I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 666 Training In Progress (1)

As per their promise, Ashton's training began without any delay. The sooner he would master his newfound strength, the sooner they could depart to Euphoria and obtain the medallion. However, it was easier said than done. 

Vulcan and Flintmace stood on one side of the Arena. Their faces were filled with anticipation and determination. On the other hand, Ashton felt a mix of curiosity and worry, unsure of what lay ahead.

"Alright, kid," Vulcan began, his voice carrying a firm but encouraging tone. "We're going to start with something basic. Your first task is to obliterate this toothpick."

Ashton regarded the toothpick that Vulcan held between his fingers with a raised eyebrow. It seemed almost comically simple. Still, he couldn't help but feel that there was more to it than met the eye.

"That's it?" Ashton questioned, a hint of scepticism in his voice. "I thought we'd do spars as usual."

"Yes, that's it. But here's the catch," Flintmace, standing beside Vulcan, nodded with his usual calm demeanour. "You need to ensure that the area around the toothpick remains untouched. Only the toothpick should be obliterated."

"You can imagine the toothpick is us and use your power on it," Vulcan mumbled. "When you do... you'll realise why it is a bad idea to spar with you as you're now."

Ashton sighed. He still had a weird feeling, but he had to trust his masters and their experience. Besides, he knew that appearances could be deceiving, especially when it came to their training sessions. 

It was a test to control his strength, which he had failed to do in the last couple of times Vulcan and Flintmace sparred with him. Since controlling his newfound power was no easy task, his masters wanted to remind him of that fact.

"Alright," Ashton conceded, his tone was filled with determination and resignation. "Let's get this over with."

He shifted his focus to the toothpick, aiming the palm of his hand at it. He knew the task required precision and control, two aspects of his abilities that still needed refinement. But he was ready to give it his best shot.

The Arena fell into a tense silence as everyone focused on Ashton. He took a deep breath, centring himself, and then released his aura like a burst of energy. The power surged from his palm toward the toothpick, and for a moment, it seemed he had succeeded.

But reality had other plans.

Instead of the toothpick disintegrating into tiny fragments, the outcome was entirely unexpected for Ashton but not for his masters. 

A section of the Arena's wall exploded with a deafening roar, sending chunks of debris flying in all directions. In stark contrast, the toothpick remained unscathed, floating in the air as if untouched by Ashton's power.

Ashton's eyes widened in disbelief, and his jaw dropped as he took in the chaotic scene before him. He had not only failed to obliterate the toothpick but also caused an unintended catastrophe.

[It's good that we changed the Arena's location to outside the city, or you'd have committed genocide!]

'No need to rub salt on my wounds...'

The last time Ashton had sparred with his masters in the Arena, it was torn to pieces as it wasn't developed to endure a fight between three S-grade beings.

A destroyed Arena rightfully made Ava mad, who tore a new one into Ashton. They were then forced to create a makeshift arena around the Eastern Palace, where Ashton and his masters were living till Ashton's training was complete.

Meanwhile, back inside the Arena. Vulcan let out a heavy sigh, his hand rubbing his temples in frustration. Flintmace shook his head, his disappointment evident in his eyes. 

It was clear that they were both concerned about Ashton's inability to control his power. Because it didn't matter how intense the power was, it would only be useful if one could contain and control that strength. 

"Kid," Vulcan said with a tone that held a blend of frustration and disbelief, "what was that? We told you to obliterate the toothpick, not the wall!"

Ashton scratched his head guiltily, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. "I... I didn't mean to do that. It just... happened."

"Ashton, this training is essential," Flintmace chimed in, his voice calm but firm. "Your strength has grown exponentially, but if you can't control it, you risk causing more harm than good."

"I know, I know..."

Ashton nodded in agreement, fully aware of the gravity of his situation. His newfound power was a double-edged sword, and if he couldn't harness it effectively, it could become a liability rather than an asset.

Vulcan, visibly frustrated, clapped a hand to his forehead as if trying to shake off the ridiculousness of the situation. 

"This is going to be a long day," he said. "Come on, let's do it again!"

Despite his initial mishap, Ashton took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He knew that he couldn't afford to let frustration get the better of him. Vulcan and Flintmace were here to guide him, and he was determined to learn how to control his strength.

With renewed determination, Ashton faced the toothpick once more. It hovered in the air, challenging him once again. 

He concentrated, channelling his power once more, and released it with a burst of energy. This time, he focused not only on the toothpick but also on maintaining the integrity of the surrounding area.

The masters held their breath as Ashton's power surged forth. The toothpick trembled momentarily, but the result was different this time. With a soft crack, the toothpick disintegrated into a fine mist, leaving the area around it untouched.

Ashton's eyes widened in surprise and relief as he looked at the spot where the toothpick had once been. He had succeeded in the task, proving that he was progressing in controlling his newfound strength.

Vulcan and Flintmace exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from frustration to approval. They nodded in silent acknowledgement of Ashton's accomplishment.

"That's more like it, kid," Vulcan said with a satisfied grin. "You're starting to get the hang of it."

"Yeah, but don't forget: control is the key to success," Flintmace added, "With time and practice, you'll refine your abilities even further."

Ashton couldn't help but smile, grateful for their guidance and encouragement. But it was only the beginning.

"Next task!" Vulcan announced as he dragged Ricochet inside the Arena. "Try to give his lazy bastard without blowing up his head."

Ricochet had a piece of cloth shoved down his mouth and couldn't make a sound. But he ensured his unwillingness to participate in Ashton's training went through him. 

"Look at how much he trusts you!" Vulcan continued. "He is making it more difficult to do it by vigorously shaking his head. What a great follower you have, Ashton!"

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