Madeline's POV

"Why are you here, Gina? It is still early; you should be with Jack at this hour," I said as I turned to her side after she lay on the bed beside me.

"I don't want Jack's mother to see me getting out of his room, and it would be awkward, Maddie," she replied.

"You are both an adult, Gina; I am sure Lydia would understand," I replied.

I didn't want to ruin her mood since she looked so happy to be with Jack. I felt guilty that because of me, she needed to go back to the city. I didn't expect she would come back to our room earlier than I expected.

"You can stay here and spend your time with him together with his family, and you don't need to come with me today, Gina; I would understand," I added and smiled at her.

"Maddie, I came with you because of that mission, and I didn't expect I would be spending a night with Jack," she replied with a beautiful smile that I could see her face was glowing.

Gina was still wearing her nightgown, and she looked so sexy, and I could see she was blushing. I never see my best friend this happy, and I felt so delighted for her.

"Thank you for allowing me to be with Jack," she said.

"You don't need to say thank you, Gina; he is your boyfriend, besides it was part of my itinerary to visit Magnolia Village since I missed Jack's family," I responded.

"Are you ready to go back to Archois?" She asked after a while.

"Yeah, we need to prepare everything. Did you tell Jack about our plans?" I said, and she shook her head.

"Of course not; I don't want him to worry, all he knew is Hunter, and his family didn't know you were here to attend the funeral; I am just worried if he will come to us the moment we arrive at the church." She replied.

"About that, you better tell him you can't join them during the funeral service since I asked you to be with me, and I have to be with Hunter and his family," I explained.

"You better tell Jack to stay with his family while you will be with me, I don't know what will happen during the funeral, but I am sure it would blow their mind the moment they see us, especially Clark," I added.

"I couldn't imagine what would be Hunter's reaction; I wonder what he will do the moment we will get inside the church," My best friend said.

"You need to be extra careful, Madeline," she added.

"Yeah, but I want you to be careful too, Gina, your life could be in danger because of me, and I know Clark will make his move right away," I replied.

"But I don't want to think about Hunter's father yet, and I am worried about my mom's sister. I was hurt when I received her letter, and she said in her letter she didn't want to deal with me anymore." I added.

"I am sorry about that, Madeline," she responded.

"It is okay, Gina; I was excited that she finally wrote a letter to me; I didn't expect she would tell me to leave her and her family alone," I declared since I didn't get the chance to tell Gina the details since after I read my aunt's letter we heard the bad news about Parker and Rebecca.

"Oh, that is unbelievable," she mumbled.

"I know, right," I replied.

"I asked Calixto to find them, but they told Cal to tell me to honor their wishes since they didn't want to see me anymore after all the things I did for them," I added.

"It hurts me since they are the only ones I know from my maternal side, and I want to go to their house and see my aunt," I said.

"Oh, Madeline, your aunt already asked you to honor her wishes," Gina responded, and I shook my head.

"I want to hear it myself, Gina, even if it hurts," I replied, and we talked more until my best friend smiled as she showed me the text message from her boyfriend telling us to come down and join them in the dining area to have breakfast.

Lydia, Lianne, and Jack were already waiting for us in the dining hall, and they all greeted us warmly with sweet smiles on their faces.

"Are you really going back to the city today?" Lydia asked as she looked at me.

"Yeah, I needed to take care of some matters before the funeral service of Rebecca and Parker," I responded as Jack and Lianne served us our food.

"Thank you, chef Jack and Lianne," I said as I smiled at them.

I suddenly felt hungry when I saw the french toast and egg fillet on my plate with siding of fresh strawberry and banana, and I poured fresh milk into my glass.

I ate my food with a beautiful smile as I listened to them happily talking with each other, and their lively conversation made me want to stay another day with them.

I wished to stay longer, but we needed to return to the city and meet grandpa's trusted friend in Archois. I haven't met him yet since he wasn't able to visit Neospoli due to his hectic schedule, and since my grandfather trusted him, I need to put my faith in him too.

We said goodbye to them, and Jack's family cheered when he kissed Gina on the lips before he finally let go of my best friend.

"Wow! Someone is so in love!" I teased my best friend after we drove away from Morigan's ancestral house.

"Yeah, I am in love, and I didn't expect it would feel this way; I hadn't experienced this euphoria before," she replied.

"Yeah, I can relate, and I know how it feels; it felt like your heart would burst due to much happiness, and you felt like you were floating in the air," I said, and she giggled as she nodded head.

"I am so happy for you and Jack, Gina; I was dreaming for this day to come when I could finally say that my best friend is in love, and I felt so glad it was with Jack Morigan," I added.

"Me too," she replied.

"I know he was such a gentleman, and he will never hurt you, Gina," I added.

"I know, Maddie, and I wish he would propose to me soon," she replied, and I smiled at her.

"Of course, when the right time comes, I know he was still planning his proposal, and when that day comes, I am sure you will be the happiest woman on earth," I said, and she beamed at me.

We listened to our favorite playlist as we traversed the road leading to the city, and I couldn't stop myself from driving to my aunt's house, and I wished I didn't come.

"Are you okay?" Gina asked after my cousin told me my aunt didn't want to speak with me, and I didn't understand why she had nothing to do with me.

"No, I will never be fine knowing my Aunt doesn't want to speak with me. I don't know what I have done wrong to her, Gina." I said as I clenched my fists on the steering wheel.

"Maybe Clark Divenson was all behind this, and it would be impossible if your aunt would shun you just like that; you are her niece, Maddie," Gina said as she tried to console me.

"I don't know, and I just want to see her and say hello, I kept sending them money every month, and she told me to stop since she doesn't need my money anymore. I only wanted to share my blessings with her." I responded.

"Don't worry, one of these days she will come to you," my best friend replied.

"I wish that were true, Gina," I said as I started the engine of the car.

"I need to go back, and I should be with my husband," I replied as I focused my attention on the road.

​ "Where are we going to meet this person? I mean, your grandpa's friend?" She asked.

"I have his address, and I already set the GPS," I replied.

"We will be staying at his place since my grandpa's men and his men will be our backup during the funeral service," I added.

"Do you think we can still attend the burial?" She asked, and I darted a glance at her before I shook my head.

"I don't think so; I am sure by the time Clark found out I was there, he would quickly make a move," I replied, and she fell silent for the rest of our ride, and I could tell Gina felt nervous.

"If you don't want to do it, you can still back out, Gina; even on that day, just remember you have the freedom to continue or not; I will give you an option," I added.

"I even want you to stay on Magnolia and be safe, but I am sure you will do everything for me, and I am forever grateful for having you in my life, Gina," I said.

"Me too, Maddie; the feeling is mutual; I am thankful for having you as your best friend." She responded.

The GPS brought us to the city's outskirts, and we stopped in front of a large wrought iron entrance gate of an enormous mansion.

"Wow! Your grandpa's friend is loaded too," Gina mumbled as she looked at the mansion from a distance; after the security guards let us in, before I could introduce myself that I am Madeline, the granddaughter of Hector Grant.

The camera on the guardhouse captured my face and Gina, and they got all the information they needed without showing them our Identification Cards.

I couldn't stop feeling excited as I drove the car toward the entrance of the main house, and I couldn't wait to see the man who would help us to take down Clark Divenson.

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