What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 59 Let Me Tear Your Wings Off [Part II]


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.Trivia of the day #7: Vampires throw more parties in a year than what a normal human being would throw in a lifetime



But before the Flugel could even finish talking she got impaled through the back with the halberd, as the weapon penetrated her thoroughly.

And to add salt on top of the injury, Asmodeus began to slowly twist the halberd that was knotted between her spinal cord, the blade edge was tied deeply in between the large-small intestine, and the hammer was squishing and pushing her other organs to different places as well."

Elsa tried to escape as she desperately struggled her way out of her situation, but every time she managed to lift herself up, Asmodeus twisted and trust deeper and harder in a slow and sadistic manner, going as far as spinning the halberd on his pinky finger at a fast speed with her on top.


It wasn't long till the sounds of her bones being cracked and altered could be heard for everyone to hear, and the best part was Asmodeus was enjoying every second of it.

Playing with his enemies, especially the horrid Flugel race who are by default the natural enemy of the Demons was a pleasure Asmodeus could not explain, tearing, ripping, and breaking her was of course a treat and a privilege.

After all its not every day, he could be as brutal as he wants to their kind, as the Flugel are beings that are considered the hikikomori of the monster community, as they spend most of their time in the Flugel tree within the Astral realms, or the closest thing to heaven in this universe, which is basically another plane of existence, located within the shadow of the world where all divine beast, Zeniths, and Spirits reside.

Although unlike the Flugel, the Demon resided within the burning abyss of hell, weaker demons such as lesser imps, evil spirits, ghosts, and goblins reside within the first circle of Hell, which is considered the tamest part of it, of course, that is the gate of Limbo.

While the strongest demons, the stuff of true nightmares all resides in the lowest part of hell, purgatory, the underworld, it doesn't matter it all means the same, but at the lowest part you would find beings like high noble which are demons with titles such as baron, viscount, Bishop, and even pure bread, and true Demon Lords, all resided within the "Meaning of Chaos" or Moc for short, most humans would know this part of hell as the final circle which is Treachery.

Apart from that, Flugel who reeks of divinity would not be caught dead in these areas, or more so, they couldn't, because if they do by some chance end up within the realms of hell their divinity will deplete rapidly and one of two things would happen.

The first outcome which is a more merciful route to their kind would be corruption as the pure collective of millions of different demonic Miasma would turn said Flugel into a disaster-level entity known as a Flugellos.

Aka the Wingless ones.

While the second route is more sadistic, so much so, that it is worse than death, especially for weaker divine beings, if corruption doesn't happen to said Flugel or any divine entity within 666 seconds of arrival in hell, they will be marked by the Goetia System, which is a system created by the 72 pillars of the Original king Solomon.

And upon being marked by the Goetia, Said divine being will be weakened to a state that is even weaker than a human baby, their body will become nigh immortal, and worst of all every demon within the respected circle of arrival will know the divine being location.

In short, you become a community plaything, as you are destined to become nothing but a plaything for all eternity, tormented would become a part of you till your mind becomes nothing but an empty hollow.

Sadly to say if the Demon goes into the astral realm, nothing bad will happens to them, although to protect the divine beings, the astral realm rejects anything that is not divine in nature, in short, a demon can't go there for long as they will be kicked out.

Although for various reasons, Demons and Flugel hate each other with a passion to the point that both sides would kill each other if they ever meet up on the Earth's realm.

The only exception would be when the grand event of the banquet of monsters is in place because both sides are forced to be peaceful with each other.

How is that possible you must be wondering?

Well just like how Demons and Flugel have their respective leaders, humanity has one final trump card that is scarier than any demon, it wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say she is an existence that surpasses and transcended this current reality.

And that is the progenitor of the new humans, the woman that is both the Alpha and the Omega of humanity.

​ If Eve is the mother of humanity, then the strongest witch and the second true magic user "The Witch of Imperfection" Pyyrrah is the foster parent of it, she exists since the very beginning of the new world, and she will continue existing even after it ends simply due to the nature of her power.

But apart from that, Asmodeus continue to torment Elsa tossing her around despite the fact that she is still impaled upon his halberd, as he plays catch with himself, enjoying the enemy's suffering.

Elsa on the other hand was getting annoyed with his antics as she spoke out with anger, while blood started to leak out from her mouth.

"Oi... Gasp* stop this Blagh! th~~is INSTANT!"

However, to her dismay, Asmodeus replied with nothing but entertaining laughter, along with horrific slanders, as he said to her.

"Hahhhahahahaha... stupid chicken, what were you expecting, do you honestly think you stood a chance against me in the first place, if you got one shotted so easily by the fodder, in such a humiliating way at that, what made you think you stood a winning chance against me her master."

"Honestly woman your stupidity knows no bounds it amazes me actually because as far as I am concerned you are even lower than a fodder, fodddddder!"

Asmodeus yelled as he pulled out the entire halberd from her stomach, of course, he twist it sideways to do extra damage because when he pulled it out, her entire digestive system was also pulled out, and her stomach was now visible along with her intestines.

Even her additional hearts were now beating on the ground, creating quite the sight, and a gorey one at that.

Blood began to spray and fly from the life-threatening wound, as it smeared all over Asmodeus's armor, which simply just absorb it into itself.

The Flugel fell to the ground, as she held her stomach in pain, amazingly though, she didn't give up, because instantly she said something under her breath, with a strained voice and tired expression.


And upon saying this a giant blazing orange magic circle was formed around the entire graveyard that stretch for miles on end.

It was clear that she plans to burn everything into oblivion without care or regard, however before the spell went off the magic circle suddenly began to crack like ice, and shatter like glass as if it was erased from reality.

This, of course, shocked Elsa as she said with a shocked look.



However, that moment of surprise was short live, the reason being that Asmodeus gave Elsa a harsh and hard spinning kick across her face which made her crash and fly through hundreds of different gravestones.

Normally these basic physical attacks shouldn't do anything to Elsa however she began to notice something serious as she said while gasping for air.

Cough! Gasp! Cough!

"W...Why i-is my wounds.... not... healing!?"

Yes ever since this battle began, and Elsa started to take damage from Asmodeus, she slowly began to notice something of great concern as she said with a trembling voice.

"M-M-Y wounds they won't heal... what is happening to me!?

She voice out her concerns and finally started to see the reality of her faith.

The only conclusion, she could have thought for this abnormal effect of her regeneration becoming inactive is the fact that the person she was battling had something to do with it.

So she instantly look at Asmodeus and said.

"YOU...YOU... What the he...ll did you do to me?"

Elsa ask with a weak voice and pain-filled expression, as you could see she was losing blood while being on the verge of unconsciousness because her skin went from silver to dark grey as if losing color.

She tried to get up from her fallen state, but she couldn't because as she tried any attempts to even stand up, she immediately fell right back down on her knees, her vision soon began to blur, and everything become duplicated, or doubled vision.

She finally realize what was happening to her.

"N-N-N-No... way am~~ am I dying, is this death, I-Impossible... I can't die here?"

However, there was nothing she can do, she didn't even have the energy to despair properly.

Asmodeus just look down at her as if she was a hopeless and pathetic creature on the verge of death while being out in the rain to build tragedy within some dark intro of murder mystery, however unlike the outcome that is to be expected from such stories or meeting.

This meeting was completely one-sided, the reason being that Asmodeus is just a very cruel existence, he can be described as the shadow of the shadow, a brutal, conniving, heartless, and unforgiving beast.

Because Asmodeus doesn't plan to make Elsa's life any easier from here on out.

If anything prolonging her suffering is more enjoyable than fucking her out a thousand times, a demon will be a demon.

Personally speaking, he has no beef with the Flugel race, not this Flugel at least, however, he lives to see this world burn, people and monsters alike are nothing but entertainment in his eyes, of course, humanity has failed him more than he can count, but the other races did nothing to him, and yet he could give zero fucks about any of them, the same could be said for Rize and even Nero.

Even when Nero was kidnaped he just felt a sense of profit going down the drain as soon as it came, it was the very reason he send Kuromaru on the rescue mission instead of wasting his time and going personally, although sexually speaking Nero in Asmodeus's eyes is just a very useful and expensive sex doll with great battle potential.

Love wise she is just a pawn with a false delusion of true romantic love in mind, as soon as her worth is up, she will be discarded and turned into useful material for weapon production.

So for her sake, she better be useful.

Now as Elsa moves closer to the death doors, she watches as Asmodeus picks up the Morningstar that was considered her prize possession as he began to talk.

"Whaaaaaat a disappointment you turn out to be Elsa, I honestly thought you would be different from the rest, but even with the anti-magic effect of those rings It still couldn't stop the absolute effects of my winter magic, truly if I want to have true fun, I need to get a bigger fish."

Asmodeus said to the dying Elsa, however with what little power she began to question him as she said.

"Anti-Magic... what are yo-yo-you talking... about, your magic, how... what kind of magic did you use you b-b-bastard?"

However, Asmodeus just smile as he stares her in her eyes and said.

"Heheheh... you are watching aren't you, if my guess is right then you are the so-called Uriel right, the one this fodder has been simping and bitching about, do you think you can get information on me so easily by peeping on someone through another."

"Although I must commend you for implanting a spell on this fodder without her noticing, even going as far as blessing her with an anti-magic effect to slow me down, just this alone tells me that your ability has something to do with clairvoyance as you can watch and gather information from afar, however, stop being a coward and come and find me personally you divine bitch, your vision will never surpass mines not in a thousand year, either way, if you come or not is none of my concerns because I am going to find you, and when I do, I'm going to destroy and remake you by braking you down even worse than a Tetris game... Hahehaaahhhahahah!"


And upon saying that, Asmodeus then stab out both of Elsa's eyes as her screams could be heard.


"I can't see, my eyes, you fucking demonic bastard, how dare you, how dareyouhowdareyouhowdareyou-- I swear... ahhh! I swear I am going to kill you...




However, Elsa began to scream, and roll on the ground while holding her eyes in pain, she didn't even have the opportunity to finish announcing her rage because right after she was almost finished speaking Asmodeus proceed to bash her head in with her own Morningstar, for a whole minute and a half just to confirm the kill.

Each hit became harder and louder to the point a crater could be seen, within it was the brain matter, and blood of a deceased Flugel.

Asmodeus looked at his work with a smile, as he saw a golden orb arise from the body, Lilith then began to speak.

『Just in case you don't know, a Flugel doesn't truly die, instead their soul is rei...

However, before Lilith could even continue her sentence Asmodeus's smart-ass side kicked in again to silence her.

"Yes-Yes I am aware that a Flugel soul return to the Flugel tree as they reincarnate after death, and what kill them prior would be documented within their conceptual records, so the new generation won't make the same mistake as the previous, despite the fact they forget their past life, but they reincarnate ten times stronger than they originally were before their deaths, this is their adaptive system created by their so call Goddess, although I can't call that thing they worship as a Goddess a Goddess, to begin with, its demon pretending to be a Flugel if you ask me."

"That and I have already read Elsa's mind while I was toying with her, it's the very reason I didn't kill her right away, since she has many years of experience, and memories, along with the fact that I want her soul for a reason."

However, when Lilith hear him speak, it made her feel slightly useless, what was the use of a system like being, who is responsible for guiding the host if the host suddenly became capable of thinking for himself?

If anything Asmodeus with big brains is basically the system with the MC title, that was honestly how Lilith felt at this moment, and if this keeps up, she might soon get demoted as a lesser side character.

Asmodeus sensed this, and to reassure her position was not threatened he responded as such.

"Don't worry Lilith, I and you are a team, as long as no one is aware of your existence you are my trump card if all shit goes south."

『Really, because honestly, I am starting to question my existence』

"Don't worry, I have big plans for you, so your existence value is above everyone else at the moment, hehe hehe."

Asmodeus responded with a slightly suspicious smile that reeks of nothing but evil, although Lilith doesn't know if she should be grateful that evil intent of his was not directed at her.

However, she had to question Asmodeus's intent, as to why he wants Elsa's soul.

『I am Just wondering what you plan to do with Elsa's soul.』

The question was simple however the answer she got shocked her, as it really comes to show how dangerous and unfair Asmodeus can be towards his enemy as he said with an even more wicked smirk on his face.

"I'm going to corrupt, and re-alter it, and after I finish manipulating it to my liking, I am going to send it to reincarnate to the Flugel tree, why? well, it is simple, as I am now I alone can't defeat the entirety of the Flugel race, and since this so call Uriel wants to play dirty by secretly getting info on me, I am going to do the same but better, I will show her how you really play dirty, because the child that will be reborn will be my eyes and ears once it crosses the Astral realm, in short, I am going to learn all the secrete of the Flugels race and use it against them while creating a weapon personally created to destroy its own kind."

Lilith was honestly shocked, no! amazed, impress even, because right now Asmodeus was truly showing the depth of his knowledge, truly at this moment Asmodeus truly earn the title of the Enlighten evil, and to think he was thinking so far ahead.

The plan was very demonic, the reason being he is using his enemy's own system against them, truly it was brilliant and evil at the same time.

Lilith could only respond with.

『You actually plan to make a literal Trojan horse, no a virus, that will be the end of the Flugels』

To be continued.

Next time: The Trojan horse

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