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--- Chapter 191 ---

Three hours before Yu Long implemented his plant.

The alliance of five great nations arrived a few thousand miles from the Divine Phoenix City. The news of Primordial Profound Ark's earlier arrival made the leaders of their nations go mad over it.

At first, the five nations didn't want to attack the Divine Phoenix City this fast because the Phoenix Emperor might have hidden cards within his sleeves.

However, the Four Great Sacred Grounds' representatives reassured them that anything the Phoenix Emperor tried to do would be futile before their presence.

With such a boost of confidence, the leader of five great nations ordered their armies to march over quickly. Their presence signified that the great war had begun. Unfortunately, they wouldn't expect the big surprise to befall them shortly after.

This horrible event will be known as the 'biggest' stain in the history of the Profound Sky Continent. It is also the first event that gave Yu Long some new nicknames.

The Merciless Son-in-law.

Caller of Disaster.

And Lord of Beasts!


Burning Bottle Mountain Range, Alliance Camp.

Inside a large tent, five representatives of the great nations sat around a round table. They also have a war advisor and commanders pointing things on the Divine Phoenix City's territory map.

"We are really going to do it, huh?" Said the representative from the Black Fiend Nation. "The Divine Phoenix Empire would fall after so long."

"Yeah, fucking finally." The representative from the Grand Asura Nation snorted.

"The Divine Phoenix Empire deserved it after hogging all the benefits from the Phoenix Sect. Also, don't forget about the Primordial Divine Ark, as we could imagine the bountiful resource it holds."

"You guys are just greedy." The representative of the Divine Incense Nation chuckled. But he also has a cruel smile plastered on his face.

The representative from the Navy Tide Nation narrowed her eyes, "You shouldn't be the one who said that, you two-faced bastard."

"Oh, come on. Everyone here wanted a piece of the big cake." The Divine Incense Nation's representative riled everyone.

"Anyway, aren't you too quiet?" He glanced at the representative of Sunflower Dew Nation.

"He is probably afraid." Someone pointed it out.

"Afraid?" The four representatives frowned.

"Afraid of what? We have literal support from the Four Great Sacred Grounds. They are the hegemon of the Profound Sky Continent!"

The representative of Sunflower Dew Nation finally opened his mouth and sighed, "Don't you guys think the Divine Phoenix Empire is way too calm?"

"I didn't think much of it at first, but it seems everyone overlooks the engagement of Lost Heaven Sect's young leader and Divine Phoenix Empire's princess snow."

"You guys don't know the horror of Lost Heaven Sect as your nation never offended them. But today, we are going straight to the lion's mouth."

"I am only afraid of one thing. Lost Heaven Sect's support to the Divine Phoenix Empire."

A war advisor raised his hand and asked, "My lord from the Sunflower Dew Nation, your fear is a bit irrational. As the other representative has pointed out, we also have the support of the Holy Land."

"And not just a holy land, but Four Great Sacred Grounds."

"Are you implying that the Lost Heaven Sect is stronger than the Four Great Sacred Grounds combined?"

Everyone jointly nodded at the war advisor's words.

Even the commanders think the Sunflower Dew Nation's representative wants to escalate things.

"In fact... After destroying the Divine Phoenix Empire, our next target is Blue Wind Empire and the Lost Heaven Sect itself." A gruff voice comes from the war advisor.

"The Blue Wind Empire rejected our plan to corner the Divine Phoenix Empire, which is understandable because their princess also engaged with the Lost Heaven Sect's young leader."

"But we can't just let them off."

"Also, don't you guys already have a taste of Heart Linking Pills from the Lost Heaven Sect? After destroying the Divine Phoenix Empire and Blue Wind Empire, we will trample this arrogant sect and rob their pill recipes."

"Hehehe, I don't believe the Lost Heaven Sect could win against the Four Great Sacred Grounds." After hearing the war advisor's wicked laugh, everyone followed suit.

The Sunflower Dew Nation's representative hung his head low. He couldn't describe it, but there was a bad premonition in his heart.

And he couldn't erase it for some reason, feeling it would be detrimental to this joint attack's success.

'Oh god, I hope I'm just overthinking things.' He thought to himself.

Soon, the war advisor began to lead them about the plan of conquering the Divine Phoenix City. His ambition is soaring throughout the roof.


Not too far away, the Four Great Sacred Grounds' elders also held a meeting.

"What do you think of their view about the Lost Heaven Sect?" Said an elder from Sun Moon Divine Hall.

"Even though I agreed with some of their statements, they looked down on the Divine Phoenix Empire too much because of our support." The Supreme Ocean Palace's elder calmly responded.

"The Divine Phoenix Empire is 'unfortunately' weakened due to recent disasters, but that doesn't mean they are miserable. An injured beast is still a beast, and they are more aggressive and ferocious also."

"Not to mention, we had to consider that the Phoenix God's will might still exist." She solemnly added.

"No, that's impossible." An elder from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region shook his head.

"What do you mean?" The elder stared at him.

The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region looked at the distance. He tapped his finger against a rock table and continued calmly, "Before the Lost Heaven Sect's young leader and Divine Phoenix Empire's princes got engaged, a phoenix cry echoed all over the Profound Sky Continent."

"According to our Sword Master, it was a sign of Phoenix God's dying will disappearance. If not, the engagement won't happen that fast."

The Absolute Monarch Sanctuary's elder frowned, "Now that makes more sense. Since the Divine Phoenix Empire wanted a quick relation and support from the Lost Heaven Sect, they sold their only princess..."

"Such a practice is normal."

"But it also puzzles me."

"Go on, tell us what puzzled you." The elder from the Sun Moon Divine Hall urged.

The Absolute Monarch Sanctuary rubbed his chin, "What makes the Divine Phoenix Empire so confident about the Lost Heaven Sect's support?"

"I know the Lost Heaven Sect is also a holy land-level like us, but they are undoubtedly younger than us. I didn't have to mention their unknown and possibly shallow background."

The elders thought deeply about his question.

"Is there a possibility that the Lost Heaven Master will enter the battlefield personally?" Everyone mumbled at the same time.

The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's elder furrowed his brows, "It seems we have to raise our alert. We cannot win against someone like the Lost Heaven Master."

"But we should be able to stop him from interfering."

"I bring some interesting stuff here." He pulled a formation disk, which caused the other elders to gasp.

"Y-You even brought that thing here? You are not taking any chances, huh?"

The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's elder chuckled, "With this, the Lost Heaven Master won't able to do anything..."

"Let's not halt our step and tell those fools to start the plan."

The elders nodded with a faint smile on their faces. Besides them, they also have more elders waiting on the backline.



The alliance's army moved and quickly stationed a few hundred miles away from the Divine Phoenix City. A commander used his enhanced vision and saw a young man with ladies standing on the city wall.

"There are people on the wall?" He was confused.

"The Divine Phoenix Empire has gone insane, perhaps..."

The elders of the Four Great Sacred Ground also stared at the group of youths in confusion. They expected the Phoenix Emperor himself to face them off, but this exceeded their expectation. In a 'bad' way, that is.

Yu Long slowly floated to the sky, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen."

"Your arrival here does not surprise me, but I will still give you a chance."

"A chance to give up..."

Everyone felt their ears wrong for a moment.

They laughed at Yu Long's bluff, thinking he just wanted to make more time for his people to flee.

Yes, the classic 'brat who's wet behind the ear' happened right now.

"Without further ado... I will give you five seconds." Yu Long grabbed a small flute.


"Pfft, someone. Someone get that brat to the ground. I want to beat him to death."


"Oy, oy, he really wanted to court death today."


"He's still counting. There is something wrong with his brain."


"Kekeke, that young man is the Lost Heaven Sect's young leader. People say there is a faint line between genius and insanity, so he's definitely gone insane."

"One..." Yu Long placed the flute in his mouth. He ignored their mockery because it meant nothing to him. "Well, as expected."

"None of them wanted to give up..."

"It's not my problem anyway."

"Today will be their funeral."


Yu Long blew the flute, and the ear-piercing sounds echoed through the battlefield and stunned everyone. They shuddered instinctively and slowly looked up.

In the future, this sound Yu Long created will be named the Reaper's Call.

And you might wonder, why did it call so?

Here is the answer.

A massive portal appeared above the battlefield.

One hundred thousands of Mutated Profound Beasts, pouring out like no tomorrow from it. The atmosphere froze, and the cries of Profound Beasts dominated the area.

The alliance and elders of the Four Great Sacred Grounds were stunned.

After all, every Profound Beast rushing toward them is at the Sovereign Profound Realm!



Horror struck their spines.

Fear ruptures their nerves.

They couldn't move, even when they heard that frightening sight.

The people on the backline could only watch their comrades getting trampled, beaten, and eaten whole.

After a split second, some regained their bodily control and started running. They even killed their comrades accidentally because the army formation was too crowded.

But how could Yu Long let them away this easily?

Yu Long blew the flute three times, and three more portals manifested a second later. Three more hordes of Mutated Profound Beasts poured like an endless stream, killing the alliance army without mercy.

Even the elder of the so-called Four Great Sacred Grounds couldn't do anything because this level of fight was out of their damned level.

Everyone unconsciously looked at Yu Long, watching his black hair flutter as his cold golden eyes gazed at them.

It's such an unforgettable sight as the Mutated Profound Beast drowned them into their inevitable death.

At the Divine Phoenix City's wall, Feng Xue'er vomits her breakfast and gets supported by Xia Qingyue because her knees become weak when watching this.

After a while, Feng Xue'er looked solemnly at the bloody battlefield. No, it's more like a sea of blood in her vision.

"Fate of the weak." She whispered to herself.

"Misery loves company..."

"Are you okay?" Xia Qingyue asked.

Feng Xue'er slowly regained her footing, "Mm."

"Big Brother is right." She gazed at her domineering fiance in the sky. "I can't be too naive anymore in this world."

"Kindness to others is cruelty to oneself."

"I need to become strong as well..." She clenched her trembling hand, burning the sight of sea blood to her once naive mind.

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