Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 544 Realm Expansion (1)

Chapter 544 Realm Expansion (1)

While harnessing the power of another realm, the user is exposed to the vulnerabilities and dangers inherent to that realm. In the case of the underworld, they might be susceptible to the influence of vengeful spirits or demonic entities.

[Realm Expansion] is not without its limitations and costs. The power drawn from another realm is not infinite, and excessive use can weaken the connection between realms or even lead to unintended consequences. Additionally, there may be moral or ethical dilemmas associated with siphoning the power of other realms.

Proficiency in [Realm Expansion] requires considerable mastery, both in the manipulation of dimensional rifts and in the management of the acquired power. Inexpert use of the skill can lead to catastrophic consequences or a loss of control over the borrowed powers.

For this reason, Mammon used to be called:

"The Strongest Demon Lord. I think it's about time I take that title back."

As the jungle realm continued to expand from the portal in the upper atmosphere of hell, it entered a new phase of its intrusion, seeking to unravel the very fabric of space that separated it from the fiery underworld. This process, in the context of [Realm Expansion], could be likened to "Unraveling the Space at the Seams."

The practitioner of this ominous skill, the very embodiment of the jungle realm's malevolence, began by focusing on the boundary that separated their chosen domain from the fiery abyss of hell. With an intensity that bordered on madness, they directed their concentration at the seam, where the two realities met.

The jungle's eerie, blood-red canopy seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly power as the practitioner's mental forces bore down upon the seam. The very essence of space itself quivered, and reality itself seemed to shudder in response. The fabric of the cosmos began to unravel at the seams, a rift tearing open like a wound in the very tapestry of existence.

With each passing moment, the portal grew larger, the boundaries of the jungle realm expanded further, and the connection to the underworld deepened. It was as though the jungle was a ravenous, insatiable entity, devouring the very substance of hell and sewing it back to its own likeness.

This unforgiving and violent process unraveled the very essence of the underworld, pulling it apart at the seams. As the fabric of space was torn asunder, the jungle's power grew, and the boundaries of the two realms blurred. The once-dominant landscape of hell began to disintegrate, replaced by the relentless onslaught of the sinister jungle, which now seemed to merge with the underworld, sewing its malevolence into the very heart of the abyss.

The practitioner's madness and their mastery of [Realm Expansion] allowed them to shatter the very boundaries that held the realms apart, ultimately eclipsing the fiery depths of hell with the suffocating grip of the jungle's darkness. The process had just begun, and the consequences of such a violent union between realms were yet to be fully realized.

As the jungle realm continued its unholy expansion, its relentless intrusion into the underworld progressed to the next phase, akin to "Sewing Back to Likeness," the second step of [Realm Expansion].

The practitioner, an embodiment of malevolence, recognized the delicate balance required to maintain the connection between the jungle realm and the infernal abyss. With a deliberate and sinister purpose, they focused on the now-shattered boundary, where the two realms met, to begin the process of restoration.

With the eerie blood-red leaves still shrouding the sky, the practitioner began to channel their immense, otherworldly power. Their will and intent served as the stitching thread that would weave the realms back together. The eerie, fluctuating light cast by the jungle's canopy took on a palpable sense of intent as the torn seams of space were drawn back into alignment.

With each deliberate act of weaving, the practitioner aimed to restore the connection while imposing the likeness of the jungle realm upon the devastated, fiery landscape of hell. Reality itself seemed to quiver and ripple in response, and the boundaries of both realms became increasingly blurred.

As the seams were sewn back together, the jungle's influence on the underworld deepened. The once-dominant fires of hell dimmed, and the twisted, malevolent forces of the jungle asserted themselves, casting an even darker, more suffocating shadow upon the underworld.

This unsettling fusion of realms was a process of distortion, a nightmarish transformation where the very fabric of existence was manipulated and reforged. The jungle's malevolence seeped into the once-fiery landscape of hell, sewing the likeness of torment and suffering into the very essence of the abyss.

The second step of this [Realm Expansion] was complete, and the consequences of this unholy union continued to unfold, as the jungle realm inexorably integrated itself with the underworld, casting a more profound darkness over both realms.

In the unfolding nightmare of [Realm Expansion], the scene progressed to the third step: "Channel the Realm's Essence." The practitioner, an embodiment of the jungle realm's malevolence, was now focused on harnessing the very essence of the chosen domain: the dark, bloodthirsty jungle itself.

With the seam between the jungle realm and the underworld sewn back to a sinister likeness, the practitioner directed their concentration inward, tapping into the unique energies and forces that defined the jungle.

Eerie, glowing vines and gnarled trees seemed to respond to the practitioner's will, their twisted shapes trembling in sinister anticipation. The practitioner's connection with the jungle deepened as they reached into the heart of the otherworldly domain, seeking to command its powers.

As the malevolent forces of the jungle were drawn through the seamless connection, the very essence of the underworld began to wane. The once-fierce infernal fires grew dimmer, and the oppressive canopy of the jungle gained strength, casting its eerie, blood-red hue over the darkened landscape.

The practitioner's aura was transformed as they channeled the jungle's essence. Shadows danced across their form, and an eerie, suffocating presence emanated from their being. The twisted vines of the jungle sprouted from their outstretched arms, ready to ensnare and torment.

Now, with the essence of the jungle at their command, the practitioner could wield its unique powers and abilities. The very air around them seemed to shimmer with malevolent intent as they stood on the precipice of wielding the terrifying and otherworldly abilities that defined the dark, bloodthirsty realm.

As the [Realm Expansion] continued to unfold, the consequences of their actions became more apparent, casting a deeper darkness over both the jungle and the underworld. The union of realms was an unsettling fusion of forces, where the essence of one domain threatened to consume and replace the other in a relentless and nightmarish transformation.

In the harrowing progression of [Realm Expansion], the scene moved onto the fourth step, "Mental Synchronization." The practitioner, now deeply connected to the essence of the jungle realm, was determined to achieve a profound mental alignment with the otherworldly domain, forging a bond that would allow them to command its unique powers and forces.

The eerie, blood-red canopy of the jungle seemed to pulse with an unholy life as the practitioner's thoughts and intentions merged with the fundamental laws and energies of the chosen realm. Shadows played across their form, and the very air seemed to tremble with a sense of malevolent unity.

The practitioner's thoughts became inextricably intertwined with the dark, bloodthirsty consciousness of the jungle. They felt the relentless hunger for torment that defined the realm, and they harnessed its predatory instincts as their own.

The influence of the jungle deepened as the practitioner achieved mental synchronization. They could now perceive the intricacies of the realm's sinister energies and understand the twisted logic that governed its malevolent forces. This understanding allowed them to wield the unique powers of the jungle with a more profound and chilling mastery.

With each moment, the practitioner's transformation became more apparent. Their once-human features began to take on a sinister, inhuman aspect, as though the very essence of the jungle was flowing through their veins. Their senses became attuned to the darkness that enveloped the realm, and their connection with the malevolence of the jungle grew stronger.

As the [Realm Expansion] continued to unfold, the union between the two realms reached a level of unsettling fusion that transcended the boundaries of reality. The practitioner was now a conduit for the jungle's relentless hunger and malevolence, ready to wield its terrifying and nightmarish abilities in the relentless transformation of both realms.

In the unholy progression of [Realm Expansion], the scene advanced to the fifth step: "Control the Flow." The practitioner, now deeply synchronized with the malevolent essence of the jungle realm, was tasked with maintaining a delicate balance between the two realms while wielding the acquired powers.

The eerie, blood-red canopy of the jungle realm stretched ominously overhead, casting shifting shadows as the practitioner stood at the nexus of the two realms. With the sinister and unique abilities of the jungle at their command, they faced the challenge of adjusting the intensity and focus of these powers.

The practitioner's mastery over the dark, bloodthirsty forces of the jungle allowed them to control the flow of energy. They channeled the relentless hunger for torment and the predatory instincts of the realm, directing them with a grim and chilling precision.

The very air around the practitioner seemed to vibrate with malevolent intent as they adjusted their command over the encroached realm's powers. Shadows danced at their feet, and twisted vines and gnarled trees responded to their every thought.

The union between the jungle and the underworld deepened as the practitioner maintained control over the flow of energy. The once-fierce fires of hell dimmed further, and the dark, bloodthirsty forces of the jungle cast their eerie, blood-red hue over the darkened landscape.

With a profound understanding of the sinister forces they commanded, the practitioner was prepared to wield the jungle's unique powers with a chilling mastery. Their ability to shape and direct these powers made them an even more formidable and malevolent presence, ready to execute the relentless transformation of both realms.

As the [Realm Expansion] continued to unfold, the consequences of their actions became more pronounced, and the eerie fusion between the jungle and the underworld reached new depths of nightmarish unity. And it was so powerful that even the cosmic entity, hovering over Beezlebub and Cy's fight felt its presence.

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