Loving Madeline

Chapter 286 For Peace

Madeline's POV

"Are you okay, Madeline? Why do you look so pale?" Jack asked the moment he saw me get inside the kitchen, and I could see the concern on his face.

"My husband and Calixto are in the restaurant," I replied, and his eyes widened as he closed the kitchen door, and he mentioned me to follow him.

"Now, I could tell you are really connected with your husband; maybe he can feel that you are near," Jack said after he opened his office, and I weakly smiled at him.

I am still amazed at how organized he was, and he mentioned me to sit down on the chair in front of his table.

"I am sorry to bother you, and I begged Gina not to tell you that we were coming. I couldn't believe that she discussed all the details with you and that you are no longer surprised why I am hiding from my husband." I declared.

"My girlfriend knew we were friends, Madeline, and she cares so much about you." He replied.

"You don't need to close the entire restaurant so we can eat here, Jack," I replied.

"Maddie, we are worried about your safety, and you don't need to apologize. We want to help you, and you must relax; we are family." He responded.

"Your grandpa was an excellent help to me, you just don't know what he had done to me, and even if I didn't receive any help from Hector, I would still do anything for you, Madeline," Jack added, looking at me with tenderness.

"I am more concerned about your plans; what if things go wrong? You can be hurt, Madeline, it worries Gina, and I feel the same way." He continued.

"Jack, don't worry, I planned everything with Grandpa, and he supported me on this even if I knew Hunter would be devastated if he found out the truth, but I don't have a choice; I need to do this to bring peace to our family," I responded, and he released a heavy sigh.

"Oh, no, you are cooking; you should return to the kitchen, Jack!" I said, feeling worried about the food he had prepared.

"Relax, I've got everything covered, and I planned to join you at your table when I saw you getting inside the kitchen. I've got an assistant cook who will prepare what they order, and I think you can no longer serve the food." He said, and my face fell as I nodded my head.

"Yeah, how can I serve those plates knowing my husband was there talking with your mom and sister and gina? I hope your girlfriend didn't tell my husband yet that I am here with her because sometimes she can't control herself." I replied.

"Yes, you could be right, but I think if we talked about you, she would never say a single word." He replied.

"I need your help, Jack," I said, and he furrowed his forehead.

"What kind of help, Maddie?" He asked.

"You better go there and talk with my husband, ask him what food he wants to eat, and you better prepare them faster than necessary because I need to have a good time with your mom and sister," I replied.

"I don't think I can make your husband leave quickly because I am sure he will have a good time talking with Calixto and my family." He said.

"Why not stay the night in our ancestral home, and we can talk over barbecue like the old times? What do you think?" He asked, and my face lit up.

"Sure, but I don't want to spend my entire day here in your office," I complained, and he chuckled.

"I can make you busy, you can help me with this, and I will pay you for the hours you work for me while I entertain your husband." He said, and my smile widened.

"Yes, I can order these things for you, and I can arrange your records," I said, and he laughed.

"Thank you, Jack," I replied.

"Don't mention it, Maddie," he said, and he looked at me for a long time and smiled.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked as I could see the amusement on his face.

"I am happy that you are still the old Madeline we knew; nothing had changed at all, with all the wealth that you possessed as of the moment, being the wife of Hunter and, of course, being the only heir of your grandpa." He responded, and my face softened.

"Why should I change, Jack? To me, relationship matters the most, we can never bring material things in our grave, and we all end up back to ashes; what is important is how we treat other people with compassion." I answered.

"Of course, Maddie, I support your advocacy, and thank you for supporting charity events, and I could tell Hunter is very proud of you." He said, and I blushed.

"I missed you, Maddie." He added, and I could tell my face turned redder.

"Make sure you clean the entire office, and I expect you order these things, Ms. Brownwood." He declared, and I grinned at him.

"Yes, chef," I responded, and he got out of his office, chuckling.

It felt so lovely to be back at Magnolia Village, but I wished I had come here with my husband, and I was not hiding from him. I missed Hunter like crazy, and I was seconds away from throwing myself at him.

"Hey, are you okay in here?" I was startled when I heard Liliane's voice behind me.

"I am sorry, Madeline, I don't mean to frighten you, my brother was worried about you," Lianne said as she sat on the chair while I sister some of the menu books. I found her watching me with a wide grin on her face.

"I couldn't believe the heiress of Hector Grant would be cleaning my brother's office." She said.

"Of course, but Jack knew my services were not free, so he offered me an hourly rate," I replied, and I could see the amusement on her face.

"I felt so happy that Jack decided to rerun this place," I mumbled.

"He liked staying in the big city, but I could tell his heart belonged here, and I am sure after he gets married to your best friend, he will settle her." She replied.

"Oh, that is sweet of him. I am sure Gina would be ecstatic." I stated.

"Yes, she will. Don't tell her yet, but my brother already planned everything, and he got a big surprise for Gina." She declared, and my eyes widened after she whispered about it in my ear. I couldn't wait for my best friend to find out; she would go crazy for sure.

"Are you sure you don't want to see your husband?" Lianne asked, and my face saddened.

"Not yet, Lianne," I responded.

"Too bad, he looked so handsome and hot, but I am sure women will be turned off since he couldn't stop talking about his lovely wife," Lianne said, and I smiled like an idiot.

"Yeah, you are so lucky, Maddie, your husband is still madly in love with you, and I couldn't imagine someone as popular and handsome as Hunter would go crazy over a woman, but I have my answer because I know you, and you are the best wife." She added, and I couldn't stop from giggling.

"Are they gone?" I asked.

"I am sorry, Madeline, but they are staying for the night," she responded.

"What?" I asked, shocked that I had let go of the logbook I was holding in my hands.

"Yes, but not in our house, but he planned to stay in your Villa." She replied, and I let out a soft sigh, and I couldn't stop missing the place where I had my honeymoon with my husband.

"Your face is glowing!" Lianne teased me.

"Yeah, I couldn't wait to join him in our Villa. Too bad I can't," I replied.

"You must come with me, Maddie; they just left the restaurant," she stated, and I felt relieved my husband was no longer around or I could no longer initiate my plans.

I ate like I hadn't eaten for days since I was starving, and I couldn't believe Hunter would stay for more than three hours.

"Relax, Maddie; Hunter won't find out you are here in Magnolia; I advised him to avoid calling you since it will upset you," Gina said after I told her about my concerns.

"You did?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and he thanked me for my advice." He replied and laughed.

We had a barbecue in their backyard, and I couldn't stop calling my aunt; just watching my child in his sleep made me feel so happy, and I couldn't wait to come home and be with him, but I needed to stay more days, and everything will be okay.

We had fun talking and singing, and I missed them, and I promised one of these days I would come

back to Magnolia with my husband and son.

"Are you sure you are sharing a room with me?" I whisper after Gina gets inside the guest room.

"Yes," she replied.

"Are you crazy? Tonight is your chance to be with Jack, and you should go to his room." I said in more than a whisper, and I felt afraid anyone would hear us.

"Do you think it would be okay?" She asked.

"Gina, you already slept with Jack, and I am sure his entire family assumed you had done it already, so stop being like that," I replied, and her eyes got so big.

"I couldn't believe this. Madeline Brownwood would encourage her best friend to sleep with his boyfriend." She said.

"Hey, you are almost thirty, Gina, you are no longer a teenager, besides I knew your heart was screaming to be with him, you are only worried about what I think; you don't need to feel shy; I would do the same if I were in your situation." I declared, and his face lit up.

"Thank you, I felt bad I said no to Jack." She replied.

"What are you waiting for, Gina? Go!" I exclaimed, and she came out of our room on tiptoe while I was smiling as I hit the bed and wishing Hunter was in the other room waiting for me.

I miss making love with my husband, and I dozed off to sleep with Hunter's handsome face on my mind with a beautiful smile on my face.

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