I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 120 - Chapter 120: Chapter 119 Today, I want to make history! (Third update, please subscribe)

Chapter 120: Chapter 119 Today, I want to make history! (Third update, please subscribe)

Translator: 549690339

Back at Nanyuan, Pang Ze was also here for delivering goods, a hundred Purple Orchid Coins worth of goods were enough to warrant his personal trip.

The main reason was that only those above the Purple Level could perform spatial jumps. Besides Du Gang, there was no other Purple Level power on Earth, and Du Gang was busy dealing with dinosaurs and naturally didn’t go with to other star systems.

The key issue was what level Du Gang was at, whether he could handle the spatial jump was still a question, so Pang Ze had to come and deliver the goods himself.

In front of everyone else, Pang Ze was indifferent. Only when he saw Du Gang come in did he reluctantly show a small smile.

This was the norm for him and the entire universe. In their eyes, only the strong could speak as equals.

Those below Purple Level, unable to even perform spatial jumps, naturally couldn’t gain their respect.

The other humans could see Pang Ze’s attitude and didn’t bother him.

Pang Ze looked at Du Gang and laughed, “You should train more subordinates soon. Not even a Purple Level fighter, you can’t operate two spaceships by yourself…”

Du Gang nodded, not correcting him about the issue of training his subordinates, and asked, “Did you buy everything?”

Only then did Pang Ze pull out a shrink capsule from his pocket, “It’s all in here!”

With that, he tossed it casually to him.

Du Gang took it and without being polite, opened it right in front of him.

Suddenly, a heap of items appeared out of thin air, spilling all over the floor.

The most numerous of these were crystals, ranging from red to purple, all were included.

The sages wanted to see if the Red Crystals extracted from the bugs on Earth were the same as those sold in the alien stores, so they purchased all types, including Red Crystals and Orange Crystals.

In addition to this, there were various small miscellaneous things, all of which were high-tech items used in daily life.

Rather than buying high- tech products for use, they preferred to buy them for research, hoping to analyze the related technology from them.

Pang Ze understood their thinking. He said, “Every primitive civilization, when stepping into a first-tier civilization, just like you, buys a bunch of miscellaneous items, hoping to research their technology… Believe me, in fifty years at most, you will give up completely…”

After idly commenting, he started to head out.

Upon seeing this, Du Gang followed him out, planning to see him off. Although Pang Ze’s attitude wasn’t the best, he did run an errand for them on Earth. Du Gang felt it was only polite to show respect.

Next to the flying vehicle outside, Pang Ze was pleased with Du Gang’s attitude. As he was climbing up, he chuckled, “I have already fined the Nalan family…”

After finishing, he closed the cabin door and quickly took off.

Du Gang once again felt the cruelty of the cosmos.

This disaster was purely a cause of one person’s actions, that is Nalan Hongwen, the man whose finger had been crushed by Du Gang’s foot.

Because of one person, an entire civilization was almost destroyed.

Feeling emotional, he returned to the base.

When Yao Zhenguo saw him enter, he greeted him.

“Leader, this is the list of the first batch of Purple Level warriors for enhancement, take a look…’

Regarding this title, Du Gang didn’t want to acknowledge it, but he couldn’t help it because these people were stubborn and insisted on calling him that. After hearing it over and over, he got used to it.

After receiving the list, he glanced at it and saw ten names.

Chu Zixuan, King Kong, Shadow King, Lu Zhou…

The first four people he was very familiar with as they had all worked together before.

The list of Purple Level Warriors was a plan proposed by the sages: to prioritize training a group of Purple Level warriors to ensure that besides Du Gang, there were other people capable of piloting space ships.

Otherwise, if they wanted to go out in the future, and found that nobody could pilot the spaceship, it would be extremely frustrating.

The first three people, he thought them being on this list was reasonable, but when he saw the fourth person’s name, he was confused because he remembered Lu Zhou as a researcher.

“Lu Zhou?”

Yao Zhenguo explained, “Lu Zhou has served as the deputy director of a research institute in the Arctic Circle. According to seniority, he is not qualified to serve as the deputy director of the Arctic Circle… However, he has awakened a superpower related to the brain domain, that not only allows him to have insights during research, but also enables him to perform backtracking and linking… Many of the key pieces of intelligence were his research…”

“This kind of superpower, we have checked the relevant data in the universe, it is extremely rare, and there are not many people in the entire Waste Star Region who possess it… He is a natural researcher… If anyone could figure out the relevant technology from these alien technological artifacts, that person would be him!”

Du Gang nodded, “Then we can prioritize training Lu Zhou!”

Seeing his nod, Yao Zhenguo continued, “In addition, regarding the site selection for the first super city facing the cosmos, we already have many locations…”

Pang Ze’s attitude towards them and his different attitude towards Du Gang, everyone saw it, so they respected Du Gang’s opinion even more. “One is the original capital, Beian City…”

“Another is Chang’an City, once the capital of thirteen dynasties…” “Then, Nanan City has also been the capital of many dynasties…” “Another one is Luoyang City, its status is no less than Chang’an City…”

“Then there is our current location, Shuchuan. The main reason is it’s near to all the bases and can quickly gather people…”

“Finally, there are other continents around the world, including America, there are more than thirty site choices…”

Du Gang shook his head, “Forget about the other continents, the first city must be a central city. Let’s choose our own land!”

Seeing this, Yao Zhenguo took the list of other continents and asked, “What about these five locations here?”

“Let’s choose Shuchuan. After all, it’s where we’ve been stationed since the disaster. Plus, it’s close to all the bases, which makes it easier to develop rapidly. Once the population increases, we can start building in other cities you mentioned…”

“Ok! ”

As for the five locations, the sages’ conclusion was that it doesn’t matter which one is chosen. So, they gave the final decision to Du Gang.

On one hand, it enabled him to actively participate in the city’s planning and construction, which would increase his sense of belonging. On the other hand, they are now tied firmly to Du Gang.

Or rather, Earth Civilization can no longer be separated from him.

He isn’t just a guardian, but also a kind of faith.

When the authorities released the news and footage about Du Gang driving away the aliens, everyone was shocked. On one hand, they admired his strength, but on the other, they all developed a special emotion towards Du Gang.

It seemed as long as he was there, Earth would be safe!

Ever since all the bugs and dinosaurs in Shuchuan were cleaned out, Yao Zhenguo had people repair the communication bases between each base. The advantage of this was that communication between the bases could be restored.

When he announced the site for the first supercity facing the cosmos, all the people from all the bases were excited.

They had been waiting for this day for a long time!

Everyone, regardless of gender, requested to participate, wanting to be part of building the new city.

Leaders naturally agreed to this. The more hands, the faster the supercity could be built.

Du Gang walked around the base and saw everyone’s happy faces, he was greatly pleased.

After thinking for a bit, he took a helicopter and was taken to a desolate place far away from Shuchuan, finally stopping.

In these days, he had accumulated a total of 20 million Source Energy points, but he did not dare to use them right away. One of the main reasons was because of the friendly fire incident in Lu An City.

His past incident had left some shadows in his heart that made him less willing to evolve further.

However, after calming down in recent days, he finally realized how naive he was. In this complex universe, power is everything!

After much contemplation, he decided to upgrade his level. But this time, he plans to take it slow.

He’d increment his height gradually, every hundred meters at a time. Also, he’d take time to exercise every time he evolved.

The reason he inadvertently stepped out and caused a nuclear explosion was due to his lack of control over his strength.

His current primary task is to control his power!

Otherwise, if every step he takes causes a nuclear explosion, the Earth is doomed.

Hence, after transforming, it’s critical that he walks normally without damaging the ground.

Although it seems difficult to achieve, he still wants to give it a shot.

After waiting for a few minutes until the helicopter flew far away, Du Gang finally said:


Then, as he took a slow step forward, the effect of a nuclear explosion ensued…

Nalan Star.

All the sixteen Meteorite Level members of the Nalan family, each guarding one of the sixteen planets in the Nalan star system, now gathered together.

They usually live in luxury on their respective planets, only gathering during significant events.

The Nalan family, including Nalan Yanran, has seventeen Meteorite Level members, each serving as an elder in their family.

The grand elder is bestowed upon the most powerful member. Currently, the grand elder is Nalan Mingliang, who possesses the power of the Meteorite Level at its pinnacle.

This time, the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association imposed a huge penalty on them, almost clearing their savings of several decades.

The reason given was that two members of their family, Nalan Hongwen, along with his mother Nalan Yanran, almost destroyed a primitive planet!

This primitive planet initially had a population close to ten billion, but they reduced it to less than thirty million.

“This is ridiculous! The Cosmic Civilization Protection Association is being too unreasonable. Why don’t they go after Nalan Yanran?”

Everyone present was furious. They faced a huge fine despite not doing anything, and the prime culprits even escaped!

“That woman, she better not leave the Overlord star system for the rest of her life, or else I’ll kill her…”

Nalan Mingliang was the most infuriated. Due to her connections with him, Nalan Yanran secretly moved some of the funds that he controlled in Nalan Star.

As a result, he had to sell off many of his private assets to pay off this penalty.

“Grand elder, we can’t just let it be…”

“Of course, we can’t. I reckon Nalan Yanran won’t dare to show up anytime soon and will probably find an excuse to stay on Overlord Star…”

“Then what can we do? Just wait passively?”

Nalan Mingliang shook his head and suggested: “Since we can’t find Nalan Yanran for now… let’s go to that primitive planet and slaughter everyone there to vent our frustration!”

“Grand elder, won’t this be inappropriate? The Cosmic Civilization Protection

Association just penalized us…”

“What’s inappropriate about it?”

Nalan Mingliang sneered and said: “The Cosmic Civilization Protection Association, under the guise of protecting other civilizations, forcefully buys and sells resources… Weren’t they the ones who declared that the primitive planet has become a level one civilization? Now that it’s no longer a primitive civilization, what authority do they have to meddle?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. This universe is not solely governed by the Cosmic

Civilization Association. There are many forces capable of resisting them.

The moment they violate their founding principle of not interfering with the warfare of level one and higher civilizations, they risk losing their longtime establishment. This is one of the reasons for their existence.

So destroying the civilization that just achieved level one status is entirely plausible, and the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association would have nothing to say.

“Shall we really go?”

A few were still hesitant, fearing any possible consequences.

In the universe, it’s rare for one civilization to destroy another unless they are adversaries.

Otherwise, no ordinary power would dare to casually obliterate a civilization.

If a force recklessly destroys other civilizations, it would earn a reputation as a bloodthirsty power, face collective opposition, even face a joint attack, as no one knows whether a civilization with such a violent tendency would continue to destroy weaker civilizations as it grows stronger!

“What’s there to fear? We’re not doing this unprovoked!”

“We’ve lost nearly all our family’s wealth. Shouldn’t we vent our anger on them?”

“Indeed, we are already enemies with them. Isn’t it normal for two hostile civilizations to annihilate each other?”

After hearing everyone’s opinions, even those elders who were unwilling before had to agree.


Nalan Mingliang slammed his hand on the table and announced: “Since we all agree, we’ll launch a joint attack and extinguish this civilization that has caused us such a huge loss!”

This time, he also had the intention to establish his authority.

After all, eradicating a civilization in such a seemingly justified manner is an act of bravery.

He believed that once this news breaks out, the Wasteland Star System is bound to boil over, and everyone will regard the Nalan family with awe!

Moreover, this would also serve as a counterstrike to the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association.

Want to impose a fine on me?

Are you appoved that our family member almost destroyed that primitive


Then I’ll destroy it for you!

Plus, the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association will indeed refrain from taking action against them afterwards.

“Grand elder, how many troops should we mobilize?”

“Aside from one elder guarding the house, everyone else, follow me to war!”

After deciding to obliterate a civilization, no one among them wanted to stay behind.

After all, destroying a civilization was regarded as a grand event that could make history, even in the records of the Wasteland Star System.

Everyone desires to make history!

“Let the sixth elder stay. Didn’t you not want to go just now?”

Upon hearing this, the sixth elder fumed: “Nonsense, when did I ever say I didn’t want to go?!”

“Then let the eighth elder stay. He seemed quite hesitant earlier…”

“Get lost, why don’t you stay behind!”

Seeing everyone shifting the responsibility, Nalan Mingliang laughed, “Alright, stop bickering. Since no one wants to stay, let’s all go. Our entire Nalan family will march to war…. Today, we’ll make history!”

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