Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 193: Harem Gathering Before the War

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--- Chapter 190 ---

Three days before the invasion.

Yu Long has called some helpers from the Lost Heaven Sect. And they arrived today.

He is currently seated inside the Divine Phoenix Palace while his harem is talking with each other. Yes, Feng Xue'er finally got to know her fellow sisters.

Sitting beside Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue, Feng Xue'er is a new younger sister in this convo.

"Oh my god, you're so beautiful." Cang Yue couldn't resist and hugged Feng Xue'er without hesitation. "People say Princess Snow is the number one beauty in the Profound Sky Continent, but how could they never say you're so goddamn adorable~!"

"Uh, that was just a rumor." Feng Xue'er blushed hard. She still has some conscience as Cang Yue and Xia Qingyue are more beautiful than her.

Xia Qingyue giggled and commented, "No, Sister Xuero is right. You're adorable, Xue'er."

"Can I call you that?"

"Mm, you can call me Xue'er, Big Sister." Feng Xue'er nodded bashfully, and her bang swayed cutely.

"Big Sister, huh? I like it." Xia Qingyue's mouth curved into a fascinated smile.

Yu Long sipped his morning coffee and said, "Thanks, god. You guys are getting along well."

"What, you wanted us to fight or something?" Cang Yue squinted her eyes at him.

"No, that's not what I mean." Yu Long chuckled, shrugging helplessly. "It's just such a nice picture."

"To be honest, I expected more drama..."

The ladies rolled their eyes at Yu Long's comment.

Xia Qingyue, Cang Yue, and any ladies who had sex with Yu Long have a tacit understanding of each other. Since Yu Long was too capable, they couldn't defeat him alone.

And it somehow led them to be intimate with each other.

As the saying goes, people band together when there is a common enemy.

In this case, the harem becomes harmonious when the man is competent.

Overly competent!

'Too bad, Xue'er is a bit too young.' Cang Yue and Xia Qingyue loathed slightly.

Yu Long shook his head and glanced at Hong Guan, "How have you been doing in the last few weeks, Guan'er?"

Hong Guan was calmly enjoying the conversation, though she didn't say much, but was quickly caught off guard by Yu Long's affectionate way of calling her.

She coughed, "Good."

"Your bloodline?"

"I've put it under control somehow."

"That's good to hear..."

Yu Long briefly checked Hong Guan's condition and discovered the fused Altered Bloodline had integrated with her. There is no sign of fluctuation, which means she's good to cultivate again.

"Yeah." Hong Guan gave him a nod.

At the same time, Hong Guan also eyed the Chu Sisters and Lily. Yes, she would be damned if she didn't realize the change in atmosphere between them and Yu Long.

The relationship between Yu Long and the three women has taken another step. He just hasn't eaten and finalized it yet.

'But I had to say, Lily is more determined now.' Hong Guan thought to herself.

'Chu Yueli is still Chu Yueli.'

'As for Chu Yuechan, the feeling of an Altered Bloodline inside her body is this strong? It seems Yu Long has given her quite a nice one.'

"What?" Lily is chewing on a premium steak and feels Hong Guan's penetrating gaze.

"Nothing." Hong Guan smiled. "I'm just happy for you."

"Yeah..." Lily looked away awkwardly.

Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan glanced at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Chu Yueli.

Chu Yuechan parted her lips, "Yes. At this point, the Young Master would form an army of harem."

"Though we still have to count Su Meiling, Yuyan, Jasmine, and possibly Su Ling'er in."

"Damn... Young Master's charm is too strong." Chu Yueli bit her fingernail.

Chu Yuechan stared at her younger sister, "That's a bad habit, Yueli."

"It's my finger." Chu Yueli snorted.

"And I'm your older sister." Chu Yuechan firmly responded. After getting her bloodline, she somehow began to act more like a wolf. Of course, it's more of a showering affection toward her only blood family.


All of a sudden, the door to the room was 'violently' opened.

"Everyone, I have news about the Four Great Sacred Grounds!" Yuyan entered the room. "They will invade the Divine Phoenix City in a week, if not sooner."

"They have prepared rations for this, I heard."

The room was 'suddenly' silenced, and the mood reached a freezing point.

Feng Xue'er put on a shocked expression upon hearing the news.

"A week." She grimly mumbled. "That's not a very long time."

"I don't think we can evacuate people out of the Divine Phoenix City that fast."

"Evacuating? Why would you do that?" The ladies are staring at Feng Xue'er with a funny look.

Feng Xue'er was puzzled by their reactions. "Eh? I mean. We are going to war against the Four Great Sacred Grounds, no? At the very least, we should get innocent people out of the battlefield."

"Pfft~!" Cang Yue couldn't hold her laughter. "Xue'er, you're so adorable indeed."

Feng Xue'er tilted her head in confusion.

Xia Qingyue stared at Yu Long and patted her forehead, "You didn't tell her, didn't you? Well, that's a good call on your side."

"Listen, Xue'er. With us(your sisters) here, you don't have to worry about those pesky Four Great Sacred Grounds."

"They are just a bunch of clowns." Hong Guan added indifferently. Since her brother's death to the corrupted faction and learning about Yu Long's grandparents' backgrounds, she has disliked Four Great Sacred Grounds.

"I hope they are rich enough to offend us." Lily giggled while rubbing her hands together. Yup, she clearly wanted to rob them.

Chu Yueli and Chu Yueli have no comment about this matter. Well, they have something to say.

It's a bit overkill for Yu Long to call the ladies here.

Xia Qingyue's existence alone is a deterrent against large-scale invasion because of her unique Profound Art. She's like a 'certain' pirate who dominated a war with his quake-generation ability.

"B-But this is a war..." Feng Xue'er was speechless.

Yuyan hugged Feng Xue'er from behind and whispered, "Listen to your new sisters. When they say everything will be fine, that will happen later."

Yu Long smiled and said, "I didn't call all of you for the war alone."

"As you know from my letter, the Primordial Profound Ark arrives at the top of Divine Phoenix City once every twenty-five years. But the ark will arrive earlier than everyone expected."

"I planned for everyone to take a look at the place. After all, it's not every day you can encounter something like this."

'He didn't lie, but that ain't the whole truth.' Yuyan snickered inside when listening to Yu Long.

"So, the war is just a side dish?" The ladies gave Yu Long a suspicious look.

"Hmm, something like that." Yu Long brushed their suspicion off. The Four Great Sacred Grounds didn't pose much threat compared to Pandora.

But that doesn't mean Yu Long will give them an easy way.

The incoming war will be a finisher that completed his dominion over the Profound Sky Continent.

After this, the Profound Sky Continent will become his, and no annoyance will happen ever again. He also could take the first step on the Kaiju Hunting Plan.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Cang Yue asked Yu Long.

Yu Long casually placed something on the table. "This is the plan."

The ladies focused their gazes on the table and gasped, "No way..."

"Yu Long, you're so bad."

"As expected of the Lord of Monsters."

"Yes, way. They wouldn't expect this at all." Yu Long laughed wickedly. At the moment, he looks like a handsome devil.



Back to the present, Yu Long and the ladies stood atop the Divine Phoenix Palace. They watched as an army of five nations approached from all directions, leaving no escape for them.

There are also several Monarch-level Experts guarding from the back. It was clear they are from the Four Great Sacred Grounds.

"Are we really going to this?" Feng Xue'er nervously held Yu Long's hand.

Yu Long gazed at the distance, "Yes, Xue'er."

"But this is a little too much..."

"Xue'er, I love your kindness, but have you ever heard this line?"

"What line?"

"Misery loves company..."

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