Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 192: Chaotic Night's Aftereffects

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--- Chapter 189 ---

After the chaotic night, Yu Long's group completely suppressed the mess Pandora left behind for them.

Yuyan has deterred the hordes of profound beasts(including the ones at the Phoenix Perching Valley) and teleported them inside the Myriad Season Dimension for further inspection. Well, they weren't really a challenge for the Emerald Phoenix.

Lily has helped the injured, so the casualty in the Divine Phoenix City is negligible that night. Of course, death is still death. They haven't counted the unfortunate settlements that become Pandora's playground.

After all, the hordes also trampled many villages, towns, and cities.

Roughly counting, at least millions died that night.

Some even experienced a fate worse than death.

The lives of the weak are very depressing.


Yu Long exited the Divine Phoenix Palace's Dungeon and was 'instantly' greeted by the anxious Phoenix Emperor. There are also his grandmother, Feng Xue'er, and Feng Tianwei.

"How was it, Yu Long?" Feng Hengkong asked with anticipation. "Can you cure my sons?"

Yu Long stared at Feng Hengkong and shook his head helplessly, "I'm not very confident, father-in-law. Their condition is similar to that of cursed beings."

"Even if I restored their appearance to the original, their mind has become monster-like."

"This is a disaster." Feng Tianwei sighed while rubbing his forehead. "We got attacked out of nowhere and couldn't do anything about it."

"Hengkong, we need to increase our security level. If not, the same thing would happen again.

"Fortunately, Lost Heaven Sect sent support on time." He stared at Yu Long with a determined spirit. From the look alone, he really wanted his granddaughter to marry this young man quickly.

Yu Long smiled, "This is my duty as the young leader. I can't let innocent people suffer."

Although Yu Long sounds hypocritical because his past life's Kaiju was the source of this hell, he couldn't do anything about it.

All his Kaiju were under his control back then, but now. They have tasted freedom and have their own ambition, whether to create chaos like Pandora or live peacefully like Freya.

Yu Long had to admit that he was careless about this matter. Things have gone out of control since Fran arrived at the Blue Pole Star.

He felt Feng Xue'er's gaze and patted her head gently, "I'm sorry, Xue'er."

Feng Xue'er had an understanding look and answered, "It's fine, Big Brother. You have done your best."

That's a problem, Xue'er.

Yu Long hasn't done his best.

To be more precise, he couldn't do his best!

Even though Yu Long has unlocked most of [Kaiju Maker]'s abilities, the ones he needed to fix the mutated princes are still locked. He desperately pushed himself back to awaken his potential.

'I can't stay too passive anymore. I have to put forward the Kaiju Hunting Project.' Yu Long thought to himself.

After excusing himself and Feng Xue'er away, the only remaining people in the area are Xu Nannan, Feng Hengkong, and Feng Tianwei.

"Nannan, what do you think of marriage... You know, between our grandchildren?" Feng Tianwei immediately asked.

Xu Nannan's mouth twitched as she commented, "Your Divine Phoenix Empire just experienced a disaster, and the first thing you wanted to do was marry your granddaughter to my grandson?"

"Tianwei, your mind is not on the right track."

"Actually, I think it was a great decision." Feng Hengkong added.

"The atmosphere of the Divine Phoenix Empire and the surrounding areas are too gloomy. To wash for everyone's horror, we could use the wedding to cheer them on and lend some help."

"My people need a new light, and Yu Long with Feng Xue'er would do just fine."

"Aih, you guys..." Xu Nannan sighed. "You forgot the Four Great Sacred Grounds are eyeing this place."

"Like a juicy piece of steak, that is."

"They are probably planning to attack sooner or later. After all, the Divine Phoenix Empire is at its weakest state."

Feng Hengkong and Feng Tianwei's expressions darkened. They honestly forgot about the Four Great Sacred Grounds, and such an oversight could cost them an arm or more.

"I embarrassed myself." Feng Tianwei laughed weakly.

Feng Hengkong sighed, "Father, I think we should lay low for now."

"Yeah, try to recover as much strength as possible."

"Nannan, can you help us with the rumored Heart Opening Liquid?"

Xu Nannan smiled, "You're asking the right person for that."


Yu Long and Feng Xue'er walked the main street of the destroyed Divine Phoenix City. Since the civilians moved to safer places, the main streets are empty.

So, they hadn't seen a single soul in a usually busy area, which felt desolate.

"So much destruction." Feng Xue'er mumbled weakly. "If only I'm not weak, maybe we can save more people."

"Big Brother, did you think Xue'er is naive?"

Yu Long glanced at her and replied, "Yes."

"There is nothing wrong with your naivety if we are living in a peaceful world, but we are cultivators, Xue'er. I'm sure this experience made you realize everything won't go as planned in this accursed place."

"Mm." Feng Xue'er nodded, feeling more downcasted.

"Big Brother, can you increase my training? I want to be as strong as you when fighting that woman..."

"Okay." Yu Long agreed right away. "Before that, I have to make sure everything is safe."

"What do you mean?" Feng Xue'er was puzzled.

Yu Long smiled and answered, "Rats, Xue'er. A bunch of rats."

The news of the Divine Phoenix Empire's disasters has reached every corner of the Profound Sky Continent. Every faction was shocked and overjoyed because the 'strongest' empire was 'finally' cursed with bad luck.

It is just the nature of humans.

They couldn't stand someone standing higher than them.

How many enemies had the Divine Phoenix Empire made in the last thousand years? Even the current emperor couldn't count them.

Now, those enemies have 'bad' thoughts in their minds.

Shadow Realm has communicated with all branches on the Profound Sky Continent and found almost every nation has planned to attack the Divine Phoenix Empire, except the Blue Wind Empire.

Divine Phoenix Empire and Blue Wind Empire have the same son-in-law, so they couldn't possibly go after each other's neck. That would be a dumb move.

But there is more to it. These nations obviously have the support of the Four Great Sacred Grounds.

Yes, this is the source of their confidence.

Unknown to them, the Divine Phoenix Empire has expected this. Although the situation is not very disadvantageous, they still have Lost Heaven Sect on their side.

One vs four might sound unfair.

Still, the Lost Heaven Sect has been 'anonymously' acknowledged as the strongest Sacred Ground in the last five years.

They didn't know the extent of the Lost Heaven Sect's power. And that's what makes the current situation awkwardly calm.

All they needed was one ripple, and all chaos would break loose on the Profound Sky Continent.

Days after day.

Even weeks have passed.

The smell of gunpowder is accumulating in the atmosphere.

Amidst this calmness, a massive flying object finally arrived above the Divine Phoenix City.

Yes, the Primordial Profound Ark finally arrived!

Inside the Divine Phoenix Palace, Feng Hengkong stood up from his throne and gazed at the enormous ark in shock.

"This, how could this be?" He solemnly shouted. "Why did the Primordial Profound Ark appear this soon?!"

"Fuck, This is the worst thing that could happen to the Divine Phoenix Empire now!"

In the past, the arrival of the Primordial Profound Ark was a sign of prosperity for the Divine Phoenix Empire.

After all, the Primordial Profound Ark contained resources, possibly legacy, from ancient times.

But now? No, the Primordial Profound Ark has become a sign of disaster!

It wouldn't be long before the Four Great Sacred Grounds learned about the Primordial Profound Ark's earlier arrival. And the calm water will become chaotic.

"Hengkong, follow me to meet the Ancestor." Feng Tianwei arrived at the throne room. "We need his presence."

"Calm down, father-in-law, grandfather-in-law." A calm voice entered the room.

Feng Hengkong and Feng Tianwei stared at the entrance and found Yu Long with Feng Xue'er. There are also more young ladies behind them.

"Leave it to me." Yu Long reassured them.

"I will deal with the invasion."

"C-Can you really do that?" Feng Hengkong was still in a state of panic.

Yu Long gives them a confident smile, "I swear on my master's reputation."

"Good." Feng Hengkong and Feng Tianwei sighed in relief.

And with that, a war has just begun.

Pandora perfectly caused a chain of chaos with her brief presence.

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