Chapter 153 Eliminate harm for the people

"I didn't cheat."

Pei Yi's voice is not loud, but it is loud.

A group of scholars were annoyed by her upright appearance.

Everyone was even more indignant.

Someone cursed furiously and said: "Pei Sanlang, can you show some face?! If you really can take the first place in the whole academy based on your real talents and studies, I will cut off your head and kick it for you!"

Pei Yi glanced at the scholar, and said with a smile: "You said this yourself, don't deny it when the time comes."

Her unafraid state made everyone silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, everyone became even more angry.

"Pei Sanlang, are you threatening people?" Someone yelled angrily, "A cheater is not allowed to be questioned—it's a disgrace to the academy to be so arrogant!"

"This mock test result must be invalidated!"

I don't know who yelled that, and the anger of everyone suddenly reached a new height.

"Yes! Must be invalidated!"

The crowd was furious.

Someone said angrily: "Let's go to the dean to explain the situation! There is such a serious fraud in the mock exam in the county, which chills the hearts of our students!"

With his leadership, a group of angry scholars headed for the dean's office.

Wang Pu's complexion changed.

He looked back at the brothers of the Pei family who were being protected by him, and said in a low voice with no confidence: "Sanlang, if the dean finds out that you cheated, you will really not be able to read this book." Serious fraud and other serious fraud may lead to prison lawsuits.

Wang Pu didn't say the latter words, he was afraid of scaring the Pei brothers.

Pei Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

She smiled helplessly and argued, "Don't worry, I didn't cheat."

Wang Pu obviously didn't believe her words at all, showing a look of "I can't understand you", and said with a smile, "You really didn't cheat?"

Pei Yi couldn't laugh or cry, and patiently denied again: "No."

"Third Master didn't cheat." Qi Sha said suddenly.

Pei Yi was slightly taken aback, and looked in astonishment at the dead boy who had been silently protecting her.

Wang Pu was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "Mr. Qilang's words are not counted—the people in your house are protecting weaknesses, and Lord Qilang will naturally support Sanlang unconditionally."

Pei Yi blushed slightly.

She didn't know why, but she was suddenly a little shy.

Qi Sha showed no expression on his face, and said sonorously and forcefully: "I believe in the third master."

His voice is deep and magnetic, with a convincing sense of power.

Pei Yi's heart skipped a beat inexplicably, and couldn't help but sneak an extra look at Qi Sha.

The other end.

The angry crowd surrounded the dean's office.

Someone asked: "Why didn't you see Pei Yi?"

"Didn't Pei Yi come to the dean's office with us?" Someone asked suspiciously.

Everyone looked around, only to find that Pei Yi really didn't come here with them.

"Oh, Pei Yi must have a guilty conscience, he dare not come to the dean's office at all." Someone mocked.

Everyone felt that these words made sense, and they despised Pei Yi even more in their hearts.

The dean of Sandalwood Academy, surnamed Jia, is a little old man over half a century old with grizzled hair—he looks very rich, and he always looks approachable on weekdays.

At this moment, Dean Jia is still sound asleep in the office.

Suddenly he heard the loud noise outside, he woke up from his sweet sleep, and said to the boy next to him very displeasedly: "Go out and see what happened."

The servant respectfully responded, and trotted to the door.

As soon as the door opened, the noise became louder.

The young man looked at the huge group of scholars outside the door, and felt a little apprehensive.

A scholar stepped forward to salute and said: "Master Wu, please come into the room and inform the dean that our group has something important to tell. I hope he can uphold justice."

The servant's surname is "Wu".

Although his status is not high, a group of people in the academy are very flattering to him, shouting "Mr. Wu" one after another.

The reason why everyone praises him so much is also very simple. Wu Xiaosi is the dean's personal servant. If you coax him well, it will be easier to do things in front of the dean.

Wu Xiaosi went back to the house and trotted to Dean Jia's Luohan's bed, anxiously and worriedly said: "Master, a group of scholars outside are clamoring for you to uphold justice."

President Jia immediately became impatient, frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Why is the abbot fair?"

He is most annoyed that there are too many things to do.

Dean Jia reluctantly walked out of the house.

Although he was full of displeasure, the moment he stepped out of the threshold, he successfully realized the appearance of Sichuan opera—changed into a kind and amiable appearance in a second.

"What grievance do you all come to my office to complain about?" Dean Jia asked with concern.

"Dean Jia, we want to report Pei Yi for cheating in the mock exam!" Some scholars took the lead in shouting.

Dean Jia's eyebrows jumped.

Cheating in mock exams is no small matter.

This group of scholars are too noisy!

Dean Jia frowned slightly, but his tone was still gentle: "Do you have any evidence to prove that Pei Yi cheated?"

"Academy's grades are the best evidence!" A scholar said indignantly, "Pei Yi actually got the first place in the county exam this time, it's not normal at all!"

President Jia's eyelids twitched, secretly thinking that it was not good.

Actually, on the eve of the announcement of the results, he glanced at the list of results and felt that there must be something tricky in it.

For example, Pei Yi—whose grades are so poor on weekdays, but she managed to achieve such a good result this time, most likely she copied it.

It's just that Dean Jia really didn't expect this group of scholars to come directly in front of him.

This matter seems to be unavoidable.

Dean Jia was extremely annoyed in his heart, but on his face he said softly and kindly: "Everyone, don't worry, this old man will definitely give everyone an explanation."

How to explain?

If you want to prove that Pei Yi plagiarized, you have to check her exam paper first.

Sometimes, it is not that the examinee plagiarized the results of others' labor, but that he bribed the examiner—in this way, even if his answer to the test paper is a mess, the final score is still good.

But this is a mock exam at the county level.

It is extremely troublesome to check the test paper.

The teachers in the entire academy were shocked.

Some masters glanced at the crowd and asked displeasedly, "Where's Pei Yi?"

A group of them are making a scene here, but Pei Yi, the instigator, is not there. How ironic?

"Master, Pei Sanlang has a guilty conscience, and he doesn't dare to come to the office to confront us at all." A scholar explained very disdainfully.

Everyone was full of contempt. They hated Pei Yi half to death in their hearts, and they also despised Pei Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

They really have never seen such a shameless person—the plagiarism has become the number one in the county, how arrogant!

"What the **** are you talking about?" Someone said angrily.

Everyone couldn't help frowning.

This person speaks so vulgarly, who is it?

All the scholars looked towards the source of the incident, but when they saw that it was Wang Pu who came, they all shut up angrily and didn't dare to answer at all.

What a joke.

The last Xie Zihao who was against Wang Pu has been thrown into prison, and he has not been released yet.

If they dared to fight against Wang Pu, they would be served by punishment.

Wang Pu came with Pei Yi, of course.

Pei Yi looked leisurely, and didn't want to come to the scene to seek justice at all.

The appearance of her arriving so late but not taking things to heart at all completely angered everyone.

Someone shouted angrily: "You still have the face!"

It is unreasonable for a plagiarist to act arrogantly!

The masters were also very dissatisfied with Pei Yi's behavior, and all of them frowned.

However, in view of their status as masters, they did not open their mouths to participate in the condemnation of the scholars, but stood silently aside to witness the inspection of the examination papers.

Pei Yi didn't answer, just smiled meanly, that look really **** off.

Honestly speaking, she quite likes the aggrieved look that others hate her but can't get rid of her.

Not long after, two strong men carried a large box and put it in the center of the open space.

A group of scholars watched from a few steps away from the big box.

Dean Jia strolled up to the big box, looked around at everyone, and said solemnly with his airs: "Everyone, this box contains the test papers for this mock exam. I will check Pei Yi's answer papers for everyone on the spot. .”

Pei Yi crossed her arms around her chest, staring at the big box with disdain.

Anyway, she did it by her own ability—just test it. Her test paper level is absolutely outstanding.

Qi Sha was originally in a cold sweat for his third master.

But seeing the third master so calm and relaxed, he gradually relaxed.

He believes that this time the third master is the number one in the test based on his strength.

However, the third master's grades are really bad on weekdays.

To be precise, the former third master was simply an ignorant dude, and he couldn't turn his head around - he couldn't read a page for a long time, and he wanted pretty boys to serve him every day.

But now, the third master has become a blockbuster, and he is a big deal when he makes a move.

Seven kills, I don't believe anyone's grades can improve by leaps and bounds overnight—either Pei Yi was too clumsy before, or Pei Yi is really a rookie who cheats.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, the second inference is almost untenable.

That is to say, his family, Mr. Pei, has always had good grades, but he didn't want to perform well before.

Qi Sha's complexion moved slightly, secretly thinking that the third master of his family loves pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger too much.

If Pei Yi knew the voice of this big boss, she would definitely be dumbfounded and said: Brother, it’s a disease of insanity, I suggest that you don’t think so divergently at ordinary times.

At the other end, the heavy lid was opened by two strong men.

The big box is full of test papers.

President Jia glanced at a group of masters standing not far away watching the excitement, and said coldly: "Masters, please come over and be a witness."

The masters twitched their mouths, cursing in their hearts, but on their faces they said respectfully and faithfully: "Okay."

What did you say to be a witness? In fact, didn’t you ask them to come over and help find Pei Yi’s test paper? After all, it was not easy to find Pei Yi's test paper from a hundred or so test papers.

However, in fact, Pei Yi's test paper is very easy to find.

The announcement list is divided into black list and red list.

The test papers in the box were also divided into two piles according to this rule.

A stack of test papers belongs to the red list, and a stack of test papers belongs to the black list.

Each stack of test papers is taken in order of achievement.

The good ones are on the top, and the poor ones are on the bottom.

So, after all the masters found the stack of test papers on the red list, the first thing they saw was Pei Yi's answer sheet.

One of the masters took out the test paper, held it in both hands and announced it before presenting it to Dean Jia.

Dean Jia took the test paper and said seriously: "I'll read the content of Pei Sanlang's answer sheet to you now, and everyone can judge for themselves whether his high score this time is reasonable or not."

The old **** Pei Yi was there, she picked out her ears with her little finger, and waited for Dean Jia to read the following with a half-smile.

A group of scholars were also very excited, and hundreds of pairs of eyes cast their eyes on Dean Jia.

The mock exam is modeled after the formal scientific exam proposition.

There are a total of five questions on the test paper, all of which are large and general questions about people's livelihood, and then the candidates answer according to the test requirements.

Everyone wanted to know how badly Pei Yi answered this time.

They just wanted to see Pei Yi make a fool of herself on the spot.

"Hmph, let's see how Pei Yi will argue later."

Someone looked at Pei Yi provocatively, and teased: "If you admit your mistake now, there is still time."

Pei Yi was too lazy to bother.

She has nothing to say to this kind of abnormal person.

But she didn't respond like this, in the eyes of others, it was a sign of guilt.

A group of scholars became more confident, and their attitudes became tougher.

They couldn't wait to urge: "Dean Jia, read it quickly!"

Dean Jia has already scanned the test paper roughly at a glance.

He found that Pei Yi's writing was really good—insightful, organized, and didn't talk about some ideal things for him in general.

Dean Jia was really surprised.

He was so surprised that he didn't speak for a while.

A group of scholars thought that Dean Jia wanted to save Pei Yi some face, and they wanted to make Pei Yi look ugly.

Everyone united and urged: "Dean Jia, hurry up and announce the status of Pei Yi's test paper."

Dean Jia was in a very complicated mood, so he had no choice but to read the exam papers: "The first question, if Linhe County will encounter a food crisis within three years, how would you solve it?"

Pei Yi answered this question quite brilliantly.

Dean Jia read the content one by one.

All the scholars were silent.


Can Pei Yi write so well?

"Does Pei Yi have such a level?" Someone frowned and whispered to each other.

This result is really incredible.

"Impossible!" A scholar frowned, and said sourly, "If Pei Yi has such abilities, how can she be the school's perennial crane tail?"

"This answer must be plagiarized!" Someone accused angrily.

"This must be the gunman." The more the scholars guessed, the more outrageous they became. "Pei Yi didn't go to the exam site at all, but directly found a gunman with first-class literary talent to enter the exam room instead of Pei Yi. In this way, Pei Yi The test paper must have been answered well."

The more people talked, the more they felt that this was the truth, and they became more and more dissatisfied with Pei Yi.

"Hey, brother, you are wrong." Someone retorted, "Pei Yi was in the same examination room as me, and I saw him that day."

Everyone was strangely silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, someone suddenly said: "This situation is too bad."

It really can't be suffered again.

Worse than Pei Yi finding a gunman instead of an exam.

If a trash-level person like Pei Yi enters the room with confidence to take the exam, and mysteriously gets the first place in the whole college.

This shows what?

This shows that the test questions of the mock exam have been leaked from the very beginning!

Pei Yi knew the content of the test questions in advance, and prepared to answer the questions in advance, so she will naturally do well in the test.

The scholars were discussing noisily.

They didn't deliberately lower their voices, and everyone present could hear their doubts clearly.

President Jia was also terrified.

Exam questions leaked.

This is an extremely serious mistake!

The academy cannot afford such a crime!

Who leaked the exam questions?

Pei Yi looked at Dean Jia's almost bloodless face, and then at the scholars who were so excited that they seemed to kill each other, and then said slowly: "I didn't get the test questions in advance, and I didn't find someone to take the test for me. .”

These words are spoken word by word, loudly.

However, all the scholars and masters present felt that Pei Yi was farting—every word she said was an insult to their IQ.

How can a trash like Pei Yi, whose grades are so poor on weekdays, say such shameless things with a big face?

Even Dean Jia, who always pretended to be a nice guy, couldn't stand it anymore.

He said angrily: "Since classmate Pei is so confident in his ability, there is only one way to prove whether you really cheated."

"how to prove?"

This is not what Pei Yi said.

Pei Yi stood where she was, looking at Dean Jia with a half-smile, not bothering to continue this mentally handicapped problem with him. Because how this group of people wanted to verify that she didn't plagiarize, the method was so obvious that they didn't even need to ask.

The person who was at a loss and insisted on asking the question was Wang Pu.

He had a loud voice, followed by a group of servants armed with weapons, his aura was so shocking that Dean Jia trembled slightly.

All the scholars and masters in the academy couldn't help frowning frequently in their hearts, secretly thinking that this Wang Pu is really vulgar, with a loud voice, and he doesn't have the temperament of a nobleman at all. training.

But think about it, the Wang family is the family of merchants, originally a group of Liba people, and they are still nouveau riche, which is normal without any background.

Everyone silently despised Wang Pu from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hmph, when the results come out, let's see how the prince will speak up for Pei Yi." A scholar said gloatingly.

"Hey, look at the foolish look of Mr. Wang, I think he will continue to help Pei Yi." Another scholar smiled eccentrically.

When they said these words, they all kept their voices extremely low, for fear that the person involved, Prince Wang, would overhear them—otherwise, they would all have to go back and forth.

"Hey." A scholar said contemptuously with a smug expression on his face, "Did you forget that there is a saying that 'things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups'? It's not that you don't know what level Pei Sanlang is, and he has a good friendship with the king." Where else can the young master make trouble?"

"Isn't it?" Some scholars immediately drifted away, and complained in a low voice, "That prince thinks that he is great with a few stinky money, and he leads a group of servants around all day to show off his might. Today It looks like it's going to make a fool of myself."

"Haha, that's really gratifying." A scholar laughed directly, and complained in a low voice, "Young Master Wang thinks he is great all day long. Today, even if we prove that Pei Sanlang did the cheating, I am afraid that Young Master Wang will still do it." I thought I was a brother and helped Pei Yi. At that time, if we report Pei Sanlang to the county government, hehe..."

This laugh was extremely sinister.

But all the scholars tacitly laughed like this.

Mock exams are major exams.

Although it is not a formal scientific examination, it is a preview of the scientific examination.

If someone cheats in the mock exam, the severity of the situation is compared with cheating in the scientific exam.

The punishment mechanism for cheating in exams in the Great Zhou Dynasty was extremely strict.

If someone dares to cheat, they will be punished for 30 years and deprived of the right to take the exam for six years, or directly deprived of the right to take the exam for life—that is, they will not be able to take the exam for a lifetime.

This directly blocked the way to become an official through the imperial examination, which cannot but be said to be not strict.

This is also the case, everyone is generally extremely cautious, and cheating will hardly occur unless it is a last resort.

Of course, those who are really capable of cheating are usually very low-key—for example, they usually score 50 in the exam, but this time they cheated and got 45 in the exam.

Because they might just hire forty-five people, so he just cheated and got the last one. Anyway, this result is not much different from his usual score, and no one will suspect him of cheating.

But directly cheating like Pei Yi, from the last place in the whole academy to the first place in the whole academy and even the whole county—this is so **** arrogant.

This is simply rubbing everyone's IQ on the ground.

Who can bear such blatant cheating? !

If you don’t mess with Pei Yi, who are you messing with?

A group of scholars were full of contempt, and all of them were eager to try.

"I've made up my mind, as long as the dean and the others determine that Pei Yi is cheating, I will immediately propose to pull Pei Yi to report to the police!"

"Add me!"

"Add me!"

The scholars were furious and their eyes were shining, as if they saw a fat sheep.

They wanted to report on Pei Yi, not only because they couldn't understand Pei Yi's style, but also because they knew that Pei Yi's family background was very rich.

According to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, whoever reports others cheating in the scientific examination—if it is true in the end, the whistleblower can be rewarded.

And where does the reward come from?

Of course they all come from fines!

The person who is punished is the one who cheated! !

Pei Yi is absolutely finished!

They're going to make a fortune!

"Okay, okay!" Although the scholars were full of filth in their hearts, they had a dignified look on their faces, and they said excitedly, "Brothers, we are united this time, and we must eliminate harm for the people! Get rid of Pei!" Yi, this malignant tumor! Make Linhe County clean up the wind!"

(end of this chapter)

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