Villain Ch 553. The Writer Saga

Allen's fingers danced on the phone's screen as he fired off his response.

Allen : That's a solid plan.

Shea : Cool, I'll get my assistant on it tomorrow.

Allen : Appreciate it, Shea.

Alice : Seriously, Shea, having you in our corner is a blessing. You're downright scary. *Grinning emoji*

Zoe : In the business jungle, it's all about networks and intel. Knowledge is power, baby.

Shea : Yup! Also, having the daughter of a rival gaming company diving into Hell's Gate is fishy. Smells like corporate espionage or maybe a sneaky plan to drop a similar game after sponging up all our gameplay secrets.

Jane : My thoughts exactly. *Nodding emoji*

Larissa : Wonder if she's onto Allen's secret identity? *Raising an eyebrow emoji*

Allen : Doubt it. We've kept it on the down-low. No official announcements or anything. *Shaking head emoji*

Vivian : What about your move, Allen? You mentioned packing up.

Allen : Yeah, got a head start on that. Just the essentials left to pack up.

Vivian : Essentials, huh? Hope that includes more than just your gaming rig and a toothbrush. *Smirking emoji*

Allen : Well, snacks count as essentials, right? *Grinning emoji*

Bella : So, spill the deets, Allen. When did you officially start the great migration to your new pad?

"Some of these folks straight up took Allen's pictures, you know, the ones from the Urban Enigma website, and decided he was the ideal cast for their stories," Jane disclosed, her words punctuated by a dramatic pause. A ripple of reactions spread across the avatars as the gravity of her revelation sank in.

Jane leaned back, scanning her friends' expressions before laying down the kicker. "And get this, mostly as the lead in romance mafia stories. I kid you not," she emphasized, her gaze sweeping around the circle of avatars.

Zoe gasped audibly, her disbelief manifesting in the virtual realm. "Wait, what?" she exclaimed, her expression a perfect reflection of the shock radiating through the group.

Larissa chimed in, breaking the tension with a dose of incredulity, "No kidding!"

Vivian's brow furrowed. "Hold up, isn't that the definition of ironic? Allen's out here crafting his own stories, and these writers decide to cast him, of all people, in their tales?" She cringed, her disbelief evident in her expression.

Bella, turning to Vivian, nodded emphatically. "Totally ironic," she chimed in, a smirk playing on her avatar's face.

Alice, barely containing her amusement, joined the conversation. "I mean, think about it. Allen, the unwitting muse for romance mafia sagas. It's like a plot twist in itself," she remarked, a grin spreading across her avatar's face.

Jane couldn't resist adding another scoop to the mix. "Oh, and here's the cherry on top—apparently, there's fanfiction now," she spilled, her tone dripping with intrigue.

Zoe gasped again, this time in mock horror. "No way!" she exclaimed, her hands clasped over her mouth.

Larissa, catching onto the contagious laughter, threw in her two cents. "This is like a soap opera. Can't wait for the dramatic reveal episode!" Her laughter resonated in the hall.

Vivian, still processing the absurdity, added, "I mean, what if they stumble upon this? Imagine the revelation. It's like a real-life sitcom."

Bella, with a chuckle, agreed, "If they find out, it's gonna be hilarious. Allen steals the spotlight in storytelling. I mean, seriously, what's going on in the digital writing universe? This is like a plot twist within a plot twist."

Alice, her laughter unabated, said, "Allen, the accidental muse for an army of fanfic writers—never saw that coming."

Jane, reveling in the reaction, leaned in, "And you won't believe the genres they're exploring. From romance to sci-fi, Allen's the man of the hour." Jane's typically mischievous expression shifted into one of seriousness. "Also, you won't believe what I stumbled upon," she declared, her avatar donning a solemn demeanor.

Curiosity rippled through the group, and Jane leaned in, ready to spill the latest tea. "So, I found not one, not two, but at least five fanfictions about our dear Allen," she revealed, her tone a mix of amusement and disbelief.

A collective gasp echoed through the hall, avatars leaning in as if awaiting the punchline of a well-crafted joke. Jane continued, "One of them is... well, let's say it's a masterclass in self-insert. Like, seriously cringe-worthy. But hold your horses, the other four are surprisingly good. And get this, most of them have fewer than ten chapters. So all of them are new."

Jane, balancing her gaming escapades and real-world responsibilities, always found time to peruse the book community. Her expertise in the romance genre made her the unofficial source of all things literary. "I've been keeping an eye on the book scene, you know, reels about books, promos, and new stories on my preferred websites. That's how I stumbled on this treasure trove of Allen-centric fanfics," she explained, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and genuine enjoyment.

As the bombshell settled, she couldn't help but admit, "And, you guys, some of this stuff is hot. Like, mature content marked 18-plus territory."

Jaws dropped, including Allen's, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation. The room buzzed with a mix of disbelief, laughter, and perhaps a touch of embarrassment. Jane, reveling in the reactions, couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn in Allen's saga, now evolving into a realm where fans expressed their appreciation in the most creative—and occasionally mature—ways possible. 

Allen couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and bewilderment. The idea of having a fandom was already a bit surreal, but the concept of fanfiction, stories penned by others about his bad boy persona, startled him to the core.

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