I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 667 Training In Progress (2)

A week had passed since the unusual seismic activity had begun to rattle New Lycania. The city's residents had grown accustomed to the minor earthquakes that occasionally shook the ground beneath their feet. 

At first, they were taken aback by the sudden earthquakes, wondering what was happening. But after an explanation by Ava, everything calmed down. Soon, it had become an accepted part of daily life, and people carried on with their tasks as if nothing unusual was happening.

Ava sat in a cosy corner of a local cafe, sipping her tea, her expression one of casual indifference despite the tremors. She was joined by the twins and Anna, who had grown accustomed to the peculiarities of life in New Lycania.

"You know, I've heard of earthquakes, but these seem a bit... controlled, don't you think?" Irina, her playful nature shining through, couldn't resist a teasing comment. 

"Maybe there's a group responsible for it!" Verina joined in as they teased Ava and Anna.

"Well, only someone like Ashton and his masters would be capable of making the earth shake with their sparring sessions." Anna chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. 

"Oh, stop it, all of you. Or else the rumours would start again!" Ava playfully smacked them and turned her gaze towards the distant arena. "That said, they've been hard at work lately."

"Yeah," Irina replied as she looked at Anna. "The only one complaining about it is Anna."


Suddenly, Anna's face turned red as her hair as she remembered the one night of passion she shared with Ashton before his serious training began.

Since Ashton had gotten seriously strong back then, she had a tough time muffling her voice, and according to the twins, the entire city heard what was cooking in their room. The twins hadn't stopped teasing her about it ever since then.

Their conversation soon shifted to lighter topics as they continued to enjoy their tea. Little did the residents of New Lycania know that day by day, their 'protector' was gaining abnormal strength. 

In the heart of the arena, Ashton, Flintmace, and Vulcan took their position for battle. Their bare feet made contact with the cool arena floor, their expressions focused and determined. 

The arena's vast expanse provided ample space for their sparring, proof of the grandeur of New Lycania's infrastructure.

Vulcan cracked his knuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You ready for this, kid?"

"How about you stop asking that question and take me by surprise?" Ashton, never one to back down from a challenge, grinned in response. "Who knows, maybe you'll manage to defeat me for once."

Flintmace, the calm and composed one of the trio, merely nodded, acknowledging the impending clash, while Vulcan got all fired up.

With an unspoken agreement, Flintmace and Vulcan joined forces, teaming up against Ashton. They were well aware of the immense power within him, and sparring against him together allowed them to push their limits as well.

The arena trembled slightly as the trio engaged in their fierce battle. Their movements were a blur of speed and precision, and the air crackled with the energy they unleashed with every strike. 

Had there been any spectators, they would be hard-pressed to follow the lightning-fast exchanges between the three combatants.

Ashton, his body turned into a vessel of raw power, met every attack with calculated mastery. He moved with a grace that belied his incredible strength, his instincts honed through rigorous training and battles fought. 

So much so that Flintmace and Vulcan, despite their combined efforts, found it challenging to land a decisive blow on him.

Not everyone knew the truth about why the city was experiencing these unusual seismic events, but to those who knew the truth, it was a joyous occasion to feel the sheer force of their sparring sessions.

Despite the intensity of their battle, Ashton's demeanour remained surprisingly relaxed. He was in his element, thriving in the midst of the mighty clash. His movements were fluid and controlled, a dance of combat that he had perfected over time.

Flintmace and Vulcan, while formidable in their own right, couldn't match Ashton's prowess anymore. Their strikes were precise, their coordination impeccable, but Ashton always seemed to be one step ahead.

Ashton dodged a joint attack from Flintmace and Vulcan in a sudden burst of speed, weaving between their strikes with uncanny agility. His palm connected with Vulcan's chest, sending him staggering back.

Flintmace, not wanting to give Ashton any time to himself, lunged forward, aiming a strike at Ashton's exposed flank. 

However, Ashton's reflexes were lightning-quick. He pivoted on his heel, narrowly avoiding Flintmace's attack, and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick that sent Flintmace sprawling to the ground.

The arena echoed with the sound of their battle, and the seismic activity continued to send ripples through the city. 

At some distance, the ghosts watched the spectacle through cameras, and it was a sensation of awe-inspiring proportions. They all desired Ashton's strength but knew it was well out of their reach. 

Despite the numbers stacked against him, Ashton's mastery over his new abilities allowed him to maintain the upper hand. His skills were honed through countless battles and sparring sessions, and his experience showed in every move.

With a final, decisive strike, Ashton landed a palm strike on Vulcan's head, sending him stumbling backwards. With both opponents down, it was a victory for Ashton, and the score between them now stood at 8-2 in his favour.

Vulcan and Flintmace, though panting and clearly bested, wore expressions of pride and satisfaction. After all, it was a true joy for a master when their disciple surpassed them. 

Ashton extended a hand to help Vulcan to his feet, their mutual respect evident despite the fierce fight they had just waged. Flintmace, too, rose to his feet, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"That was impressive, kid," Vulcan admitted, wiping sweat from his brow.

Flintmace nodded in agreement. "You're growing stronger with each day."

"It's all thanks to both of you," Ashton bowed before them and to his surprise, his masters did the same for him. 

Ashton humbly accepted their praise, fully aware that he still had much to learn. His journey to harness his newfound power was far from over, but with the guidance of his masters, he felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead.

Having borne witness to their intense clash, the arena now stood silent. The echoes of their battle lingered in the air, a reminder of the power that resided within New Lycania's protector and his masters.

"It's time for us to depart," Flintmace mumbled. "We need to get to the medallion before anyone else does."

"I'll get to it immediately," Ashton replied, taking off towards the city. 

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