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(A/N): Hey guys I know a lot of you dislike my story due to you all hating overpowered, harem-driven main characters, and cliche, along with questionable scenarios such as r**** and gore, but honestly speaking I don't care, I get it this story isn't for everybody, but to be dead honest with all of you, I'm having a blast writing this, it's brings me joy I even made this far.

At first, I was writing for the money, I was writing thinking writing was easy, but now that I see what it is, I felt like I seriously hype myself up, honestly, I don't get paid much, and if you ask me I don't feel like the time I put into this isn't worth the small amount I do get paid, but I wake up this morning with a smile on my face, why well it's simple I see so many comments and paragraph comment, and yes the mass majority was criticism, but then after experiencing what it truly is to be an author I said to myself this isn't so bad.

The reason is, I am having fun just writing, I won't lie, it takes away a lot of stress after a hard day of work, and eventually, I will get original art if anything I will do it myself as soon I get my new drawing tablet, but apart from that, I appreciate everyone who supports me so far, please do enjoy the chapter.

.Trivia of the day #8: The Flugel is an all Female race


Asmodeus watch the golden soul dance gracefully in the air, it was at least the size of a basket Ball, and it leak a majestic and vibrant energy, just being around it was like bathing in sunlight, although the way it feels can only be perceived by those conceptually aware.

Of course, Asmodeus didn't waste any time, because he gently grabs it and holds it between his finger, normally a soul cannot be seen, if anything the soul itself is just a concept, however, Asmodeus is capable of interacting with the intangible and non-existent on a physical level.

This was only possible thanks to the blessing of Akashina, after all, the blessing of the world could be said to be the power to interfere and interact with reality and the non-reality of his world, and all other that is under the influence of Akashina.

It was the sole and unique blessing granted to him by the creator Akashina, so the soul, a conceptual entity that is said to be the embodiment of individual proof of existence throughout all of time itself.

It is the root of a person's existing force, without it, a person can not continue to the next life, after death.

So even if it is an untouchable force of nature, for Asmodeus touching, seeing, and interacting with it was far easier than meagerly breathing air, so as he grab Elsa's soul he began to use his eye of truth to see the necessary information within it, and what all needs to be realtered.

And upon looking at it this was what he found.

- Value: Lesser Divine soul

- Reincarnated: 21x

- Existence value: 198,382

- Roots: Explosion, heat, and light

- Origin: Reflection

Although when Asmodeus look at it, all he got was five vague figures, so he began to look even deeper to find the truth of a soul's component along with the meaning of these five titles, and this was what he found.

- Existence Value: A value chart that determines how powerful an individual truly is, in numerical value.

- Root: The final product, an individual power type manifesting.

- Origin: The conceptual source of what an individual true power stems from, this will determine what kind of power the reincarnation will always be born with, in its continuous life.

So After reading about Elsa's soul, Asmodeus was ready to re-alter it to his liking, how will he do that well it was simple, upon his ascension to the enlightened evil, he gain two skills, one being the "Primordial ancestor" and another being "Ancestral recreation".

However, these two skills will interact with the power of the "Book of Fables", for now, the purpose of these two individual skills will act separately for the task at hand.

- Primordial ancestor: The skill will allow the user to interact with and manipulate a unique and omnipotent primordial force, within the user's ancestry, and bloodline, what this means is that you can control the destiny of all those connected to you by blood alone, all records of changes will be established within the books of fables, although you can only use this power to those related to you.

- Ancestral recreation: This skill is the embodiment of the concept of all for one, and one for all, as it grants you the ability to recreate and resurrect your ancestors, from the past, at their prime, although the memories of these ancestors will be that of their current state of summoning.

You can also use this power to copy the forms, memories, experience, attributes, and power of your previous ancestors unto yourself, although only one at a time, and since this power is empowered by lineage you can make others outside the family lineage be a part of your personal family lineage as well by accepting them into your family by giving them a new or same name.

The two new skills had some amazing effects, while the primordial ancestor skill is destiny manipulation, ancestral recreation is the power to interact and recreate past ancestral beings and powers.

So with these two new power of his, corrupting and altering a soul would be easy, why? well, it is simple, he cannot become directly omnipotent using this power, however, he can slowly guide and show his children the path of Omnipotence.

Although the effects might not show the desired results immediately as it is more of the power to guide than to give, with time all desired routes will be as he will it.

A feat only he can do despite being at a higher mortal level at best in his current state of power, so he firmly holds Elsa's soul in his hand as he began to speak with the soul as if speaking to a child.

"Hehehehe... rejoice Flugel, for the future I so desire, and the world I plan to build will fall in your hands unto mine, you will be an essential pawn and a pillar that will lead me to the outcome I so desire, so as of this moment you are no longer Elsa the Flugel, because I Asmodeus Morningstar, the Great Demon King, and embodiment of Lust, herby take you as my eldest daughter, your true name is "Glasya Morningstar" the princess of Lust, and the being that will break this world power balance."

"Normally there are a lot of taboos in this world that should never be broken under any circumstances, but for you, I give you a pass, I shall permit your existence that should be a taboo itself, although You shall be a taboo that destroys all other taboos in my name, and the lord I serve."

"You might feel lost at first, you might even be confused, many days you will question who or what you truly are as you grow older, and understand yourself more, but deep down you will know that you are superior, you will know that you are better, you will know that you are stronger, faster, and smarter than any of your pairs."

"Your beauty will be the downfall of many, your personality will be that of a snake, and your power bring many more pawns to your side, the weak respect the strong it is just the natural flow of things."

"You are the Alpha, and also the Omega, the start of the end, and the conclusion that is to come, a representation and a definition of my purpose, in a way you are like a continuation and extension of myself, the only difference is you have your own free will."

"Now my child, I offer you three essential gifts that will make you untouchable, unbeatable, and overall unfathomable, this is the future I have picked for you, this is the path I want you to walk, this is what you are destined to become, everything has already been set in place, all that is left is for it to come to be, now go my child, and accomplish the purpose of your existence."

And with those words said, a status board suddenly appear above the soul of Glasya, as the Golden light went from Golden to a combination of all different colors, if anything it resembles a kaleidoscope.

However, as the color of the soul began to change, it quickly turns back to Golden as if nothing ever happens, however, words began to emerge as it slowly manifests on the status board above the soul.

The first set of words to emerge upon the status board was a blessing.

Gift 1: "The blessing of the continuation of the End" has been applied to your Destiny.

From there another set of words began to emerge, this time it was a magic attribute.

Gift 2: Attribute awakening Boundary has been applied to your Destiny.

And Finally, the last gift Asmodeus gave Glasya was a bio-type Singularity, a certain quirk that is special only to her.

Gift 3: The unique Singularity, "Beyond all Loneliness" has been applied to your Destiny

And upon gifting all three gifts Asmodeus wasted no time, as he finally released the soul he work so hard on recreating, and let it drift away, and upon looking at it, a small portal four times the size of the soul open up.

And as Glaysa neared it, a sucking-like sound could be heard as it suck Glasyas soul inside, and like so Asmodeus set his Trojan horse within the ranks of the Flugel.

Asmodeus smiled, but surprisingly it wasn't menacing instead it was one of pure satisfaction, if not gleeful.

He slowly began to turn around as Lilith said

『The subject known as Glasya has been added to the book of fable, although she won't be of use till 26 years of now when she becomes summonable』

"No need to explain, I already know, but thanks for the update anyway, I have manipulated events that will lead her to even greater events, so where or the other, although it will take a while, the result will be the true rewards, I wonder what all will occur within 26 years."

"Sigh sadly I can't see or change the future significantly, I can only apply my will and wishes to my blood kins, and reality will rewrite itself in such a way to ensure that what I desire for them happens, when and how she will get these gift I wish for her is beyond me sad to say, but it will come without a doubt."

『No worries my liege, everything will fall in place accordingly if anything all we have to worry about are these so-called braves, then and again, we are nearing the end of the training period, and sadly to say the incident with braves cut us off my two months in terms of Demon King training』

"Hmmmm... yes I have already read your mind, although, please elaborate further."

『In short we have several anomalies as of right now that are disrupting the balance, the most severe is the misuse of a divine fable that is being used against his will, interference within the time continuum, hybrid crea...

However, as Asmodeus and Lilith, were discussing, both of them were completely unaware of what was taking place behind their backs, despite both of them having their guard up at all times, however, this was a special case.

Because the two were completely unaware of a familiar knife that slowly and silently seem to have pierced the fabric of reality.

From there, the knife made a giant twelve-meter slit going horizontally, meanwhile, another knife cut an equally large slit into reality going vertically, the two slits began to peel, slowly, and what was revealed was basically what anyone would see within a kaleidoscope as it constantly changes into different pattern and shapes at an infinite level.

However, despite the many complex and eye-catching colors and patterns within the infinite space, there was something very ominous that was coming for Asmodeus from behind, a dark shadow with deep scary, and maliciously beautiful pink slowly crawled out of the gap of space and time.

Two long arms could be seen slowly going for Asmodeus, however as Asmodeus was talking to Lilith, all he heard was a soft, creepy, obsessive whisper behind his ears, along with cold air that send chills down his spine.

"Darlllllllllllling... I finally caught you!?"

Upon hearing those words both Asmodeus and Lilith, freeze up in fear and shock as Asmodeus instinctively stop time, however to their surprise, as time stop, the sound of slashing could be heard and it instantly resumes.

This shocked both Asmodeus and Lilith, and Asmodeus shouted out.


However, his screams were shortly live because something suck him into the gaps of reality, and all that could be heard was the laugh of a woman pleased with her work, while the wound inflicted upon reality itself quickly closed up.


To be continued

Next time: The witch of Eldritch

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