. No, actually, it had not been seen until now!

It may or may not be possible for another mythic-grade item to appear again in the first place.

Then, should he try? His chance to get an item from Bahamut’s Lair?!

“……Bahamut-nim! Here, I have chosen!”


The sniper finally pulled the trigger.

[Mythical Easter Egg has been obtained.]

Bahamut stared blankly at Leeha holding the [Easter Egg].

The usual expression of a smiling old man had changed.

“Indeed……. Did the humans call you [Bullseye]?”


“You made a choice worthy of your nickname. You hit it accurately.”

His expression was closer to admiration rather than surprise.

Bahamut nodded as he looked at the Easter Egg Leeha was holding, like a viewer who saw something good.

Leeha did not care much about how the King of Metal Dragons knew about his attribute as a successor of the Three Musketeers, nor what it meant when he said ‘Hit’.

However, he was certain about one thing.

‘I chose well.’

That his choice was not wrong.

It means that the value of the easter egg was higher than what he could possibly imagine.

“This mythical easter egg……. Is it more valuable than a legendary-grade item?”

“Of course. Its level of divinity is different from legendary-grade items.”

Leeha made an expression of half joy and half sadness.

He was joyous that he confirmed that there was indeed a higher grade than legend, and sad because of the possibility that there would be another myth-grade item.

“Ho, do you have any mythical-grade equipment in the warehouse? Whether it’s a sword or shield-”

“Hahaha, I went through a lot of humans in my life until I became an ancient wyrm. Some became heroes, and some became beggars. I have seen many people, but they have one thing in common.”

“What? What…… is it?”

What was he talking about all of a sudden? Leeha was taken aback by the sudden question, but he still listened to Bahamut’s words.

“It is that humans consider other people’s rice cakes to be better. So do you know what the difference is?”

When Bahamut grinned and looked at Leeha, Leeha understood Bahamut’s meaning.

“It is the difference between people who are able to eat their own rice cakes even when other people’s rice cakes look bigger, and people who couldn’t even properly eat their rice cakes because they only cared about other people’s rice cakes, right?”

“As expected, Bailephus picked the right person.”

Whether there was another mythic-grade item in Bahamut’s lair or not was not important. It was what Bahamut wanted Leeha to know.

“Okay. Then may I ask you how to use it?”

“It is how it was described.”

“You mean it is as it is described?”

“That’s right. You only need the creature’s leftover mana. Items with their mana in it would not be destroyed, so you don’t have to worry.”

Bahamut answered with a smile, and Leeha responded with a smile.

As expected, the king of metal dragons, Bahamut, was already saying that he knew why Leeha chose the [Easter Egg] and where he was going to use it.

“Thank you, Lord.”

“I want to say thank you for choosing the Easter Egg.”

“Then, see you next time.”

“Come often, think of it as visiting your grandfather’s house.”

“Hmm, when I visit grandma and grandpa’s house, they say that their grandchild is cute and give me things.”

“That’s what grandmas usually do. But I don’t have a wife.”

Leeha also couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Bahamut’s humorous response to his humorous aegyo asking for more items.

Their intimacy definitely exceeded 100%.

“Haha, I understand! Then, I will really see you next time!”

“Right, take care of yourself.”

Leeha activated his crystal ball. Leeha’s next destination was obvious.

♦ * *


“Are you here to urge me again? Tsk, you’re acting as if I owe you something! Items don’t just appear overnight-”

As soon as he heard Leeha’s voice, Bottleneck got fed up.

They still stayed at the new smithy because the elders had not decided yet if they would be allowed to move back to Hell Anvil.

“Ah, ah, I am not here to urge you today. Don’t worry! I am not here to ask about the progress, and I am also not here to ask for anything!”

“Huh? Then what are you here for?”

“I came to see you.”


Even when they said something harsh, Leeha smiled as Bottleneck’s expression brightened a little.

“Huh? What did you say? Why would I want to see you? Where is the item I gave you? Is it inside?”

And that expression was crushed in an instant.

After passing through and entering the smithy, Leeha was able to find the item he wanted quickly.

“This is it……”

“Ah, I haven’t finished that yet! First of all, the rough process had been completed, but the deadline is still-”

“No, I’m not going to use it. It’s because of this energy source.”

Soft light leaked from the item hanging on the hanger for work. Looking at the item, Leeha pulled out the easter egg from his bag.

“What is that?”

“Easter Egg. Do you know about it?”

“……Easter Egg?”

Bottleneck tilted his head for a moment. He stayed that way, then stiffened for a moment, and then was shocked.

After a while, Bottleneck screamed louder than he had ever screamed before.

“Easter Egg!”

Rather, what surprised him was Leeha.

“Do you know what it is??”

“R-r-resurrection Egg! Are you talking about that easter egg!? You-”

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