Chapter 155 Unmatched

Pei Yi couldn't laugh or cry, she shook her head noncommittal.

Wang Pu nervously stared at the teachers grading papers.

He glanced at Pei Yi, who had a calm face, and asked in a depressed voice, "Why aren't you nervous? I'm nervous for you!"

"What's there to be nervous about?" Pei Yi was amused by the other party's serious appearance, and said nonchalantly, "The result is unclear."

As she spoke, she habitually wanted to wave a folding fan to pretend to be aggressive.

Who would have thought that if it was cold today, this fan would directly make her shiver.

Pei Yi felt very embarrassed, forced a low dry cough indifferently, and then put the folding fan back into her waist pretending to be indifferent, pretending that nothing happened.

Qi Sha silently saw her series of small movements, and her lips that had been tightly pressed could not help but slightly raised.

Wang Pu didn't notice what Pei Yi did at all.

He was still immersed in what Pei Yi said.

He gave a thumbs up and said in admiration: "Sanlang, you are so disillusioned! I really can't match it."

Pei Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Forget it, she can't tell this stupid teammate clearly.

After about half an hour, the marking was finally over.

Dean Jia looked at the final grade, and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

"Is your level okay?" Dean Jia asked in a low voice in disbelief.

The masters were also full of shock, and sighed helplessly: "We were also surprised by this. Dean Jia might as well read Student Pei's answer for himself."

Dean Jia was even more astonished.

He read Pei Yi's test paper full of surprise, and his expression gradually changed from surprise to appreciation.

The answer to this test paper is very good!

"After our unanimous agreement, Student Pei's test paper is first-class and second-class." Dean Jia said loudly, "In order to show justice, the academy will publish Student Pei's test paper on the display wall, and anyone who has doubts can Submit it to the academy."

The audience was in an uproar.

"No way…"

"Pei Sanlang is really so awesome?"

"Could it be that Pei Sanlang has already obtained the spare volume?"

In fact, even the speaker himself did not believe this statement.

The so-called "spare volume", just like its name, is "spare".

In most cases, the secondary volume will not be started.

If someone wants to steal test paper information in advance, they will never take a big risk and spend a lot of effort to steal a spare paper that is likely not to be used.

Everyone was really confused.

First-class Dean Jia and others posted Pei Yi's test paper on the display wall, and a crowd of scholars rushed forward to see Pei Yi's answer.

Youdao means that experts see the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

Wang Pu looked at a group of scholars surrounded by the display wall, and said with an incredulous smile: "Well, you Pei Sanlang, you are hiding something!"

Pei Yi smiled meanly, and said: "I also want to build confidence for the students."

"If I show my true level in normal times, and all my classmates feel crushed by their talents, I'm afraid they will inevitably underestimate themselves-this is not good for their development at all."

Seven kills can't help but laugh.

The third master of his family is too thick-skinned.

How shameless it is to say such self-proclaimed words.

Wang Pu laughed loudly, hugged Pei Yi's shoulders and said cheerfully: "Sanlang, you are like me in this way, you are understanding!"

Seven kills: "..."

He knew why the third master got close to this prince, and he dared to feel that the two were different and shameless—the same did not have a correct understanding of himself.

The other end.

After reading Pei Yi's answer, the scholars gradually changed from astonishment to indescribable jealousy, and then gradually to an unmatched admiration.

"Pei Sanlang is really insightful about the county's financial situation."

"Look, he is also very pertinent here about the current financial malpractices."

"Oh, I don't think so."

Someone sang the anti-tune sourly.

The crowd did not refute him.

After all, it's really uncomfortable for a group like Pei Yi who is poor on weekdays to suddenly kill the Quartet during the exam-even if he is really capable, it makes people feel very uncomfortable. Played the same.

"Pei Sanlang's answer is nothing more than opportunism. His words look decent, but in fact they are all fake. If everyone learns his routine, won't they still get high marks?"

"That's right…"

Someone echoed unconvinced.

But most remained silent.

After all, Pei Yi's insights are not something that others can learn casually.

"I don't accept it!" A scholar suddenly stood up with a face full of indignation, "Even if Pei Yi did a good job in this theory, but our exam is divided into two subjects, Confucianism and Policy Theory, if Pei Yi didn't pass the test of Confucianism today, how can he truly To prove that he did not cheat?"

The scientific examination of the Great Zhou Dynasty is divided into two subjects: policy theory and Confucian classics.

Policy theory is all question and answer questions, with a total of five questions, discussing various issues such as local or national social and people's livelihood-different periods, naturally the focus of the questions is also different.

For example, now that the imperial court pays more attention to financial issues, current affairs related to finance will be more important.

Pei Yi is now being forced to take additional exams for policy theory subjects.

Confucian classics are all fill-in-the-blank questions, a total of 50 questions, which are to analyze or silently write the relevant subset of classics and history-this type of question is usually based on memorizing and memorizing, and it is the subject that is most likely to get high scores.

Most scholars feel that it is outrageous when they hear this request for classics.

"Zhang Liulang is also funny. Pei Sanlang has even achieved a first-level B level in such a difficult subject as policy theory, so why can't he get a first-level A level in Confucian classics?"

"Hey, that Zhang Liulang is from the third-class class—didn't his class bet with Pei Yi a while ago. Now that Pei Yi has won, Zhang Liulang naturally doesn't want to admit it. He is looking for an opportunity to drag Pei Yi into the water."

Scholars have a clear mind.

However, everyone enjoyed watching the excitement, but no one stood up to refute Zhang Liulang's proposal.

But the masters of the academy have always favored students with good grades, and the euphemistic name is: love talents.

Now, the masters have discovered that Pei Yi does have real talents and practical learning, and his attitude has taken a 180-degree turn.

A thin and tall teacher stood up and said kindly: "Student Pei, with your current level, even if you don't take the classics test, we will still recognize your grades."

These words are directly supporting Pei Yi.

"This week, the old man is playing with the wind! He is usually sour and mean, but now he knows how to lick Pei Yi's ass!" A scholar complained indignantly.

(end of this chapter)

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