I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Chapter 121: Understanding the Power of

Chapter 122: Chapter 121: Understanding the Power of

Gravity and Terror! (4600 words, seeking subscriptions! Seeking votes!)

Translator: 549690339

Just as everyone took a sigh of relief, their anger began to flare.

“Damn, a two-star E-class spaceship, worth a thousand Purple Orchid Coins, is destroyed just like that?!!”

“I’m going to kill him!”

“Fire the cannon! Wipe him out!” A furious elder ordered.

As soon as the words fell, Nalan Mingliang blocked him, “Stop! Do you want to destroy the Giant Whip too?”

“Now that the Little Eagle is gone, we can recover some losses if we get the Giant Whip…”

Upon hearing this, everyone instantly quenched their desire to attack Du Gang with the shipborne cannon.

They had no doubt about the power of the shipborne cannon.

The three-star E-class spaceship, which can only cross twenty light-years at a time, has a price of ten thousand Purple Orchid Coins, ten times that of the two-star E-class spaceship.

If judged by the distance crossed alone, it was evident that the two-star spaceship bought for a thousand Purple Orchid Coins and crossing ten light years was much more cost-effective than the three-star spaceship.

However, people were still persistently buying it for one crucial reason: the three-star E-class spaceship was armed with weapons comparable to a blow from a meteorite-level power!

Although no one had ever heard of a meteorite-level being killed by a three-star spaceship’s weapon, there was no shortage of news about meteorite-level beings being knocked out by three-star spaceships!

“So, what do we do now?”

“Let him run! Once he stops, we’ll kill him ourselves! ”

Nalan Mingliang growled viciously, “I want to cut off his giant whip with my own hands and use it to make wine!”

On the ground, hearing these words, Du Gang almost couldn’t help pulling out the Spear of Ancient God to strike them down.

But he knew that the explosion of a spaceship couldn’t hurt these meteorite-level powers.

He had to control the battlefield!

As he accelerated again, he vaguely felt like he could leap from Earth, clearly a feeling brought about by exceeding the first cosmic speed.

However, he didn’t attempt it. Apart from the possibility of destroying Earth with one step, what if he couldn’t return after jumping out?

The truth was, he had an inexplicable fear of the universe.

It was like a person who can’t swim being thrown into the sea and developing deep sea phobia.

Earth’s rotation speed is 565 meters per second, and the first cosmic speed is 7900 meters per second. Under normal circumstances, as long as the speed is faster than Earth’s rotation, you can “catch up with time”.

After running west for about ten minutes, he went straight from the eighth eastern region to the second eastern region, running the sun from above his head to behind his head, and the time from noon to early morning. Two more minutes passed, and finally, the sun disappeared, and it completely darkened.

And he had run to the edge of this continent, going from East Asia to the edge of Western Europe after about ten minutes.

Looking at the distant islands, Du Gang roughly understood where he had run to – the once sun-never-sets empire!

Based on time zones, he roughly calculated that he was now tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Nanyuan base.

He couldn’t help but laugh, “Now, I shouldn’t pose a threat to anyone else, right?!!”

He turned around with a laugh, looked up at the hovering spaceship, and defiantly raised his middle finger!

He had carefully studied the situation of the Nalan family.

As a first-class power, they had no meteorite-level powers. Apart from Nalan Yanran, there were sixteen meteorite-level powers.

So he was not worried because meteorite-level powers could not hurt him!

The reason for running was that he didn’t want to accidentally harm Earthlings!

“This is outrageous! He dares to provoke us!”

The elders present were all accustomed to being treated with reverence. They hadn’t been provoked like this in many years or personally battled in a long time. Yet now, they all felt an urge to go down and kill him.

In their view, Du Gang was nothing more than a native who dared to give them the finger.

“I’ll go first!”

The first to speak was Nalan Mingliang. He knew this battle would go down in history, so killing this giant would be an honor.

“No, as the Great Elder, you are too prestigious to act so rashly. Let me do it!” The second elder said with a slight smile.

“The status of the Grand Elder is precious, but isn’t the status of the Second

Elder equally valuable? My brothers, allow me to handle this rough work!” Elder Seventeen stroked his chin, looking like he was about to jump off the ship right then and there.

They didn’t know that Du Gang had actually clashed directly with Nalan Yanran, unafraid of even a Meteor Explosion!

In their eyes, Nalan Yanran fled because the people of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association had discovered her…

Seeing that everyone was eager to act, Nalan Mingliang shook his head and sighed, ‘Well then, since it’s come to this, let’s all go down together and attack collectively…”

“Good, this way, it will be a great honor for him!”

“Exactly, sixteen meteorite-level powerhouses joining forces, his death will be glorious, his demise worthy!”

In the eyes of the crowd, Du Gang was like a catfish on a chopping board, having run to the ends of the earth with no escape.

At this moment, a subordinate reminded, “Elders, we don’t have many spare small aircraft on our spaceship!”


Nalan Mingliang laughed, “What do we need those for? After we win the battle, you can use them to pick us up.”

Saying this, the elders looked at each other, opened the lower hatch, and one by one, leaped out.

The altitude was only 10,000 meters. They wouldn’t get hurt!

Compared to the Meteor Explosion that can be executed anytime and anywhere, the Meteor Fall requires certain conditions to execute, that is, they must fall from the atmosphere and use the acceleration due to gravity. Generally, the larger the mass of the planet, the greater the power they can exert!

It’s worth noting that the reason the meteorite-level is called as such is because billions of years ago, the first powerhouse who became a meteorite-level being comprehended the truth of meteors by observing meteor falls, thereby developing the universal cultivation system.

“Meteor Fall!”

Almost at the same moment, all the elders performed the lethal technique, Meteor Fall.

With wind gushing into his mouth, Nalan Mingliang finally stuttered and finished this sentence unclearly.

Nobody responded to him. That unclear speech was too embarrassing!

Watching the sixteen violently burning balls falling from the sky, a surge of fighting spirit flared up in Du Gang’s heart.


Almost instantaneously, he chose to upgrade, adding the stored 20 million Source Energy all at once.

Momentarily, his height, which was already at 1,000 meters, skyrocketed to 3,300 meters before stopping.

This advancement instantly caused the ground, which was on the brink of collapsing, to explode.

In a flash, the ground for kilometers around suddenly collapsed. The nearby sea water gushed in to fill the space, quickly submerging the tall, still-standing yet brittle buildings.

However, Du Gang paid no attention to all this. With his height of over 3,000 meters, the water depth of several tens of meters did not even reach his ankles.

He clenched his fist, which was 300 meters in girth, and slammed it towards the sixteen falling fireballs!




The scene they had anticipated, of the giant being destroyed, did not occur!

Du Gang’s body did not tremble in the slightest. He confidently caught the sixteen human-sized fireballs on his fist.

Meteors of this level couldn’t harm him in the slightest!


“Puff! ”

“Puff! ”

Although he was unharmed, the sixteen meteorite-level powerhouses were made to vomit blood due to their own impact force coupled with the counter shaking force.

If it wasn’t for the protective force field, they all would have exploded into dust.

“How is this possible-

Nalan Mingliang struggled to rise from the fist, looking up at the giant head before him that was big enough to block the sky, his face full of disbelief.

Not just him, the other fifteen elders were also shocked to their core, their jaws almost dropped.

However, Du Gang didn’t care what they were thinking. He opened his massive mouth wide and took a deep breath. He then screamed at the people on his fist’s surface, “Die!”

Immediately upon Its release, all tne glass in the cities within several hundred kilometers shattered.

At the center of this sound wave, kilometers of buildings were blasted away and flew into the distance.

On the surface of his fist, the sixteen Nalan elders, who were already severely damaged and momentarily dazed, instantly felt their eardrums burst from the sound wave. Blood was gushing out, and a humming noise filled their ears. Their bodies’ protective mechanisms were destroyed by this sound wave before they could even react, causing all of them to permanently lose their hearing in an instant!


“My ears!”

“I can’t hear!”

In a flash, the entire surface of the fist was filled with cries of agony.

At that moment, they finally realized what kind of horrifying entity they were up against.

Indeed, Du Gang didn’t have a powerful field, his level of power was not high.

But his strength was incredibly formidable, enough to disregard mass entirely!

Regardless, Du Gang continued his attack undeterred by their screams. He raised his other hand, palm facing down, and smashed it forcefully onto his fist.

The crowd watched his hand, three to four hundred meters long, in total panic.

Struggling to move their bodies, they tried to escape towards the ground assisted by the strong wind generated by Du Gang’s palm strike.

Du Gang’s palm continued to target them. Seeing them falling towards the ground, he leaned his body in the same direction.

After all, they were only of the meteorite-level. Their strongest moves relied on planetary gravity and naturally didn’t allow them to fly. At this moment, they had no choice but to free-fall.

But could their free fall keep pace with Du Gang’s hand speed?

His slapping hand almost caught up with the falling people in a flash. With a loud “slap!” , the sixteen powerful people in the field were smacked into the ground one by one. “Boom!”



In a pit already thousands of meters deep, sixteen smaller, hundred-meter deep craters suddenly appeared.

The huge shockwave evaporated part of the seawater that had filled the deep pit to a height of several tens of meters. The rest of the water was splashed all around due to the impact.

Before the smoke from the new meteor craters had a chance to rise, the raging sea rushed in again, refilling the thousand-meter pit and the sixteen hundred-meter craters.

“Did they die?”

Just as Du Gang muttered these words, the sixteen Nalan elders crawled out of the deep underwater pits one by one. Instead of emerging to the surface, they started running away on the ocean floor.

They didn’t die!

He was shocked!

The meteorite-level force field was too strong!

But he began to understand. His strength was indeed powerful, but the ground couldn’t bear it.

This resulted in seventy to eighty percent of the force meant for them dispersing into the earth.

Therefore, he needed something that could absorb and reflect all his power. Without giving it much thouzht, he instantlv found the solution – his own hands!

One hand hitting, the other hand catching, like swatting mosquitoes, swatting them to death!

While he was pondering this in just one second, the people below had already escaped from the thousand-meter deep pit.

“Split up and run!”

At this time, Nalan Mingliang had no time to think about Du Gang’s massive whip. After shouting out, he started running in one direction.

Instantly, the previously grouped sixteen people scattered.

Seeing this, Du Gang panicked. If these people escaped, the consequences would be severe.

With their power, they could massacre all ordinary people on Earth!


Another wave of sound was emitted, but this time, the fleeing crowd didn’t pause for even a second because they had become deaf from the sound wave attack!

Just as he was anxious, a special feeling suddenly arose in his heart.


This time, he only shouted one word that seemed like another sound wave attack.

However, unexpectedly, the group of sixteen people who had already run off in the distance, as if under a spell, froze in place.

“Hahaha! ”

At this moment, Du Gang suddenly burst into laughter.

“So this is gravity?!!”

As it turned out, when his body had reached a size of one kilometer, he had begun developing a gravitational field. The force that had prevented others from escaping during his attack had been the budding incipience of gravity.

Now, having attained a size of three kilometers, he could finally control gravity!!

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses.

Normally, the gravitational force between individuals is not clearly perceptible due to their similar body sizes.

However, gravity is everywhere, and its force is very potent!

If it weren’t powerful enough, Earth wouldn’t be able to pull the moon in its orbit 380,000 kilometers away!

The main reason humans don’t feel the damaging effects of Earth’s gravity while on the ground is that humans have adapted to it—muscles, bone structures, and bodily structures have all grown in response to Earth’s gravity.

Furthermore, it’s related to the Shell Theorem. Humans are so minuscule compared to Earth that the gravitational pull we experience on its surface is extremely weak, almost negligible!

Still, if one were to calculate the force gravity can generate, it can be done using the product of the second cosmic speed and the range of Earth’s gravitational field. The number is extraordinarily large.

Although Du Gang isn’t as large as Earth, he has developed gravity within him and can control it, which is terrifying.


Du Gang bellowed.

In an instant, the sixteen elders who were initially ten thousand meters away, started flying backwards with their back facing him.

Like winged creatures, they defied Earth’s gravity and flew towards Du Gang.

“What’s happening?!”

Everyone was panic-stricken, their bodies out of control!




After sixteen successive collisions, there appeared sixteen spots of blood on Du Gang’s toes.

The once arrogant Nalan elders had all vanished in an instant!

Upon their deaths, Du Gang finally smiled, “The Earth’s soil might have absorbed the shock for you, but not my toes!”

At the same time, he looked up at the sky.

The ship that had been hovering ten thousand meters high and viewing the spectacle below, jumpscared and the next second, ended up in the outer atmosphere.

“Trying to escape?”

Du Gang sneered, immediately emitting gravitational pull!

Suddenly, the three-star spaceship that had been removed was pulled back, rapidly descending towards Earth.

Meanwhile, he saw a small metal sphere floating not far away. He recognized it as the monitor he had bought from Pang Ze—it could transmit everything that happened here to Nanyuan Base. He then smirked and said:

“Based on the formula for gravitational force  and the formula for the gravitational constant G: 6.67x10A-11 N.A2/kgA2, one can calculate…

After thoughtful consideration for three seconds, Du Gang glanced at the closer metal sphere and casually said, “My gravitational range…. is quite extensive!”

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