Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 543 Overgrown Jungle of Sensikism

Chapter 543 Overgrown Jungle of Sensikism

His desperation is palpable as he thrusts the knife in my direction. I react with instinctual grace, sidestepping his attack with a deftness that only an elf possesses. The blade, a mere hair's breadth away, misses its mark, and the cavern's eerie silence is broken only by the tense sound of the blade slicing through the air.

The boy, fueled by a raw determination to survive, stumbles past me, and I seize the opportunity to counter his attack. With a swift, calculated kick, I send him sprawling to the rocky ground, his small form colliding with the unforgiving stone floor. His knife clatters away, the metallic sound echoing through the chamber.

He rises, his once-wide smile now twisted in a snarl of determination, and he comes at me again, undeterred by his earlier failure. Our movements become a deadly ballet in the cavern's eerie, dimly lit space, a grim struggle between two beings who have been pushed to their limits.

The flickering light enhances the surreal nature of our fight, and the air is thick with tension and the eerie echo of our skirmish. The cavern's rocky walls seem to close in on us as if the very environment is a silent, watchful witness to the struggle.

And in one single, critical moment, I manage to disarm him, the knife falling to the rocky floor with a clatter. He looks up at me, his eyes no longer filled with innocence but with a mixture of fear, regret, and despair. The cavern's eerie silence returns, broken only by the sound of our heavy panting.

"Kill me."


"There is only one way out of here. You must kill me and everybody in here. ONLY ONE OF US WILL REMAIN! THAT REMAINDER WILL SURVIVE!" He screamed, before rolling over and grabbing the knife off the ground amidst my disarray.

But, instead of stabbing it into my throat, he gently placed it in my hand and smiled. He had already accepted his fate upon seeing how his god either didn't exist or never cared about him in the first place.

Everything went red.

"Huff… huff… huff…"

Once I regained consciousness, I looked down at my hands covered in blood. They were shaking, but at the same time, something within me was churning. It sent me tumbling across the ground while my flesh twisted and contorted, changing the shape and appearance of my body.

Undergoing an evolution while conscious is a profound and agonizing experience, unlike any other transformation one might endure. The pain associated with such a process can be both physical and psychological, and it pushes the boundaries of endurance.

The physical changes that come with evolution can be excruciating. Muscles may stretch and tear, bones may reshape and reform, and organs may undergo drastic alterations. It feels as though your very flesh and bones are betraying you, causing waves of searing pain that surge throughout your body. It's a pain that makes you acutely aware of every fiber of your being.

The mental strain is equally distressing. Your thoughts and emotions can become a maelstrom of confusion and chaos. The overwhelming uncertainty about what you are becoming and the fear of losing your former self can lead to a profound sense of anguish. It's a battle within your own mind, as you grapple with your identity and sense of self.

The transformation may heighten your senses to an unbearable degree. Sounds become deafening, lights blinding, and even the slightest touch feels like an electric shock. The world you once knew becomes a place of overwhelming sensory bombardment, intensifying the pain of your transformation.

Evolution often comes with a sense of isolation. You may feel disconnected from others who can't comprehend what you're going through, and the fear of rejection or alienation adds to the psychological torment. It's a lonely journey that you must navigate on your own.

The feeling of losing control over your own body is particularly distressing. You're at the mercy of a process you can't stop or alter. This loss of agency intensifies the sense of helplessness and vulnerability.

During the evolution, time may seem to warp and stretch. Moments of pain can feel like an eternity, while moments of relief are fleeting and elusive. This distorted perception of time can add to the disorientation and torment.

One of the most distressing aspects of undergoing an evolution while conscious is the uncertainty of the outcome. You don't know what you will become or whether you'll ever return to a sense of normalcy. This uncertainty hangs over you like a heavy, oppressive cloud.

The pain of undergoing an evolution while conscious is not just physical; it's a deeply psychological and existential torment. It's a journey through the unknown, a transformation that pushes the boundaries of what it means to endure and redefine who you are.

clap clap clap

"You did well child," A voice resonated from behind me. It was a chilling voice that would send me down a dark path. And the only thing that would keep me together, keep me sane, was that jungle where I had my only set of happy memories.

[You have evolved into a Blood Elf]

(Present Day)

In this nightmarish jungle realm that emerged from the portal in the upper atmosphere of hell, the darkness seemed to possess a malevolent sentience. The thick, blood-red leaves that formed the jungle's canopy writhed and shifted, casting eerie, shifting shadows that danced across the gnarled trees and overgrown vegetation below.

The twisted plants, each one a grotesque mutation, harbored a thirst for torment. Vines with thorns as sharp as daggers wrapped around any hapless intruder, their serrated edges drawing blood and inflicting a pain that transcended mere physical suffering. The very act of struggle only seemed to delight the plants further, as they excreted a dark, viscous fluid that fed on anguish.

The terrain underfoot was treacherous, a quagmire of black, oozing mud that clung to anything that dared to step on it. Sinister, gnarled roots emerged from the muck-like skeletal fingers, reaching upward to grasp at any living thing that ventured too close.

The jungle's aura of desensitization grew more potent with each passing moment. It was as though the very essence of sensation was being devoured by the realm, leaving those who entered in a state of numb, indifferent despair. Sounds became muted and distant as if the air itself absorbed all vibrations. Colors lost their vibrancy, leaving the landscape in a perpetual twilight, devoid of life and vitality.

Inhabitants of this jungle realm, if they could be called that, were elusive and nightmarish. Creatures with distorted, elongated limbs and hollow, emotionless eyes slithered through the dense undergrowth. Their movements were eerily silent, as though they were an extension of the realm itself.

Despite the oppressive darkness and malevolent inhabitants, the realm possessed an eerie, hypnotic beauty. Bioluminescent fungi and grotesque, glowing flora punctuated the otherwise monochromatic landscape, casting an otherworldly and haunting radiance that both captivated and repelled.

As the jungle realm continued to encroach upon hell's desolate landscape, it demonstrated a relentless and all-encompassing dominance. It was a place of torment and despair, a nightmarish abyss where the very concept of sensation was obliterated, replaced by an unending, torturous emptiness. The portal's intrusion had brought with it a realm that transcended suffering, ensnaring and desensitizing all who dared to enter its insidious clutches.

"What the fuck…"

"I'm still not done…" I smiled, a tear dripping from my right eye as I muttered the few next words. They were almost silent, but filled to the brim with hundreds of years of agony. "[Realm Expansion]."

[Realm Expansion], a formidable and enigmatic skill, grants its wielder the ability to encroach upon another realm and draw upon the power of its entire being. This skill is a gateway to a profound and often dangerous manipulation of the fundamental forces of reality, allowing the user to transcend their own limitations and harness the essence of a chosen realm.

To master [Realm Expansion] is to become a boundary-crossing sorcerer, capable of tapping into the very heart of otherworldly dimensions, realms, or planes. Here's a deeper exploration of this extraordinary skill:

The user must first select the realm they wish to encroach upon. It could be the fiery depths of the underworld, the celestial heights of the heavens, or any other plane of existence. Each realm offers unique powers and abilities that reflect its inherent nature.

With focused intent and potent incantations, the wielder of [Realm Expansion] tears open a metaphysical portal or rift that connects their reality with the chosen realm. This bridge can be a temporary, shifting doorway or a stable connection, depending on the user's mastery.

Upon opening the connection, the user can draw upon the realm's energies, tapping into its essence. This may include harnessing the elements, tapping into the knowledge or wisdom of the realm's entities, or absorbing the fundamental forces that govern that dimension.

The user's existing skills and abilities are significantly enhanced and transformed by the power of the encroached realm. For example, in the case of the underworld, they might gain control over fire and shadow, command over lost souls, or a heightened connection to death and the afterlife.

While harnessing the power of another realm, the user is exposed to the vulnerabilities and dangers inherent to that realm. In the case of the underworld, they might be susceptible to the influence of vengeful spirits or demonic entities.

[Realm Expansion] is not without its limitations and costs. The power drawn from another realm is not infinite, and excessive use can weaken the connection between realms or even lead to unintended consequences. Additionally, there may be moral or ethical dilemmas associated with siphoning the power of other realms.

Proficiency in [Realm Expansion] requires considerable mastery, both in the manipulation of dimensional rifts and in the management of the acquired power. Inexpert use of the skill can lead to catastrophic consequences or a loss of control over the borrowed powers.

For this reason, Mammon used to be called:

"The Strongest Demon Lord. I think it's about time I take that title back."

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