I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 121 - 121 Chapter 120: Running beyond the first cosmic speed! (Please subscribe, please vote!)

Chapter 121: Chapter 120: Running beyond the first cosmic speed! (Please subscribe, please vote!)

Translator: 549690339

The Nalan family had a total of five spaceships capable of spatial jumps. Nalan Yanran took two of them, leaving the Nalan Star with three, one for each Star from one to three.

Sixteen Meteorite Level elders accompanied by hundreds of Purple Level warriors boarded the three-star E-class spaceship, while the remaining one-star and two-star spaceships were also manned.

However, the first to disappear was the three-star spaceship, followed by the two-star spaceship, with only the one-star spaceship lingering in space for a long time before it slowly vanished.

When the three-star spaceship reappeared, it had already reached the outer space around Earth.

Inside the spaceship, Nalan Mingliang sat in the leading position, issuing orders, “Find me their planet’s strongest individual!”

For them, the first thing to do in destroying a civilization was definitely to take down their strongest.

According to their understanding, Earth Civilization only had one person who had reached Meteorite Level, and not even a single Purple Level warrior.

Therefore, once they killed the Meteorite Level individual, everyone else, even if they wanted to escape, would not be able to board a spaceship.

Another reason for killing the strongest was to prevent the strongest from escaping directly without showing up if they started slaughtering ordinary people, which could ultimately lead to retaliatory massacres from the enemy.

Therefore, prioritizing the elimination of the strongest was the smartest choice!

“Grand Elder, we’ve found a… a giant over a thousand meters tall!”

Only Lu Zhou wasn’t doing that—he had been selected to be the newest director of the Cosmic Technology Research Institute, responsible for the allocation of all newly purchased alien technology products.

At the moment, he was categorizing and tagging all the high-tech products purchased from aliens according to different disciplines and distributing them to different experts.

“The space technology products, after being registered, will be sent to space directly to test their actual effects. After we get a chance, we will buy the same ones again for disassembly and research..

He did not naively disassemble all the high-tech products right away—given Earth’s current foundation, that would be pointless.

So, any technology product that could be placed outside the planet was sent directly up according to its manual.

“The Resonance Detector can detect whether the resonance nodes within a star sector are vibrating!”

Vibrating signifies that a spaceship is jumping and absence of vibration means there isn’t.

As per the instructions, Lu Zhou released the instrument. In no time, the device, roughly the size of a small car and resembling a surveillance probe, rose rapidly to the sky. There was no visible blaze under it, yet it defied gravity and headed for the atmosphere.

Looking at the rapidly rising detector, Lu Zhou shook his head, “The task of reverse-engineering alien technology is a long and arduous one!”

Taking off without any explosion or outburst—apart from anti-gravity systems —he could not imagine how the detector accomplished the task so quickly.

But researching anti-gravity is not that easy.

Before long, the Resonance Detector exited the atmosphere and entered cosmic space.

As per the instructions, he placed it halfway between Earth and the Moon. Although the detector was small in size, it had a large range; it could cover the distance between Earth and the Moon.

“Green indicator light signifies normal operation, yellow indicator light means equipement failure, red indicator light signifies the resonance nodes vibrating…”

Apart from the Resonance Detector which was placed in interstellar space, there was also a feedback unit connected to the ground.

Just as Lu Zhou glanced at the greenish indicator light, it suddenly turned red.

Meanwhile, a sharp alarm went off, echoing “Beeeeep! Beep!”

“What’s going on?”

The alarm sounded shrill. Yao Zhenguo and other politicians who were watching from nearby quickly rushed over to inquire.

Lu Zhou glanced at the crowd and calmly said, “This is the Resonance Detector. It can detect whether a spaceship using spatial jump technology is coming here —the red light means we have company.”

His explanation was simple and easy to understand. Yao Zhenguo immediately understood it and asked with a furrowed brow, “A spaceship?”

“Is it Pang Ze again?”

He quickly said, “Let’s go, let’s head to the control center!”

Ever since the Spatial Channels disappeared, long-wave communications on Earth had been restored—they no longer needed to go to the Arctic to communicate with satellites.

Seeing this, Yao Zhenguo naturally relocated the control center to Nanyuan.

Soon, everyone, including Lu Zhou, arrived at the control center, where Wang Dezhen was intently observing a piece of equipment, his brows furrowed.

Seeing everyone coming over, he said, “These are all the satellites orbiting

Earth, I’ve had them all turned in toward space…”

Sure enough, on the large screen, several small squares displayed the view of cosmic space-

Every small screen was filled with the inky blackness of space, when suddenly, an alien spaceship appeared on one of them.

Without needing orders from the leaders, the technicians immediately enlarged the square with the spaceship.

Swiftly, a kilometer-long spaceship slowly emerged, closely followed by a hundred-meter-long spaceship.

“What is…

Everyone quickly looked over, finding the insignia on the spaceship vaguely familiar.

Lu Zhou’s superpower was related to the brain—his memory had been enhanced to the maximum. The moment he saw the insignia on the spaceship, he recognized it and blurted out, “That’s the insignia of the Nalan family!”

“What? It’s them?!”

“What are they here for?”

Before they could figure out the situation, a technician quickly reported, “Our satellites have been infiltrated!”

Suddenly, the satellites, which were originally pointed towards outer space, turned themselves around to face Earth’s interior.

“Those sons of bitches, they are also a Tier 1 civilization—where did they get this kind of technology!” Yao Zhenguo clenched his fist and cursed angrily.

Lu Zhou calmly said, “They probably don’t understand the technology. The ability to infiltrate satellites is probably in-built in the spaceship!”

The spaceship was built by the Purple Orchid, a Tier 2 civilization. Naturally, they had the capabilities to equip their spaceship with the technology to infiltrate satellites.

Soon, some satellites were pointed towards Nanyuan and began to quickly scan the area.

Yao Zhenguo quickly considered several possibilities and ordered, “Contact Du Gang immediately and inform him of the impending alien invasion!” At a time like this, only Du Gang could handle the situation.

However, as soon as he finished his sentence, the satellite images showed several frames that were all locked onto Du Gang.

At that moment, he was training at a ruin hundreds of kilometers away from Nanyuan.

Then, they noticed that all the satellite images that were originally controlled had mostly resumed their free rotation mode. Only the ones related to Du Gang remained still.

“They are moving. They are starting to enter the atmosphere!”

After analyzing for a moment, a technician quickly said, “From the current situation, it seems like they are heading towards Du Gang!”

At the same time, someone reported, “Du Gang’s watch is on the helicopter, we can’t contact him directly!”

Controlling the power turned out to be easier than Du Gang had imagined.

Initially, he thought it would be very difficult and would take a long time.

But when he actually started trying to control it, he found that it wasn’t that difficult.

Especially when he was tiptoeing, controlling the power became easier.

In just half a day, he was able to walk like a normal person in his giant state. Each step he took, all the power was locked in the soles of his feet, not being released into the ground.

“Finally, it’s done!”

Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that his power might become uncontrollable if it were too strong and ruin everything. Fortunately, things were still manageable so far!

Just then, he felt something above his head. Looking up, he saw two spaceships in the cosmos, flying one after the other towards the atmosphere.

Upon a closer look, he was taken aback.

“The Nalan Clan?”

He had previously familiarized himself with the emblem of the Nalan Clan due to his connections with Nalan Yanran, thus, he recognized it immediately.

“Are they coming for me?!”

An understanding dawned on him, “I can’t fight them here. I need to draw them away!”

The place he was currently in was west of Nanyuan, hundreds of kilometers away. Yet, he felt it was still risky!

With that thought in mind, he started sprinting westward, away from the base.

He maintained a stealthy stance as he started running. Each step he took spanned about two to three kilometers, without causing any damage to the Earth’s surface.

“No, this is too slow!”

Thinking of this, he released a bit of the force in his feet.

Immediately, a giant pit appeared as soon as his foot hit the ground, and his body shot tens of kilometers away in an instant!

In just a matter of seconds, he had already covered hundreds of kilometers!

The spaceships in the atmosphere saw his movements and immediately quickened their pace, chasing after him fervently.

To them, it looked like Du Gang was fleeing!

Within seconds, the spacecraft closed in on Du Gang’s location.

“This guy runs quite fast!”

All sixteen elders on the spacecraft were shocked at the sight of this thousand-meter tall giant — a sight they had never seen before.

Despite their Meteorite Level strength, they couldn’t compete with Du Gang in terms of speed. After all, they did not have comparable leg lengths.

“Well, no matter how fast he is, he can’t outrun a spaceship!”

Nalan Mingliang, with a smug look on his face, ordered, “Turn on the external sound, I have something to say!”

From his perspective, his mission was destined to be successful. Seeing his enemy flee in terror, he just had to gloat!

“Hey giant down there, we are the Nalan Clan. You’ve caused us immense loss of Purple Orchid Coins… If you kneel and beg for mercy now, we might just spare your life!”

Spare his life? No way!

They were all prepared for battle.

“Those two giant eyes of his, I want them. You all know I had trauma to my eyes in my childhood…lf I eat his eyes, perhaps my vision can be restored…” The third elder spoke out first, declaring his claim on Du Gang’s eyes.

As soon as he spoke, the others also got excited. “In that case, his head is mine, I want to collect his skull!”

“No way, I want the skull!”

A giant of this size, his skull would be more than one hundred and fifty meters long. Having it as a collectible would surely be impressive!

The crowd immediately erupted into a fervent discussion.

Nalan Mingliang, however, wasn’t engaged in the dispute. Instead, he gave orders, ‘Move the ship ahead of him!”

Quickly, the spaceship swerved past Du Gang and positioned itself further west.

At this moment, it almost seemed like Du Gang was chasing them!

Nalan Mingliang stared at the area between Du Gang’s legs for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

“I want the giant whang, no one dare to fight with me for it!”

Upon hearing this, everyone was dumbstruck. They gazed over and were immediately astounded.

“Elder, isn’t that too much? It’s so huge, can you finish eating it by yourself?

Give me a portion!”

“Exactly, Elder, you are already at this age, you should be maintaining your energy and not eating such things. Be careful not to over-nourish yourself to death!”

Everyone present was indulged in luxury, eating tiger and dragon penises, as well as other virility-boosting foods daily. Seeing the giant’s appendage now, they were all extremely excited.

While they were speaking, they didn’t bother to lower their voices. Everything was broadcasted over the loudspeaker.

Du Gang, on the ground, could hear everything crystal clear.

But he did not respond, and continued sprinting westward like a dream chaser. Given his size, it was more like the mythical Kuafu chasing the sun, or even taller!

What he was thinking about, however, was to get further away from the base to avoid causing collateral damage due to the battle.

But, what he didn’t understand was, with his size of more than one thousand meters, every step he took would span tens of kilometers. He had already run for about a minute, covering five to six hundred kilometers!

Maybe four to five minutes later, he had already crossed the national border.

On the other hand, everyone on the spaceship was growing impatient.

“How much longer is this guy planning to run?”

“Shall we go down and get him?”

“Do you think you can catch up with him running at this speed?”

Even though they were at the Meteorite Level, they couldn’t catch Du Gang running like this. He could easily evade their range of attack while they were preparing their Meteor Explosion.

“So, what should we do?”

“Damn it, let the Little Eagle use its on-board cannon to fire at him!”

“Be careful! Don’t destroy his giant whang. Aim for his legs!”

Little Eagle was a two-star E-class spaceship equipped with a cannon whose firepower was comparable to that of a Meteorite Level attack. Although it consumed a lot of energy and had a long preparation time, it was best for attacking stationary targets.

At this moment, as Du Gang continued to run westwards without looking back, he heard their conversation and glanced back.

Not far behind him, the two-star spaceship the size of a hundred meters was following close to him. A gun barrel several meters in size was glowing at this moment.

Without stopping, he immediately raised his foot and kicked back at it, instantly blowing up the speeding two-star E-class spaceship with a “bang”.

“Boom!” A blaring explosion resonated as the spaceship was torn apart. All the people in it were annihilated by the blow.

The strength Du Gang possessed had always been substantial. The reason why he couldn’t injure Nalan Yanran in their past encounter was not because he lacked the strength, but because his power had not undergone any qualitative change, making it incapable of breaking through the Meteorite Level force field.

At this moment, though, the spaceship had no shield, thus unable to resist the force of his kick!

“Holy shit!”

Nalan Mingliang and others were startled, immediately ordering, “Ascend higher, don’t let him reach us!”,

Only when the spacecraft rose to ten thousand meters did it maintain its height.

As for Du Gang, he continued to run westward without looking back. Possibly due to the stimulation, his running speed became even quicker.

When he passed a cloud layer, without dodging, he ran straight through, spreading out the cloud instantly, showing his incredible speed..

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