I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 668 Euphoria's Darkest Hour (1)

The spaceship hangar on Earth buzzed with activity as preparations for departure were underway. Ashton's ship, gleaming with newly installed technology, stood ready for the journey ahead. It was a solemn moment marked by both anticipation and uncertainty.

Euphoria wasn't a planet where they'd be welcome, especially with the rules in place. Even if they got past the rules, the first seat would definitely cause problems for them, as he and Ashton had ended their last meeting on a sour note. 

Despite all that, Ashton knew they had to get there. After all, it wasn't a vacation they were eyeing but an artefact. 

Ava, Ashton's mother, stood at the entrance to the hangar as Ashton oversaw the final preparations. While she was proud of her son, as a mother, she was also worried about him. 

Soon, the preparations were complete, and she watched as Ashton, accompanied by his masters Vulcan and Flintmace, the twins, Anna, Laihud, and Vimur, gathered around the ship's entrance. Once they were ready to leave, She approached Ashton, her eyes filled with maternal warmth and love. 

"Take care of yourself, my son," she said, her voice quivering slightly. "And look out for each other."

"We will, Ma," Ashton nodded, his own emotions hidden beneath a strong front. "You take care of yourself too."

Ava embraced Ashton tightly, her heart heavy with worry. She then turned to the twins, giving each of them a motherly kiss on the forehead. "You two better make sure he stays out of trouble."

"We'll do our best, Ava," Irina grinned mischievously. 

Verina added, "But you know Ashton. Trouble tends to find him."

"That it does," Ava chuckled, her affection for the twins evident. She then turned to Anna, who had become her family. "Anna, my dear, look after them. And Ashton, you better bring her back safely."

"Who do you think I am? Of course, she'll be back with us." Ashton's eyes softened as he looked at Anna, a silent promise passing between them. 

With their farewells exchanged, the group boarded the spaceship. Ava watched as the hangar doors slowly closed, sealing her son and his companions inside the vessel. She knew the dangers that awaited them on Planet Euphoria, but she also had faith in their abilities and unity.

The crowd were cheering for their benefactors, and despite her condition, even Rose was in the public, cheering them on. As for Mera, she was accompanied by Nora, who watched them from the comfort of their terrace. 

The hangar doors opened as the ship's engines roared to life, revealing the vast expanse of the Earth's sky. With a powerful surge of energy, the spaceship lifted off the ground, ascending towards the stars.

"Good luck, my son..." Ava mumbled as the ship disappeared from their sight. 


The journey to Planet Euphoria was swift, guided by Flintmace's expertise in interstellar travel. However, as they approached their destination, a sense of unease settled over the group. The view outside the ship's windows revealed a grim scene.

"Ashton, you might want to see this..." Flintmace called Ashton inside the cockpit to see the sight before them.

"What the hell...?" Ashton mumbled as soon as he walked into the cockpit. 

Euphoria was supposed to be a place of order and prosperity, but something was clearly amiss. The once serene and vibrant planet of Euphoria was now marred by chaos. 

Hundreds of ships of various sizes engaged in a fiery battle in orbit, their weapons unleashing destruction upon each other. Explosions lit up the darkness of space, casting an eerie glow on the chaos below.

They were still contemplating what was happening when Otiga's voice crackled over the ship's communication system. It was obvious she had called to let them know more about the situation. 

"Ashton," Otiga's voice was urgent. "Abort the landing! Do not, I repeat, do not land on Euphoria!"

"Too late to turn back now," Ashton responded firmly. "Do you have any idea what's happening on Euphoria?"

"It's the Cult, Ashton. They've launched a full-scale attack on Euphoria," Otiga's voice echoed inside the ship as she relayed the horrifying news. "The planet is in chaos. Ships of all sizes are raining fire on each other, and the inhabitants are in a state of panic."

Flintmace's brows furrowed in concern. "How did the Cult manage to orchestrate an attack of this magnitude?"

"It's unlike anything we've ever seen," Otiga was clearly worried about them. "We suspect they've found some Precursor technology and are hell-bent on getting their hands on it."

"Could it be the Medallion?" Ashton whispered, and Flintmace shrugged. 

"It could be," he replied. "The Cult preferred doing things in secrecy, but since they have given up on it, it must mean they are desperate for some reason."

"Well, that's more reason to join the party," Ashton announced. "Everyone, in your seats, we're about to make a rough landing!"

Despite Otiga's protests, Ashton's decision was final. He signalled for Flintmace to initiate the descent, and the spacecraft shot through the chaos that had engulfed Euphoria's skies.

The view from the ship's windows was a nightmarish scene. Hundreds of ships, some massive and others smaller, engaged in a frenzied battle. Explosions illuminated the darkness as beams of energy and missiles streaked through space, leaving trails of destruction in their wake.

Thanks to the advanced stealth systems onboard, they managed to slip through the ongoing battle in orbit without drawing attention. One could say the Cultists were too occupied to notice their ship. 

The team wasted no time as the ship touched down on Euphoria's surface. They disembarked, armed and ready for battle. The air was thick with tension and the acrid scent of smoke, starkly contrasting the planet's once vibrant atmosphere.

Their first steps onto Euphoria's soil revealed a grim reality. Alien inhabitants, who had once coexisted peacefully before, were now locked in a deadly struggle for survival. It was a scene of carnage, with buildings reduced to rubble and the streets littered with the fallen.

"This... is hell," Laihud mumbled, sickened by the violence, but they had no time to waste. 

"Come, let's get going!" Ashton urged everyone to head towards the city's main gates, but fate had different plans for them. 

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