TL: xLordFifth


“I-If you suddenly say it like that then- hmmm, do you know what a bee is called when it’s frozen to death?”

Click, Kijung reloaded with an uneasy look.

Leeha shook his head and sent a telepathic message.

‘Don’t do it, stop right there! There’s no way they would like it! She’s just pretending!’

“What is it? What is it?” 

However, seeing Bobae’s bright eyes, Kijung couldn’t help but pull the trigger.



In line with Kijung’s shooting, Leeha and Nara’s jaws gradually widened.

It wasn’t funny! It was overwhelmingly and devilishly unfunny!

By the time Leeha thought, “What the hell are you talking about?” Bobae’s cheeks began to twitch and she burst out laughing.


Bobae’s laugh was so loud that it attracted the attention of other customers in the restaurant. A dongsaeng that made unfunny jokes and a friend who laughed at those jokes.

Seeing that, Leeha and Nara shook their heads.

“We should just pretend we don’t know them.”

“Shall we move the table a little? Please pull the chair, Nara-ssi.”

A pair went on one side, and the other went to another side, the pairs got along pretty well.

He said it like that, but it was the result of Kijung’s efforts.

In that way, they were able to perfectly achieve the purpose of a 2:2 date while creating a friendly atmosphere.

Leeha and Nara talked a lot throughout the meal.

The one thing that Leeha admired the most during the conversation was that although Shin Nara learned that he was a soldier and a sniper, she never asked the reason why he was now in a wheelchair.

Although Leeha brought up the topic of paraplegia first, Nara did not delve too much into the issue.

‘Hmm, since we talked about the possibility of treatment, it should be okay.’

Maybe because Shin Nara could see people for who they really are, that such a thing didn’t matter to her. Whatever it may be, it was the day Leeha learned about the ‘real’ Shin Nara.

“It was a fun day, Leeha-ssi.”

The four of them enjoyed the indoor date, even though they did not move much from meal to coffee.

Because they thought that it would be too much to meet at noon and eat until dinner,  they prepared to separate before dinner.

“We should pay for the coffee.”

Bobae, who pulled up her long padded zipper all the way up to create a penguin-like cuteness, wanted to pay for the coffee, however, Kijung proudly straightened his posture and hit his chest.

“What are you saying?! Leeha-hyung paid for lunch and I will pay for the coffee! So that I know that you’ll call me next time too!”

“You want to go out again, Kijung-ssi?”

“Oh, what?”

Kijung was taken aback when Nara sneaked a joke on him. Seeing this, Bobae smiled heartily.

“Of course! If Kijung and I weren’t there, I think the two of you would have talked about marriage because you were so serious. Right, Kijung-ssi? Well, Nara likes y-”

“You, you, you- what- what are you saying, Bobae? Ahaha, why are you like that?”

And as expected, Bobae was really good at making fun of people. Nara hurriedly covered Bobae’s mouth.

What’s more, her behavior had subtle similarities to Kijung. Today, Bobae and Kijung became as close as Leeha and Nara were.

“Then, will I see you next time, Nara-ssi?”

“Of course! Do you think I would swindle you? I will pay next time, so Leeha-ssi will pick the location.”

“Okay! I will be your guide next time.”

As Leeha and Nara talked happily, Bobae, who escaped Nara’s grasp, spoke again.

“Hmm, hmm, hmm, you shouldn’t just talk about it- you should decide now. ‘Next time’ is a very scary word. If you don’t set it, you will not know when it will be.”

“Keuuuu, as expected of Bobae-ssi. Then when shall we meet?”

“Next week?… I don’t think it will work, because there’s training… and so the week after that?… Nara, do you have time the week after next? How about you Kijung?”

Bobae gave Nara a date and asked Kijung. There was no way Kijung would miss that.

“I will definitely come! Leeha-hyung will also have time, so I will take him out.”

It seemed like Kijung and Bobae had already disregarded Leeha and Nara.

However, it wasn’t that Leeha didn’t like it at all. They were the 2 cupids that naturally made an appointment two weeks later.

“Then let’s meet in two weeks.”

“Actually, we will probably see each other a few more times in Middle Earth before that.”

As if trying to console Nara, Leeha answered.

How many? If they set their mind to it, wouldn’t it be possible to see each other within 70 days of Middle Earth’s time, which was equivalent to two weeks in reality?

Nara, who had just completed her calculation, showed a bright expression again.

“Heh, that’s right. Then, goodbye, Leeha-ssi! Ah, you too, Kijung-ssi!”

“Did you just think of me like an afterthought?! Huhu, thank you anyway! Goodbye, both of you! See you next time Bobae-ssi!”

“Goodbye, Kijung-ssi!”

Despite the distance, Bobae’s gaze was completely on Kijung.

Thinking that maybe the one who got the most today was Kijung, Leeha also turned his wheelchair.

“Let’s go, Kijung-ah.”

“Yes. Do you have another appointment, hyung?”

“No, I have to get to Middle Earth.”

“Hyung seems to be more addicted than I am.” 

Kijung said it like he was worried, but it wasn’t just for the game.

It was the fact that Leeha was able to become confident in reality.

And it was because of Middle Earth that Leeha was able to meet people he likes.

‘I have to grow more. Even more.’

In order to become a man that she would not be ashamed of, Leeha made up his mind once more.


“Dark promotion!”

A sullen voice came from Faust’s mouth.

Black mana began to cling to the bodies of the skeletons, who had been wearing poor equipment until now, and zombies, who had no equipment.

Their equipment was fortified, their bodies were enlarged, and they got stronger.

The reason that necromancers were scary to deal with was that their undead summons can immediately be replenished as soon as the undead in front are destroyed.

Faust, who was already strong, became even stronger with Blue Beard’s power.

“Damn it, stop! It’s not the undead army that we have to deal with! We have to deal with the necromancer behind them!”

“But we couldn’t see it! T-there’s so many undead, I can’t figure out how many necromancers there are!”

“What about magic? You still haven’t recovered?!”

“It’s impossible, the mana is blocked!”

“Chimera- the chimeras have breached the siiiiiiiide—-!”

Grrrrrrrr…. Grrrrrrrr, grrrrrrrrr…..

Additionally, the town doesn’t only have one entrance.

The power of ordinary users and guards was not enough to block Faust’s strengthened undead and chimeras from pushing through.

The users fiercely resisted, but in the end, they were wiped out in less than an hour.

“Phew……. It’s over, count-nim.”

“It took you 53 minutes, so it was close.”

“B-But, it is within an hour as you ordered-”

“Keulkeul, I’m saying you did a good job.”

Bluebeard, who did not participate in the battle and watched from behind, patted Faust’s shoulder.

The quest completion window and rewards appeared in front of the Lizardia. The corners of his mouth moved upward.

‘The speed of leveling is amazing. At this rate, I can move in front of Chiyou soon. No, no. If my level rises too quickly, some people from the other side might have some doubts, hmmm…. Still, the reward is too good.’

Faust smiled and Bluebeard hit him on the head with his cane.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about how to better serve the count.”

“Kilkil, anyways, You alone is not enough.”


Blue Beard sighed, ignoring Faust’s question.

“Phew……. Even though I went all over the continent, they are nowhere to be found.”

“What…… are you talking about?”

“Those dimwitted guys… They were not able to hide as well as I did and really crossed over. Tsk, I guess I’ll have to take a leap in the end.”

What was he talking about? Faust shook his head, but couldn’t understand what Bluebeard was saying.


“Yes, count-nim.”

“I have to go somewhere.”

“It’s always like that… don’t you go around all the time?”

“This time is different. I have to go a little further this time. Other than that, I need to make sure that the annoying dung fly can’t find my tracks.”


A quest window appeared in front of Faust. Bluebeard did not stop talking as Faust read quickly.

“So you have to move. No, not just you. Gather those who are ruled by demonic power. And make this continent chaotic. Burn cities, destroy castles, and throw humans as chimera food. I will give you the authority to control the chimeras. I’ll make sure that the noble demons from Fibiel would also follow your actions.”

“A-are you sure? Then, as a matter of fact-”

“Do what you have been doing so far… I’ll do everything I can to make sure you don’t get caught being my agent, but they’ll be relentless in their pursuit, can you handle it?”

Bluebeard grinned and asked.

Can he handle it? Faust wanted to let out a roar of joy while looking at the quest window.

Faust knelt down with one knee and bowed.

It was a scene that seemed to be majestic at first glance, but Bluebeard just laughed and hit Faust in the head with his cane. It was Faust’s reward for accepting the quest.

Kuioooong-! At the cost of one hit, Faust’s level rose.

His stat points increased.

And he got a skill.

A new community window also popped up. Of course, there were conditions. And Faust made a promise to abide by that condition no matter what.

“Go quickly and give them a hard time.”



“Hmm, I like Middle Earth too.” 

Leeha liked the feeling he felt when he rubbed his knee and was looking forward to meeting someone like this in real life.

They virtually spent a day preparing for the 2:2 date, and they also spent a day on the date itself.

Therefore, as soon as he got home, Leeha quickly logged on to Middle Earth, because it had already been 8 Middle earth days after he had logged out.

‘Did Nara-sshi get home yet?’

Ram Hwayeon: Where have you been?! Where are you right now? I can’t see you in my friend’s window.


He had just logged in and was checking the friend’s windows when Leeha heard a whisper.

With this familiarity of tumbling and shooting, Leeha replied to Ram Hwayeon with a smile.

Leeha: I also have a private life, you know? I went out for a bit. Why?

Ram Hwayeon: What do you mean why? Are you asking why I contacted you? I contacted you because there was a new reply from Minis and it seems that a peace treaty will be signed soon. You have a quest, right?

Leeha: That’s right, I have a quest. Huh, there’s already only a week left. How did it go?

Ram Hwayeon: Ugh! I really can’t do anything if I don’t take care of you. It’s over. As soon as you finish your business, come to the palace. Let me explain.

Leeha had received a quest from Browless.

It was to persuade the opposing nobles to rush to a peace treaty.

Ram Hwayeon had told Leeha to trust only in her, and just by listening to Ram Hwayeon’s proud voice, Leeha was able to predict the outcome.

.(To be continued…)

TL’s Corner:

Weekly Chapters Released: 3/3 Chapter of the week

Pending Bonus Chapters: 59

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