TL: xLordFifth


‘She really is a great woman…’

Perhaps, once Leeha arrived at the palace, the persuasion rate would immediately rise and the quest would be completed.

Leeha: Do I need to get an explanation?

Ram Hwayeon: Well, it doesn’t matter if you hear it, but…… the atmosphere in Minis has been unusual recently. 

The number of cities and castles being destroyed also increased rapidly, and it was said that chimera and undead legion-level troops were seen. Anyway, Ha Leeha, shouldn’t you protect the city you are going to get before it gets destroyed?

Of course, the unknown source of chaos, that even Ram Hwayeon did not know about, was Faust. Having obtained the authority to control the chimeras, he was active in the Minis Kingdom.

When Faust followed Bluebeard, he was alone, but not now. The number of users who went together with chimeras increased by a few more people besides Faust.

It was because, among the outsiders, Faust had selected trustworthy and competent professionals and assigned them with the authority given to him by Bluebeard.

Of course, Leeha and Ram Hwayeon were completely unaware of that. At best, they thought about the correlation between Bluebeard and the chimeras.

Leeha: Hmm……okay. I’ll go to the palace as early as today, or maybe tomorrow.

Ram Hwayeon: Call me as soon as you arrive.

After ending the conversation with Ram Hwayeon, Leeha thought that he should hurry up with the maintenance.

‘If it’s maintenance, it means taking care of my items, but that is the problem. Well, it’s good that I have already skimmed off the surface of Bahamut’s lair.’

He just needed to get pieces of equipment from other lairs and get something that is hard to find from Bahamut’s lair. And quickly go to the royal palace and complete Browless’ quest! This was Leeha’s plan.

‘Browless’ quest reward is a linked quest. It will directly lead to the Signing of the Peace Treaty – 2. Even that doesn’t seem like much…’ 

Speaking of Signing the Peace Treaty, what did Leeha need to do? Wouldn’t it be over when the documents have been processed, and the representatives went out and check the conditions and seal them? After all, there was a high chance that the next quest would be about waiting for a while.

‘And the city would be rewarded to me? Hueheu, if I get it, how much-’

“What are you thinking that makes you laugh so hard.”

“Ah, Bahamut-nim.”

Just as he was quickly organizing his thoughts, an old man in a white robe approached Leeha with a smile. Leeha had logged out of Bahamut’s lair.

“Have you chosen your gift?”

“Not yet…… I couldn’t choose. Can I look around a bit more and think about it?”

“Of course. Blaugrun’s lair is also good. But Kuzgunak’sh’s lair is said to be visited by chromatic younglings. You’d better go and see it before something you want disappears.”

“Chromatic dragons?”

“That’s right. Those who have just become accustomed to handling mana are greedy…”

Although they had publicly declared that they have severed ties with Kuzgunak’sh, we cannot do anything about their personal relationship.

After confirming Kuzgunak’sh’s death, the immature(?) dragonlings were stealing items from his lair.

‘Minis’ side is full of chimeras, but our side doesn’t have much time either… In other words, there is an unseen time limit! I can get five items from the Ancient Dragon Kuzgunak’sh. It means that it should be much more efficient than taking three items from Blaugrun’s lair. No, but looking at it, it seems the operator hates me.’

It seems like Middle Earth was only looking for a chance to steal the advantage of users, and furthermore, and it always seemed like the game was against Leeha, so such complaints were inevitable. Of course, users had a different opinion, because it looked like Middle Earth was giving him preferential treatment.

“Do I have to go alone to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair?”

“I can send you there.”

“Can you go with-”

“Haha. Do you want to see a dragon race war?”

“No, no. That isn’t the case.”

If the king of metal dragons appeared at the lair of chromatic dragons, an all-out war may unfold. It would also be difficult for Bailephus, who actively contributed to killing Kuzgunak’sh, to come with him.

If he had a dragon ‘partner’, Leeha could proudly bring it, but in the end, it meant that he had to go to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair alone.

Leeha opened the chamber to check the magazine, and Kijung hadn’t logged in yet. However, it was too risky to invite anyone to go with him.

Bahamut smiled upon seeing Leeha’s reaction. Seeing the old man with an expectant expression, Leeha tilted his head.

“Did you say they were chromatic younglings?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Phew, phew…”

“Are you going right away?”

“I have to take care of my items.”

More than anything, Leeha wanted to test himself. How much power did Bahamut’s blessing and the various rewards and achievements give? He stored the location of Bahamut’s lair in the crystal ball first. Then he took out a magazine and inserted it into the Black Bass.

“Please send my there, Bahamut-nim.”

“Okay. It’s about 700m away from Kuzgunak’sh’s lair. You probably know where to go.”



Before he could finish answering, Leeha’s location had already changed He immediately opened the map, but his figure was not marked anywhere. It meant that Leeha was currently in a place that has not been explored and recorded on the map yet. In an unexplored land, Leeha went to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair with another expectation. A cave that could be seen on the mountainside waited for Leeha from a distance.

‘Is it because Kuzgunak’sh is dead? It doesn’t feel like it has a barrier at all.’

Even though he was already on the base of the mountain Leeha didn’t feel the same lukewarm energy he felt from Blaugrun’s lair in the past. Recalling the strange feeling of mana spreading in the air completely covering him, Leeha thought of the dragon heart that could have become his ‘partner’.

‘He looked very nice. He had an innocent face and he also had lightning magic system. He was also an adult-class, so he won’t be defeated by most monsters or users. Heck, if he really became my partner, I could even win against Alexander!’

Blaugrun could be the vanguard with his slender body. He could also cause the enemy to be caught off guard, and even if they attacked with all their might, there won’t be much damage to the dragon. Blaugrun would paralyze the enemy while calmly receiving the enemy’s attacks. In that situation, where they couldn’t move while getting electrocuted with bzzt, bzzt sound, Leeha would look over the scope and pull the trigger.


The enemy’s head would be pierced and they would die. And use the ‘appear’ skill to get to his partner in an instant. He would have freedom of movement and escape, and he could have boasted the perfect breathing attack.

“Ugh, why did you have to die, Blaugrun? Should I even say that we got lucky because we were able to save your heart? Ah, come to think of it, it must have been completed in Hell Anvil now.”

The division of Blaugrun’s dragon heart.

Not even 10% of the whole dragon heart was used for the bullets to catch Kuzgunak’sh. In fact, over 90%, virtually all of the Dragon Heart’s power, was commissioned to Bottleneck by Leeha.

‘I brought Orichalcum, so that’s probably almost done. Damn it!! Is it a good or bad thing?! I had to come before the chimeras go wild-’

“Die, uncle Kuzi’s enemy!”



At the neck of the road leading to Kuzgunak’sh’s lair, two people suddenly jumped out from behind a huge tree trunk. Had they been hiding all this time? However, Leeha was not very nervous. To be more precise, it was more like two kids.

“W-what are these guys?”


A kid with white hair that was inappropriate for his age swung a sword. It was fiercer than it looked, but it was ridiculous compared to Czar that Leeha had dealt with so far. As Leeha lightly dodged, the kid who swung his sword wide staggered, not even holding his center of gravity properly.

“Uh, why- why doesn’t the attack work?”

The kid who wielded the sword himself looked as if something did not make sense.

“What the hell is this?”

Tsk tsk, while Leeha clicked his tongue, a green-haired kid appeared behind the white-haired kid and thrust his dagger.



As expected, the speed was quite fast, but compared to Midnight Circus, it was lacking. No, it was a situation where the attack the kids aimed for did not go according to plan. Leeha avoided the attacks of the two children and pulled the bolt in a natural motion.


In the past, he would have thought that some kids suddenly attacked, but now, Leeha wasn’t so lax.

“A white dragon and a green dragon?” 

Leeha knew full well that dragons could polymorph into humans.

“Euk……. As expected of the dragon slayer!”

“You killed Kuzi-ajussi! You came to steal his items, like a thief!”

The children gritted their teeth and screamed at Leeha. That cry alone was already a sufficient answer.

“Steal? What are you talking about? I’ve only come to get what the dragon I killed left behind. You kids are-”

“So noisy! Thief! They say that metal bastards are hypocrites and thieves!”

“And how did you neutralize our attacks?! It’s impossible to do that without magic except for those metal-”

Looking at the chattering kids, Leeha sighed. Leeha pulled the trigger thinking that there was no better way to make them quiet.

Baaaaang ——-!

The muzzle was slightly higher than the kids, and they might have felt ‘something invisible’ pass over their heads, and an additional fear effect made the two children freeze at the same time. Leeha pulled the bolt again and made a scary expression. ’

“Hey. What class are you?”


“What class are you? You don’t look like adult-class.”

As Leeha lowered the muzzle and aimed at the kids, the white-haired kid opened his mouth. While the green-haired kid hiccuped.


“This cheeky little kid. Are you short on words?”

Then Leeha moved his index finger…… click! As he did that, the white-haired kid’s posture stiffened.

“Juve-juvenile-class! … Sir.”

“You have yet to reach adult-class?”

“……Yes sir.”

The white-haired kid stared at Leeha with tears welling up in him. However, unlike his expression, respectful words came out of his mouth. Leeha knew that one was a white dragon and another was a green dragon. He also knew that adult-class dragons were at least 1000 years old. Dragons have a ridiculously long unit of time, so if they were youths, they should be at least 500 years old. However, he couldn’t pull the trigger toward the two kids.

‘Damn it, I would have preferred if they were in their dragon form…’

They were in human form and looked most like around the age of 12. How could he pull the trigger on the heads of the kids who were trying to hold back their tears with extremely resentful expressions? It wasn’t an easy decision for Leeha, who had slaughtered Minis users, destroyed Kuzgunak’sh’s dragon heart, and made an infamous(?) name in the war.

Eventually, Leeha decided to change directions. He might be able to get an achievement like Dragon Slayer- Juvenile. And although stats were important, in the current situation, it was against Leeha’s nature to pull the trigger toward children.

“You’re still so young, but you came into someone else’s lair to steal, didn’t you?”

As expected, children must be properly educated and disciplined.

.(To be continued…)

TL’s Corner:

Weekly Chapters Released: 1/3 Chapter of the week

Pending Bonus Chapters: 62

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