Chapter 154 Flirting

Qisha's ear is so keen.

Although the group of scholars lowered their voices and planned things, he was standing not far away, so he naturally heard the content clearly.

"Ouch!" Someone suddenly screamed, angrily, "Who spanked my...ass?"

The last two words were aggrieved and shameful.

Immediately afterwards, many people screamed in anger and depression.

But this little commotion did not attract everyone's attention.

Everyone's attention quickly returned to Pei Yi.

"There is a spare paper for this mock exam that has never been made public." Dean Jia said solemnly, "Pei Sanlang, now, the academy will give you one hour to make this spare paper. The test results of this spare paper It will determine whether your practice test scores are valid."

"Hey, some people are going to show their true colors now." The scholars said in a strange way.

"The official exam is an hour, and the academy gave an hour for the test, and it didn't hurt anyone at all. If someone fails the exam, it can't be blamed for not having enough time."

"You just don't know how shameless some people can be. Some people, if the test results are not satisfactory, will rely on the difficulty of the backup paper if they are not sure, and feel that it is unfair."

"Some people ignore the rules and regulations because they know some powerful people. Look at the people with sticks and knives over there. Maybe as long as some people fail the test this time, those followers will use violence to force us to recognize someone's competence."

"It's really shameless. Anyway, no matter how some people threaten us, we will report his bad behavior to the government this time."

A group of scholars were discussing in a strange way, full of complacency.

Pei Yi glanced at these people, and said calmly: "Everything is under the arrangement of the dean."

"In order to ensure the fairness of this exam, the Academy will unseal the spare exam papers in public."

The dean took the spare test paper hurriedly sent by Wu Xiaosi, and went to the scholars to show the seals one by one, indicating that the spare test paper had never been opened before and was trustworthy.

After finishing the demonstration, Dean Jia opened the sealed test paper bag in public, and then took out the test paper inside.

The spare test paper also only has five questions, and they are all essay questions, and they are all about some current hot issues in Linhe County.

In order to show fairness and openness, Pei Yi is now arranged to answer in public.

In the center of the open space was a table, on which were placed test papers—other than that, there was not even a chair, and Pei Yi had to stand directly to answer the questions.

This perfunctory attitude is evident.

Pei Yi didn't care.

Now that time is tight, she writes like a god. Every time she reads a test question, she thinks a little and then answers it non-stop.

No way, the answer to each big question is equivalent to writing a small argumentative essay.

The exam time is short, the amount of questions is not small, and there is no time for people to think too much. If you don’t hurry up to answer, you will not be able to finish the questions at the end.

After writing the last word, Pei Yi felt a dull pain in her wrist.

She simply checked the test paper and submitted it directly—it is true that there is nothing to check in this kind of test paper, at most, to see if there are any typos.

If you say you want to check for wrong answers, that’s pure nonsense—the blanks on the answer sheet are all filled up by you.

The timing incense in the censer is curling up with smoke, and it will soon be burned out.

"Pei Sanlang turned in the paper a little earlier."

"I'm overestimating my capabilities. He obviously has time to check the test paper again, but he insists on pretending to be a capable person to show off his IQ, who can stop him?"

"Hey, I think he has a good answer to the questions, will he really answer well?"

"Hehe, don't you understand? Pei Sanlang's kind of tactics is called tactics - even if he is not strong enough, but he can do the questions very fast, anyway, he will answer randomly. The examinees next to him don't know that he is making up nonsense , on the contrary, his mentality collapsed."

"My God, Pei Sanlang is too insidious—I don't usually study hard, and I spend all my time on speculation."

"Hmph, he's just bluffing. As long as you stay calm, he won't be able to get you."

"Anyway, in the examination room, if you see a candidate answering questions very quickly, don't panic in your heart—because the other party is probably not a master at all, but the faster you answer, the more mistakes you make."

"He deliberately created the illusion that he is a master, and put psychological pressure on all the candidates in the examination room."

The scholars whispered, each of them spoke clearly and logically.

Masters marked the papers on the spot.

For the fairness of the results, the five masters took turns to mark the test papers and score them separately—after removing the highest score and the lowest score, the average score was used as the final score.

The dean makes the final approval on the grades.

"What do you think Pei Sanlang will achieve this time?"

"Third-level A, no more."

The scientific examinations in Dazhou did not use scores as evaluation parameters like later generations, but directly graded.

There are 9 possible grades for all works, from high to low are: First Grade A, First Grade B, First Grade C, etc.; Second Grade A, Second Grade B, Second Grade C, etc.; Third Grade A etc., third grade B, third grade C, etc.

Among them, those below the second-level B (excluding the second-level B) are considered as failing.

Three grades, whether it is A, B or C, are all extremely poor grades—the reason why they are divided into A, B, and C is just to give poor students a psychological comfort.

It’s similar to those with a college score below 60—it doesn’t matter whether you have a score of 59, 49, or 39. Although there are differences in the number of scores, they are all failing grades. It doesn’t matter whether you have a high score or a low score. .

The reason why there is such a difference is to give candidates a little comfort - even if you fail, you still fail the upper reaches of it.

"I think three second class, no more."

"Why do you all look down on Pei Sanlang so much? I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the third grade C."

As soon as these words came out, the scholars all laughed.

Qi Sha gave these scholars a cold look, and was about to move calmly.

However, just as he was about to make a move, his hand was gently held down by someone else.

Qi Sha raised his eyes in astonishment, and saw Pei Yi chuckled lightly and shook her head at him, clearly telling him not to worry about it.

Seven kills missed a beat inexplicably.

He suddenly withdrew his lightly held hand, as if he had been scalded.

His eyes were also downcast, his heartbeat was a little chaotic, and his cheeks were also hot.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Wang Pu clenched his fist and put it to his lips and coughed dryly twice, then leaned into Pei Yi's ear and whispered, "You should pay attention to the influence, this is still outside, flirting and cursing How bad."

(end of this chapter)

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