Loving Madeline

Chapter 287 It Would Take Time

Hunter's POV

"Good morning, Hunter; what is your plan for today?" Calixto asked the moment he got inside my old office.

"I'm almost done with the financial records, and I could see the discrepancy, and I could tell this is not Parker's mishap," I said, and he looked at me with worries on his face.

"Don't worry, Cal, I will not do anything to my sister; I wanted to reach out to her and dad," I added.

"I don't think that is a good idea, Hunter, I could say your father still hated you because of Madeline, and I don't know if he will speak with you," Cal replied, and I released a heavy sigh.

"I am afraid of what would happen during the funeral, Hunter; I don't know, but it felt like something will happen, and you should take extra precautions; maybe wearing a bulletproof vest would do you good, and so your mom and sister," Calixto added and my face saddened.

"Don't tell me I am crazy, but we don't know if your dad was planning something that might cause collateral damage." He continued, and I couldn't argue with Cal.

"Do you think mom will listen to me? I am sure she will call me crazy for attending a funeral, and I will request them to wear a bulletproof vest." I responded, and he fell silent.

"Then, double your security; I am sure Hector provided you with his men." He replied, and I nodded my head.

"Can we go to Magnolia Village and have lunch at Jack's restaurant?" I asked, and he smiled.

"I love that, Mr. Divenson; I will be back before ten," he replied, and I nodded.

I drove his car, and I couldn't stop laughing when I found Calixto gripping his seat.

"Are you scared, Cal?" I asked, still amused by his expression.

"Even if I am already old, I am still afraid to die, Hunter, I love my wife, and I am a happy father. There is no reason for me to die early." He responded.

"Why are you running this car, almost hitting the maximum speed limit?" He asked as he darted me a side glance.

"I wanted to reach Magnolia during lunchtime, and I didn't eat anything during breakfast," I said.

"Well, you should drive safely; you have a beautiful, wealthy wife; when you die, I am sure every man in Neospoli would line up to date your wife." He said, and my face darkened.

"Don't say something like that, Calixto; I will never let myself die young; I wanted to grow old with Maddie and enjoy our old days happily, don't worry, you can tell I was driving fast, but I am a defensive driver, Cal," I replied, and I could see the relief on his face when I slowed down when we are entering the

Magnolia Village.

Old memories suddenly flashed back in my mind, and I remembered the day I realized for the first time that I was in love with Madeline.

She was only nineteen back then, but Maddie is an epitome of a strong woman, and I fell in love with her harder than I should have; I never had a single regret loving her every day of my life, and I couldn't stop missing her like crazy.

"I could tell you are thinking about your wife," I heard Calixto, and I almost forgot he was sitting beside me.

"How did you know?" I asked, pretending he read my mind wrong.

"You can't deny it to me, son, every time you think about Madeline, I can see that look," he replied.

"What look, Cal?" I inquired.

"A man in love," he responded, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, you are right, Cal; I am thinking about my wife. I miss her so much," I responded, and he smiled at me like I had said the most precious thing in the world.

"That is good to know that you are taking good care of Madeline, Hunter." He said.

"Of course, Cal, you should know that by now," I said, and he laughed.

I couldn't believe I would see Gina in the restaurant, but I realized she had all the right to visit Jack, and I couldn't stop thinking about my wife.

I was used to it; every time Gina was around, my wife would be there too, but not today. I am sure Madeline's best friend is here to reunite with her boyfriend and not to have some fun or to attend the funeral of my brother.

"Did you tell my wife you are coming to Magnolia, Gina?" I asked, and I could see the guilt all over her face.

"I am sorry, Hunter; I promise to be with your wife, but I couldn't stop coming here and seeing my boyfriend." She said while I could see the blush that crept all over her face.

I know she felt guilty about coming here even if I asked her to be there with Madeline. But Gina has the freedom to enjoy herself and be with Jack. She is one of my employees, my wife's best friend, and she is not a prisoner in Hector Grant's estate.

I wished to see Maddie having fun talking with her friends in Magnolia, but I knew my wife was safer out there, and I couldn't afford to risk it even if every damn minute it felt like my hurt was about to burst because of how much I wanted to be with her.

"I came home to attend the funeral of your brother, Hunter, and to see Jack too," Gina added, I smiled at her, but I could tell it was more about seeing her boyfriend, but now that I found out she was here, she felt guilty if she would not attend the funeral service of my brother.

"Thank you, Gina, I appreciate it, but I hope you tell Maddie about your plan since I am sure she will be more upset," I replied.

"Of course, we are best friends, Hunter, don't worry; she understood why she needed to stay behind; she even encouraged me to come home so I could also spend time with Jack and his family," Gina stated.

"Do you want to order now?" Lianne asked, and I shifted my attention to her as I nodded my head.

"Yes, please, we came here just to eat Jack's specialty, and I want to order Jack's Special steak," I said.

"Me too, I love the steak," Calixto added, and his stomach grumbled loud enough that everyone around the table could hear it, and they all turned their gaze on him.

"I am sorry, I am starving," he said, and I couldn't stop coughing since I was holding my laughter at bay.

I didn't expect they hadn't eaten their lunch yet, and when Jack joined us at the table, I said my thanks for serving us the most delicious steak I had ever tasted; so tender, and it tasted so good in my mouth.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Divenson." He replied.

"Even if I had a busy day, and you have a branch in Archois, it still felt different to dine here, Jack," I replied.

"Maybe because you have beautiful memories in this place, Hunter," Lydia said with a broad grin on her face, and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, indeed, I wished to bring my sister and mom; maybe tomorrow I can have a takeaway order good for two," I said.

"Sure," Jack answered while Gina's eyes widened.

"Are you staying in Magnolia?" She asked.

"Yeah, we will spend the night at our Villa," I responded.

"Oh, I see; that would be lovely," Gina answered.

"If you want, you can all join us," I replied.

"Thank you, Hunter, but we already have plans for tonight," Gina responded, and then she turned her gaze to Jack.

"Yeah, we are returning to Archois this afternoon," Jack responded.

"Ah, okay, see you at the funeral, Gina," I mumbled.

"Yeah, see you, Hunter." She replied.

We left the restaurant after I drank my wine, and Cal wanted to stay and talk with them, but I insisted that we should go already since I wanted to have an afternoon swim on the beach.

We said goodbye to the Morigans, and I drove straight to the villa.

"Are you sure you wanted to take a nap?" I asked Cal.

"Yes, I am sleepy; you know, at my age, I needed to take a rest after a long drive." He responded, and I chuckled.

"It wasn't a long drive, Cal, and I was the one who drove the car, not you," I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You better go to the beach now, Hunter," he said as he lay on the chaise lounge on the porch.

I shook my head and made my way to the shore. I wanted to take a picture and send it to my beloved wife, but I realized Gina was right; the more I call and send her pictures, Madeline will be upset that I didn't bring her with me.

It was enough that she sent me photos every day of our little boy, and I know why Maddie avoided sending me her pictures, too; she knew I would miss her more.

The water looked so calm, and I couldn't stop feeling the pain of losing my brother; as I watched the waves crashing on the shore, I realized life is too short, and I hoped my father would recognize we are his children, and I wanted to know why he hated my wife so much.

I cooked dinner after my swim, and I woke Cal up by shaking his shoulder, and he was initially disoriented, but he widely smiled at me after he realized we were still in our Villa.

"Wow, thank you for cooking dinner, Mr. Divenson," He said, and I smiled at him as I offered him his plate.

The drive back to Archois took longer as we enjoyed the view, and I couldn't believe the time had passed too quickly, and it would be Parker and Rebecca's funeral.

I put on my navy blue suit while I saw my mom and sister wearing black dresses, and I could tell my mom and Lily had been crying again, and I wished there was a way I could take away their pain overnight, but I knew it would take time.

I didn't drive since grandpa Hector assigned a driver who would take us to the church, and he would be driving us to the cemetery, and as we neared the church, I couldn't stop myself from feeling so nervous about meeting my father, Clark Divenson.

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